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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:UNIT 2 HEALTHY EATING 复习题.doc

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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:UNIT 2 HEALTHY EATING 复习题.doc_第1页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:UNIT 2 HEALTHY EATING 复习题.doc_第2页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:UNIT 2 HEALTHY EATING 复习题.doc_第3页
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1、.单词拼写( 每个1分,共20分)1I trust you and I believe that our_(长处) will bring us success.2His intelligence is rather_(有限的)3You should have a_(均衡的) diet.4Some movies_(结合) education with entertainment.5This method of learning English is of_(好处)6.The child couldnt keep his b_on his new bike .7.Out of c_,he ente

2、red the unlocked house .8.He bought a pair of shoes at a d_.9.He is on a d_to reduce some weight .10.If you dont understand the passage ,you can c_the dictionary .11. You should _(节食)and take more exercise.12. Old as he is, he has such_(精力)that he can work 14 hours a day.13. The teacher told him not

3、 to_(为叹息) over the failure of yesterdays test.14.indeed,it is protein that doesnt d_easily.15. You shouldnt have had your son telling people_(谎言) here and there.16. The men who were fighting g _at each other.17. Only having r _ vegetables, fruit and water for a dinner could not offer enough energy.1

4、8. There was a sign in the window of his restaurant: “C_ are God!”.19. To see if the food would be popular, he decided to do some r _in the market.20.The police have been s_on the suspects movement .短语回顾( 每个1分,共25分)1. 平衡的膳食_2. 厌倦_3. 扔掉,丢弃_ 4. 说谎_5. 摆脱,除去_ 6. 被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚 _7. 匆匆走过 _ 8. 充满,满是 _9. 由制成

5、 _ 10. 对感到吃惊_ 11. 负债_ 12. 谋生_ 13. 作一番调查_ 14减肥餐馆_ 15. 不再_ 16. 渴望/盼_ 17. 油腻、难消化的食物_ 18. 减少、削减_19. 打探、 窥探_ 20. 瞪着某人_21.谋生_22.怒视_23.感觉恶心_24,削减_25.一个成功的人或一件成功的事_III.完成句子( 每个2分,共20分)1我不会容许你在这个年龄抽烟的。I_at your age.2医生让她减少糖分的摄入。The doctor told her_.3他负债累累。He_.4没有人比他更幸运了。Nobody was_.5超速驾驶必予以追究。If you drive ov

6、er the speed,_.6.我认为你应该和老师商量一下。_7.这个老人靠卖报纸为生。_8.不就你就会成功的。_单项填空( 每个1分,共20分)1Lets_my scientific knowledge and your business skills to start a company.AconnectBrelate Ccombine Dput2(2013届银川检测)Lowincome residents cant afford to_a doctor or purchase medicines when they get sick.Aclaim Bconsult Coccupy Dc

7、apture3The student who has put his heart into study may_from the effort even though he doesnt succeed at last.Adraw Bjudge Cbenefit Dcome4(2013届石家庄质检)She_to them about her age in order to get the job.Alay Blaid Clied Dlain5. The competition between the 2 restaurants was_.A. in B. on C. away D. out6.

8、 He thought of his mutton kebabs and fatty pork _in the finest oil.A. cooking B. cook C. cooked D. to cook7. You can keep healthy by taking regular exercises. Which of the following words is closest to the underlined word in meaning?A. fit B. young C. thin D. pretty8. To regain their _after a hard g

9、ame, the players lay on the grass.A. force B. energy C. power D. health9. The chairman asked me to _my speech to 20 minutes.A. make B. give C. limit D. explain10. Dont try to cheat the taxman(税务人员); youll never _it.A. get out of B. get into C. get along D. get away with11. What a pity! He _the only

10、chance of success.A. put down B. threw away C. gave in D. broke off12. Scientists need to do a lot of _and experiments before they can understand and find a cure for things.A. search B. resources C. research D. experience13. When you get to the motorway, follow the _for London.A. masks B. signs C. p

11、oints D. plans14. The old lady _by selling used newspapers.A. gets her living B. makes a life C. earns her living D. earns a life15. He lost his _and fell off his bicycle.A. balance B. strength C. power D. way16. The plant is dead. I _it more water.A. will give B. would have been C. must give D. sho

12、uld have given17. He gave in to _and opened the letter addressed to his sister.A. worry B. feeling C. curiosity D. hope 18. Lets _my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.A. connect B. relate C. combine D. put19. They are _the effects of cigarette smoking.A. researching i

13、nto B. researching in C. searching into D. searching in20. One day we will manage to _the world _this terrible disease.A. rid, from B. rid, of C. rid, out D. rid, in【答案】单词1.strength2.limited3.balancedbine5.benefit 6.balance 7.curiosity 8.discount 9.diet 10.consult 11.diet 12.energy 13.sigh 14.digest

14、 15.lies 16.glaring 17.raw 18.customers 19.research 20.spying 短语1. balanced diet 2. be tired of 3. throw away 4. tell lies 5. get rid of 6. get away with sb 7. hurry by 8. be full of 9. be made of 10. be amazed at 11. in debt12. earn ones living13. do some research 14. slimming restaurant 15. no longer16. look forward to 17. fat and heavy food 18. cut down 19. spy on sb/sth 20. glare at sb 21.earn ones living 22.glare at 23.feel sick 24.cut down 25 .a success


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