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07-08学年度江苏地区高三英语一轮复习UNIT3 MODULE3教案.doc

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1、Unit 3 Module 2 Amazing people 一、高考目标I. 重点短语1. set sail 起航 2. as well as 也,又,以及 3. pay off 成功,带来好结果 4. have effect on 对有影响5. be known as 以闻名 6. lead to 导致 7. breathe in 吸入 8. live on 继续活下去,靠生活9. comparewith 与比较 10. result in 导致11. would rather 宁愿 12. would rather dothan do宁愿也不愿13. star in 在主演 14. ha

2、ve something to do with 与有关 15. right away 立刻,立即 16. sink into 沉入17. look up to 尊敬某人 18. set foot on 踏上 19. make the dream a reality 使梦想成为现实 20. in advance 提前21.bring sb. good luck 带来好运 22. all the students present 在场的所有学生23. make a contribution to 对作出贡献 24. go well 进展得很好25.at full speed 以全速 26. ach

3、ieve success 取得成功27.be related to 和有关 28. rather than 而不是municate with 和交流 30.three out of 14 14个中有3个31.be proud of 以为自豪 32. take the exam 参加考试33.break down 坏了 34. apply for a job 申请一个工作35.outgoing personality 外向型的性格 36. go down in history 在历史上传下去37. a great deal of 大量,许多 38. live ones dream 实现某人的梦想

4、II. 重点句式1. Upon entering the tomb, Carters lucky pet bird, which had led him to the place, was eaten by a snake. (Lines 23-24, Page 42)2. In October 2003, Yang Liwei went to space and returned, making the dream a reality. (Lines 1-2, Page 58)3. It was his high scores on the psychological tests that

5、finally won him his position as Chinas first astronaut. (Lines 9-10, Page 58)二、要点归纳(一) 重点单词1. curious adj. 富于好奇心的,有求知欲的,感兴趣的;奇特的,不寻常的I am curious to know (真想知道) what she said.She is always so curious about (总爱打听) my work.It is curious (实在反常) that he didnt tell you.拓展 curiosity n. 好奇心 curiously adv.

6、好奇地,奇怪地2. present n. 礼物,礼品,赠品; adj. 到场的,出席的,存在的; 现在的,现行的,目前的v. 介绍,引见; 给,赠送How many of the group are present at the meeting (出席会议) today?Everyone present (出席的每个人) welcomed the decision.Something must be done about the present situation (目前的形势).May I present Mr. King to you (向你们介绍一下金先生)?They presented

7、 flowers to their teacher (给老师献花).拓展at present目前,现在 for the present现在,目前presentation n. 介绍,赠送,引见,表达presence n. 出席,到场,存在in the presence of = in sbs presence 在在场的情况下,当着3. result n. 结果,效果,比分,成绩 v. 发生; 产生某种作用或结果How did you get on in the examination and when will you know your results?I was late, with th

8、e result that I missed my train.The flight was delayed as a result of fog (因有雾).These are injuries resulting from a fall (因摔倒).Our efforts resulted in success (导致成功).拓展as a result (of) 作为 (的) 结果with the result that为此,因此without result 毫无结果地4. compare v. 比较; 和某人相比或值得相比If you compare her work with his

9、(把她和他的工作比较一下), you will find hers is much better.Poets have compared sleep to death (把睡眠比着死亡).He cant compare with (不能与相比) Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies. London is large, compared to / with Paris (与巴黎比较). 拓展compare notes 交换意见by comparison相比之下in comparison with与比较起来5. express v. 表达,表示 n. 快递邮件,

10、快车 adj. 特快的,明确的 I find it hard to express myself (表达自己的意思).He took the 9:30 express (乘坐9:30的特快列车) to get there. express delivery 快递拓展 expression n. 表达,神色,表情6. survive vt. 比活得长,幸免于,从中逃生 vi. 活下来,幸存She survived her husband for 10 years 她比丈夫多活了十年.His parents and his brothers all died in World War II, bu

11、t he survived (幸存下来).拓展survivor n. 幸存者,逃生者 survival n.幸存,生存A survives B A比B活得时间长survive the accident 在事故中幸免于难,避开了事故survivors of an air raid 空袭的幸存者7. once adv. 一次,仅仅一次; 一度,曾经 conj. 一旦,一就我只去过那里一次。I have been there only once.我曾经见过你母亲。I once met your mother.钱一用完,我们该怎么办?How would we cope once the money h

12、ad gone? 拓展once and for all 一劳永逸地 once in a while 偶尔,有时once more 再一次 once upon a time 从前at once 立刻,马上 all at once 突然8. prove v. 证明,证实; 结果是,原来是; 他在战斗中证实了他的勇敢。He has proved his courage in battle.The marks of his fingers on the gun proved that he had held the gun (他拿过枪).Can you prove where you were on

13、May 3rd (你五月三日在什么地方) ? 这个传闻原来是假的。The rumor proved (to be) false9. manage v. 控制,管理; 设法对付他理财有方。She manages the money very well.你能搬这个箱子吗?Can you manage (to carry) the box?她还很虚弱,仍然勉强走到了公交车站。She was still weak, and managed to walk to the bus stop.比较:manage to do sth. try to do sth. 拓展 manager n. 经理,当家人 m

14、anagement n. 经营,管理10. live vi. 生活,生存; vt. 过的生活; 实践,身体力行adj. 活的,有生命的; 实况的,直播的在动物世界里强者生存,弱者灭亡。In the animal world the strong live while the week die.我们现在过着幸福的生活。We are now living a happy life.别人都不曾有过我这样的经历。None of the others have lived my experience.全世界的年轻人将杨利伟视为努力实现梦想的榜样。Young people all over the wor

15、ld look up to Yang Liwei as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.那是现场广播,不是录音广播。It was a live broadcast, not a recording.拓展live by 以为生 live on 以为主食 live up to 遵守,实践,不辜负辨析 live / alive / living / livelyHe is dead, but his dog is still alive / living. Was the snake alive or dead?Who is the

16、 greatest man alive?He is regarded as one of the best living writers at present.Have you seen a live whale?He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.(二) 重点短语1 as well asEnglish, as well as Chinese and maths, is (be) of great importance.The girl is lively as well as healthy (既

17、健康又活泼).As well as in Canada (不仅在加拿大), the weather changes from season to season in China.As well as being a pop star (不仅是个流行歌星), Liu Huan teaches at a well-known university.He speaks English as well as a native speaker (和当地人一样好).2morethan 比更;与其说倒不如说我的书比他的多。I have more books than he.当她儿子再次撒谎时,她与其说是生气

18、,不如说是伤心。She is more sad than angry when her son lied again.拓展1) more than(+ adj.)非常;( + n. ) 不仅仅2) no more than(+ 数词 / 名词)表示“仅仅,只不过”(感叹其“少,小”)3) no more than(+ 句子)表示“与一样都不”(主句和从句同时否定)4) not more than(+ 数词)表示“不多于”5) not more than 表示“前者不如后者”他仅上了一年学。His schooling is no more than one year.这不仅仅是本语法书。It i

19、s more than a grammar book.这所学校的学生不会超过八百人。Theres not more than 800 students in this school.他的表演非常好,可以说是完美的。His performance is more than good; it was perfect.这部电影和我们上周看过的一样,都不吸引人。This film is no more attractive than the one we saw last week.3. lead to 通向; 带领; 导致这是通向你学校的路吗?Is this the road leading to

20、your school?是卡特的幸运爱鸟将他带到了这个地方的吗?Was it Carters lucky pet bird that led him to the place?过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness.对比:lead sb. to do sth. 诱导某人干某事;使某人兴起念头 是什么使得你相信这是真的? What led you to believe that it is true? 她的鼓励使他决心再干一次。 Her encouragement led him to do

21、 it again.拓展 to为介词的词组按照 according to 由于,因为due to奉献 devote to 涉及,所指 refer to盼望 look forward to 坚持 stick to注意 pay attention to 把归结为 oweto有助于,促进 contribute to 正式着手 get down to4. pay off 成功,带来好结果,行得通,清偿,还清,付清工资后解雇(某人)所有那几周的学习将会在考试时见成效。All those weeks of studying will pay off when you take the exam.只要再过6

22、个月,房款就能全部还清。Only another six months and the house will be paid off.这家工厂倒闭,就会有1000多名工人在结清工资后被辞退。Over 1,000 workers will be paid off if this factory closes.拓展pay back 偿还(借款) 还某人的钱,报复某人pay in / into 把钱存到(帐户)pay out 花费,支付(尤指巨款)pay for sth. 为某事吃苦或受惩罚payfor sth. 为付款我拿到工资后会把钱还给你。I will be able to pay you b

23、ack when I get my wages.他们惹出了那些麻烦,她知道怎样报复他们。She knew how to pay them back for the trouble they had caused.我不得不付200镑修理我的车。I had to pay out 200 to get my car repaired.你将要因你这种愚蠢的行为而受到惩罚的。You will have to pay for your stupid behavior. (三) 重点句型1. Upon entering the tomb, Carters lucky bet bird, which had

24、led him to the place, was eaten by a snake. (Lines 23-24, Page 42) 知识点 过去完成时 我们到达电影时,电影已经开始了。By the time we got to the cinema, the film had already begun. 他在椅子上坐了一小时,然后起身去了书房。He rose from the chair in which he had sat for an hour and went to the study. 母亲一到家,天下雨了。No sooner had Mother arrived home th

25、an it began to rain.那是我看到过的最有趣的电影之一。It was one of the most interesting films that I had ever seen. 我原以为他很诚实,可我错了。I had thought that he was honest, but I was wrong.要是你早五分钟到这儿,你就会见到他的。If you had arrived 5 minutes earlier, you would have met him.我真希望亲眼见到过这美丽的景观。How I wish I had seen the beautiful sight

26、 with my own eyes.2. In October 2003, Yang Liwei went to space and returned, making the dream a reality. (lines 1-2, Page 58)知识点 making the dream a reality在句中作结果状语车辆增加了许多,结果使情况更糟糕。Traffic has greatly increased, making matters even worse.他努力学习,结果得了高分。He studied hard, thus getting high marks.对比:不定式作结果

27、状语我们匆忙赶到火车站,却发现火车已经开了。We went to the railway station, only to find the train had gone.他离开了家,再也没有听到他的消息。He left home, never to be heard of.3It was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as Chinas first astronaut. 是他各项心理测试所得的高分使他最终赢得了中国首名宇航员的席位。知识点 此句中使用了强调句,强调的是主

28、语his high scores on the psychological tests.强调句的基本结构:It is / was + 被强调部分 + 其他。在1996年上中学时我加入了共青团组织。It was in 1996, when I was studying in a middle school, that I joined the league.该责备的不是我。It is not I who am to blame. 是他们经常帮你补习功课的吗?Is it they who often help you with your lessons?直到她告诉我事实真相我才知道这件事。It w

29、as not until she told me the truth that I knew the matter.你是怎么成功的?How was it that you succeeded?我真的不知道那位老人是哪儿被偷了腰包的。I really dont know where it was that the old man had his pocket picked.实践演练1)My interests include football, bowling and surfing the web _B_studying my favorite subjects. A. instead of

30、B. as well as C. less than D. rather than2)Tom as well as your brothers_B_ with each other. A. make a friend B. makes friends C. are making friend D. make friends3)Mr. Guo is _A_a teacher. He writes very good novels. A. more than B. no more than C. not more than D. less than4)The professor _B_in the

31、 letter is from Shanghai. A. referred B. referred to C. referring D. referring to5)The discovery of new evidence led to_C_.A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught6) If you go on being so rude to me ,I will make you _C_your insolence! A. pay b

32、ack B. pay off C. pay for D. pay out7) Was it _A_she said or something that she did _you were angry at so much? A. what, that B. that, which C. that , what D. what, which8) If you are _B_about the Pyramids in Egypt, just read the book written by Dr. Brown. A. anxious B. curious C. serious D. puzzled

33、9) Salt _A_ food from going bad. A. preserves B. helps C. delays D. disturbs10) The mayor will personally _C_ the gold medal _the winning athletes at the sports meet. A. present, by B. present, with C. present, to D. present, for11) In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a studen

34、t should _D_his findings in logical order and clear language. A. furnish B. propose C. raise D. present12) A survey was carried out on the death rate of newborn babies in that region, _D_were surprising. A. as results B. which results C. of which results D. the results of which13) Production rose_B_

35、10% in April, _ the same month of last year. A. in, compared to B. by, compared with C. in, compared with D. by, comparing to14) A government should permit the free _A_of political opinion. A. expression B. impression C. pressure D. depression15) Lets answer the questions one by one, dont anwer them

36、 all _A_. A. at once B. altogether C. at all D. after all16) _B_their service, the workers of the hotel are active in learning English. A. Proving B. To improve C. Improve D. Having proved17) - Though I met with one difficulty after another, I _D_to get through with it. - Congratulations to you! A.

37、hoped B. tired C. wanted D. managed18) The spy was caught _B_though he died from wounds the next day. A. living B. alive C. live D. lived19) John and I _D_ friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we _ each other a couple of times before that. (2002 春) A. ha

38、d been; have seen B. have been; have seen C. had been; had seen D. have been; had seen20) Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, _D_ the land a happy home for the local people.A. makes B. to make C. made D. making1) alive / live / living / livelyalive 是标语性形容词,既可指人,也可指物。作定语时,应

39、放在修饰的名词之后,此时alive含有“在所有活着的之中”的意思。也可用作宾语补足语。谁是当今活着的最伟大的人?living主要用作定语,指人或物,常置于所修饰的名词之前,有时用作表语,其前家定冠词the ,意思为“活着的人们”live作定语,指物,放在名词前。lively 则为“活泼的,充满生机的”用作定语或表语,指人或物。2) as well as 1) as well as通常用以衬托前面所说的重点,后面接附加信息。2)as well as 通常连接两个对等的成分,即as well as 之前和之后的成分相同,同为主语,宾语,表语等。As well as 之后若连接动词,则使用动名词。3

40、)as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数依据前面的主语确定,即通常所说的“就前一致原则”类似的词还有:with, along with ,together with, rather than, like, unlike, but, except, besides, including等。4)as well as可用于表达同级比较,well为副词,意思是“和。一样好”5) as well as和 not onlybut also的区别: as well as侧重点在前,连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词同前面 名词或代词的数保持一致 not only but also侧重点在后,连接两个名

41、词作主语时,谓语动词同后面的名词或代词的数保持一致。6)as well as 起连词作用,而as well起副词作用,一般置于句末。相当于too 或also。3) 强调句若原句的谓语动词是现在或将来时,其结构须用:It isthat / who如果原句的谓语动词是过去时态,则其结构须为:It was that / who若被强调的部分是人,可以用连接词 who 和 that 若被强调部分不是指人,不管是作何成分,只能用that2)在强调句中,当强调主语时,谓语动词要和主语的人称和数保持一致3)not until引导的复合句放于句首,主句须用倒装语序,但如果放于被强调的位置,则后的主谓不倒装,且用肯定形式。4)若强调特殊疑问句,往往将特殊疑问词提到强调结构之前。5)It is/wasthat结构一般不强调谓语,若需要强调谓语,用do, does 或did.6)强调句性型的反意疑问句其问句部分用isnt/wasnt it? 。7)若强调句在复合句中作宾语,则强调句必须用陈述语序。


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