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2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习课件:5-5 .ppt

1、第一部分回归教材必修5 Unit 1Unit 5Unit 5 First aid考点突破02 基础自测01随堂演练03课时作业基础自测01 重温教材 稳固基础.单词回顾(一)认读单词1essential/senl/adj._2heal/hil/v._3infection/nfekn/n._4label/lebl/n._5scheme/skim/n._答案1最重要的 2.(使)康复 3.传染;传染病4标签;标记 5.方案;计划(二)单词速记1_ adj.暂时的;临时的2_ vt.&vi.榨;挤;压榨3_ n.症状;征兆4_ vt.&vi.倒;灌;注;涌5_ n.压力;挤压;压迫(感)press

2、v.压,按6_ n.损伤;伤害injure vt.受伤7bleed vt.&vi.流血_ n.血液8poison n.毒药 vt.毒害_ adj.有毒的9_ n.变化;多样(化)_ adj.各种各样的vary v.变化10mild adj.轻微的;温柔的_ adv.轻微地;温和地11swell vt.&vi.(使)膨胀;隆起_ adj.肿胀的12tight adj.牢的;紧的;紧密的_ adv.紧地;牢牢地13firm adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的_ adv.坚固地;稳定地14apply vt.&vi.申请;应用_ n.申请人_ n.申请15brave adj.勇敢的_ n.勇敢答案1t

3、emporary 2.squeeze 3.symptom 4.pour5pressure 6.injury 7.blood 8.poisonous9variety;various 10.mildly 11.swollen 12.tightly13firmly 14.applicant;application 15.bravery【联想串记】1动词-ure 后缀变名词press_ 压力please_ 乐事;快乐expose_ 暴露;揭发fail_ 失败2动词-tion 后缀变名词expect_ 期望,期待graduate_ 毕业exhibit_ 展览,展览会apply_ 申请image_ 想象答

4、案1pressure pleasure exposure failure2expectation graduation exhibitionapplication imagination.短语串记1first _(对伤患者的)急救2_ ill 生病3make a _ 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用4squeeze _ 榨出;挤出5over and over _ 反复;多次6_ place 在适当的位置;适当7prevent._.阻止8put ones hands _ 找到9take _ 起飞;走红;请假;(事业)腾飞10act _ 担任11electric _ 触电,电休克12get _ 烧

5、伤答案1aid 2.fall 3.difference 4.out 5.again 6.in7from 8.on 11.shock 12.burned【联想串记】1place 相关短语_ place 在适当的位置;适当out _ place 不在适当位置;不合适_ place of 代替;取代_ the first place 首先;第一点_ place 发生_ ones place 就座;代替take the place _ 代替;取代2fall 相关短语fall _ 生病fall _ 睡着;入睡fall _(竞赛等)落在(对方)后面;输给别人fall _ 从落下;倒

6、下;跌倒;(建筑物等)倒塌fall _ 下降;跌落fall _ 跌倒答案1in of in in take take of2ill asleep behind down off over.佳句必背1unless 引导条件状语从句Remove clothing using scissors if necessary _.除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把它脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。2be doing.when.John _ in his room _ he heard screaming.约翰正在房里学习,突然听到一声尖叫。3There is no doubt that.毫无疑问_ th

7、at Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slades life.毫无疑问,是约翰敏捷的思维和在学校所学的急救技术使得斯莱德女士得救了。答案1unless it is stuck to the burn 2.was studying.when3There is no doubt.课文语篇The skin is an essential part of your body and your bodys organ,_1_ can protect _2_ disease,poison

8、s and so on.It has complex functions.But when your skin gets _3_(burn)it can be very serious,so it is very important to know first aid for burns.A _4_(various)of things can burn your skin,and there are three types of burns.If youve got burns,first,remove clothing _5_(use)scissors if necessary.For fi

9、rst degree burns,place cool,clean,wet cloths on them.For second degree burns,keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water,_6_(squeeze)them out and placing them on the burned area over and over _7_ for about an hour.Next,dry the burned area _8_(gentle),then cover the burned area wit

10、h a dry,clean bandage without sticking _9_ the skin,and hold _10_ in place with tape.If youve got second or third degree burns,youd better go to hospital at once.答案1which 2.against 3.burned/burnt 4.variety 5.using6squeezing 7.again 8.gently .单元语法省 略1When _(walk)in the street,I came across

11、 an old friend of mine.2Doctors have said that as many as 50%of patients dont take medicine as _(direct)3Just now the patient opened her mouth as if _(say)something to her husband.4Will you leave for Australia for vacation on May Day?No,we finally decided not _.5If _(invite),I would go to the party.

12、答案1walking 2.directed say 5.invited考点突破02 核心考点 各个击破核心单词 重难突破1aid n&vt.帮助;援助;资助With the aid of the teacher,all of us in our class have made great progress.在老师的帮助下,我们班所有的人都取得了很大的进步。aid sb.with sth.以某物帮助某人aid在某方面帮助某人aid do sth.帮助某人做某事come/go to sb.s aid来/去帮助某人with the a

13、id of在的帮助下in aid of为了援助活学巧练 We are collecting money _ aid of the people who have lost their homes.答案:in2vital adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的As far as Im concerned,reading is of vital importance in language learning.就我个人而言,阅读在语言学习中至关重要。be vital to/for是至关重要的It is vital to do sth.做某事很重要It is vital that.should do.是十分重

14、要的(从句用虚拟语气,should可以省略)活学巧练“Although these measures are not effective forever,they are vital _ now,”he says.It is vital that we _(take)measures to prevent the disease from spreading.答案:for(should)take3treat vt.&vi.治疗;对待;款待 n款待;招待John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms Slades hands.约翰用

15、这些东西处理斯莱德女士手上最严重的伤口。treat把某人当看待treat sth.seriously认真对待某事/物treat sb./oneself to用款待某人/自己Its my treat.我请客。treatment n处理;治疗活学巧练 She treated us _ ice cream.I treat him _ my friend.Many patients are not getting the medical _(treat)they need.答案:to as treatment4apply vi.申请;适用 vt.使用,应用;涂抹He slowe

16、d the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.他使劲地按住伤口,使血流得慢些,直到警察和救护车的到来。把应用/运用于apply to.适用于apply(to sb.)for sth.(向)申请apply ones mind/oneself to专心于;专心从事applied adj.应用的,实用的application n应用,适用;申请applicant n申请人,应征者巧学妙记活学巧练 The new technology,if _(appl

17、y)to rice growing,will help increase the grain output.His _(apply)for membership of the organization was rejected.If the _(apply)is not a true candidate for the job,do not interview him.Later I decided to apply my previous experience _ learning how to read and write.答案:applied application applicant

18、to5squeeze vt.&vi.榨;挤;压榨 n.压;挤Cant you squeeze more juice out of that lemon?难道你不能从那个柠檬里挤出更多的汁吗?squeeze out榨出;挤出squeeze.out of/from把从中榨出来squeeze in/into挤进squeeze ones way勉强通过;挤过巧学妙记活学巧练 Five of us squeezed _ the back seat of the car.答案:into6bleed(bled;bled)vi.流血;出血;敲诈钱财Your arm is bleeding.你的胳膊在流血。bl

19、eed for.为而流血/悲痛bleed to death因出血过多而死亡bleed sb.dry榨干某人的血汗;榨完某人的钱财活学巧练 He was _(blood)heavily.答案:bleeding7variety n种类;多样化;变化;多变(性)There are several varieties of red roses.红玫瑰有数种。various adj.各种各样的;不同的vary vi.变化;不同活学巧练 The school has received _(variety)grants(资助)from the education department.答案:various8

20、injury n(尤指意外造成的)受伤处;伤口;伤害;损害What you said was an injury to her fame.你说的话是在玷污她的名声。injure vt.伤害;损害injured adj.受伤的活学巧练 His _(injure)is slight.The boy _(injury)his leg while riding a bike.答案:injury injured9pressure n.压力;按压The roof gave way under the pressure of the snow.屋顶因雪的压力而崩溃。blood pressure 血压unde

21、r the pressure of 在压迫下under pressure 在压力下put pressure on do sth.给某人施压做某事活学巧练 He is _ pressure and cant fall asleep.答案:under10pour vt.&vi.倒;灌;注,涌Sweat pours down my face and into my eyes.汗水在脸上流淌,进入我的眼中。pour into 涌入pour out 倾诉,倾吐pour cold water over/on 对泼冷水pour sth.out to sb.向倾诉活学巧练 Kim poured s

22、ome water _ a glass and gave it to me.答案:into重点短语 拓展延伸1in place在适当的位置;适当Hold the bandage in place with tape.用胶布把绷带固定。out of place不在适当位置;不合适in place of代替;取代in the first place首先;第一点take place发生take ones place就座;代替take the place of代替;取代活学巧练 Everything for the trip is _ place,so you neednt worry.The old

23、 shabby house is _ of place.答案:in out2make a difference区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.这说明了急救知识的确能发挥重要的作用。make some/no difference(to.)(对)有/没作用或影响tell the difference(between.and.)辨别/区分(与)活学巧练 Your age shouldnt make any _(different)to whether you get t

24、he job or not.What you have said will make no difference _ the naughty boy.答案:difference to3fall ill 生病Then his father fell ill and died.后来他父亲生病死了。fall behind落后 fall to pieces崩溃fall silent沉默下来 fall asleep睡着fall down摔倒 fall in love with爱上方法点拨(1)fall ill表动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。My father used to be in good

25、health,but he fell ill suddenly last week.我父亲身体一直很好,但上星期突然生病了。(2)be ill表状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。He has been ill for a week.他病了一周了。活学巧练 He _(fall)ill the other day.答案:fell4get done 被She got burned when she was cooking yesterday.她昨天做饭时被烫伤了。get paid得到报酬 get married结婚get injured受伤 get burned烧伤;烫伤get infected感

26、染;染上 get separated分离get damaged毁掉 get broken坏掉get hurt受伤 get repaired修理get dressed穿上衣服 get changed换衣服活学巧练 Hurry up!You have no time to get _(change)He got _(pay)by the hour.答案:changed paid5put back 把放回(原处);拨回(钟、表的针);拨慢;推迟;阻碍;拖延;(船或船员)返航;驶回The meeting has been put back to next Thursday.会议延期到下周四举行。put

27、 sth.back 放回原处 put off 推迟;延迟put away 把收起来放好 put forward 提出;提前put out 扑灭;熄灭 put up 建造;张贴put down 镇压;记下活学巧练 He put _ his own plan at the meeting.They put _ a notice on the wall.答案:forward up6put ones hands on 找到;得到Ill bring some tapes if I can put my hands on them.如果找得到的话,我会带几盒录音带来。at hand 在手边;在附近;即将到

28、来by hand 手工in hand 在手里;在掌握中;在控制下from hand to hand 从一人手中传到另一人手中hand in hand 手拉手;共同地on the one hand,on the other hand 一方面;另一方面活学巧练 I cant put my hands _ my purse.They made some moon cakes _ hand.答案:on by典型句式 精讲精练1While ironing clothes,Miss Good accidentally touched the iron.熨衣服时,古德小姐意外地碰到了熨斗。在if,when,

29、though,as,as if好像等连词引导的从句中,如果从句主语和主句主语一致,且从句中含有系动词be,可以将从句的主语和动词be省掉。有时主、从句主语不一致,但从句中主语是it且是be动词作谓语时,也可将从句中的主语及系动词省去。如if necessary,when possible等。活学巧练 If _,we shall send a telegram home.Whenever _,he will come to my help.While _(cross)the street,he got injured.答案:necessary possible crossing2There is

30、 no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slades life.毫无疑问,约翰的快速反应和在学校时学到的急救知识救了斯莱德女士的命。There is no doubt that.毫无疑问There is no doubt about sth.毫无疑问I have no doubt about sth./that-clause毫无疑问I dont doubt that-clause毫无疑问(It is)no wonder(that).怪不得I doubt

31、whether/if.我怀疑是否活学巧练 There is no doubt _ he is guilty.There is no doubt _ our success.There is still doubt _ she will keep her word.答案:that about whether3John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.约翰正在房间里学习,突然听到一声尖叫。when 在此句中为并列连词,意为“就在这时,恰恰在这时”,多用在下列句型中。be doing.when.正在这时be about to do.w

32、hen.正打算做这时be just going to do.when.正要这时had just done.when.刚做了这时be on the point of doing.when.正要这时活学巧练 He was sleeping _ there was a knock at the door.The thief was on the point of putting his hand into the ladys handbag _ the bus suddenly stopped.答案:when when4Remove clothing using scissors if necess

33、ary unless it is stuck to the burn.除非衣服紧贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。unless 是连词,意为“除非,如果不”,引导的是一个肯定条件状语从句,从句有时可以与if.not.引导的否定状语从句互换。活学巧练 _ something unexpected happens,Ill see you tomorrow.Owen wouldnt eat anything _ he cooked it himself.答案:Unless unless5If burns are on arms or legs,keep them high

34、er than the heart,if possible.如果烧伤的部位在臂部或腿部,尽可能把手臂或腿抬到高于心脏的位置。if possible 如果可能的话,是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,相当于if it is possible。If possible,try to speak English as often as you can.如果可能的话,尽可能经常地讲英语。(1)if any 如果有的话;(2)if necessary 如果有必要的话;(3)if so 如果是这样的话;(4)if not 如果没有。活学巧练 Will you be free this evening?If _,lets go to the concert together.Is anybody feeling cold?If _,lets open the windows.答案:so not温示提馨请 做:随堂演练03(点击进入)温示提馨请 做:课时作业25(点击进入)温示提馨请 做:综合能力测试五(必修5)(点击进入)

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