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云南师范大学五华区实验中学2012-2013学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 WORD版无答案.doc

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云南师范大学五华区实验中学2012-2013学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 WORD版无答案.doc_第1页
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1、高考资源网( )与您相伴。欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿!。 高一下学期期末考试英语试题一、听力(20%)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Wheres Jim? A. Hes out.B. Hes speaking.C. Hes here.2. What did the man give the woman? A. Living room. B. Rose.C. Coat and hat.3. Why wa

2、s the man late? A. His mother was dressing up.B. His mother made him dress up. C. His mother was meeting friends.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What are they

3、talking about? A. Summer.B. Films.C. Stars.7. When does it start? A. At 8 oclock.B. At 9 oclock.C. At 10 oclock听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Which bus runs more frequently(频繁地)? A. No. 7.B. No. 13.C. No. 23.9. How was Susan Green feeling? A. Better.B. Worse.C. More worried.10. Where do number 13 buses leave fr

4、om? A. The hospital.B. The bus stop.C. The centre of town.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What can we learn from the dialogue? A. The man was not careful. B. The man was good at painting. C. The woman was his headmaster.12. Who asked them not to do that? A. The workmen.B. The woman.C. The headmaster.13. Where

5、were the workmen walking across? A. The street.B. The wet cement(水泥).C. The notice.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Where does the picture come from? A. A website.B. A book.C. A newspaper.15. What did the woman think of the picture? A. Wonderful.B. Unbelievable.C. Priceless(无价的).16. How did it happen? A. He tri

6、ed to wake up his dog. B. His dog hit him in the face. C. The dog looked frightening.17. What did he look like before? A. Smart.B. Ugly.C. Ordinary-looking.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. How many students can the schoolhouse hold? A. About 25.B. About 50.C. About 75.19. When did they go out and come back? A.

7、 In the morning and in the afternoon. B. In the morning and in the dusk(黄昏). C. In the afternoon and at night.20. What made the man satisfied? A. The country schoolhouse.B. The part of his education. C. His girl friend.单项选择(15%)21. Email, as well as letters, an important part in daily communication.

8、 A. is playingB. have playedC. are playingD. play22. The number of students in the universityby 6% every year. A. riseB. risesC. roseD. rising23. he referred to in his article was unknown to the general readers. A. ThatB. WhatC. WhetherD. Where24. The fact has worried many scientiststhe earth is bec

9、oming warmer and warmer these years. A. whatB. whichC. thatD. though25. We are invited to a partyin our club next Sunday. A. to be heldB. heldC. being heldD. holding26. to music is one of my favorite hobbies. A. ListenB. Listen toC. ListenedD. Listening27. Please gothe ship quickly. There is only 10

10、 minutes left. A. abroadB. aboardC. boardD. broad28. They prefer to spend timerather thanin the street. A. read, wanderB. reading, wanderingC. read, wanderingD. reading, wander29. He made anspeech at the meeting and theaudience stoop up and gave him a long and warm applause. A. inspiring, inspiringB

11、. inspiring, inspired C. inspired, inspiringD. inspired, inspired30. Can I help you?I want to buy an English storybook that isfor the senior middle school students.A. usedB. readC. devotedD. intended 31. Heads from Asia and Europe attended the conference(会议)and Pesident Huspeech on the first day. A.

12、 statedB. issuedC. addressedD. delivered34. It is often said thatteachers leadvery busy life. A、不填,不填B、不填,aC、the,不填D、the, a35. He stepped into the office, down and began to fill in the forms. A. is sittingB. has satC. satD. sit三、完型填空(20%)A guy(家伙) was on the side of the road trying to get a lift(搭车)

13、 on a very dark night in a terrible rainstorm, with no cars on the road. The storm was so strong that the guy could 36 see a few feet ahead of him. 37 , he saw a car come toward him and 38 . The guy, without thinking, got in and closed the door and until then, he realized that there was nobody 39 th

14、e wheel(方向盘).The car started to move very 40 . The guy looked at the road and saw a curve(拐弯处)coming his 41 . 42 , he started to pray, begging for his life. He had not come out 43 , just before the car hit the curve, a hand suddenly 44 through the window and moved the 45 . The guy now couldnt move o

15、ut of 46 and watched how the hand appeared every time the car was 47 a curve. Finally, although terrified, the guy managed to open the door and 48 out. Without looking back, the guy 49 through the storm all the way to the nearest town. Like a drowned rat(老鼠), the shocked guy walked into a nearby bar

16、(酒吧) and asked for some 50 .Then, still shaking and frightened, he started telling everybody in the bar about the horrible(恐怖的)experience he just 51 . Everyone listened in 52 and became frightened, with hair standing on end, when they realized the guy was telling the 53 because he was crying and he

17、was not drunk(喝醉的)!About half an hour later two guys walked into the 54 bar and one said to the other,“Hey, theres the bad guy who jumped into the car while we were 55 it!”36. A. simplyB. easilyC. hardlyD. roughly37. A. SuddenlyB. SecretlyC. UnfortunatelyD. Hurriedly38. A. reachB. stopC. continueD.

18、rest39. A. besideB. onC. behindD. around40. A. wonderfullyB. slowlyC. quicklyD. comfortably41. A. wayB. roadC. pathD. direction42. A. Disappointed(失望的)B. Discouraged C. SurprisedD. Frightened(害怕的,受惊的)43. A. whereB. whenC. unlessD. while44. A. waved(挥手;招手)B. hangedC. touchedD. appeared45. A. carB. wh

19、eelC. doorD. guy46. A. respectB. terror(恐惧)C. curiosityD. interest47. A. enteringB. passingC. approachingD. leaving48. A. takeB. jumpC. keepD. come49. A. screamedB. criedC. wanderedD. ran50. A. coffeeB. teaC. waterD. alcohol(酒)51. A. went throughB. heard fromC. wrote aboutD. thought of52. A. delight

20、B. sadnessC. silenceD. amusement53. A. jokeB. truthC. lieD. story54. A. sameB. attractiveC. popularD. cheap55. A. pullingB. repairingC. pushingD. following四、阅读理解(20%)AThere was a robbery at City Central Bank late yesterday afternoon. Two men entered the bank at about 4 pm and told the bank teller on

21、 duty to give them $ 1,000,000. The robbers(强盗) were carrying guns and wearing black masks to cover their faces. The robbers told all the customers in the bank to lie down on the floor. Witnesses(目击者)said that everyone in the bank was very frightened and did what the robbers told them.The teller agr

22、eed to give them the money but told them theyd have to wait a few minutes. She said the bank manager would have to get the money out of the safe. As the robbers were waiting for the money, the teller managed to press an alarm(警报) button that was hidden under the counter. It was a silent alarm so the

23、 robbers didnt realize it had been set off.Just as the manager arrived with the money, ten police officers entered the bank. The robbers were so surprised that the officers caught them easily. The robbers are now in custody(拘留), and will appear in court next week.Police congratulated Miss Alston, th

24、e bank teller, on her brave act. The bank manager said that he would give Miss Alston a weeks vacation to thank her.56. What did the customers do? A. Lay down on the floor.B. Covered their faces. C. Waited a few minutes.D. Gave the robbers the money57. What did the bank teller do? A. Called the poli

25、ce.B. Told the manager to call the police. C. Set off an alarm.D. Frightened the robbers.58. Who were the robbers surprised to see? A. The bank teller.B. The police.C. The witnesses.D. The bank manager.BIs your family interested in buying a dog? A dog can be a pleasant companion(伙伴) to your family,

26、but if you choose the wrong kind of dog, you will have a lot of troubles.Families should sit down and thoroughly discuss the possible problems before buying a dog. Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog, the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that t

27、he animal is properly cared for. If you dont know much about dogs, it is a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs, as well as books about how to train a young dog. In reading about the different breeds(种类)you should know that a dog described(描述)as very alert may be to

28、o active. When a book describes a dog as an excellent hunting dog, it probably means that the dog wont be happy living in a small house. Dog breeds vary in popularity as the years go by. One of the most popular dogs these days is the German Shepherd. This is because it provides(提供) protection as wel

29、l as companionship. The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may be too powerful for children to control. If space is limited, a toy dog may be a good choice. These dogs are very small and easy to train. They dont need to be walked daily, since they can exercise in the

30、 home.59. should take the responsibility(责任)for making sure that the dog is properly cared for. A. The childrenB. The parents C. Both the parents and the childrenD. Anyone who wants the dog60. According to the passage, one can get information about different kinds of dogs. A. by going to the library

31、B. by asking whoever has enough experience about different kinds of dogs C. by buying a dog and training it D. by reading books about dogs61. The German Shepherd is a popular dog. A. because it is easy to trainB. because it is big and strong C. because it is powerful and friendlyD. because it is ale

32、rt and active62. Which is the best title of the passage? A. The care and proper selection(选择) of dogs for families. B. Different breeds of dogs. C. Responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for. D. Different kinds of books about dogs.C Last night, I got awakened by my eleven-year-old so

33、n, saying he felt horrible. I took his temperature(温度) and it was 104 degrees. I gave him some medicine and let him sleep in my bed. The flu(流感), I figured. Im an R. N. , so Im pretty good at looking after sick kids.My son has recently been becoming more self-sufficient. Yesterday was his eleventh b

34、irthday party. I got a“thanks mom”but no hug or kiss like when he was younger. I miss those early years when he would climb up in my lap when he was sick and wanted to be rocked. Last night, he just took his medicine and went to sleep. This morning, he still felt sick and had a 103-degree temperatur

35、e. I made him tea, toast, and some Motrin. He fell back to sleep, no thanks mom. But its okay. I know he still appreciates me.Its amazing how fast kids get sick. And as a mom, I felt guilty about all the other kids at the party, so I spent an hour calling all the parents whose numbers I have, to war

36、n them about the flu that their kids are probably going to get sometime soon. And tomorrow well be at the pediatricians office and my son will miss his first day of school this year.I sit here and listen to him breathe. I just hope he gets well soon. I actually miss his non-stop chatter and exciteme

37、nt over a video game hes playing. Its funny what you miss when theyre sick. I was just saying yesterday that I needed a break from eleven-year-old boy. Now its so quiet that I can actually hear myself think.63. The best title for this passage should be. A. An Eleven-year-old still Need His Mom B. Ca

38、n an Eleven-year-old Be Independent(独立) C. How to Take Care of Your Sick Son D. Learn to Be Independent64. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. The mother was a nurse.B. The boy has been an adult. C. The mother encourages his son to play video games. D. A mother bei

39、ng a pediatrician cant take care of his sick son.65. The mother called the other parents because. A. she reminded(提醒,使想起)their kids were likely to get flu B. she felt sorry for her sons illness C. she wanted their kids to go to his sons party D. she must inform them of the beginning of school五、英汉互译(

40、10)66、蔑视;瞧不起67、偶遇;碰见 68、导致;造成69、与其;不愿 70、对有天赋71. emergency 72. focus on73. harmful 74. settle down75. break out 六、书面表达(15%) 假如你是王明,22岁。你正在南京大学读书。有一天,你在报纸上看到一份麦当劳需要钟点工的广告。于是,你写信申请这份工作,并介绍你的情况,你工作勤劳,为人和蔼,你会电脑,英语口语好。你爱好篮球,游泳。你下午5:00到9:00有空。你的电话是5576262。根据上面的汉语提示,写一封80100词的自荐信。师大五华实验中学2012至2013学年度下学期期末考

41、试高一年级英语答题卡第I卷 选择题部份1. A B C2. A B C3. A B C4. A B C5. A B C6. A B C7. A B C8. A B C9. A B C10. A B C11. A B C12. A B C13. A B C14. A B C15. A B C16. A B C17. A B C18. A B C19. A B C20. A B C21. A B C D22. A B C D23. A B C D24. A B C D25. A B C D26. A B C D27. A B C D28. A B C D29. A B C D30. A B C D

42、31. A B C D32. A B C D33. A B C D34. A B C D35. A B C D36. A B C D37. A B C D38. A B C D39. A B C D40. A B C D41. A B C D42. A B C D43. A B C D44. A B C D45. A B C D46. A B C D47. A B C D48. A B C D49. A B C D50. A B C D51. A B C D52. A B C D53. A B C D54. A B C D55. A B C D56. A B C D57. A B C D58.

43、 A B C D59. A B C D60. A B C D61. A B C D62. A B C D63. A B C D64. A B C D65. A B C D第II卷 非选择题五、英汉互译(10)66、蔑视;瞧不起67、偶遇;碰见 68、导致;造成69、与其;不愿 70、对有天赋71. emergency 72. focus on73. harmful 74. settle down75. break out 六、书面表达(15%) 假如你是王明,22岁。你正在南京大学读书。有一天,你在报纸上看到一份麦当劳需要钟点工的广告。于是,你写信申请这份工作,并介绍你的情况,你工作勤劳,为人和蔼,你会电脑,英语口语好。你爱好篮球,游泳。你下午5:00到9:00有空。你的电话是5576262。根据上面的汉语提示,写一封80100词的自荐信。Dear sir, I have read your advertisement for part-time jobs in McDonalds and would like to apply for it.Yours sincerely.Wang Ming高考资源网版权所有!投稿可联系QQ:1084591801试卷、试题、教案、学案等教学资源均可投稿。


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