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2021届高考英语二轮复习 题型突击 专题04 阅读理解之文化教育类(含解析).doc

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1、专题04 文化教育类序号内容Part 1题型总览题型综述 技巧点拨 读相关词Part 2真题感悟真题详解 强重难词 析长难句.Part 3专题强化真题自测 新题模拟Part 1题型总览【题型综述】文化教育主要指与文化学习相关的话题,指教育和学习中的困难、语言和交际的态度、学习方法和学习策略等方面。这些话题与学生的日常学习密切相关,通过这些话题的学习和考查,可以让学生了解学习方法和策略,激发学生学习语言、运用语言的热情。这类阅读材料的命题点往往落在细节理解及推断题或主旨大意题上。【技巧点拨】做推断题时,应该注意推断隐含意义的题干中常含infer(推断),suggest(暗示),imply(暗示)

2、,indicate(暗示),conclude(推断,得出结论)等词语。应该注意从以下几点做起:1. 透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含意思2. 注意对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判断,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点。3. 定位信息:通过寻读找到相关信息点。做主旨大意题时,应该注意弄清文章的大意, 关键是找到主题句。主题句通常在文首、文末或首尾呼应, 有时也在文中,或没有主题句,需根据文章所述内容进行归纳。各段的主题句也常在该段的首句或尾句。议论文和说明文一般有主题句,但记叙文通常没有主题句,需要归纳。【读相关词】1. major vi.主修2. scholars

3、hip n. 奖学金3. master vt. 精通;掌握4. lecture n. 演讲5. accumulate v. 积累;积聚6. encourage vt. 鼓励7. grasp vt. 掌握8. reward vt. 奖励9. develop vt. 发展10. stand out 脱颖而出11. earn . by heart 背诵,记住12. educational background教育背景13. form a habit of养成的习惯14. have a good knowledge of通晓15. campus 校园16. canteen 餐厅17. laborato

4、ry/lab 实验室18. dormitory 宿舍19. school dining hall 学生食堂20. teaching building 教学楼21. lecture theatre 阶梯教室22. the Students/student Union 学生会23. social practice 社会实践24. parttime jobs 兼职25. vacation jobs 假期工作26. prepare for lessons 预习功课27. put ones heart into 专心于28. concentrate on 全神贯注,专心于29. graduation c

5、eremony 毕业典礼30. afterschool activities 课外活动31. voluntary labor 义务劳动32. physical activities 体育活动33. hold a sports meeting 举行运动会34. learn .by heart /keep . in mind 记住35. keep a good mood in daily life在日常生活中保持良好的心态36. have a positive feeling 有积极的情感37. build up ones confidence 树立自信心38. a great challenge

6、 一个巨大的挑战39. catch up with 跟上,赶上40. be faced with various pressures 面对各种压力41. be at a loss 不知所措42. be in trouble 处境困难43. lend/give sb. a hand 帮助某人44. make sense 有意义45. regard money as everything 认为金钱万能46. the real meaning of life 生活的真谛47. warm sunshine 温暖的阳光48. promote friendship with . 增进同的友谊49. be

7、ready to help others 乐于助人50. help sb. out 帮助某人摆脱困境51. improve the relationship 改善关系52. cooperate vi. 合作;协力53. cherish vt. 珍惜54. accompany vt. 陪同;陪伴55. dilemma n. (进退两难的)窘境,困境56. develop ones interest培养某人的兴趣Part 2真题感悟Passage 1【真题详解】【2020全国新课标I】Returning to a book youve read many times can feel like d

8、rinks with an old friend. Theres a welcome familiarity - but also sometimes a slight suspicion that time has changed you both, and thus the relationship. But books dont change, people do. And thats what makes the act of rereading so rich and transformative.The beauty of rereading lies in the idea th

9、at our bond with the work is based on our present mental register. Its true, the older I get, the more I feel time has wings. But with reading, its all about the present. Its about the now and what one contributes to the now, because reading is a give and take between author and reader. Each has to

10、pull their own weight.There are three books I reread annually The first, which I take to reading every spring is Emest Hemningways A Moveable Feast. Published in 1964, its his classic memoir of 1920s Paris. The language is almost intoxicating (令人陶醉的),an aging writer looking back on an ambitious yet

11、simpler time. Another is Annie Dillards Holy the Firm, her poetic 1975 ramble (随笔) about everything and nothing. The third book is Julio Cortazars Save Twilight: Selected Poems, because poetry. And because Cortazar.While I tend to buy a lot of books, these three were given to me as gifs, which might

12、 add to the meaning I attach to them. But I imagine that, while money is indeed wonderful and necessary, rereading an authors work is the highest currency a reader can pay them. The best books are the ones that open further as time passes. But remember, its you that has to grow and read and reread i

13、n order to better understand your friends.24Why does the author like rereading?AIt evaluates the writer-reader relationship.BIts a window to a whole new world.CIts a substitute for drinking with a friend.DIt extends the understanding of oneself.25What do we know about the book A Moveable Feas!?AIts

14、a brief account of a trip.BIts about Hemingways life as a young man.CIts a record of a historic event.DIts about Hemingways friends in Paris.26What does the underlined word currency in paragraph 4 refer to?ADebt BReward.CAllowance. DFace value.27What can we infer about the author from the text?AHe l

15、oves poetry. BHes an editor.CHes very ambitious. DHe teaches reading.【答案】24D25B26B27A【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了重新阅读的意义和益处并向读者介绍了作者每年重读的三本书。作者鼓励读者去重新阅读书籍。24推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句“But books dont change, people do. And thats what makes the act of rereading so rich and transformative.(但是书没变,人变了。那就是使重新阅读行为如此丰富和富于变化之处)”

16、和第二段“The beauty of rereading lies in that our bond with the work is based on our present register. It is true, the older I get, the more I feel time has wings.(重新阅读的美妙之处在于我们与作品的联系是基于我们现在的心理状态。真的,我年纪越大,就越觉得时光飞逝。)”可推知,作者喜欢重新阅读是因为重新阅读可以扩展对自己的理解。故选D项。25推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Published in 1964, its his classic me

17、moir of 1920s Paris.”及“an aging writer looking back on an ambitious yet simpler time”可知,这本书出版于1964年,这是他关于20世纪20年代在巴黎的经典回忆录,是他老年时对那些野心勃勃却更简单的日子的回顾。由此可判断出A Movable Feast是关于海明威年轻时的生活。故选B项。26词义猜测题。根据最后一段中“while money is indeed wonderful and necessary,(虽然金钱确实是美妙而必要的)”可知,前后句为转折关系,根据上下文的语境可推知,“rereading an

18、 authors work is the highest currency a reader can pay them.”意为“但是但重新阅读作品是读者能支付给他们的最高回报”,由此判断出划线词的意思是“回报”。故选B项。27推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The third book is Julio Cortzars Save Twilight: selected poems, because poetry.(第三本书是胡里奥科塔扎的拯救暮光之城: 诗歌精选,因为诗歌)”可知,作者是由于喜欢诗歌而喜欢这本书。故选A项。【强重难词】1. familiarity n. 熟悉,精通;亲密;随便2.

19、suspicion n. 怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;一点儿3. transformative adj. 变化的,变形的;有改革能力的 4. register v. 登记;(旅馆)登记住宿;挂号邮寄 n. 登记表;学校点名册;(老师对学生的)点名登记;登记注册;套准5. currency n. 货币;通货6. annually adv. 每年;一年一次7. memoir n. 回忆录;研究报告;自传;实录8. intoxicating adj. 醉人的;令人陶醉的;使兴奋的9. ambitious adj. 野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的10. poetic adj. 诗的,诗歌的;诗意的;诗人的

20、11. ramble v. (在乡间)漫步,闲逛;漫谈,闲聊;n. (在乡间的)漫步,闲逛;12. look back on回顾;回忆13. contributes to 贡献;有助于【析长难句】1. Returning to a book youve read many times can feel like drinks with an old friend. 【解析】本句中的Returning to a book是动名词做主语,book后面又跟了一个省略了that的定语从句youve read many times。【译文】重读一本读了很多遍的书,感觉就像和老朋友喝酒一样。【仿句】_2.

21、 And thats what makes the act of rereading so rich and transformative.【解析】本句中的what makes the act of rereading so rich and transformative是一个表语从句,且what担任表语从句的主语。【译文】这就是为什么重读的行为如此丰富和具有变化性。【仿句】_3.The beauty of rereading lies in the idea that our bond with the work is based on our present mental register

22、. 【解析】本句中的the idea 后的that our bond with the work是同位语从句,同位语中的主语是our bond with the work ,其谓语is based on ,意思是以为基础。【译文】重读的美妙之处在于,我们与作品的联系是建立在我们当前的心理区域之上的。【仿句】_4.But remember, its you that has to grow and read and reread in order to better understand your friends.【解析】本句中的含有一个强调you的强调句型,reread是重新读。【译文】但是记

23、住,为了更好地理解朋友,你自己,需要成长、阅读、再阅读。【仿句】_Passage 2【真题详解】【2020全国新课标II】Some parents will buy any high-tech toy if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles help children with math-related skills.Psychologist Susan Levine, an expert on mathematics development in young children the Unive

24、rsity of Chicago, found children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop better spatial skills. Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition(认知) after controlling for differences in parents income, education and the amount of parent talk, Levine said.The research

25、ers analyzed video recordings of 53 child-parent pairs during everyday activities at home and found children who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 months of age.“The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did no

26、t, on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate(旋转)and translate shapes,” Levine said in a statement.The parents were asked to interact with their children as they normally would, and about half of children in the study played with puzzles at one time. Higher-income parents tended to have children

27、 play with puzzles more frequently, and both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills. However, boys tended to play with more complex puzzles than girls, and the parents of boys provided more spatial language and were more active during puzzle play than parents of girls.The f

28、indings were published in the journal Developmental Science.24In which aspect do children benefit from puzzle play?ABuilding confidence.BDeveloping spatial skills.CLearning self-control.DGaining high-tech knowledge.25What did Levine take into consideration when designing her experiment?AParents age.

29、BChildrens imagination.CParents education.DChild-parent relationship.26How do boy differ from girls in puzzle play?AThey play with puzzles more often.BThey tend to talk less during the game.CThey prefer to use more spatial language.DThey are likely to play with tougher puzzles.27What is the text mai

30、nly about?AA mathematical method.BA scientific study.CA woman psychologistDA teaching program.【答案】24B25C26D27B【解析】本文是说明文。是关于孩子们玩智力游戏的研究,介绍了研究考虑的因素,研究过程和结果。24细节理解题。根据第二段中found children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 develop better spatial skill(在2岁到4岁之间玩智力游戏的儿童在空间能力方面更好)可知,孩子们可以从智力游戏中发展更好

31、的空间技能。B. Developing spatial skills(发展空间能力)符合以上说法,故选B项。25细节理解题。根据第二段中Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition after controlling for difference in parents income, education and the amount of parent talk, Levine said.( Levine说,在控制了不同父母的收入、教育和父母谈话次数后,拼图游戏被发现是一个重要的认知预测)可知Levine在设计

32、这个试验时考虑了父母的收入、教育程度和父母谈话的次数。C. Parents education.(父母的教育)符合以上说法,故选C项。26细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中However, boys tended to play with more complex puzzles than girls,可知男孩比女孩更喜欢玩复杂的谜题,即他们可能会玩难度更大的谜题。D. They are likely to play with tougher puzzles.(他们有可能玩更复杂的谜题)符合以上说法,故选D项。27主旨大意题。本文是关于孩子们玩智力游戏的研究,介绍了研究考虑的因素,研究过程和结果。所

33、以是关于科学研究的。B. A scientific study(一项科学研究)符合以上说法,故选B项。【强重难词】1. high-tech adj. 高科技的,高技术的;仿真技术的2. psychologist n. 心理学家,心理学者3. significant adj. 重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的4. predictor n. 气象 预报器;预言者5. cognition n. 认识;知识;认识能力6. assess vt. 评定;估价;对征税7. rotate vi. 旋转;循环8. frequently adv. 频繁地,经常地;时常,屡次9. math-rela

34、ted skills数学有关的技能10. interact with与相互作用11. patial skills可技能12. 【析长难句】1. Some parents will buy any high-tech toy if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles help children with math-related skills.【解析】此句是一个由but连接的并列复合句。第一个是if引导的条件状语从句;第二个分句中的puzzles help children with math-rel

35、ated skills是宾语从句,做said的宾语。【译文】如果一些父母亲认为高科技玩具对孩子有帮助,他们会购买任何高科技玩具,但研究人员称,智力游戏能帮助孩子提高数学技能。【仿写】_2. The parents were asked to interact with their children as they normally would, and about half of children in the study played with puzzles at one time. 【解析】句中含有一个as引导的方式状语从句,interact with与互动,还含有一个and about

36、 half of children in the study played with puzzles at one time.的并列句。【译文】父母被要求像往常一样与孩子互动,研究中大约一半的孩子同时玩拼图。【仿写】_3. The researchers analyzed video recordings of 53 child-parent pairs during everyday activities at home and found children who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age have better s

37、patial skills when assessed at 54 months of age.【解析】这是一个复合句。Found后面跟的是省略了that的宾语从句,宾语从句中的who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age是定语从句,修饰children;when assessed at 54 months of age是省略了主语和be动词的时间状语从句,完整句子是when they are assessed at 54 months of age。【译文】研究人员分析了53对儿童与父母在家中日常活动的录像,发现年龄在26个月至4

38、6个月之间玩拼图的孩子在54个月时的空间能力更强。【仿写】_Part 3专题强化Passage 1【真题自测】【2018全国卷2】Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday.While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a

39、 big part of many children􀆳s lives, and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading.According to the report􀆳s key findings, “the proportion (比例) who say they hardly ever read for fun has gone from 8 per cent of 13-year-olds and 9 per cent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 p

40、er cent and 27 per cent respectively today.”The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children,ages 28,remain largely the same.But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined,from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.When it comes to t

41、echnology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.The most hopeful data shared in the repor

42、t shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading. Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books purchased for them,parents who read more often,and parent

43、s who set aside time for them to read.As the end of school approaches, and school vacation reading lists loom(逼近) ahead,parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore.1.What is the Common Sense Media report probably

44、 about?A. Childrens reading habits.B. Quality of childrens books.C. Childrens after-class activities.D. Parent-child relationships.2.Where can you find the data that best supports “children are reading a lot less for fun”?A. In Paragraph 2. B. In Paragraph 3.C. In Paragraph 4. D. In Paragraph 5.3.Wh

45、y do many parents limit electronic reading?A.E-books are of poor quality.B. It could be a waste of time.C. It may harm childrens health.D.E-readers are expensive.4. How should parents encourage their children to read more?A. Act as role models for them.B. Ask them to write book reports.C. Set up rea

46、ding groups for them.D. Talk with their reading class teachers.【答案】1-4ABCA【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了通过研究发现,现在孩子们为了乐趣而进行阅读占比降低,并且告诉父母们应该给孩子们树立阅读的榜样,促使孩子们快乐地阅读等。1.A推理判断题。根据第一段的“Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun”和第三段、第四段以及第五段的内容,可知这个报告主要说明了孩子们的阅读习惯的情况。2.B细节理解题。结合第三段的“According to t

47、he report􀆳s key findings22 per cent and 27 per cent respectively today.”可知,本段中出现的from 8 per cent of 13-year-olds and 9 per cent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 per cent and 27 per cent这些数据证明了孩子们现在从阅读中获得的乐趣少了。3.C细节理解题。根据第五段的“It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, m

48、ainly due to concerns about increased screen time.”可知,父母们限制孩子们使用电子设备阅读,主要是因为日益增加的屏幕时间会影响孩子们的健康。4.A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading.”可知,父母们给孩子们树立榜样会促使孩子们阅读。Passage

49、 2【真题自测】【2016浙江卷】A scientist working at her lab bench and a six-month-old baby playing with his food might seem to have little in common. After all, the scientist is engaged in serious research to uncover the very nature of the physical world,and the baby is, well, just playing.right? Perhaps, but s

50、ome developmental psychologists (心理学家)have argued that this play is more like a scientific investigation than one might think.Take a closer look at the baby playing at the table. Each time the bowl of rice is pushed over the table edge, it falls to the ground and, in the process, it brings out impor

51、tant evidence about how physical objects interact(相互作用):bowls of rice do not float in mid-air, but require support to remain stable. It is likely that babies are not born knowing this basic fact of the universe; nor are they ever clearly taught it. Instead, babies may form an understanding of object

52、 support through repeated experiments and then build on this knowledge to learn even more about how objects interact. Though their ranges and tools differ, the babys investigation and the scientists experiment appear to share the same aim (to learn about the natural world), overall approach (gatheri

53、ng direct evidence from the world), and logic (are my observations what I expected?).Some psychologists suggest that young children learn about more than just the physical world in this way that they investigate human psychology and the rules of language using similar means. For example, it may only

54、 be through repeated experiments, evidence gathering, and finally overturning a theory, that a baby will come to accept the idea that other people can have different views and desires from what he or she has, for example, unlike the child, Mommy actually doesnt like Dove chocolate.Viewing childhood

55、development as a scientific investigation throws light on how children learn, but it also offers an inspiring look at science and scientists. Why do young children and scientists seem to be so much alike? Psychologists have suggested that science as an effort the desire to explore, explain, and unde

56、rstand our world is simply something that comes from our babyhood. Perhaps evolution(进化) provided human babies with curiosity and a natural drive to explain their worlds, and adult scientists simply make use of the same drive that served them as children. The same cognitive(认知的) systems that make yo

57、ung children feel good about figuring something out may have been adopted by adult scientists. As some psychologists put it, It is not that children are little scientists but that scientists are big children.1.According to some developmental psychologists,.A. a babys play is nothing more than a game

58、B. scientific research into babies games is possibleC. the nature of babies play has been thoroughly investigatedD. a babys play is somehow similar to a scientists experiment2. We learn from Paragraph 2 that .A. scientists and babies seem to observe the world differentlyB. scientists and babies ofte

59、n interact with each otherC. babies are born with the knowledge of object supportD. babies seem to collect evidence just as scientists do3.Children may learn the rules of language by.A. exploring the physical worldB. investigating human psychologyC. repeating their own experimentsD. observing their

60、parents behaviors4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. The world may be more clearly explained through childrens play.B. Studying babies play may lead to a better understanding of science.C. Children may have greater ability to figure out things than scientists.D. Ones drive for scientifi

61、c research may become stronger as he grows.5.What is the authors tone when he discusses the connection between scientists research and babies play?A. Convincing.B. Confused.C. Confident.D. Cautious.【答案】1-4 DDCBD【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了孩子的玩耍和科学家的研究有共同之处。1. D【解析】根据文章第一段的but some developmental psychologi

62、sts (心理学家) have argued that this “play” is more like a scientific investigation than one might think可知,心理学家觉得孩子的玩耍和科学家的研究有些相似,故选D。考点:考查细节理解。2.D【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中的“.overall approach (gathering direct evidence from the world). .”可知,孩子也会像科学家一样收集证据,故选D。3. C【解析】根据文章第三段的 “For example, it may only be thr

63、ough repeated experiments, evidence gathering, and finally overturning a theory” 可知,孩子可以通过重复自己的实验来学习语言的规律,故选C。考点:考查细节理解。4. B【解析】根据最后一段的 “Viewing childhood development as a scientific investigation throws light on how children learn, but it also offers an inspiring look at science and scientists.” 可知

64、,研究孩子可以让人们更好地了解科学,故选B。考点:考查细节理解。5. D【解析】根据作者在文中的用词appear to、用may来弱化绝对性的表达及通过引用其他人的观点some psychologist suggest that 可知,作者的语气是谨慎的。故选D。考点:考查推理判断。Passage 3【新题模拟】(2021云南昆明市高三一模) As digital devices (设备)have taken over society, “keyboard activity is now often recommended as a substitute for early handwriti

65、ng, a new study notes. The idea is that typing may be easier for young children.“Some schools in Norway have become completely digital, notes Audrey Vander Meer, the new studys leader, who measures brain activity to better understand learning and behaviors. She works at the Norwegian University of S

66、cience and Technology in Trondheim. The human brain has developed to interact with the world in as many ways as possible, she notes. She believes that young children should learn to write by hand successfully, and, at the same time learn to manage a keyboard.Using a pen involves more of the brain th

67、an using a keyboard, her new findings show. This is because writing and printing involve complex movements that activate more areas of the brain. The increased brain activity, gives the brain more hooks to hang your memories on, she explains.Think about it. The same movement is required to type each

68、 letter on a keyboard. By comparison, when we write, our brain needs to think about and recover memories of the shape of each letter. We also need to use our eyes to watch what shapes were writing. And we need to control our hands to press a pen or pencil to shape the different letters. All of this

69、uses and connects more areas of the brain.Along the way, these processes appear to “open the brain up for learning, says Vander Meer. So learning through only one format digital could be harmful, she worries.Vander Meer also points out that taking notes by hand stimulates (激发)visual notetaking. Rath

70、er than typing blindly, the visual note-taker has to think about what is important to write down. Then, key words can be interlinked by boxes, and arrows, and supplemented by small drawings.1What is the main idea of the text?ADigital devices are popular with students.BHandwriting beats typing in tak

71、ing notes.CThe process of taking notes changes thinking.DThe new study makes contributions to science.2What should young kids do according to Vander Meer?ACommunicate with the world. BRely on keyboard activity.CLearn to write by hand. DMaster basic drawing skills.3How does the author draw the conclu

72、sion?ABy studying how the brain develops. BBy observing social phenomena.CBy assessing functions of senses. DBy comparing ways of taking notes.4In which section of a newspaper may the text appear?ARelationship. BFashion.CCulture. DScience.【答案】1B2C3D4D【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了,数字化正在普及,然而一项研究表明,在记笔记时,手写比(用键盘)

73、打字更有利于大脑发展,于学习有益,打字(数字化)对学习可能是有害的。1主旨大意题。第一段“引出电子设备,打字比手写更容易”,第二三段讲“手写比打字对大脑发展更好”,第四段讲“手写对大脑发展更好的原因”,第五段讲“数字化(打字)对学习可能是有害的”,最后一段讲“再次申明手记笔记的好处”,可知文章主要讲在记笔记上手写胜过打字,更有益于大脑发展。故选B项。2细节理解题。由第二段中的“She believes that young children should learn to write by hand successfully, and, at the same time learn to ma

74、nage a keyboard.”(她认为,幼儿应该学会成功地用手写字,同时还要学会管理键盘。),可知Audrey Vander Meer认为幼儿应该学会成功地用手写字。故选C项。3推理判断题。第一段“引出电子设备,打字比手写更容易”,第二三段讲“手写比打字对大脑发展更好”,第四段讲“手写对大脑发展更好的原因”,第五段讲“数字化(打字)对学习可能是有害的”,最后一段讲“再次申明手记笔记的好处”,可知文章主要是通过比较记笔记的方式,即手写(记笔记)和打字(记笔记)对大脑的哪个更好得出了结论手写比(用键盘)打字更有利于大脑发展,于学习有益,打字(数字化)对学习可能是有害的。故选D项。4推理判断题。

75、由文章中心大意可知,文章通过比较记笔记的方式,即手写(记笔记)和打字(记笔记)对大脑的哪个更好得出了结论手写比(用键盘)打字更有利于大脑发展,于学习有益,打字(数字化)对学习可能是有害的,文章可能会出现在报纸的“科学”版面上。故选D项。Passage 4【新题模拟】(2021四川宜宾市高三一模) The number of British students going to US universities has been climbing steadily over the past decade. The latest available figures (from 2017- 2018)

76、 show 11,460 British students are choosing to study in US. This represents a small drop (0.3%) from the previous year, showing that American degrees remain a popular choice.Among the most popular American universities for British students are, Harvard, Y ale, Princeton, Stanford and also institution

77、s with convenient location- New York University in New York City, or the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, for example.Two factors motivate young people to head west for universities: academic opportunity and the increasing availability of financial aid for foreign students. Anthony

78、Nemecek, an education expert, explains, “While there are many reasons British students consider higher education study in the US, the main reason is the wide range of choice on offer, both subjects and institutions, as well as not having to decide their *major/course until the end of the second year

79、.One reason why the Brits may be unwilling to pursue a US degree is the cost. The University of Oxford, for example, estimates living costs of f14,850 in 2020, along with course fees of f9,250, so a total of f24,100. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a world-leading specialist in scie

80、nce, costs $73,1 60 (59,447; more than twice as much as Oxford), but most students at MIT will get financial aid. MIT is home to a financial aid program for international students, making it a great place to apply if money is not enough.5How many British students went to US universities in 2016- 201

81、7?A11,495. B11,460.C11,425. D14,898.6What makes New Y ork University so popular among British students?AIts low cost. BIts location.CIts influence. DIts top institutions.7What may happen to a Brit attending MIT instead of Oxford?AHe will suffer financial problems.BThe financial aid is not easyCThe l

82、iving costs will be twice as much.DHe is likely to pay less than required.8What does the passage mainly talk about?ABritish students studying in US universities.BDifferences between US and British universities.CWhy British students are going to US Universities.DWhich are more attractive, US universi

83、ties or British universities.【答案】5A6B7D8C【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了英国学生要去就读美国大学的原因。5细节理解题。根据文章第一段“The latest available figures (from 2017- 2018) show 11,460 British students are choosing to study in US. This represents a small drop (0.3%) from the previous year, showing that American degrees remain a popu

84、lar choice.(最新数据(2017- 2018年)显示,11460名英国学生选择去美国学习。这比前一年下降了0.3%,表明美国学位仍然是一个受欢迎的选择。)”可知,11460名学生是去年的0.997倍。2016- 2017年美国大学的英国留学生是11495名,故选A项。6细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Among the most popular American universities for British students are, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and also institutions with convenient lo

85、cation- New York University in New York City, or the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, for example.(对于英国学生来说,最受欢迎的美国大学有哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学、斯坦福大学,以及地理位置便利的机构例如,位于纽约市的纽约大学,或位于洛杉矶的南加州大学。)”可知,纽约大学受欢迎的原因在于地理位置的便利。故选B项。7推理判断题。根据文章第四段“The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a world-le

86、ading specialist in science, costs $73,1 60 (59,447; more than twice as much as Oxford), but most students at MIT will get financial aid.(作为世界领先的科学专家,麻省理工学院(MIT)的学费是73,160美元(59,447英镑;是牛津大学的两倍多),但麻省理工学院的大多数学生将获得助学金。)”可知,麻省理工的学生大多数是可以获得助学金补贴的。从而推断英国学生去麻省理工学院是因为费用比较少。故选D项。8主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“Two factors mot

87、ivate young people to head west for universities: academic opportunity and the increasing availability of financial aid for foreign students. (有两个因素促使年轻人前往西部大学:学术机会和外国学生越来越容易获得的经济援助。)”及全文内容可知,文章主要讲述了英国学生去美国学习的原因。故选C项。Passage 5【新题模拟】(2021四川成都市高三一模) During the golden week national holiday that began o

88、n October 1st, hundreds of thousands of sightseers flocked to Lijiang, a picturesque historic town in the south-western province of Yunnan. Among its attractions are the symbols printed beneath the Chinese characters on road signs and shop fronts (Starbucks included). They are Dongba pictographs, an

89、 ancient form of script(文字)that originated among the Naxi, a local ethnic group. It almost died until about a decade ago, when local officials began to realize its value and covered the town with it.Dongba was never widely used by the Naxi, of whom there are about 300,000 living in the Himalayan foo

90、thills near Lijiang, as well as in Tibet and Sichuan province. The pictographs, which evolved as early as the seventh century, were developed by shamans (巫 师)of the Dongba faith, which has roots in Tibet.Over 20,000 of these religious records survive. They provide rich insight into how Naxi people t

91、hought about war, geography, astronomy and agriculture. But they are extremely hard to read. Linguists are helped by the areas Dongba priests(神职人员). There are about 600, most of them very old, including Yang Guoxing, who ran a school from 2010 to 2015 to teach Dongba to children living in the mounta

92、ins. When Mr Yang was growing up, “everyone was too busy farming” to learn it. Now they are all busy soaking up the pop culture, he says.Signs at bus stations in rural Yunnan encourage locals to use written and spoken Chinese. But the Naxi get off lightly compared with other ethnic minorities. Prima

93、ry schools in Lijiang teach the Dongba script twice a week, as well as Naxi nursery rhymes. Li Dejing, head of the Dongba Culture Research Institute, says this is not just about keeping alive the pictographs, but letting children grasp “the very spirit of their own culture”. And this will also help

94、tourism to develop in Lijiang.9What do we know about the Dongba script?AIt is widely used by local people.BIt was a tool used by certain people.CIt was quite popular at certain periods.DIt has a history of more than 3000 years.10According to Yang Guoxing, what makes it difficult to spread the Dongba

95、 script?AOnly priests can read it.BIts extremely hard to read.CIts value hasnt been fully recognized.DPeople are too busy to learn a new language.11What has been done to keep the Dongba script alive?ANew schools are opened to teach it.BSome tourists are invited to preserve it.COnly the Dongba script

96、 can be used in schools.DPeople are more exposed to this language than before.12What is the best title of the text?AThe Dongba Script Is Dying BThe History of the Dongba ScriptCThe Dongba Script Survives in Lijiang DThe Influence of the Dongba Script【答案】9B10C11D12C【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述丽江东巴文字在当地人们的帮助下得以

97、存活下来的故事。9细节理解题。根据第一段“They are Dongba pictographs, an ancient form of script(文字)that originated among the Naxi, a local ethnic group. It almost died until about a decade ago, when local officials began to realize its value and covered the town with it.(它们是东巴象形文字,一种起源于当地民族纳西族的古老文字形式。直到大约十年前,它几乎消失了,当地官

98、员开始意识到它的价值,用它覆盖了整个城镇。)”可知,东巴文字是纳西族人们用来交流的工具,属于这一部分人特有的交流方式。故选B。10细节理解题。根据第三段“When Mr Yang was growing up, “everyone was too busy farming” to learn it. Now they are all busy soaking up the pop culture, he says.(在杨先生的成长过程中,“每个人都忙着务农”,没有时间学习。他说,现在他们都在忙着吸收流行文化。)“可知, 杨国兴(音译)认为让巴东文字很难传播开来的主要原因是巴东文字的价值没有得到

99、人们的充分认可。故选C。11细节理解题。根据最后一段“Primary schools in Lijiang teach the Dongba script twice a week, as well as Naxi nursery rhymes. Li Dejing, head of the Dongba Culture Research Institute, says this is not just about keeping alive the pictographs, but letting children grasp “the very spirit of their own cu

100、lture”. (丽江的小学每周教两次东巴文字,还教纳西族童谣。东巴文化研究所所长李德景表示,这不仅仅是为了让这些象形文字存活下来,而是让孩子们掌握“自己文化的精髓”。)”可知,现在丽江当地人能更多地接触到东巴文字,这让东巴文字得以存活下来。故选D。12主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段“ It almost died until about a decade ago, when local officials began to realize its value and covered the town with it.(直到大约十年前,它几乎消失了,当地官员开始意识到它的价值,用它覆盖了整个城镇。)”和最后一段“Li Dejing, head of the Dongba Culture Research Institute, says this is not just about keeping alive the pictographs, but letting children grasp “the very spirit of their own culture(东巴文化研究所所长李德景表示,这不仅仅是为了让这些象形文字存活下来,而是让孩子们掌握“自己文化的精髓”)”可知,本文主要讲述丽江东巴文字在当地人们的帮助下得以存活下来的故事。故选C。


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