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2020秋高中英语 Unit 4 Global warming同步练习(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc

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1、Unit 4Global warming【导语】你知道全球变暖会给人类的生活和环境带来哪些变化吗?Short and Long Term Effects of Global WarmingClimate changeGlobal warming is causing the temperature of the earth to rise slowly,causing massive global changes to our natural environment.Rising sea level Global warming is rapidly melting glaciers arou

2、nd the globe,causing a rising sea level and possibly coastal flooding and other weather problems in the future.Ecosystem changesGlobal warming is changing certain ecosystems throughout due to temperature fluctuations(波动)Animals and plants are being forced to adapt to this,and,as a result,are dying o

3、ff.Breakdown of the ozone(臭氧)layerGlobal warming is creating holes in the ozone layer,primarily from human use of products that emit(发出)poisonous chemicals.The ozone layer absorbs UV radiation from the sun.The holes are causing amounts of poisonous chemicals present in our breathing air to increase

4、at a rapid rate.【词海拾贝】1due to因为,由于2adapt to适应3die off相继死去4at a rapid rate以极快的速度【问题思考】True (T) or False (F):1Five effects of global warming are mentioned in the article.()2Many animals and plants will be extinct as a result of global warming.()答案:1.F2.T.重点单词分类记拼写高频单词1_vi.同意;捐赠;订阅vt.签署(文件);捐助2_n量;数量3_




8、esent17.disagreementdisagreeagree识记阅读单词1graph n_2data n. _3trend n. _4catastrophe n. _5phenomenon(复数ena) n. _6widespread adj. _7casual adj. _8refresh vt. _答案:1.图表;坐标图;曲线图2.资料;数据3.趋势;倾向;走向4.大灾难;浩劫5.现象6.分布广的;普遍的7.随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的8.使恢复;使振作.重点短语快速记1_发生;造成2_同意;预订;订阅3_大量的4_上升;增长;升起5_导致6_反对7_即使8_继续9_大体上;基本上10

9、_代表一方;作为的代言人11_忍受;容忍12_只要13_等等答案:e about2.subscribe to3.quantities of4go up5.result in6.be opposed to7.even if8.keep on9on the whole10.on behalf of11.put up with12so long as13.and so on.经典句式应用记1That probably does not seem much to you or me,but it is a rapid increase_(当与相比的时候)other natural changes.(状

10、语从句的省略)2_(毫无疑问)the earth is becoming warmer and that_(是人类活动)has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.(There is no doubt that.毫无疑问;its.that.强调句型)3It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on_(只要你在使用它)if not,turn it off!(so long as引导条件状语从句)答案:1.when compared to2.There

11、 is no doubt thatit is human activity that3.so long as you are using it.FastreadingSkimming for the main information.1Match the general idea of each paragraph.Part 1(Para.1)ATwo different attitudes among scientists towards global warming. Part 2(Paras.2 to 5) BIts up to readers to decide whether peo

12、ple should do something about global warming. Part 3(Para.6) CThe introduction of the issue of global warming.Part 4(Para.7) DHow has global warming come about?答案:Part 1CPart 2DPart 3APart 4B2Whats the main topic of the article?AThe temperature difference from 1860 to 2000.BThe carbon dioxide conten

13、t in the atmosphere.CThe warming of the earth.DThe reasons for global warming.答案:C.CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and then choose the best answer according to the text.1Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?AThe temperature rose 5 degrees Fahrenheit from 1860 t

14、o 2000.BThe carbon dioxide content in the air increased by 70 parts per million from 1957 to 1997.CAll the scientists accept the data made by Charles Keeling.DJanice Foster says that more carbon dioxide will make.2What may be the bad effects of global warming according to the passage?AThere may be a

15、 rise of several metres in the sea level.BThere may be severe storms,floods,droughts,famines or the spread of diseases.CThere may be the disappearance of species.DAll of the above.3Which of the statements is TRUE?ANatural gas is a greenhouse gas.BCarbon dioxide is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels

16、.CWe are sure of the effects of global warming now.DDr Janice Foster believes that global warming will do good rather than harm to the earth.4This article is from_Aan environmental magazineBa diaryCa novel Da story5According to the passage,the global warming is mainly due to_Aburning fossil fuelBhum

17、an activityChaving too much carbon dioxide in the skyDsome catastrophes答案:1.C2.D3.B4.A5.B.StudyreadingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.句式分析本句是一个复合句。that引导一个_;causing the

18、 global temperature to go up为现在分词短语作_。尝试翻译_2On the one hand,Dr Foster thinks that any trend in which the temperature increases by 5 degrees would lead to a catastrophe.句式分析本句是一个主从复合句。 主句是Dr Foster thinks,that引导_从句。宾语从句中包含一个由in which引导的定语从句,修饰_。尝试翻译_3On the other hand,there are those,like George Hamb

19、ley,who are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air.句式分析本句是一个主从复合句。主句是there are those;who引导定语从句,修饰_且在从句中作主语;like George Hambley在句中作插入语。在定语从句中,and连接两个并列的谓语are opposed to和believe,believe后跟that引导的_从句。尝试翻译_答案:1.宾语从句结果状语这意味着更多的热量易于被困在大气层中,从

20、而引起全球气温上升。2宾语trend一方面,福斯特博士认为任何气温升高5度的趋势都可能导致一场大灾难。3those宾语另一方面,还有一些人,像科学家乔治汉布利,反对这种观点,他们认为我们不必担心空气中高含量的二氧化碳。.IntensivereadingRead and finish the passage carefully.The temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit during the 20th century and its a rapid increase when 1._ (compare) to oth

21、er natural changes.It is human activity 2._has caused this global warming.All scientists take the view that the burning of fossil 3._(fuel) causes the increase in the earths temperature.The most important one of the “greenhouse” gases is carbon dioxide,4._can trap heat from the sun and warm the eart

22、h.Scientists attitudes towards the rise of carbon dioxide are 5._(complete) different.Dr Foster thinks that any trend in which the temperature increases by 5 degrees would lead to 6._disaster.At the same time,others think there will be a rise in the sea level,severe storms,floods,droughts,famines,th

23、e spread of diseases or the 7._(disappear) of species. However,George Hambley 8._(oppose) to this view.He believes that we shouldnt worry about it.More carbon dioxide will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce 9._(many); it will encourage different kinds of animals.All of these will make life

24、 for human beings better.Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere and the climate is going to keep on 10._(warm)for decades or centuries.No one knows the influence of global warming.答案:pared2.that3.fuels4.whichpletely6a7.disappearance8.is opposed9.more10.warming如何写英文海报 海报是向大众发布某种消息的布告

25、。海报的形式多为招聘广告、活动宣传和人物介绍。英文海报的内容常为球讯、影讯、商业报道、展览会、报告会、专题讲座等。一、基本结构海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成。1标题。在第一行的正中间写上“POSTER”字样,接着在第二行即“POSTER”下面写上活动的具体名称或活动的内容。如:An exciting football match。2正文。在第三行空4个字母格写正文,为一段。海报的正文要求写清楚以下内容:第一,活动的目的和意义。第二,活动的主要项目、时间、地点等。第三,参加的具体方法及一些必要的注意事项等。3落款。要求写上主办单位的名称及海报的发文日期。二、注意事项1时态:用一般将来时和一

26、般现在时。2语言:海报文字要求简洁明了,篇幅要短小精悍,文中可以用些鼓动性的词语,但不可夸大其词。3要求:海报一定要具体真实地写明活动的时间、地点、主要内容、参加规定及主办单位。【常用句式】Well have a show/football match on July 16th.There is a piece of news that well hold a.地点时间We hope to raise money to help the poor children.It will be held.and the match will be wonderful.You can buy ticke

27、ts in.and the price is 2 yuan for each.By then,some new clothes are even 50% off.If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time,you can get a present.All are warmly welcome.Everyone is welcome.Catch the chance,or you will regret.Sign up and have a good time.请你用英语设计一张海报,内容80词左右,向同学们介绍一下夏令营的情况,并邀请同学们参加。要

28、点如下:1目的:使同学们学好英语,建立良好的人际关系;2活动内容(学习英文歌曲、舞蹈、游戏等);3活动费用低。审题谋篇第一步明确要求这是一篇应用文海报,写作要符合海报的特点。首先要标明海报的主题,即有一个响亮而简洁的标题English summer camp。文章的内容为对夏令营的介绍,即帮助学习英语、建立良好的人际关系;夏令营的优势定期举办,费用低等;最后为海报的目的邀请大家加入等内容不可或缺。最后,要注意落款海报的组织方及时间。第二步确定段落标题:English summer camp主体:英语夏令营的内容、优势及目的。落款:学生会及海报日期。第三步提炼要点1暑假the summer va

29、cation2英语夏令营English summer camp3致力于be devoted to4也as well as5人际关系interpersonal relationship6大量的a variety of7轻松的氛围in a relaxed atmosphere8和某人相处很好get along well with sb9另外in addition10会费membership fee第四步扩点成句1夏令营的目的是提高会员的英语和成员间的人际关系。(一般表达)The aims of the summer camp are to improve its members English a

30、nd interpersonal relationship.(句式升级1)Not only the summer camp can get its members English improved,it can also make the interpersonal relationship between members better.(句式升级2)The summer camp is devoted to the improvement of its members English as well as the establishment of good interpersonal rel

31、ationship.2每个暑假,该夏令营将举办英语歌曲学习、舞蹈培训和游戏等活动。(一般表达)Every summer the camp will teach members to learn English songs,train dances and play games.(句式升级1)Every summer,a series of activities will be held by the camp,for example,teaching English songs,training dances and playing games.(句式升级2)Every summer,ther

32、e are a wide variety of activities,such as English songs learning,dance training and games.【范文点评】范文点评English summer campWould you like to spend the summer vacation youre your friends? Are you eager to practice your English and get your spoken English improved while enjoying yourself? Come on! Join u

33、s in the English Summer Camp!The Summer Camp is devoted to the improvement of its members English as well as the establishment of good interpersonal relationships.Every summer, there are a wide variety of activities, such as English songs learning, dance training and games.In addition, the membershi

34、p fee is low.Dont hesitate any longerjoin us and enjoy your summer vacation!School Student UnionJune 7,2019范文文章格式正确,行文规范;文章有血有肉,长短句结合得好,运用了省略句、祈使句、倒装句等;文中用词准确,语言地道,有很多关于词汇的用法值得我们积累。海报标题恰如其分,宣传夏令营;正文开头灵活使用问句,使海报内容显得不呆板,同时又能起到渲染的作用;be devoted to高级词汇,增加作文亮点;a wide variety of“各式各样的”,表明作者的语言功底;in additio

35、n“另外,此外”,上下文衔接好;祈使句,丰富文章句式,发出邀请,希望大家参加活动;结尾符合海报格式请根据下列内容写一张海报。全球变暖问题越来越引起人们的关注,它所产生的严重后果也逐渐为人所知。为此,你校学生会特意邀请了环保专家来校举办讲座,专门就全球变暖问题产生的原因、后果,以及中学生如何应对全球变暖等问题进行论述,并在演讲结束后回答同学们的提问。时间:星期五8:00 am11:00 am地点:大厅注意:1.词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_答案:A lecture on global warmingOrganized by the Students Union of our

36、school, a lecture on global warming will be given in the hall on Friday,from 8:00 am to 11:00 am.An expert working for the environment will give a lecture on the causes and the harmful effects of global warming.Besides,he will state what we can do with the problem.At the end of the speech,we can ask

37、 him some questions about global warming.All are welcome!Students UnionThursdayA级基础过关.单句语法填空在句中空白处填上适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1The _ (present) of prizes began after the speeches.2More _ (important), we can share the information with all of you.3You may use the room as you like _ long as you clean it up

38、 afterwards.4We havent decided whether _ (go) camping next week.5Johns success has nothing to do with good luck.It is years of hard work _ has made him what he is today.答案:1.presentation2.importantly3.so/as4.to go5.that.选词填空and so on;if so;under the circumstances;as long as;on behalf of1Since he is

39、so important a figure, nobody can be _him.2This shop sells clothes, shoes, hats,_.3Have you ever visited Thailand,and _,when?4_,youd better not tell him the bad news.5She will go to his birthday party _ she is invited.答案:1.on behalf of 2.and so on3.if so4.Under the circumstances5.as long as.根据汉语完成句子

40、1The young man will come to the party_那个年轻人将代表他家人来聚会。2I dont know how people around the airport_made by planes.我不知道机场周围的人们是如何忍受飞机发出的噪音的。3_you tell me the truth,Ill try to help you.只要你说实话,我会尽力帮助你。4If you do so it will_如果你那样做,影响就大了。5They got together to discuss_他们聚在一起讨论如何实施计划。答案:1.on behalf of his fam

41、ily2.put up with the noise3As long as4.make a great difference5.how to carry out the planB级能力提升.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。International pop star and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Katy Perry has released a special report on manmade climate changeand its likely to be much hotter than you exp

42、ect.In a video that imitates the television news,the“Hot and Cold” singer said the effects of extreme weather patterns are having on millions of children around the world.“As a California Girl,Im not the only one experiencing drought,” the superstar says.The songstress(女歌手) takes viewers on a 60seco

43、nd global tour,beginning in the Philippines,where tropical cyclone patterns (热带气旋气候) have damaged the region severely.From there she goes to Bangladesh,where flooding has left millions of children and families without homes.In East Africa,mosquitoborne malaria (通过蚊子进行传播的疟疾) continues to spread while

44、 an amazing 800 children die by the disease every day,she notes.“And the forecast is:conditions will worsen,” Perry worriedly concludes.“Lets encourage our world leaders to take this issue seriously,” she said in a release following the video.“Share your story on how you are helping reduce climate c

45、hange.Together we can help change the forecast for millions of children.”The reports surprising findings are among UNICEFs latest report on climate change,released in November.The videos release on Sunday comes as world leaders convene in Paris at COP 21,the 21st session of the Conference of the Par

46、ties.There,more than 190 nations have gathered to discuss a potential new global agreement on climate change.The “Dark Horse” singer was appointed ambassador to UNICEF in 2013.That same year,she travelled to Madagascar where she spent time teaching and playing with children attending UNICEF programm

47、es at the Ilaiko Child Protection Centre.【语篇解读】近日,国际流行歌星、联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)亲善大使凯蒂佩里发布了一段关于人为气候变化的特殊播报视频,呼吁大家关注气候变化全球气候可比你想象的要热多了。1Katy Perry is not _Aan international pop star and UNICEF Goodwill AmbassadorBthe singer of “Hot and Cold” and “Dark Horse”Ca California GirlDa weather forecaster解析:细节理解题。根据

48、第二段开头“In a video that imitates the television news”在一段模仿电视新闻播报的视频中可知她不是一名天气预报员。答案:D2Which one of the following places is NOT where the songstress takes viewers on a 60second global tour?AThe Philippines.BBangladesh.CEast Africa. DMadagascar.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段可知A、B、C三项是视频中去过的地方,D项出现在最后一段显然不是。答案:D3Where c

49、an we find the reports surprising findings?AA video that imitates the television news.BUNICEFs latest report on climate change released in November.CThe 21st session of the Conference of the Parties.DThe Ilaiko Child Protection Centre.解析:细节理解题根据第五段“The reports surprising findings are among UNICEFs l

50、atest report on climate change,released in November.”可知播报中提及的让人震惊的数据源自UNICEF在11月发布的一篇关于气候变化的最新报告。答案:B4Which one is the best title for the passage?AKaty Perry Calls for Action on Climate Change in UNICEF VideoBA Special Report on Manmade Climate Change CA 60second Global TourDThe COP 21 on Climate Ch

51、ange解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了国际流行歌星、联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)亲善大使凯蒂佩里发布了一段关于人为气候变化的特殊播报视频,呼吁大家关注气候变化。答案:A .七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2017全国卷)If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping,I would have laughed heartily.Campers,in my eyes,were people who en

52、joyed insect bites,illcooked meals,and uncomfortable sleeping bags.They had nothing in common with me._1_The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer._2_We slept in a tent,cooked over an open fire,and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom.Th

53、is brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work,recovering from a bad case of sunburn and the doctors bill for my sons food poisoning.I was,nevertheless,talked into going on another funfilled holiday in the wilderness._3_Instead,we had a popup camper with comfortable beds and an air

54、 conditioner.My natureloving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life._4_We have done a lot of it since.Recently,we bought a twentyeightfoot travel trailer complete with a bathroom and a builtin TV set.There is a separate bedroom,a modern kitchen with a refrigerator.The trailer ev

55、en has a matching carpet and curtains._5_It must be true that sooner or later,everyone finds his or her way back to nature.I recommend that you find your way in style.AThis time there was no tent.BThings are going to be improved.CThe trip they took me on was a rough one.DI was to learn a lot about c

56、amping since then,however.EI must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping.FAfter the trip,my family became quite interested in camping.GThere was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall.【语篇解读】作者最初不喜欢野营,经过几次有准备的野营后,逐渐喜欢上它了。1解析:前面提到野营的缺点,这些是作者三年前的认识。此处表示转折,然而,自从那时以来我对野营有了更多的认识。then

57、指代前面提到的three years ago。答案:D2解析:空后面提到这次野营住在帐篷里,在户外做饭,走很远的路去洗澡,回家后两天没有上班,一是因为被晒伤,二是儿子食物中毒。这都说明这次野营对作者来说是很难的一次。故选C。答案:C3解析:根据空后面的“we had a popup camper with comfortable beds”说明这次没有帐篷。故选A。答案:A4解析:此处承接上文,表示自从那一次野营后,我一家人就对野营感兴趣了。引出空后面一句“we have done a lot of it since.”(自从那时以来我们去野营多次了)。答案:F5解析:最后一段是总结,前面提到

58、作者对野营从不喜欢到喜爱的一个过程,所以此处作者得出结论:我必须承认我开始喜欢野营了。答案:E.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When nature is left alone,a balance is reached among the animals and plants living in one area.But when man starts his work in nature,the balance is likely to be_1_He grows a crop and takes it away to e

59、at;then there are no_2_leaves to fall on the ground,decaying(腐烂)and adding humus(腐殖质)to the soil._3_a farmer acts with knowledge and skill,he is therefore most likely to make the land poorer.To_4_the useful matter in the crops that he_5_,he uses some kind of fertilizer.Chemical fertilizers are_6_,bu

60、t decaying remains of plants should also be put on the land.In some places,its a_7_to burn waste material lying about,but such burning destroys the_8_matter in the dead plants.Although the_9_that are left are_10_when put on the land,a better_11_is to bury the waste so that it decays and increases th

61、e humus in the soil.In the past,when the world_12_was much lower than it is now,a man had little difficulty in ordinary times in_13_the food that was needed.When a field had been used for some years and had become_14_,the farmer could move to another_15_The tired land then slowly_16_Gradually grasse

62、s and other plants would appear on it and its_17_power would slowly return to_18_through their decay.But nature,left alone,would take a long time to bring back the land to its_19_state;the length of time required would depend on local conditions,but it might well be ten years.The_20_for crops in mod

63、ern days is heavy,and ten years is too long for a farmer to leave his land lying idle(闲置的)If the farmer wants his land to be restored more quickly than nature alone will do it for him,he must plant grass,and not wait for it to appear.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了导致土地变得贫瘠的原因及让土地恢复健康的方法。1A.destroyed Bcreated

64、Ckept Dfound解析:由上文中的“When nature is left alone,a balance is reached”可知,当人类在自然中开始劳作,这种平衡就会被破坏(destroyed)。答案:A2A.fresh BgreenCnew Ddead解析:由该空后的“leaves to fall on the ground”可知,人类在土地上种植作物,并拿走吃了,这样就没有枯叶(dead leaves)落在地上。答案:D3A.Though BIfCUnless DSince解析:由下文中的“he is therefore most likely to make the land

65、 poorer”可知,除非(Unless)农民有知识和技能,否则他最有可能把土地变得更贫瘠。答案:C4A.hide BreplaceCchange Dcover解析:由上文中的“takes it away to eat”和下文中的“he uses some kind of fertilizer”可知,农民为了替代(replace)他带走(removes)的作物中含的有用物质,他在土地中施肥。答案:B5A.abandons BcutsCleaves Dremoves解析:参见上题解析。答案:D6A.enough BhelpfulCexpensive Dnecessary解析:根据常识可知,化肥是

66、有帮助的(helpful)。答案:B7A.chance BchoiceChabit Dway解析:由该空后的“to burn waste material lying about”,并根据常识可知,在一些地方,把地里散落的作物残秆烧掉是一种习惯(habit)。答案:C8A.useful BspecialCharmful Dunusual解析:由上文中的“decaying(腐烂)and adding humus(腐殖质)to the soil”以及该空前的“but”可知,这样的焚烧会破坏死掉的植物中有用的(useful)物质。答案:A9A.ashes BplantsCseeds Dfruits解

67、析:由上文中的“burn”和下文中的“bury the waste”可知,此处指焚烧植物留下的灰烬(ashes)。答案:A10A.acceptable BcommonCvaluable Dannoying解析:由上下文的描述可知,虽然把燃烧植物的灰烬放到土地上是有益的(valuable),但更好的做法(practice)是把灰烬埋到地里,这样它会腐烂,为土壤增加腐殖质。答案:C11A.experiment BpracticeCexperience Dprocess解析:参见上题解析。答案:B12A.population BstandardCpressure Dlevel解析:由文中的“much

68、 lower than it is now”和“the food that was needed”可知,过去,世界人口(population)比现在少很多,一个农民很容易种出(growing)所需要的粮食。答案:A13A.cooking BeatingCtasting Dgrowing解析:参见上题解析。答案:D14A.wasted BtiredCrich Dprivate解析:由上文中的“a field had been used for some years”和下文中的“The tired land”可知,当一块土地已经用了很多年,并且已经变得贫瘠(tired),农民就会换到另一个地方(p

69、lace)耕作。答案:B15A.condition BcountyCplace Dplain解析:参见上题解析。答案:C16A.developed BreturnedCincreased Drecovered解析:由下文中的“grasses and other plants would appear on it”可知,贫瘠的土地会慢慢恢复(recovered)。答案:D17A.continual BproductiveCmagical Dprotective解析:由文中的描述可知,慢慢地草和其他植物会在上面冒出来,这些植物的腐烂会让这块土地的生产力(productive power)慢慢回到正

70、常(normal)。答案:B18A.average BnatureCsimplicity Dnormal解析:参见上题解析。答案:D19A.former BdifferentCright Dordinary解析:由下文中的“wants his land to be restored more quickly than nature alone will do it for him”可知,大自然需要很长的时间才能把土地恢复到它以前的(former)状态。答案:A20A.exchange BtradeCdemand Dharvest解析:在现代社会,人类对作物的需求(demand)是巨大的。 答案:C


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