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2021届高考英语二轮专题复习:语言知识运用练七 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、45分语言知识运用练(七)语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。2020东北三省四市高考模拟一Thirteen years ago, we pulled our minivan (小型货车) into the driveway, excited and proud, and _1_ up our kids for photos. It was a big day, but we had no idea how it would _2_ our lives. We

2、knew it _3_ us as uncool people. But we had become minivan people.That van is linked to so many great _4_ camping trips, a group of 10yearold boys _5_ in for a big day at Canadas Wonderland theme park and one threeweek holiday to the East Coast, full of long _6_ and classic rock _7_ on cassette tape

3、s.I laughed my head _8_ while going out with friends, and cried my eyes out at the _9_ of a loved one while traveling on those four trusty wheels.I know its just a _10_. The first time, _11_, I watched my teenagers drive off in it alone, I realized they were growing up together.There were days when

4、it drove me _12_, too. On cold winter mornings, the sliding doors would _13_ shut. Anyone who wanted to sit in the back seats had to climb in _14_ the front. Still, weve _15_ our van for as long as possible. It never ever let us down, even as the _16_ bills got a little bigger each year and we faith

5、fully _17_ whatever was needed to keep it on the road safely.Yesterday we finally made the decision. It was time to find a newer, smaller, more _18_ replacement.Saying _19_ is never easy. As we close the minivan chapter of our lives, my heart is a little _20_ not just for the muchloved metal box on

6、wheels that weve driven for more than a decade, but for the days, months and years that passed so quickly.The story of our minivan is the story of our family.,1A.lined BstoodCput Dsat2A.race Bshape Covercome Dcontrol3A.remarked Bwitnessed Cmarked Ddelivered4A.places Bcelebrations Cacquaintances Dmem

7、ories5A.piling Bfalling Cstamping Dsticking6A.presentation BconversationCsurvival Dflight7A.played Bsang Clistened Dmade8A.down Bin Cout Doff9A.birth Bdeath Cappearance Dabsence10A.phenomenon BreminderCfriend Dvehicle11A.besides Btherefore Chowever Dotherwise12A.anxious Bcrazy Ccourageous Defficient

8、13A.close Bknock Cfreeze Dkeep14A.through Bacross Cbeyond Dto15A.got ahead of Bcaught hold ofCkept up with Dheld on to16A.rent Btax Cgas Drepair17A.cleaned Bfound Cfixed Dturned18A.economical BenergeticCeffective Delectrical19A.no BgoodbyeCso Dnothing20A.passionate BsympatheticCsad Dmessy第二节(共10小题;每

9、小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。2020成都市高中毕业班第三次诊断On paper, Laos seems to have all to attract international tourists. It owns mighty waterfalls, golden temples and more than two dozen national parks. But the landlocked country welcomed only 4. 2 million visitors in 2016 a small 21._ (ach

10、ieve) in comparison with its southeastern Asian neighbors. In that same year, there 22._ (be) 32 million tourists in Thailand, 26. 8 million in Malaysia and over 10 million in Vietnam these countries boasting their long and 23._ (impress) beaches. As for Laos, its main problem is its lack of the thr

11、ee Ss sun, sand and sea. 24._, things seem to change now.A highspeed rail link between Laos and China 25._ (expect) to open in Dec. 2021, with the purpose of attracting more tourists.The country is making a bold attempt to overcome this natural deficit by becoming the first foreign country to use Ch

12、inese technology, equipment and investment 26._ (connect) with the giant nations domestic fast and vast rail network.If all goes as planned, Laos will be the first stop on one route of the Pan Asia Railway Network, 27._ aim is to connect China with all of Southeast Asia. With trains 28._ (run) at sp

13、eeds of up to 125 miles per hour, the inconvenience of carrying both passengers and cargo in the mountainous areas will be overcome 29._ (great)If so, 30._ those who enjoy hiking, now it could be the last chance to experience an undeveloped part of Southeast Asia before it joins its neighbors in boo

14、sting its tourism.45分语言知识运用练(七)语篇类型:记叙文主题语境:人与自我个人经历小型货车与作者一家的故事文章大意十三年前,作者家买了一辆小型货车,小型货车承载了作者一家的许多美好回忆,陪伴了孩子们的成长。尽管随着时间的流逝,小型货车出现了问题,但是作者仍然花钱修理它以保证它尽可能长地陪伴作者一家。昨天,作者一家终于作出了换车的决定,但是作者的心里却感到有点难过,不仅因为它是一家人开了十多年的爱车,也是因为与它在一起的时间过得如此快,而小型货车的故事就是作者一家的故事。1答案与解析:A根据语境可知,作者买了车以后既激动又骄傲,让孩子们排成一排来拍照。line sb. up

15、“使排列成一行”。2答案与解析:B结合语境可知,买小型货车的日子对作者一家来说是个重大的日子,但是他们不知道小型货车会给他们的生活带来怎样的影响。shape“影响的发展”符合语境。race“参加比赛,快速移动”;overcome”克服”。3答案与解析:C结合语境和常识可知,小型货车并不是豪车,所以小型货车就给作者一家贴上了不酷的标签。mark“赋予特征”符合语境。remark“评论”。4答案与解析:D结合破折号后列举的野营旅行等事件可知,小型货车与许多美好的回忆联系在一起。5答案与解析:A根据语境可知,一群十岁大的男孩蜂拥进入小型货车里去加拿大的奇幻乐园。pile in“拥进,挤进,蜂拥进入”

16、。stamp“跺脚”。6答案与解析:B根据语境可知,作者一家开车去东海岸度假的三周里,有过很多长时间的聊天,并经常听着盒式录音磁带里播放的经典摇滚乐。7答案与解析:A参见上题解析。8答案与解析:D结合语境可知,作者和朋友一起外出的时候会大笑不止。laugh ones head off“大笑不止,狂笑不已”。9答案与解析:B结合语境和常识可知,作者为至爱之人的死亡痛哭不止。10答案与解析:D结合上下文可知,小型货车与作者生活中的悲欢离合联系在一起,但是它只不过是一辆车而已。11答案与解析:C根据上文中的“its just a _10_”和本句中的“I realized they were gro

17、wing up together”可知,前后句形成了转折关系,故选C项。12答案与解析:B根据下文中的“On cold winter mornings, the sliding doors would. had to climb in”可知,小型货车也有让作者抓狂的日子。13答案与解析:C根据本句中的“On cold winter mornings”可知,在寒冷的冬天的早晨,小型货车的推拉门会被冻得打不开。14答案与解析:A结合语境可知,想要坐后排座位的人需要从前排爬过去。through“从一端至另一端,穿过”符合语境。across“从一边到另一边,横过“与语境不符。15答案与解析:D结合上文

18、可知,尽管作者家的小型货车也有让作者抓狂的日子,但是他们还是尽可能长地使用这辆车。hold on to“不卖某物;(更长时间地)保存某物”符合语境。get ahead of“领先”;catch hold of“握住,抓住”;keep up with“熟悉,继续支付,继续做”。16答案与解析:D结合上文可知,作者家的小型货车总是出故障,所以修理费用逐年增加。17答案与解析:C根据本句中的“to keep it on the road safely”可知,为了让小型货车在路上安全地行驶,作者他们需要仔细地修理任何需要修理的地方。18答案与解析:A上文表述作者家的小型货车修理费用逐年增加,又结合语境

19、可知,此处表示他们想要换一辆更新、更小、更经济实惠的车。economical“经济的,实惠的”符合语境。effective“有效的”;electrical“电的,用电的”。19答案与解析:B根据上文中的“find a newer, smaller, more _18_ replacement”可知,作者要和自己家的小型货车告别了。20答案与解析:C结合空后的“not just for the muchloved metal box. passed so quickly”和上文内容可知,小型货车与作者家的生活紧密联系,所以告别小型货车让作者感到有点难过。第二节语篇类型:说明文主题语境:人与社会旅

20、游业老挝的旅游业文章大意老挝拥有极佳的旅游资源,但是作为内陆国,它的旅游业却远没有其邻国发展得好。计划于2021年开通的中国到老挝的高铁有望促进老挝的旅游业发展。21答案与解析:achievement考查词形转换。根据空前的small可知,空处应为名词形式,故填achievement。22答案与解析:were考查时态和主谓一致。There be句型中be动词的数应该与后面的主语tourists保持一致,又根据上文中的“in 2016” “In that same year”可知,此处应用一般过去时,故填were。23答案与解析:impressive考查形容词。根据and前的long可知,空处应

21、为形容词,故填impressive。24答案与解析:However考查副词。根据语境可知,此处表转折,故填However。25答案与解析:is expected考查动词的时态和语态。根据语境可知,expect与主语“A highspeed rail link”是被动关系,应用被动语态;又此处为一般性描述,结合语境可知,此处应用一般现在时表将来,故填is expected。26答案与解析:to connect考查固定搭配。use sth. to do sth.为固定搭配,故填to connect。27答案与解析:whose考查关系代词。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是“the Pan Asia Railway Network”,关系词在从句中作定语,此处表示“它的目的”,故填whose。28答案与解析:running考查with复合结构。run与其逻辑主语“trains”是主谓关系,故用其现在分词形式running。29答案与解析:greatly考查副词。副词修饰动词,故填greatly。30答案与解析:for考查介词。此处表示“对于那些喜欢徒步旅行的人”,故填for。


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