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1、云南玉溪市2015高考英语优生自选练习(5)及答案语法填空阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(原创)Weve heard of people being reunited with their wedding rings after losing them, and one U. K. womans story may take the cake. Brenda Caunter lost her wedding ring 41 years ago1gardening in her yard. She and her husband Dave sea

2、rched for the ring2in vain, and Dave ended up3(replace)the nine-carat ring, according to The Daily Mail. But this week, more than four decades after the ring went4(miss), it was reunited with its owner. Dave spotted one of their5(neighbor)using a metal detector and asked him to check the area6Brenda

3、 lost the ring, on the off chance that it might still be there. And sure enough, it was. “When we got the phone call to say it7(find)I didnt know what to say, ”said Brenda, pictured above with Dave and the ring. It seems like lost wedding rings have a way of turning up, 8(especial)when theyre lost i

4、n someones yard. In November 2012, a woman was reunited9the ring she lost in her sisters yard 17 years prior. And in 2011, 10Swedish woman found her wedding ring growing around a carrot in her garden 16 years after she lost it. 【文章大意】丢失的感情找不回, 但丢失的婚戒, 即便过去40多年, 还是有机会找回的! 有一对英国夫妇, 妻子41年前在院子里种植花木的时候丢失

5、了婚戒, 而最近, 借助邻居的金属探测器, 戒指找到了回家的路。1. 【解析】while。考查连词。句意: 41年前, Brenda Caunter在院子里种植花木的时候丢失了她的婚戒。while在时候, 引导时间状语从句。2. 【解析】but。考查并列连词。上下文是转折关系, 且无逗号与其他部分隔开, 应用并列连词but。3. 【解析】replacing。考查现在分词。end up doing最终做某事。4. 【解析】missing。考查形容词。go missing失踪, 不见了。5. 【解析】neighbors。考查名词单复数。由前面的one of可知, 此处应用名词复数形式。6. 【解析

6、】where。考查关系副词。where引导定语从句, 修饰area, 从句中缺少地点状语, 应用where引导。7. 【解析】had been found。考查时态和语态。首先, it和find之间是被动关系, 应用被动语态; 其次, got the phone call是发生在过去的动作, find是发生在got the phone call之前的动作, 即“过去的过去”, 应用过去完成时。8. 【解析】especially。考查副词。修饰整个句子when theyre lost in someones yard, 应用副词。9. 【解析】with。考查介词。reunite . . . wi

7、th. . . 和重新团聚。10. 【解析】a。考查冠词。此处泛指“一位瑞典的女士”, 应用不定冠词a表示泛指。【河北省石家庄市2014高考英语质量检测】完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后备题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 This year John was overjoyed by the Christmas seasonHe was becoming a 41 He knew soon he would be州d enough 10 42 the orphanage(孤儿院)He was 4

8、3 by this expectation He would save his orange, the Christmas gift, until his 44 in JulyIf he 45 it very carefully, he might be able to eat on his birthday Christmas day finally cameEntering the big dining hall, John could smell the 46 aroma(味)of meatBecause of his excitement, he lost his footing, c

9、ausing a 47 Immediately the master 48 , John, leave the hall and therell be no 49 for you this year Johns heart broke 50 Tears in eyes, he turned and went swiftly hack to the cold room, that the children would not see his 51 Later he heard the door open and some children enteredLittle Elizabeth 52 a

10、 piece of ragHere John, she said, This is for you John was 53 by her innocence as he 54 the bulge(鼓胀)in her handLifting back the edges of the rag, he saw a big juicy orange all peeled and quarteredand then he 55 what they had doneEach had 56 their own orange by sharing“quarter and had created a big

11、beautiful orange for him John never forgot the love and sharing his friends had shown him that Christmas dayJohns beginning was a poor existence; 57 ,his growlhc0 manhood was 58 by wealth and success 59 that day, every year he would send oranges to children in orphanagesHis desire was that no child

12、would ever spend Christmas without a(n) 60 Christmas fruit!41Afather Bmaster Cman Dsoldier42Aleave Bassist Crebuild Descape43Adisappointed Bexcited Cannoyed Dembarrassed44Agraduation Banniversary Cwedding Dbirthday45Apolished Bhid Cpreserved Dplanted46Aawful Bstrange Csour Dunusual47Adisturbance Bpr

13、aise Closs Dmisunderstanding48Awhistled Bshouted Cwhispered Dsighed49Afriend Btoy Cprize Dorange50Aquietly Bslowly Cviolently Dnarrowly51Adelight Bsorrow Cexcitement Dsurprise52Ahelped out Bpicked out Cheld out Dtried out53Atouched Bpuzzled Cshocked Damazed54Apointed to Bstuck to Csearched for Dreac

14、hed for55Awondered Brealized Canalyzed Dignored56Acollected Bkept Csacrificed Dpicked57Ahowever Bbesides Cinstead Dtherefore58Areplied Breturned Creacted Drewarded59AIn search of BIn memory of CIn favor of DIn honor of60Acommon Bexpensive Cspecial Dlarge【参考答案】完形填空(201.5=30):4145 CABDC 4650 DABDC 515

15、5 BCADB 5660 CADBC完形填空判断词性、词义和词形(一) 第17讲 判断词性、词义和词形(一)语篇填空既然是通过语篇在语境中考语法,那么,我们在解题前,就应先快速浏览短文,把握全文大意,然后分析句子结构确定填哪类词。1. 主要考查的知识点: 定冠词的基本用法、抽象名词具体化和固定搭配等。 2. 复习重点: (1)定冠词的用法(基本用法必须熟记。下面几句顺口溜可以帮助记忆:特指双熟悉,上文已提及;世上独无二,序数最高级;普转专有名,习语及乐器。).冠词(2)不定冠词的基本用法。几种特殊用法:专有名词前用不定冠词,表示“像的一个人或物”, a Napoleon; 姓名前用不定冠词,表

16、示“某个叫的人”,多指不认识的人, a Miss Smith; 用于某些物质名词前,表示“一种、一份、一阵”等,a tea and a coffee; 用于某些抽象名词前,使抽象概念具体化。这种用法的名词有 a surprise/knowledge/success/failure/pleasure/interest/joy等等。.冠词3. 冠词的判断:根据冠词修饰名词这一特点,如果空格位于名词前(或名词前还有个形容词)时,该空格可能是填冠词。.冠词例1:Of all the subjects, I like history the best because it gives us _ usef

17、ul knowledge of things in the past. 例2:Many lifestyle patterns do such great harm to health that they actually speed up _ weakening of the human body. 1. 主要考查的知识点: 不定代词和替代词的用法,it的用法和人称代词的格。 2复习重点: 指代必须准确无误。 在使用人称代词、反身代词、物主代词这3类代词时,要注意它们在句中的人称、单复数及性别与所有格的一致性。 疑问代词的用法。.代词3. 代词的判断: 空格所在的句子缺主语或宾语时,需考虑填代

18、词或名词(多考代词)。缺主语,用主格;缺宾语,用宾格;人称代词、不定代词、反身代词、指示代词等主要通过上下文来判断其语义和根据语法规则来判断其词形。 名词在句子中作主语、宾语或表语且名词前面没有限定词,该名词前的空格可能是填some, any,other,another或与前面名词或人称代词对应的物主代词等限定词。 .代词例1:On my desk is a photo that my father took of _ when I was a baby. 例2:Everyone round her was writing pages and pages. However hard she t

19、hought, she couldnt find _ to write about. 例3:A young tiredlooking woman with a baby in her arms asked to be allowed to visit her husband in prison. A short time later, when her husband with chains on his feet took a seat beside her, her tired face lit up. I watched them laugh, cry, and share _ chil

20、d. 例4: Which of the three ways shall I take to the village? _ way as you please. 1. 主要考查的知识点: 形容词作定语;形容词和副词的比较级、最高级等。 2. 重点复习: 形容词和副词的基本用法及相关语法规则。 比较级的程度修饰语(much,very much,far,even,still,rather,any等)。 表示起承转合的副词。此功能与关联词相似,只是这种副词在用法上更加灵活多变。典型的有though, however, also, therefore, still, besides, or,other

21、wise, first, second, then, finally等等。.形容词或副词3. 形容词/副词的判断: 根据形容词与连系动词连用及修饰名词的特点,如果空格前的动词是连系动词或空格在名词前(尤其是“冠词_ 名词”结构)时,该空可考虑填形容词;如果空格所填的词是修饰行为动词、形容词、副词、过去分词及整个句子(此时抽去空格,句意基本完整),则考虑用副词。 两个事物进行比较应用比较级,三个或三个以上事物进行比较应用最高级。.形容词或副词例1:Soon it would be the holidays. But before that, there were the end of year

22、exams. All the students had been working _ for some time. 例2:A recent study found that dogs often yawned after watching people do it. In the study, a human researcher yawned in front of 29 dogs. More than 70 percent of the dogs yawned back. That finding shocked the researcher. The percentage is much

23、 _ than humans yawn response rate. Humans tend to “catch” 45% to 60% of yawns. 阅读理解。Blind imitation (模仿)is self-destruction. To those who do not recognize their unique worth. Imitation appears attractive: to those who know their strength. Imitation is unacceptable.In the early stages of skill or cha

24、racter development, imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes (菜谱) and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone elses way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a childs bicycle; they help

25、you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地) hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal

26、and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.In the field of entertainment, our culture glorifies celebrities. Those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be d

27、isastrous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.Blessed is the person willing to act on their sudden desire to create something unique. Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They t

28、ouched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration, not desperation. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not runnin

29、g out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.Syudy your role models, accept the gifts they have given, and leave behind what does not server. Then you can say,” I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors” tragedies and tory, and know that they are cheering

30、on.( ) 1.Imitation proves useful when you .A. know you are unique B. lose the balance of lifeC. begin to learn something new D. get tired of routine practice( ) 2. To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should_.A. forget daily fear and pain B. choose the right exampleC. ask others for decisions D.

31、 stay away from stars( ) 3.Acording to the author. The world moves on because of those who are .A. desperate to intruence others with their knowledge B. ready to turn their original ideas into realityC. eager to discover what their ancestors didD. willing to accept others ideas( ) 4.The trouble a cr

32、eator faces is .A. the lack of strong motivation B. the absence of practical ideas C. how to search for more materials D. how to use imagination creatively( ) 5. What is the authors purpose in writing this passage?A. To highlight the importance of creatively.B. To criticize the characters of role mo

33、dels.C. To compare imitation with creation.D. To explain the meaning of success.【文章大意】议论文文章讨论了要创新,不要盲目模仿。1.C细节理解题。根据文章第二段In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful.以及例子说明模仿在开始学习新东西是有用的。2.B推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知人们选择不好的榜样时,就会使模仿的结果变坏。所以,要想避免模仿结果变坏,要选择好的榜样。3.B细节理解题。定位moves on与

34、deeply相对应,。根据文章 of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration, not desperation.与因为他们让你感动的是出于他们的创作灵感,而不是绝望。4.D细节理解题。根据文章Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.可以得出答案。5.A主旨大意题。文章主要了要创新,不要盲目模仿。


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