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2019-2020学年黑龙江省大庆实验中学高三上学期英语:第3周周检测试题 WORD版含答案.docx

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2019-2020学年黑龙江省大庆实验中学高三上学期英语:第3周周检测试题 WORD版含答案.docx_第1页
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2019-2020学年黑龙江省大庆实验中学高三上学期英语:第3周周检测试题 WORD版含答案.docx_第8页
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1、大庆实验中学2019-2020学年上学期高三英语第3周周检测试题阅读理解(共两节.满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分.满分30分)阅读下列短文.从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AUK TRAINS mini-timetableDepartsFromToArrivesDurationChanges10:43OxfordPlatform 1London PaddingtonPlatform 1111:541h 11min111:01OxfordPlatform 1London PaddingtonPlatform 211:5958 min0

2、11:07OxfordPlatform 1London PaddingtonPlatform 312:141h 07 min111:16OxfordPlatform 1London PaddingtonPlatform 412:231h 07 min121.What type is this ticket?A. A standard single for an adult. B. A standard single for a kid.C. A standard return for an adult. D. A standard return for a kid.22. Which trai

3、n takes the least time from Oxford to London Paddington?A. The 10:43 train. B. The 11:01 train. C. The 11:07 train. D. The 11:16 train.23. What can we learn from the timetable and the ticket?A. The ticket is valid only on July 2.B. The ticket is for trains to all stations in Oxford.C. Passengers can

4、 transfer by taking the 11:01 train.D. All trains from Oxford to London Paddington depart at the same platform.BIve always felt a bit sad for weekend fathers, who are divorced and must maintain a bond with their children through visits on the weekend. Not having the opportunity for a lot of quality

5、time, they go in for quantity-giving lots of gifts and taking the children on non-stop outings.But now I can understand. Im a weekend mom. My child, Henry, is a dog.Henry just returned to his father, Jack, after a happy stay with me. For ten days, I fed him the best food, canceled plans to stay home

6、 with him and let him sleep on the bed every night.Jack and I broke up a year ago. But neither of us wanted to part with Henry, so we share him. Not surprisingly, Henry is a willing participant in our contest for his love.Jack doesnt let Henry sleep on his bed, so thats where I can always gain big p

7、oints. I feed Henry higher-quality food. I am always replacing his expensive “thingy”, a cotton knot he likes chewing on. Its his favorite toy, and the only one he has is at my house. Score another one for me.Jack now has a girlfriend, Lucy. At first she was afraid of dogs, which secretly delighted

8、me. But that Henry, just trying to be polite (the way I taught him to be), won her over.If truth be told, as time passes, there has been a slight change in Henrys behavior toward me. The worst was one day when Jack dropped him off for a two-week stay. Henry and I were in the backyard playing as Jack

9、 was driving off. When he heard Jacks truck, he ran after it for two blocks until Jack had to stop and bring him back.That hurt, especially since I had friends over at the time. In a rare conciliatory (安抚的) mood,Jack said to me, “You know, Im his best friend, but youll always be his mom.”Whatever it

10、 takes, I plan to make sure it stays that way.24. At the writers home, Henry _.A. does a lot of running B. enjoys high-quality foodC. has many expensive toys D. is not allowed to sleep on her bed25. The writer feels hurt because _.A. Jack has got a girlfriend B. Lucy doesnt like Henry at allC. Jack

11、doesnt treat Henry as well as before D. Henrys attitude to her has changed slightly26. This article is mainly about _.A. the tips on keeping dogs B. the writers happy life with a dogC. the writers efforts to win a dogs love D. the relationship between the writer and Jack27. The writer wrote the pass

12、age in a/an _ way.A. humorous B. serious C. angry D. painfulCSometimes people call each other “scared-cat”. But have you ever thought about this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get tense and there are changes in the chemicals in its bloodstream. Alt

13、hough the cat doesnt realize this, its body is getting ready for action. If the danger continues, the animal will do one of two things. It will protect itself, or it will run away as fast as it can.Something like this also happens to people. When we are excited, angry, scared by other feelings, our

14、bodies go through many physical changes. Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense. All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react. We, too, get ready to defend ourselves or run.Human beings, however, have a problem that animals never face. If we give way to our feelings and let

15、them take over, we can get into trouble. Have you ever said something in anger or hit somebody and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told somebody you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then wished later you had kept your mouth shut? It isnt always clever to express you

16、r feelings freely.Does this mean that its smarter always to hide our feelings? No! If you keep feelings of anger, sadness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays tense. Physical illness can develop, and you can feel disturbed badly inside. It can actually be bad for your health. It isnt go

17、od to keep pleasant feelings inside either; all feelings need to be expressed.Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside dont just go away. Its as if you bought some bananas and put them in a cupboard. You might not be able to see them. but before long youd smell them. And if you opened the cupboa

18、rd, chances are that youd see little fruit flies flying all over them. They are bad.You can try to treat feelings as if they were bananas in the cupboard. You can hide them and you can pretend they dont exist, but theyll still be around. And at last youll have to deal with them, just like those bana

19、nas.28.When people and animals are aroused by fear, _.A.they feel very regretful immediatelyB.Their muscles get neither tense nor relaxedC.Their hearts beat either faster or slowerD.They may get ready to attack or run away29.Why do human beings get into trouble according to the passage?A.They are us

20、ually not as alert as animals.B.They sometimes cant control their feelings.C.They always do something wrong to other people.D.They dont pay attention to their physical changes.30.What can we infer from the passage?A.Holding in your feelings may lead to unpleasant results.B.Bananas stay fresh longer

21、when they are in a cupboard.C.Feeling will gradually disappear when you hold them in.D.Its good for your health to keep pleasant feelings inside.31. Whats the purpose of this passage?A. To tell us that peoples feelings are like bananas in a cupboard.B. To give us some advice on how to express our fe

22、elings.C. To help us deal with feelings in a wise and proper wayD. To prove that it isnt always wise to express our feelings freely.DCompanies that have invested heavily in big data want to know how to make smart investments that will distinguish them from the competition and enable the best possibl

23、e return before making the decision to go all in. In the past, not all enterprises big data plans went as planned. These failures are not usually published, but the big data failure rate is unusually high.According to Gartner, only 15% of businesses make it past the experimental stage of these proje

24、cts. Our fear, as leaders of technology companies, is that with so much attention surrounding AI, the pressure is on for us to apply the technology without first setting clear business goals and understanding the differences between AI and ML (machine learning) and how they should be applied, thus r

25、isking falling behind the many decision-makers who are adopting the technology.Its easy to get caught up in the great expectations of artificial intelligence as its promoted, including breakthroughs like deep learning, but those who want to make an outsized influence should instead focus on good old

26、-fashioned machine learning or “cheap learning”.The distinction is simple: Cheap learning is about using basic machine learning techniques on straightforward data sets in different parts of a company to produce a large number of small, gradual improvements. Deep learning, on the other hand, is a spe

27、cific part of machine learning. Deep learning is a collection of advanced machine learning approaches that make business decisions based on highly complex data sets possible.For tasks of analyzing raw data, such as images and voice recordings, deep learning is best. But when it comes to working on s

28、implified, structured types of data, weve found cheap machine learning willdo the trick. When you consider that the majority of data flowing through enterprises fall into this second category, its clear which tool makes the most sense.32. What do we know about investment in big data from the first p

29、aragraph?A. Its secret. B. Its safe. C. Its risky. D. Its fruitful.33. Which of the following adds to the pressure on the leading technology companies?A. Understanding AI and ML. B. Wasting too much time on AI.C. Falling behind other companies. D. Acting with unclear business goals.34. What should c

30、ompanies with ambitions concentrate on?A. A strong influence. B. Big breakthroughs.C. Cheap learning. D. Deep learning.35. What does the underlined phrase “do the trick” in the last paragraph refer to?A. Invest. B. Cheat. C. Function. D. Simplify.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项有

31、两项为多余选项。Youre learning English, right? You might think you can work out the grammar and have built a vast vocabulary, but then you come across an expression like “plos”, which means “parents looking over shoulder”. Teenagers are to blame.36“Text speak” has a lot to do with inventing cool new termsan

32、d these change quickly.Maybe you shouldnt be surprised if an English friend says you sound a bit old-fashioned.37Bas Aarts, Professor of English linguistics at University College London says, “If you have two words which more or less express the same meaning, one of the two words will get pushed out

33、 of the language.” 38It sounds like full of force and people are choosing to express it in different ways. It sounds nicer by saying “might”. For example, “You might like to read this article.”Progressive tenses formed from the verb “be” and the “ing” are used for ongoing situations, for example, “I

34、m writing this article for you to read”.39Bas Aarts says that this might have to do with advertising. A fast-food chain uses the expression “Im loving it” in English-speaking countries. But the verb “love” expresses a state of being as opposed to doing and is usually used in the simple form, for exa

35、mple, “I love it”.Before you despair and throw your English book in the bin, be assured that some words take a very long time to change. According to Professor Mark Pagel at Reading University in the UK, pronouns like “I”, “you” and “we” develop slowly.40And in 500 years or so well probably be using

36、 different words from the ones we have now.A. But its use has been increasing rapidly.B. More people have taken notice of this new phenomenon.C. People have been shying away from using the modal “must”.D. Nouns and adjectives, on the other hand, get replaced rapidly.E. They have their own code, incl

37、uding “text speak” while communicating.F. Now people are beginning to feel it natural to use one word to express more meanings.G. The modal verb “shall” is on the way out because “will” sounds more natural these days.英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空

38、白处的最佳选项。My brother Hershel celebrated his seventeenth birthday on January 4th, 1943. Unexpectedly, there was a(n) 41inmy family.Seeing young men from our village race to join the army, Hershel was greatly 42. He made a decision on his birthday to 43for his duty. “Youre too young!” Dad rejected .“Im

39、not! I cant 44!” Hershel declared.By then so many young men had lost their lives in the battlefield. Out of his 45of losing his firstborn, Dad didnt want to send Hershel off to war.The argument continued for months. 46Dads signature was necessary for his service, Hershel had to persuade Dad to suppo

40、rt him. With little progress, he became increasingly47and impatient. 48, Dad realized that a son who was unhappy would accomplish little at home. He 49, though with deep worry.On the day of Hershels50to begin his service in the Navy, Dad 51him to town. 52to speak of his love, Dad waited until the la

41、st moment, and pulled him tightly to his heart.One day two years later, a piece of 53news came over the radio. Hershels ship had54! The number of survivors wasunknown. Dads face was crumpled (扭曲) by55, “Oh, no!”Sending his firstborn off to war must be an enormous 56!Without further message, the whol

42、e family were in despair. 57filled our home. But Dad was still waiting. One day, a telegram came. It was from the war department. When Dad held it in the hand, he was 58. With trembling fingers, he tore it open. “Hershel is alive and is coming home!” he shouted with 59.When Hershel appeared in the y

43、ard, he walked slowly to Dad and hugged him fiercely. Dad, a strong man who seldom 60emotion, hugged his son and cried openly.His son was home.41.A. accidentB. bargain C. quarrel D. meeting42.A. disturbed B. honored C. defeated D. encouraged43. A. sign up B. look out C. wake up D. set out44. A. unde

44、rstand B. obey C. wait D. help45. A. sadness B. fear C. regret D. annoyance46. A. Unless B. If C. Though D. Since47. A. anxious B. serious C. ambitious D. wild48. A. Unconsciously B. Undoubtedly C. Eventually D. Completely49. A. held on B. broke out C. gave up D. went away50. A. graduation B. signat

45、ure C. application D. departure51. A. accompanied B. invited C. delivered D. carried52. A. Desperate B. Discouraged C. Unable D. Undecided53. A. exciting B. interesting C. shocking D. strange54. A. broken down B. gone down C. broken through D. gone away55. A. sorrow B. doubt C. disappointment D. dis

46、pleasure56. A. glory B. challenge C. pressure D. sacrifice57. A. Hopelessness B. Conflict C. Assumption D. Expectation58. A. ignorant B. nervous C. proud D. calm59. A. determination B. disbelief C. confidence D. delight60. A. showed B. wasted C. controlled D. hid第二节单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分.满分10分)从每题所给的A、B、C

47、、D四个选项中.选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。61.- I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over _ keyboard.- You shouldnt put drinks near _ computer.A.the; / B. the; a C. a; / D. a;a62. The car _ in a field was found _ completely.A. abandon; destroy B. abandoning; destroying C. abandoned; destroyed D. aban

48、doned; destroy63. Mr. Lin was almost _to death at the sight of the _scene.A. frightened; frightening B. frightening; frighteningC. frightened; frightened D. frightening; frightened64. It is requested that the reporter _ to blame for the wrong report. A. referring to B. referring to be C. referred to

49、 be D. referred to being65. Not until they left home _ how much their parents loved them. A. they realized B. had they realized C. they would realize D. did they realize66. - Its a long time _ I saw you last. - Yes, and what a pity! It will be a long time _ we see each other again.A.before; since B.

50、 before; when C. when; before D. since; before67.They have _ signs in some places to remind the visitors not to step on the grass.A.put on B. put up C. put down D. put out68.Some insects _ the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.A.take in B. take off C. take on D. take out69.Knowing t

51、hat computer knowledge is a must for getting well-paid jobs, _ students have taken computer courses.A.a great many B. a good many of C.a great deal D. a great deal of70.After a long hard day at school, Mr. Lin returned home, _ .A.exhausting but happy B. being exhausted but happy C. having exhausted

52、but happy D. exhausted but happy第三节语法填空(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Bemidji high school senior Jaxon Anderson is71ordinary teenager who wants to be everyones hero. When he72( put) on the mask, however, Anderson becomes the Amazing Spider-Man.“ 73(struggle) for senior photos

53、for months, I believe this would make me stand74and help me be myself,” Anderson said. “I love superheroes. I guess Im just really cool in that way.”Spidermans pictures are just the75(late) in a trend that some people are calling “extreme senior portraits”. “Everyone wants to do something outside of

54、 the box,” said Megan Engeseth of Megan Engeseth Photography, a studio76is known for its creative senior portraits. “Its a77(total) different thing even from five years ago.” High school seniors no longer want to graduate with a regular yearbook picture.78most still take a traditional headshot (头像)

55、for Mom and Dad, they want the rest of their photos to reflect their true79(person). And they want the photo shoot experience to make them feel like a famous person or superhero for a day.The goal for many seniors especially the girls is to end up with an80(impress) set of pictures to be shared and

56、liked on social media. With millions of pictures on the Internet, the bar is high.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)As the saying goes, chance favored the prepared mind. I learned this from one of my experience.I was not chosen as member of the volleyball team of our school. Because of this, I decided to give

57、up play volleyball. Luckily, my best friend stopped me but pointed out that it was my laziness and poor preparation which led to my failure. After that, I practiced playing volleyball on every day. When another tryout arrived, I was full prepared and tried my best. As a result, I was selected and be

58、came an important player on our school team.From this, I am firmly convincing that we are able to seize a chance as long as I get well prepared.阅读21-23CBD24-27BDCA28-31DBAC33-35CDCC36-40EGCAD完形41-45CDACB 46-50DACCD 51-55ACCBA 56-60DABDA单选61-65 BCACD 66-70 DBCAD语填an puts Having struggled out latest which/that totally While / Though / Although personalities/ personality impressive改错favored-favors; experience-experiences; a member; play-playing; but-and; which-that;去掉on; full-fully; convincing-convinced; I-we


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