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本文(《安徽专用》2014高考英语二轮:考前冲刺卷(四) (WORD版含解析).doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《安徽专用》2014高考英语二轮:考前冲刺卷(四) (WORD版含解析).doc

1、考前冲刺卷(四)第卷第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21The driver was at _ loss when _ word came that he was forbidden to drive because of speeding.Aa;the B/;/Cthe;the Da;/答案D解析第一空为固定搭配at a loss,意为“不知所措”;第二空word此处意为“消息”,不可数名词,因此前面不加任何冠词。句意为:当这位驾驶员得知他由于超速而被禁驾

2、的消息时,不知所措。22There is not much time left,but_we must get there on time.Asomehow BsomewhatChowever Danyhow答案D解析句意为:剩下的时间不多了,但无论如何,我们也必须按时到达那里。anyhow无论如何,不管怎样;somehow以某种方式,通过某种途径;somewhat稍微,有点。根据题意选D项。23Look!The ground is wet.It must have rained last night,_?Ahasnt it Bdidnt itCmustnt it Dhadnt it答案B解析

3、由last night及must have rained可知此处是对过去情况的猜测,下雨是过去的事实,所以反意疑问句的助动词用did,并且根据前肯后否的原则,反意疑问句应该用否定形式,C项正确。句意为:看!地面湿了,昨天晚上肯定下雨了,不是吗?24_ one and a half months enough for the project to be finished?I am afraid not.The professor is ill and only after he recovers _ go on with it. AIs;he can BAre;he canCIs;can he

4、DAre;can he答案C解析由主语one and a half months可知,谓语动词应该用单数,将其看成一个整体,所以第一空用is;第二空and连接的并列句的第二句是only位于句首,应该用部分倒装,所以用can he,故C项正确。句意为:一个半月的时间可以完成这个项目吗?我觉得恐怕不够,教授生病了,只有等他康复之后才能继续工作。25Due to the widespread _ of this medical technology,more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.Apresentation

5、BapplicationCqualification Dappreciation答案B解析句意为:由于这种医药技术的广泛应用,越来越多的疾病可以及早发现并且治愈了。所以此空为“应用”的意思,故B项正确。presentation展示,呈现;qualification资格;appreciation欣赏,感激。26What do you think of the 2013 Spring Festival Party?Well,great!But I dont think much of _ held last year.Athe one BitCone Dwhich答案A解析由于此空后面只有held

6、这个动词,可知后面不是从句,因此which不可选;“去年的春晚”是特指,所以the one正确。it特指“它”,不合题意;one意为“一个”,是泛指,不合题意。27The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.Abeing weighed Bto weighCweighed Dweighing答案D解析此处weigh为“重量为;重(多少)”的意思,作young children的后置定语,且与其关系为主动,用w

7、eighing,故D项正确。句意为:交通规则规定四岁以下并且体重少于40磅的儿童必须放于儿童安全座椅上。28I wonder what makes you a successful manager.I _ as a waiter for five years,which contributes a lot to my todays work.Aserve Bhave servedChad served Dserved答案D解析由第一句“我想知道是什么让你成为一位成功的经理”得知对方现在已经是一名经理,那么下一句的作为一名服务员应该是过去的事情,所以应该用一般过去时,故D项正确。29_,as l

8、ong as Im with nature,I dont care.AHowever tough the journey isBWhatever tough the journey isCHowever the journey is toughDWhatever the journey is tough答案A解析考查让步状语从句。howeveradj.a/an单数名词whatevera/anadj.单数名词,故A项正确。30It was_that many people were injured in the accident.Areported Bto be reportedCreporti

9、ng Dreport答案A解析It is/was reported that.为固定句式,意为“据报道”,it为形式主语,that引导的主语从句是真正的主语。31 Its no easy task to catch a ticket on a website that receives 1 billion clicks daily.I cant agree with you more.There _ be errors for every single step.Ashould BmustCwill Dcan答案D解析此处表示“有时会”这个意思,用can可以表示理论上会发生的事,用于肯定句中。

10、此句意为:每一步都可能存在错误。should应该,竟然;must肯定,必须;will将要,均不符合句意。32How dangerous it was!Yes,but for the passerbys quick action,the girl _.Awas drownedBcould have been drownedChad drownedDshould be drowned答案B解析由but for后面的内容可知,“要不是那个路人的动作迅速,小女孩可能已经溺水身亡了”说明此处是对过去事情的虚拟,而且表示“可能”的意思,所以用could have done,根据句意应该用被动语态,所以B项

11、正确。33Do you have anything to say for yourselves?Yes,there is one point_ we must insist on.Awhy BwhereChow D/答案D解析先行词one point在从句中作insist on的宾语,所以可以用which/that/不填,故D项正确。why在句中作原因状语;where作地点状语;how不能引导定语从句。34Chery,a car maker in Anhui province,sold nearly 700,000 units in 2011,with the total value _ it

12、 was in 2005.Amore than three times whatBthree more times than thatCover three times than whatDover three times of that答案A解析是的三倍多,用more than three times和over three times都可以,再看从句部分可知,was后面缺少表语,因此用what,所以A项正确。句意为:Chery,安徽省的汽车制造商,在2011年出售了近70万的汽车,总价值是2005年的三倍多。35I finally got a photo with my favorite m

13、ovie star.Never in all my life _ so happy!Adid I feel BI feltCI had felt Dhad I felt答案A解析never放在句首,用部分倒装结构。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I grew up one of ten children on a farm in Wyoming.After my dads service in World War ,he was _36_ again to fight durin

14、g the Korean War,and when he returned home,he couldnt drink _37_ to numb(麻痹) his terrible memories.He struggled to _38_ for his growing family.On our occasional trips to town,I _39_ out boxfuls of books from the library.When I opened a book,I could _40_ myself in unknown placeswhere children werent

15、hungry and were in _41_ of little.When I wasnt daydreaming,my _42_ was the life I shared with my brothers and sisters.At night I hid under the covers _43_ to silence the sounds of life in an alcoholic home.Classmates asked _44_ we didnt have electricity or a telephone.I suppose my explanations were

16、_45_ more than lies,but the stories I told improved _46_ every book I read.Starting at a very young age,my siblings(兄弟姐妹) and I sometimes got jobs to earn moneyto put more food on the family table.We _47_ newspapers,babysat,and cleaned other peoples houses.Mom grew vegetables,raised chickens,and bak

17、ed bread,so we seldom went hungry,even when supper was only a pot of beans._48_ my real hunger wasnt for foodit was a hunger for a better life.It was a hunger for knowledge about the world _49_ our simple existence.It was a hunger to prove Dad _50_ when he told us we would never amount to anything.H

18、unger motivated my brothers and sisters to achieve much _51_ than our parents expected _52_ us.We devoured(如饥似渴地吸取) the offerings of the public schools because we realized that _53_ would be our steppingstone into a brighter future.Now Im _54_ of the accomplishments of my siblings:an art professor;a

19、 wellknown doctor;plus business owners.And me,Im the keeper of the family stores.Ill never know if we would have so many accumulated successes if we had not known _55_ as children.But this I do know:I believe it can be a good thing.36A.drafted BdismissedCinvited Dinvolved答案A解析考查动词辨析。根据下文“again to fi

20、ght during the Korean War”可知,他是被征召入伍。故选A项。37A.well BplentyCenough Dheavily答案C解析考查副词辨析。他不能喝到足以麻痹他可怕的记忆。enough足够的,符合题意。 BprovideChope Dleave答案B解析考查动词辨析。他努力供养日益增多的家人。provide提供,抚养,符合题意。39A.brought BcheckedCgave Dcarried答案B解析考查动词辨析。我从图书馆登记并借了一箱子书。check out登记借出,符合语境。40A.remind BhelpCdevote Dfind

21、答案D解析考查动词辨析。我发现自己置身于一些不知名的地方。只有动词find可跟复合结构。故选D项。41A.memory BfavorCpossession Dneed答案D解析考查名词辨析。那里的孩子不饥饿,不缺少东西。固定短语in need of“需要”。42A.reality BfantasyCsatisfaction Daffection答案A解析考查名词辨析。当我不做白日梦时,现实是我跟我的兄弟姐妹们在一起生活。reality现实,符合题意。43A.refusing BpretendingCattempting Dpreparing答案C解析考查动词辨析。晚上我躲在被窝里试图在一个酒鬼

22、的家里安静地生活。attempt试图,符合语境。refuse拒绝;pretend假装;prepare准备。44A.whether BhowCwhen Dwhy答案D解析考查名词性从句连接词辨析。同学们问为什么我们既没有电也没有电话。根据后面一句中的“explanations”可知,此处是问为什么。故选D项。45A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything答案C解析考查不定代词辨析。我认为我的解释只有撒谎。nothing more than仅仅,只有。故选C项。 BwithCfor Dat答案B解析考查介词辨析。但是我讲的故事是用我读的每本书改进

23、的。with表示“用”。47A.sent BdeliveredCpublished Dreleased答案B解析考查动词辨析。根据上句中“sometimes got jobs to earn money”可知,我们所干的工作是递送报纸、做保姆、给别人打扫房子。deliver递送,符合语境。48A.But BAndCThen DOtherwise答案A解析考查连词辨析。根据前面一句话,我们很少感到饥饿。我真正的饥饿不是对食物的渴求,而是对更好生活的渴望。前后句表示转折,所以用but。故选A项。49A.above BaroundCwithin Dbeyond答案D解析考查介词辨析。这是我们简单的生

24、存之外渴求对世界的了解。beyond超过,符合语境。50A.right BmeanCwrong Dnice答案C解析考查形容词辨析。根据后半句“父亲说我们将一事无成”,可知我们想证明他是错误的。故选C项。51A.more BfurtherCgreater Dbetter答案A解析考查副词辨析。渴望激发我的兄弟姐妹们实现了远远超出父母对我们期望的那样。more than超过,符合语境。 BforCof Don答案C解析考查介词辨析。固定搭配expect of“对的期望”。故选C项。53A.ambition BdreamCenthusiasm Deducation答案D解析考查名词辨析

25、。根据前半句中“we devoured(如饥似渴地吸取) the offerings of the public schools”可知,我们认为教育是通向光明未来的踏脚石。故选D项。54A.fond BproudCaware Dconfident答案B解析考查形容词辨析。根据下文兄弟姐妹的成就可知,我是引以为豪的。故选B项。55A.hunger BsufferingCdesperation Dpoverty答案A解析考查名词辨析。根据第六段第一句话“Hunger motivated my brothers and sisters to achieve much more than our pa

26、rents expected of us.”以及我们现在获得的成就可知,渴望的力量之大。故选A项。第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIf you are ever planning to buy a telescope and want to get yourself involved in astronomy it is always a good idea to know a bit of the sky.Get acquainted with a few constellations(星座) so

27、 that it will be easier for you to spot the constellations when you are using your telescope.Its a good idea to buy a few magazines on astronomy to help you to get familiar with the constellations in the sky and also read a few reviews on the different types of telescopes in the market.This will hel

28、p you gather all the information that is out there regarding telescopes and what people have to say about them.Its advisable to go in for a pair of binoculars(双筒望远镜) before you buy your first telescope so that you can get used to spotting constellations before your view of the sky is narrowed down.T

29、his will also help you know if you really want to get involved in astronomy.Many people buy a costly telescope and then discover that theyre not actually interested in astronomy.Experience has no substitute,and there certainly is nothing better than using different telescopes before you buy one.This

30、 will help you to get the feel of all the types of telescopes and you will know which one is easier for you to use.A large aperture(光圈) refractor(折射) may give you an excellent image but you may not be able to keep a steady hand while using it resulting in a blurry image.There are three types of tele

31、scopes that are available in the market.If you want a more elegant looking telescope you can always choose to buy a fine brass telescope.Its good to become acquainted with each type before going for the plunge of a first telescope.The first type of telescope is the refractor telescope,which uses len

32、ses to gather light to a focus at the eye piece.The use of lenses helps the telescope have a superior image.A refracting telescope is not as portable as the other two types of telescopes and so you will have to buy one with a small aperture.The second type of telescope is the Reflector.Made by Sir I

33、saac Newton,this telescope functions by focusing the light back at the front of the tube,which is where the eyepiece sits,by using parabolic(抛物线的) mirrors and another smaller mirror to deflect the light.There is no added color in the image caused by refraction of light since this telescope does not

34、use lenses.These are the cheapest of all telescopes and are more portable than refractors.56According to the text,a telescope is intended to be bought for _.Agetting experienceBwatching starsCstudying the climateDlearning about a bit of the sky答案B解析推理判断题。在第一段中作者建议买望远镜之前多了解一些天文知识,特别是星座方面的知识,这就说明望远镜的用

35、途是用来观察星星。57What can we learn from Paragraph 2?AOne must know something about astronomy and telescopes.BOne cant buy a telescope without buying several astronomy magazines.COne should check the telescopes in the market and try to find a better one.DOne must be familiar with new information of astrono

36、my and space instruments.答案A解析段落大意题。作者建议在购买望远镜前多了解一些天文知识,并且了解人们对市场上各种望远镜的评价,从而对产品有所了解。58Why does the author advise buying a pair of binoculars first?AThe telescope is too expensive.BThe binoculars are easier to use.CYou may gain plenty of experience in astronomy.DYour view will be narrow by using a

37、pair of binoculars.答案C解析细节理解题。在第三段,作者建议先使用双筒望远镜以获取经验并且确定对观测天文现象是否真的感兴趣。59What do we know about the refracting telescope?AIt looks very elegant.BIt refracts light by an eye piece.CIt has clear images without any lenses.DIt is not convenient to take along for its size.答案D解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“A refracting t

38、elescope is not as portable as the other two types.”可知,折射望远镜不如其他两种方便携带。BOne summer I was driving from my home town of Tahoe City,Calif.,to New Orleans.In the middle of the desert,I came upon a young man standing by the roadside.He had his thumb out and held a gas can in his other hand.I drove right

39、by him.There was a time in the country when youd be considered a jerk if you passed by somebody in need.Now you are a fool for helping.With gangs,drug addicts,murderers,rapists,thieves lurking everywhere,“I dont want to get involved” has become a national motto.Several states later I was still think

40、ing about the hitchhiker.Leaving him standed in the desert did not bother me so much.What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision.I never even lifted my foot off the accelerator.Does anyone stop any more?I wondered.I recalled Blanche DuBoiss famous line:“I have always depended on the k

41、indness of strangers”Could anyone rely on the kindness of strangers these days?One way to test this would be for a person to journey from coast to coast without any money,relying solely on the good will of his fellow Americans.What kind of Americans would he find?Who would feed him,shelter him,carry

42、 him down the road?The idea intrigued me.The week I turned 37,I realized that I had never taken a gamble in my life.So I decided to travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic without a penny.It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar.I would only accept offers of rides,food

43、and a place to rest my head.My final destination would be Cape Fear in North Carolina,a symbol of all the fears Id have to conquer during the trip.I rose early on September 6,1994,and headed for the Golden Gate Bridge with a 50pound pack on my back and a sign displaying my destination to passing veh

44、icles:“America”For six weeks I hitched 82 rides and covered 4,223 miles across 14 states.As I traveled,folks were always warning me about someplace else.In Montana they told me to watch out for the cowboys in Wyoming;in Nebraska they said people would not be as nice as in Iowa.Yet I was treated with

45、 kindness everywhere I went.I was amazed by peoples readiness to help a stranger,even when it seemed to run contrary to their own best interests.60Why did the author drive past the young man in the desert without stopping?ABecause he failed to notice this man.BBecause he was driving too fast.CBecaus

46、e he thought the young man didnt need help.DBecause he was afraid of being tricked.答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后两句可知,如今人们不想因为帮助陌生人而陷入麻烦,作者正是受这种思想的影响,而没有停车。61What was it that made the author upset?ALeaving the young man alone in the desert.BBeing considered a fool.CMaking the decision of not offering help so

47、easily.DKeeping thinking about the young man.答案C解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision.”可知,使作者感到不安的是自己怎么会那么轻易就作出了不伸出援手的决定。62The author decided to travel without a penny in order to _.Afind out how long he could survive without helpBgo through the great difficult

48、y in surviving unexpected environmentCfind out whether strangers would offer help to himDfigure out how strangers thought of his plan答案C解析细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后三句的内容以及第四段“The idea intrigued me.”可知,作者决定进行这次“身无分文”的旅行是想看看是否会有陌生人帮助他,因此选择C项。63The following part might probably _.Adescribe how he fooled the stran

49、gersBdescribe how strangers went out their way to help himCexplain why people refused to help strangersDexplain how he overcame his difficulties on the way答案B解析篇章结构题。根据最后一段的描述可知,作者无论到哪儿都会得到帮助,甚至一些人宁愿违背自己的利益,也会去帮助他,因此下文作者会具体说明人们是如何尽力帮助他的。CLife in space will certainly take some getting used to!But the

50、 space station has been designed to keep the astronauts as comfortable as possiblethe modules(舱) are roomy,bright,and kept at a constant 70 degrees Fahrenheit.Its important the crew members are comfortable because theyll be busy aboard the station.In a typical workday,crew members will spend 14 hour

51、s working and exercising,1.5 hours preparing and eating meals,and 8.5 hours sleeping.Here are some other fun facts about life aboard the station:FoodCome mealtime,astronauts will have a special dining kitchen.Space food just keeps getting betterand more like food we enjoy here on Earth.In early spac

52、e missions,astronauts could eat only freezedried food that didnt require any preparation.But the space station is equipped with water,microwave ovens,and refrigerators,allowing the folks on board to eat more “normal” types of food,including fruit,vegetables,and ice cream!SleepEach crew member has a

53、private room.With no gravity,theyll need to tie themselves to their beds,or they will float away!That might sound like a strange way to sleep,but astronauts from past space missions report that sleeping in space is actually pretty great!ExerciseYou might not think it,but exercise is even more import

54、ant on the station than it is on Earth.There is not much gravity in space.Astronauts dont stand up,sit down or walk in space,so their muscles and bones dont have to work muchand this muscle and bone loss can be dangerous back on Earth.To fight this,astronauts on the station will exercise on bikes,ro

55、wing machines,and other equipment about two hours every day.ClothingAstronauts will have to wear special space suits while traveling aboard the US.shuttle or Russian rockets.But once theyre safe inside the space station,crew members can wear regular clothing.Of course,a specially designed,pressurize

56、d space suit is required for space walks.It has to withstand(经受住) flying pieces and protect the astronauts from dramatic temperature changes.It can range from 120 degrees below Fahrenheit in the shadow of the station to 250 degrees in the hot sun.Personal CleanlinessSimple tasks like brushing your t

57、eeth can be challenging in a weightless environment.A little water doesnt flow in a streamit suspends in a bubble!Astronauts will use a freshwater hose(软管) to take showers,shampoo,and wash offthen a second vacuum hose to suction(吸) off the dirty water.And how do you go to the bathroom in space?With

58、a special “air toilet” that uses flowing air instead of water to dispose of waste.64The facts about life in space are all mentioned EXCEPT _.Aclothing BentertainmentCsleep Dexercise答案B解析细节理解题。通读全文可知,第三段是关于sleep;第四段是关于exercise;第五段是关于clothing,文章并未提到宇航员的娱乐活动(entertainment),故答案为B项。65What do we know abou

59、t space food from the text?AAstronauts could eat apples in space in the past.BAstronauts eat only fruit,vegetables and ice cream now.CFresh food isnt available to astronauts in space.DSpace food is getting better now than before.答案D解析推理判断题。第二段第二句指出,太空食物越来越像我们在地球上所吃的食物,接着指出在过去宇航员只能吃冻干的食物,但现在能吃水果蔬菜等平常

60、食物。由此判断,太空食物比过去好了。66Why is exercise more important in space than on earth?AIt can make astronauts feel relaxed in space.BIt can help astronauts spend their spare time happily.CAstronauts lives are more important in space than on earth.DIt can prevent astronauts from causing muscle and bone loss.答案D解

61、析细节理解题。由第四段第三、四句“.their muscles and bones dont have to work muchand this muscle and bone loss can be dangerous back on Earth.To fight this.”可知,由于太空无重力,人不用坐立行走,运动的机会极少,容易给人的肌肉及骨头造成危害,因此宇航员必须每天锻炼两小时,由此可知正确答案为D项。67What can be learned from the paragraph “Clothing”?AThe temperature is quite different in

62、different places in space.BAstronauts must wear special space suits all the time in space.CAstronauts can wear regular clothing for space walks now.DAstronauts wear pressurized space suits just to keep warm.答案A解析细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句“It can range from 120 degrees below Fahrenheit in the shadow of the

63、station to 250 degrees in the hot sun.”可知,太空中不同地方温差是非常大的,故答案为A项。DThe aims of the Illustrators(插图画家的) Exhibition,staged as part of the Bologna Childrens Book Fair,organized by BolognaFiere and held from 23 to 26 December,are to bring illustrators and publishers together and to promote illustrators an

64、d their works among publishers.QUALIFICATIONSIndividual illustrators or groups of illustrators of any nationality,if they were born before 31st December 1992,whose artwork is intended for use in childrens books,are qualified to enter the Exhibition,either directly or through publishing houses or sch

65、ools.Please state in the application form whether you are entering work for the Fiction or Nonfiction Category.Illustrators may only enter one category.Artwork previously presented to the Exhibition may not be reentered.The confirmation(确认) form must be filled in and a photograph attached,then prese

66、nted together with illustrations no later than 15 October.SHIPMENTEntries may be delivered by post,express delivery service or by hand.From abroad,please use the following forms:Form “A” for registered mail or post by air;Form “B” if using an international forwarding agent or airline.To avoid delays

67、,material should not be sent by normal post.Material should be sent “carriage(运费) paid”,including any customs and delivery costs.BolognaFiere may not be held responsible for the nonarrival or late arrival of artwork.All published works must be accompanied by a declaration bearing the ISBN number,pub

68、lishers name and address.REQUIREMENTSThe illustrations(i.e.the size of the sheet) must not exceed(超过) the following dimensions:Fiction:3242 cm (or 4232 cm)Nonfiction:5070 cm (7050 cm)Illustrations in larger formats will not be considered,nor will they be returned by BolognaFiere.The illustrations mu

69、st be on paper or flexible board,maximum thickness 2 mm (for scanner separation purposes)SELECTION PROCESSAll artworks received by the stated deadline and meeting the specified requirements will be examined and selected by an international group (whose decision is final),including five members (from

70、 publishing houses and art schools) appointed each year by BolognaFiere.EXHIBITIONS ABROADAfter the Bologna event,the Illustrators Exhibition will travel to Japan under the supervision of JBBY.The Illustrators Exhibition may afterwards be transferred to other venues in other countries.The exhibition

71、s of illustrations held abroad follow the same rules and regulations as the Illustrators Exhibition,and the provisions (条款) of the regulations are extended to the organizers of the exhibitions held abroad.RETURN OF ARTWORKAll the works will be returned to their owners by BolognaFiere or directly by

72、the organizers of the exhibitions held abroad by the end of July next year.68According to the text,the Illustrators Exhibition _.Awill last five days in all in July every other yearBis intended for college students who are good at paintingCis held by the Bologna Childrens Book Fair in BolognaFiereDc

73、an strengthen the relationship between illustrators and publishers答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段的“.are to bring illustrators and publishers together and to promote illustrators and their works among publishers.”可知,这次展览能够加强插图画家和出版商之间的关系。69The illustrators of the Illustrators Exhibition _.Ashould be at least 16 and

74、 no more than 25Bmay reenter their artwork after it is returnedCshould state the category of their artwork clearlyDmay choose to attach a photo to the application form答案C解析细节理解题。根据第三段的“Please state in the application form whether you are entering work for the Fiction or Nonfiction Category.”可知,应该注明作

75、品的类别。70Which of the following is unacceptable for delivering entries?ANormal post. BAirline post.CRegistered mail. DExpress delivery.答案A解析细节理解题。根据第七段中的“To avoid delays,material should not be sent by normal post.”可知,主办方不接受平邮。71The illustratorsworks will not be considered if they _.Aare received after

76、 the day of 15 OctoberBare smaller than the required sizeChave already been published abroad beforeDdont meet the demands of the international experts答案A解析细节理解题。根据第五段中的“The confirmation(确认) form must be.together with illustrations no later than 15 October.”可知答案为A项。ESports shoes that work out whether

77、 their wearer has done enough exercise to warrant time in front of a television have been devised in the UK.The shoesnamed Square Eyescontain an electronic pressure sensor and a tiny computer chip to record how many steps the wearer has taken within a day.A wireless transmitter passes the informatio

78、n to a receiver connected to a television,and this decides how much evening viewing time the wearer deserves,based on the days efforts.“The design was inspired by a desire to fight against the rapidly ballooning waistlines among British teenagers,”says Gillian Swan,who developed Square Eyes as a fin

79、al year design project at Brunel University in London,UK.“We looked at current issues and childhood overweight really stood out,”she says.“And I wanted to tackle that with my design.”Once a child has used up his daily allowance gained through exercise,the television automatically switches off.And fu

80、rther time in front of the TV can only be earned through more steps.Swan calculated how exercise should translate to television time using the recommended daily amounts of both.Health experts suggest that a child take 12,000 steps each day and watch no more than two hours of television.So,every 100

81、steps recorded by the Square Eyes shoes equal precisely one minute of TV time.Existing pedometers(计步器) normally clip onto a belt or slip into a pocket and keep count of steps by measuring sudden movement.Swan says these can be easily tricked into recording steps through shaking.But her shoe has been

82、 built to be harder for lazy teenagers to cheat.“It is possible,but it would be a lot of effort,”she says.“That was one of my main design considerations.”72According to Swan,the purpose of her design project is to _.Akeep a record of the steps of the wearerBdeal with overweight among teenagersCenabl

83、e children to resist the temptation of TVDprevent children from being tricked by TV programs答案B解析细节理解题。由文章第三段的第一句可得出答案。73Which of the following is TRUE of Square Eyes shoes?AThey regulate a childs evening TV viewing time.BThey determine a childs daily pocket money.CThey have raised the hot issue of

84、overweight.DThey contain information of the receiver.答案A解析推理判断题。由文章的第四段可知孩子们看电视的时间与他们的锻炼有关,第五段具体讲了孩子们走多少步才能看一分钟电视。由以上可推出答案。74What is stressed by health experts in their suggestion?AThe exact number of steps to be taken.BThe precise number of hours spent on TV.CThe proper amount of daily exercise and

85、 TV time.DThe way of changing steps into TV watching time.答案C解析细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段第二句可知专家的建议包括两项:一、每天走12 000步;二、每天只看两小时电视。A、B两项不全面,而D项与内容不符合。75Which of the following would be the best title for the text?ASmart Shoes Decide on Television TimeBSmart Shoes Guarantee More ExerciseCSmart Shoes Measure Time of

86、 ExerciseDSmart Shoes Stop Childhood Overweight答案A解析标题归纳题。文章重在讲述这种鞋的妙用,把运动量与看电视的时间联系起来,以达到让孩子们减肥的目的。A项准确、生动地概括了文章内容。D项为最大干扰项,此种鞋不是阻止孩子们肥胖(太绝对),而是通过这种有趣的方式让孩子们乐意去减肥。第卷第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Diversity means the differences between things

87、or people;the variety makes us unique.People have a great deal of diversity.Even though our basic body structure is the same (head,eyes,heart,arms,legs,feet,etc.),our physical characteristics are different.For instance,the color of our skin,hair,and eyes are different.Also,our height and shape provi

88、de some diversity too.Even our fingerprints are unique and different.People have to develop their own thoughts,opinions,feelings,and ideas about different topics and beliefs.We are influenced by different people,places,and experiences in our lives which may influence us when we have to make a decisi

89、on.A person has to keep openminded when developing an opinion.Gathering information is also crucial(决定性的) to make a decision.The more you know about a topic,the easier it will be to make a good decision.As people grow up,they may even change their previous opinions and have new ideas.Every person ha

90、s unique talents,characteristics,and challenges to share with the world.Some people are good at reading and writing.Other people are talented at art and music.Some people are good at working with numbers or science.Others are talented by sharing their creativity.Some people have challenges to work w

91、ith like being deaf,blind,or learning differently than others.It is important to remember that no matter what a person is good at or struggles with,we are all special in our own way.When we are used to other peoples differences,we are showing respect.And we can find that we belong to the world and c

92、an give any thing a reason throughout the world.We can learn about a variety of cultures,places,and different ways to look at the world.Title:The 76.Diversity in the WorldDefinitionDiversity means the differences between things or people.Types of diversityThe physical diversityOur 77.appearances loo

93、k different.The 78.mental diversityWe have our own different viewpoints and 79.beliefs.We make different decisions when we are facing the same situation.Our opinions 80.change as we experience more and more in life.The personal diversityWe have different 81.talents.We have different styles

94、.The benefits from 83.accepting other peoples differencesWe can let other people know that we 84.respect them.We become tolerant.We can 85.increase our knowledge and perfect our view of life.第二节书面表达(满分25分)假如你叫李华,是一位高中三年级的学生。学了Healthy eating后,你想用英语给21th Century报社写一封信,反映你对当今学生饮食的看法:1越来越多的学生喜欢吃西式快餐,结果摄

95、入大量的糖和脂肪;2对中餐和西式快餐哪种更健康有不同看法;3你认为中式更健康,说出你的理由。注意:词数120左右。参考范文Dear Editor,Now,more and more students are getting fond of western fast food,and thus they take in too much sugar and fat.I dont think it good for their health.There are all kinds of foods in the world.Which one is healthier,the Chinese fo

96、od or the western fast food? Different people have different choices.In my opinion,the Chinese food is healthier.Firstly,the Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables.It is rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat.Secondly,the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes.It is nice to taste.I think it is the healthiest in the world.So many Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.Yours sincerely,Li Hua

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