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1、广西兴业县2017高考英语完形填空一轮编选(一)及答案完形填空One day a few years ago we had a guest of the uninvited variety. In fact, it was a bird, 1a sparrow. “Whats that? ”I asked when I first heard the gentle thumping(重击声). “It sounds like Joe is outside playing basketball, ”my wife, Anita, said. She2and listened more devot

2、edly. “Its coming from the3, ”she said. “Maybe its one of the little kids. ”We rushed out the door. Jonathan, our youngest, was4to make trouble. “If hes making holes in the wall again. . . ”I said as I searched there. No children5. But there was that6again, coming from right up there. And thats when

3、 I7the sparrow. It was flying8just inches below the ceiling. It was9trying to get out, but couldnt see that the way out wasnt up, but down10the open door. So the bird continued11its wings and hitting its head against the12. “Poor thing, ”Anita said. “It must be13. ”“Well, maybe its because of us, ”I

4、 said as I moved toward it. I tried to show the bird how to glide(滑翔)down to get outside, but that only seemed to14it more. “Why dont we just15for a few minutes? ”Anita suggested. “Im sure hell16eventually. ”So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing17. Then suddenly, it

5、was silent. We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone. “See? ”Anita said. “I told you hed succeed. ”“Yeah, ”I said. “But how many knocks on the head did it18him? ”Ive thought about that little sparrow through the years. Just like that sparrow, we often meet situations we dont know

6、how to19. Born to go upward, we dont even consider the possibility that something good might happen if we stop flapping(拍打)around and just glide20a little bit. 【文章大意】本文主要叙述了在车库里一只麻雀找不到出去的路, 在多次把头撞击天花板之后, 向下通过门飞出去了。1. A. for exampleB. rather thanC. or ratherD. as well【解析】选C。考查词义辨析。事实上它是只鸟, 确切地说是一只麻雀。

7、or rather确切地说; for example例如; rather than而不是; as well也。2. A. hurriedB. pausedC. ignoredD. confirmed【解析】选B。考查前后照应。由后半句listened more devotedly. 可知。pause暂停; hurry匆忙; ignore忽视; confirm证实。3. A. basementB. kitchenC. garageD. hall【解析】选C。考查词语复现。由下文We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone.

8、 可知。garage车库; basement地下室; kitchen厨房; hall大厅。4. A. easyB. happyC. sorryD. angry【解析】选A。考查前后照应。根据“If hes making holes in the wall again. . . ”可知。5. A. in allB. at allC. above allD. after all【解析】选B。考查固定搭配。not at all根本不; in all总共; above all首要的是; after all毕竟, 终究。6. A. guestB. voiceC. noiseD. sound【解析】选D。

9、考查前后照应。由上文“Whats that? ”I asked when I first heard the gentle thumping. 此处应用sound。sound声音; guest客人; voice嗓音; noise噪音。7. A. watchedB. foundC. realizedD. caught【解析】选B。考查前后照应。由上文I said as I searched there. 可知用found。watch观察; realize意识到; catch抓到。8. A. carefullyB. gentlyC. patientlyD. anxiously【解析】选D。考查前后

10、照应。由It wastrying to get out, but couldnt see that the way out wasnt up, but downthe open door. 可知, 麻雀想出来但找不到路, 因此很焦急。anxiously焦急地; carefully仔细地; gently温柔地; patiently耐心地。9. A. eventuallyB. unwillinglyC. obviouslyD. thoroughly【解析】选C。考查词义辨析。显然麻雀试图出来。obviously明显地; eventually最后; unwillingly不愿意地; thorough

11、ly彻底地。10. A. throughB. overC. belowD. beyond【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。通过开着的门出去。through通过; over越过; below在下面; beyond超过, 在较远的那一边。11. A. shakingB. breakingC. strikingD. injuring【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。strike its wings拍打着翅膀。shake摇; break弄坏; injure使受伤。12. A. wallB. floorC. doorD. ceiling【解析】选D。考查词语复现。由上文It was flyingjust inche

12、s below the ceiling. 可知。13. A. clumsyB. painfulC. amazedD. terrified【解析】选D。考查词义辨析。由上文It wastrying to get out, but couldnt see that the way out wasnt up, but downthe open door. 可知妻子推测麻雀找不到出去的路肯定会很恐惧。14. A. frightenB. comfortC. confuseD. calm【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。作者试图让麻雀明白往下才能飞出去, 但那让它更加害怕。frighten使惊恐; comfor

13、t使舒适; confuse使困惑; calm使镇静。15. A. leaveB. screamC. relaxD. escape【解析】选A。考查前后照应。由下文So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing. 中的went back可知。16. A. put it asideB. leave it aloneC. give it upD. figure it out【解析】选D。考查短语辨析。妻子确信它最终会想出办法的。figure out想出, 弄明白; put aside撇开; leave al

14、one不理; give up放弃。17. A. accidentB. achievementC. struggleD. trouble【解析】选C。考查前后照应。由上文So the bird continuedits wings and hitting its head against the. 可知应用struggle。struggle挣扎; accident事故; achievement成就; trouble麻烦。18. A. costB. offerC. earnD. owe【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。但是这花费了多少次撞击头部啊? cost花费; offer提供; earn挣得; ow

15、e归功于。19. A. classifyB. handleC. debateD. conclude【解析】选B。考查词义辨析。就像那只麻雀一样, 我们经常碰到不知如何处理的情景。handle处理; classify分类; debate辩论; conclude得出结论。20. A. upB. backC. forthD. down【解析】选D。考查词语复现。根据上文I tried to show the bird how to glide down to get outside, but that only seemed toit more. 可知。完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给

16、的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 I truly feel that my mother led me here,to Morzaine,and to my future as a happy wife and businesswoman. When Mum _1_ in October 2007, I was a cook. In December that year, while I was working for a wedding, a pearl necklace Mum had left me _2_. I was distraught(忧心如焚的). Some days

17、 later, I was _3_ that a guy who was working with us that day, “could probably have made a fortune _4_ the necklace he found.”_5_, he returned it. Hearing how Id _6_ Mum for six months before her death, he said,“Christmas is going to be _7_why not go out to the Alps for a couple of weeks?”I came to

18、Morzaine, a small, friendly village in the Alps and _8_ fell in love with it. What was _9_ to be a stopgap (权宜之计) trip turned into a new life. I kept travelling between London and here and felt _10_ than I had in months. In December 2008, I was _11_ as a hotel manager and moved here full time.A mont

19、h later, I met Paul, who was travelling here. We fell in love. In the beginning, I didnt want to discuss _12_, because the sadness of losing Mum _13_ felt great. Paul understood that and never _14_ me but, by summer, we got married. A year later, we used his saving, and the money from the sale of Mu

20、ms house, to build our own _15_.We want to give our guests a _16_ feel, so each room is themed(以为主题) around memories from our lives. There are also styles to remind me of Muma tiny chair which _17_ be in her bedroom is set in one room.We are having a wonderful life and Mum _18_ naturally part of it,

21、 _19_ theres no way we would be here if it wasnt for the _20_ she gave me. I know shes here in spirit, keeping an eye on us.妈妈去世了,她给我留下的珍珠项链不见了。幸运的是,这根项链的失主与发现者最终喜结良缘。1A.died Bcame Creturned Dvisited答案:A。在下文中提到了“before her death”可以找到信息,即妈妈去世了。2A.burned BdisappearedCbroke Ddropped 答案:B。在下文中有“the neck

22、lace he found”一句话,可以断定这根项链曾是不见了,或丢了。而选项D表示:掉在地上,而不表示丢失之意。3A.shown BcomfortedCpersuaded Dtold答案:D。I was told表示有人告诉我,是被动的关系。而答案C意为:说服。4A.hiding BstealingCselling Dwearing答案:C。make a fortune ( in )doing sth.表示做某事发了大财。在本句中表示:卖了项链能够发大财。5A.Luckily BNaturallyCSurely DHopefully答案:A。既然return,对于失主来说自然是件幸运的事情。

23、副词:luckily常用来做插入语,表示:幸运的是。6A.nursed Bcured Cmissed Dguarded答案:A。nurse在这里为动词,同 take care of,意为:照顾,护理。7A.long BhardCmerry Dfree答案:B。根据妈妈去世这个背景,圣诞节是个家人团圆的日子,故此时会格外难过,因此选B。8A.suddenly BfinallyCnearly Dimmediately答案:D。从上文对于这个小村子的描述来看,作者是立刻会喜欢上的。选项D:立刻地。9A.said BprovedCsupposed Djudged答案:C。be supposed to

24、do sth.意为: 原本做某事,在本句中意为:原本只是个计划的小旅程。10A.smarter Bhigher Cfirmer Dlighter答案:D。由于妈妈的去世,作者的感受是沉重的,而这次旅行让她感受到比以前轻松的感觉。light常用来表示轻松的心情。11A.honoured Bhired Cregarded Dtrained答案:B。从“as a hotel manager”细节可以断定是:被招聘,被雇佣。12A.travel BbusinessCchildren Dmarriage答案:D。根据下文的语境,尤其是“but.we got married”一句话可以给以提示,即:谈婚论

25、嫁。marriage是marry的名词形式:婚姻。13A.recently BonceCstill Dfirstly答案:C。still一词表示作者的沉痛心情依旧在,依旧没有摆脱。与上文的不想谈婚论嫁保持语境的一致。14A.left Bpushed Csurprised Dinterrupted答案:B。push sb.常用来表示:催促某人。即:保罗非常理解我,因此没有催促我结婚。15A.hotel BrestaurantChome Dshop答案:A。根据上文提到的“as a hotel manager”可以断定,此处是开起了自己的旅馆。16A.homely Blively Cmotherl

26、y Dfriendly答案:A。从下文的“.styles to remind me of my Mum”等这些细节可以推测出作者想把一个旅馆摆设成家的样子,让顾客有一种家的感觉。而homely为形容词:家一样的。17A.ought to Bused toCmight Dcould答案:B。既然妈妈都已经去世了,她做过的椅子应该是过去是在她的房间里的,选项B表示过去曾发生的事情。18A.takes Bkeeps Clooks Dfeels答案:D。看到妈妈的椅子,就如同感觉到妈妈也在,也是这个家的一部分,故选D:表示感受,感觉。19A.unless BwhileCbecause Dthough答

27、案:C。if it wasnt for sth.意为:如果不是因为某事,由此可见,前后信息句之间存在因果关系,因为那条项链正是促成两人婚姻的桥梁,故选C,表示原因。20A.money BchairChouse Dnecklace答案:D。正是因为上文提到的丢失项链,找到项链,并由此有了联姻,因此此处选择项链是最合适的。完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。【记叙文型完形填空】 Yesterday I was returning from Boston by bus.My wife was planning to leave the work to

28、 _1_ me up from the bus station.I called her to say not to bother.I would just take the local bus to see her.While I was sitting on the bus a young woman with a dog _2_She was carrying several bags of heavy books.I noticed the dog was an emergency dog,one that was trained to _3_ the owner of a possi

29、ble seizure.I heard the young woman mention to someone else that she still had two miles to walk with the _4_ books after she got off the bus.I thought maybe I should ask if she wanted a ride but I wasnt sure at which _5_ she was getting off so I hesitated and didnt ask.I got off the bus at the stop

30、 where my wife was _6_As we were driving home,all of a sudden I saw the same young lady with her dog.I asked my wife to pull over and I asked the young lady if she would like a _7_She said she would love a ride but she was _8_ about the dog who was quite big.I asked if the dog could get in the _9_He

31、 tried to do it by himself but in the end I had to lift him in.By the way,the dogs name was Sam.The young lady got in and I looked back.There was Sam,sitting very proudly in the back seat with his _10_It was quite a sight!We took them both home and the lady was very appreciative.When reflecting on t

32、his _11_,I was a little sad that I didnt act the first time on the bus.But I was very happy to have had the second _12_ to do what I should have done the first time.1. Acut BpickCturn Dbring2. Arelied on Bput onCgot on Dgot in3. Aimpress BguessCcure Dwarn4. Ainteresting BheavyCuseful Dimportant5. Ad

33、oor BstandCstop Ddirection6. Awaiting BbuildingCworking Drepairing7. Asolution BhelperCride Dreminder8. Aembarrassed BrelaxedCpuzzled Dconcerned9. Ahorse BtrainCbus Dcar10. Afriend BownerCmother Dbags11. Amirror BexperienceCevent Dtrip12. Amethod BapproachCluck Dchance(一)【要点综述】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者一次乘车的经历

34、。通过自己的这次经历,作者旨在告诉我们:要抓住机会做自己应该做的事情。1B由第一段最后一句可知,“我”打电话跟她说不要麻烦,可推知“我”的妻子正计划来汽车站接“我”。pick sb up 接某人;cut up 切碎;turn up 出现,到来,开大;bring up 提出,教育,养育。2C由第三段“she got off the bus.”可知,一位带着狗的年轻女士上了车,“上公共汽车”用get on the bus。rely on依赖,依靠;put on 穿上。3D根据上文的an emergency dog可知,这条狗是用来警告、提醒主人的。4B根据上文的“She was carrying

35、several bags of heavy books.”可知,是很重的书。5C此处指“我”不知道她要在哪一站下车。stop车站。第四段开头也有原词复现。6A根据下文的“As we were driving home”和第一段可知,妻子在等“我”。7C根据下文的“She said she would love a ride”可知,“我”问她是否需要搭车。8D根据下文可知,这位女士担心她的狗。be concerned about担心,挂念。9D根据上文可知,妻子是开车来接“我”的,故选择D项。get in the car上车。10B因为Sam是狗,所以应是与主人(owner)坐在一起。11B总结上文可知,这是作者的一次经历(experience)。12D从上文可知,作者在公共汽车上时没问那位年轻的女士是否要搭便车,而当再次看到那位女士时,有了第二次机会(chance)去做第一次他应该做而没做的事。


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