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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修7作业课件:UNIT 3GRAMMAR & WRITING .ppt

1、Unit 3 Under the sea课时作业12 Grammar&Writing 基础夯实能力提升基础训练基 础 夯 实.句型转换(用 v.-ing 形式的被动式改写下列句子)1Because the bridge was being built,we had to find other roads.The bridge we had to find other roads.2The play which is being produced now aims mainly to reflect the local culture.The play now aims mainly to re

2、flect the local culture.3Though he was taught many times,the boy still didnt know how to do the exercises.many times,the boy still didnt know how to do the exercises.being built,being producedHaving been taught4You cant eat anything before you are operated on.You cant eat anything before.5What upset

3、 the child was that he is not allowed to visit his brother in hospital.What upset the child was his to visit his brother in hospital.being operated onnot being allowed.单句填空1(defeat)in the match made them sad.2Do you still remember(take)abroad?3I suddenly felt myself (hit)by a heavy fist.4(translate)

4、into several languages,the book became famous all over the world.5(laugh)at in public is a terrible experience.Being defeatedbeing takenhitHaving been translatedBeing laughed6The meeting (hold)now is very important.7(show)around the lab,we were taken to the library.8My clock runs faster so it needs(

5、repair)9(urge)to study hard,the boy is anxious sometimes.10(abandon)by his parents made him depressed for a long time.being heldHaving been shownrepairing/to be repairedHaving been urged/UrgedBeing abandoned11The poor boy has no access to education.He needs(help)out.12(leave)alone at home is what he

6、 has been longing for.13While shopping,we sometimes cant help(persuade)to buy what we dont really need.14In the traffic accident,his father came close to(kill)15(criticise)helped him see things more clearly and achieve his target more quickly.helping/to be helpedBeing leftbeing persuadedbeing killed

7、Being criticised.完成句子(每空一词)1没人喜欢在公共场合被嘲笑。Nobody likes in public.2做饭时,她听到有人在敲门。When cooking,she heard the door.3被邀请设计一座城堡对这位建筑师来说是一大乐事。design a castle is a great pleasure for the architect.being laughed atbeing knockedBeing invited to4尽管被告诉了好几遍,这个淘气的男孩还是又一次违反了课堂纪律。,the naughty boy disobeyed the class

8、 rules again.5人家那样开他的玩笑他受不了。He couldnt bear like that.6正在开的会是关于改善全体职员的工作条件的。The meeting is about improving the working conditions of the staff.Having been told many timesbeing made fun ofbeing held7我们看到这个新机器人正在被检测。We saw the new robot .8人家给了这个职员这样一个好机会,她怎么能轻易放弃呢?,how could the clerk let it slip away?9上个月完工的博物馆下周将向公众开放。The museum will be open to the public next week.10玛丽喜欢被人陪着去百货商店。Mary likes the department store.being tested outHaving been given such a good chancecompleted last monthbeing accompanied to基础训练能力提升(点击进入)撷取百家精妙荟萃时代品牌 谢谢观赏!Thanks!德杰文化传媒制作

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