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2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 2 Robots8练习 新人教版选修7.docx

1、课时作业8.单词拼写结合语境,根据首字母或汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空。1If everyone o_ the rules of the road, safety is much improved.2Their marriage had never been happy and in the end they got a d_3I never knew you were so good at making speeches. Do you have any other hidden t_?4Our library s_ will be happy to help if you are unab

2、le to find the book you want.5The report goes against current t_ on what is best for working parents.6Some _(资历较浅的) employees might lack the courage to approach the boss.7This meant that students had the _ (理论上的) right to go to any school they wished.8The scientists theory has filled in a gap in _(生

3、物化学)9A more detailed example will be given in the next _(章)10To help things along we provide our usual _(框架) of social activities, sharing costs between survivors.答案1obeys2.divorce3.talents4.staff5thinking6.junior7.theoretical8.biochemistry9chapter10.framework.选词填空leave.alone;or rather;ring up;turn

4、around;have an affair with;fall off;be in love;as a result1I_the ladder yesterday and was badly hurt.2It is said that the president has_ a beautiful actress.3She lives in London,_in the suburb of London.4Would you please go away and_me_?5They _with each other for 5 years.6If you have something to as

5、k,dont hesitate to _me _7There was a fire yesterday._,many people lost their homes.8The thief disappeared before I_答案1fell off2.had an affair with3.or rather4leave; alone5.have been in love6.ring; up7As a result8.turned around.句型转换1All the students in his class went to school except Tom this morning

6、.Tom was _from school this morning.2Considering everything,we had a good time._ _,we had a good time.3Next Sunday,Ill get the repairman to repair my bike.Next Sunday,Ill _my bike _4Mark came to China for the first time.It is the first time that Mark _ _ _China.5To master a foreign language is not an

7、 easy job._is not an easy job _master a foreign language.答案1absent2.Everything considered3have; repaired 4.has been to5It; to.完成句子1There are _(一堆书) on the desk.2What they did is far from being _ (令人满意的)3He _(只是心不在焉地点了点头) with his attention absorbed by the screen.4_(对别人表示同情),in a sense,should really

8、be caring in action,which is hard to give.5I enjoy working in your _(陪伴)6Dont have the horse _(跑这么快)Its dangerous.答案1a pile of books2.satisfactory3.nodded absently4Having/Feeling sympathy for others5company6.running so fast.阅读理解Dear Friend,The recent success of childrens books has made the general p

9、ublic aware that theres a huge market out there.And theres a growing need for new writers trained to create the $ 3 billion worth of childrens books bought each stories and articles needed by over 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers.Who are these needed writers? Theyre o

10、rdinary folks like you and me.But am I good enough?I was once where you might be now. My thoughts of writing had been pushed down by selfdoubt, and I didnt know where to turn for help.Then, I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing ability, and it turned out to be the inspiration

11、 I needed.The promise that paid offThe Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you, if you show basic writing ability:You will complete at least one manuscript (手稿) suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course.I really didnt expect any publication before

12、I finished the course, but that happened. I sold three stories. And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institute.Since graduation, I have authored 34 nationally published childrens books and over 300 stories and articles.Free test and brochureWe offer a free aptitude test and will send yo

13、u a copy of our brochure (小册子) describing our recognized homestudy courses on the basis of oneonone training .Realize your writing dream today. Theres nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades forever.Sincerely,Kristi Hill, InstructorInstitute of Childrens Literature1The first two paragraph

14、s tell us that _ Amagazines for children and teenagers have drawn public attention B. there is a growing need for writers of childrens books C. publishers are making $3 billion each year D. childrens books are usually bestsellers2You are promised to publish one manuscript when you _. A. show basic a

15、bilityB. finish the courseC. have sold three storiesD. have passed the test3Kristi Hill mentions her own experience mainly to _ A. prove she is a qualified instructor B. introduce the homestudy courses C. show she has realized her dream D. promote the writing program答案与解析本文属于广告类短文,宣传了一个培训儿童作家的机构Inst

16、itute of Childrens Literature。1B段落大意题。根据第二段第一句And theres a growing need for new writers trained to create the $ 3 billion worth of childrens books bought each year可知目前需要儿童作家,同时根据第一段内容可知儿童读物的市场很广阔。故前两段主要告诉我们社会需要儿童作家。故B正确。2B细节理解题。根据You will complete at least one manuscript(手稿)suitable to hand in to a

17、publisher by the time you finish our course.可知如果你完成了这一课程,你可以把一份合适的手稿交给出版商出版。这是Institute of Childrens Literature的诺言。故B正确。3D推理判断题。根据I really didnt expect any publication before I finished the course , but that happened . I sold three stories可知我之前也没有想到自己的作品能够出版。但是我做到了。作者现身说法,就是为了宣传Institute of Children

18、s Literature。故D正确。.完形填空I couldnt quite summon up the power of positive thinking Monday.I would be tied up in meetings the next two days and I was having serious doubts_1_Id be able to get everything done for the June issue deadline Thursday.At home Monday night,I sat down on my sofa with my_2_after

19、dinner and went back to work,virtually.I finished_3_the last story for June,read it_4_and hit save.“Now I can breathe a little easier,” I thought,feeling some of my_5_return.I clicked over to my email to_6_the story to Keren,our copy chief,so shed have it first in the_7_Only I couldnt.Id_8_my Intern

20、et connection.My digital cable modem,which_9_has four blinking green lights,was ominously dark.I called the cable companys 24hour helpline.The tech tried several different ways to_10_my modem remotely.Still nothing.“I have to_11_you to a higher level of technical assistance,” he said,“And Ill give y

21、ou the_12_appointment available Friday afternoon.” No_13_for four days!There went my positive attitude.More than I thought,as it turned out.Sure,I had to_14_longer hours at the office since I couldnt wrap up things from home.But when I left work,I could just_15_and relax at home.I watched TV without

22、 feeling_16_to catch up on emails or my coworkers blogs during commercials._17_wandering the web and losing track of hours and hours,over those four days I made dinner from scratch twice,finished reading a(n)_18_,and even wrote some long overdue thankyou notes.I wouldnt have if my modem hadnt_19_Bei

23、ng disconnected from the Internet_20_made me feel more connected with what I was doing in the moment.1A.why BwhetherCwhen Dwhere2A.television Bcamera Ccassette Dlaptop3A.editing Bsummarizing Ccopying Dprinting4A.on Bout Cover Dup5A.positivity Battitude Cnegativity Dcourage6A.enjoy Baccept Creceive D

24、send7A.afternoon Bmorning Cevening Dweek8A.separated Bchanged Clost Drepaired9A.usually Bhardly Cseldom Doften10A.retell Breview Crestart Drearrange11A.remove Btransfer Cthrow Dtransform12A.latest Bbest Cworst Dearliest13A.Internet Bopportunity Cactivity Dbusiness14A.cost Bsave Cspend Dwaste15A.turn

25、 back Bsit backCstep back Dlook back16A.astonished BfrightenedCembarrassed Dcompelled17A.Instead of BExcept forCIn spite of DAccording to18A.order Bhumor Cnovel Djoke19A.built Bdied Cexisted Dappeared20A.happily BluckilyCsadly Dsurprisingly答案与解析作者的网络连接出现了问题,技术人员说要过几天才能修好,这顿时让作者感到很失落,可正是在这几天里,作者却收获了轻

26、松和友情。1B根据句中的名词doubts可知,“我”怀疑是否(whether)能在截止日期前把一切事情做好。2D联系下文中的hit save(点击保存)等信息可知,晚饭后,作者拿着笔记本电脑(laptop)坐在沙发上继续工作。3A由本句中的“the last story”以及下文“.to Keren,our copy chief(总编辑)”等语境可知,此处指“编辑(editing)完最后一篇故事”。4C作者读完(read over)了一遍,然后点击保存。此处描述连续发生的动作。5A作者应该做的事情做完了,所以能放松一下了,感到积极性(positivity)又回来了。attitude“态度”;n

27、egativity“消极性”;courage“勇气”。6D第一段提到编辑写完了故事,所以此时作者想通过电子邮件把故事发(send)给Keren。7B根据上文中的“Monday night”可知,此处指第二天早晨(morning)。8C下文中的“My digital cable modem,which_9_has four blinking green lights,was ominously dark.”说明,作者失去了(lost)网络连接,即断网了。9A如果网络正常连接的话,数字调制解调器通常(usually)有四个绿灯闪亮。10C网络断开了,技术人员尝试了多种办法试图重新启动(restar

28、t)调制解调器。11B该句的意思是:我不得不让你接受更高水平的技术援助。其中transfer是及物动词,有“调动,调换”之意。12D下文中的“There went my positive attitude.”说明作者的心情,可见技术人员最早(earliest)给作者约定修理的时间是在周五下午。13A暂时没法连接网络,所以此处的语境是“四天没有网络(Internet)”。14C作者不得不在办公室里度过(spend)更多的时间,因为不能把事情带回家做。其他选项不合语境。15B家里没有网络,所以作者只好在家闲着(sit back)。turn back“转身”。16D家里的网络没有修好,所以作者看电视

29、,而不用被迫(compelled)处理电子邮件。17A作者不能在家里工作了,所以不是(Instead of)浏览网页让大量的时间流逝,而是做做饭、读读书。18C在这四天里,作者在家里做饭,阅读了一部小说(novel),此处叙述在没有网络的情况下的生活。19B如果不是调制解调器崩溃(died),作者也就做不了这些事情了,此处是对上文的总结。20D在作者看来,没有网络,他却做了好多有意义的事情,所以网络断开使作者出乎意料地(surprisingly)感到和更多的东西产生了联系。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。There is no doubt th

30、at the world climate _1_ (change) in recent years. Many people blame this change on gases such as carbon dioxide. Animals and humans produce carbon dioxide when they breathe. However, many other human _2_ (activity) also let off carbon gases. Anytime something is burnt, carbon is put _3_ the atmosph

31、ere. Cars and other vehicles burn petrol in their engines, and electrical power plants most often burn fuels such as coal and oil in order to produce electricity._4_, the more petrol and electricity we consume, the _5_ carbon we are letting off.One thing we can do to help solve this problem is to wa

32、lk or use _6_ bicycle when possible. Of course, there are times_7_ we need to travel long distances. In this case, public transport such as buses and the underground is always a much better choice than a private car or a taxi.You can also plant a tree,_8_ trees absorb the carbon dioxide in the air t

33、o produce oxygen. Planting a small tree is cheap and easy, and two decades from now, when you look at _9_ will have become a large tree, you will find a sense of satisfaction,_10_ (know) that you did your part to help solve the problem of climate change.答案与解析在最近几年,毫无疑问世界天气一直都在改变。二氧化碳的排放影响了气候变化,文章号召我

34、们尽自己的一份力量帮助解决气候变化问题。1has been changing句意:在最近几年,毫无疑问世界天气一直都在改变。可知用现在完成进行时态,故答案为has been changing。2activities句意:许多其他人类活动也释放了碳气体。many修饰名词复数,可知答案为activities。3into句意:碳被放入大气中。put.into.把放入,可知答案为into。4Therefore/Thus句意:因此,汽油和电消耗的越多,排放的二氧化碳越多。前后是因果关系,可知答案为Therefore/Thus。5more句意:汽油和电消耗的越多,排放的二氧化碳越多。可知答案为more。6

35、a句意:为了帮助解决这个问题,要做的一件事情是当有可能的时候步行或用一辆自行车。可知答案为a。7when此处times作先行词,在后面的定语从句中作时间状语,可知答案为when。8because句意:你也能种一棵树,因为树能吸收空气中的二氧化碳而产出氧气。前后是因果关系,可知答案为because。9what句意:二十年之后,当你看到已经变成一棵大树的时候,你会发现满足感。look at后面是一个宾语从句,从句缺少引导词,且从句没有主语,可知答案为what,它在这里起双重作用。10knowing句意:二十年之后,当你看到已经变成一棵大树的时候,你会发现满足感,此时你会知道你尽自己的一份力量帮助解决气候变化问题所带来的结果。现在分词作自然的结果状语,答案为knowing。

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