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2019英语新一线同步北师大必修四课件:UNIT 11 SECTION Ⅲ LESSON 2 & LESSON 3 — PRE-READING .ppt

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1、Section_Lesson 2&Lesson 3 Pre-reading读文清障The classicadvertisement is onethat gives information about finding certain products.It is likely to be just the name of a company,part of which may be a classic/klsIk/adj.传统的;经典的one指代同名(类)异物,即an advertisement。certain adj.某种,某些likely adj.可能的,有希望的Sb./Sth.be li

2、kely to do sth.某人/某物有可能做某事原文呈现读文清障原文呈现“名词介词which”引导的定语从句。sewing/sI/n.缝纫,缝制品 sew/s/vt.缝,缝制beer/bI/n.啤酒 corporation/kpreI n/n.公司brand/brnd/n.商标,牌子general location.For example,it could be“Shanghai SewingMachine”,or“Tsing Tao BeerCorporation”,and you would know what the companies sell,where they are loc

3、ated,and the brand names.读文清障原文呈现10 suitable/sutb l/adj.合适的in competition with.与竞争compete with与竞争attract the attention of sb.吸引某人的注意力hold the attention of sb.保持某人的注意力consist of由组成 make up组成 be made up of由组成However,this kind of advertising might not be suitable when there are products and services in

4、 direct competition with each other in the market place.In such situations,advertisements need to attract,and hold the attention of the public.Some advertisements consist of读文清障原文呈现as 引导原因状语从句。advertiser/dvtaIz/n.广告人advertise/dvtaIz/vt.为做广告,登广告advertisement n广告budget/bdIt/n.预算apply v申请,应用 apply for申

5、请 apply to应用于,适用visually/vIli/adv.外表上;视觉地句中to make.possible为动词不定式短语作目的状语。pictures or the words of experts to show people how good the products are.Others try to create advertisements that people simply enjoy looking at.As present-day advertisersoften have large budgets,a lot of money is spent on app

6、lying modern techniques of design to make these advertisements as visuallyattractive as possible.第12段译文 传统的广告只为找到某种产品提供信息。它很可能仅是一个公司的名称,其中可能含有公司的大概位置。例如,一则广告可能是“上海缝纫机厂”或“青岛啤酒厂”,你一看就知道它们卖什么,位置在哪里,是什么牌子。然而,当产品和服务在市场上互相进行直接竞争时,这种广告可能就不适合了。在这种形势下,广告需要吸引和保持公众的注意力。有些广告中含有一些图片或专家说的话,以向人们展示该产品如何好。还有一些广告的设计只

7、是让人们欣赏其画面。当今的广告商常常拥有大量的预算,所以他们把许多钱用在现代设计技术上,以使这些广告在视觉上尽可能地吸引人。读文清障原文呈现enough to do sth.足以做某事21 because of“因为”,后接名词、代词等。22 boom/bum/n.迅速增长 23 be used to习惯于24 visual/vIl/adj.视觉的,视力的25 stand out突出,显眼 stand for代表26 combine v使结合,联合combine.with.把和相结合27 be linked to和连接或联系link.with.将与连接在一起link up相连接;相联系Howe

8、ver,even this is often not enough to benoticed in a modern city.Because of21 the advertising boom22,people are used to23 seeing high standards of visual24design.Modern advertisements must stand out25 in a world full of competition by combining26the highest standards of design with ideas linked to27

9、the products to读文清障原文呈现28 过去分词短语linked to the products作后置定语,修饰ideas;动词不定式短语to make them more attractive作目的状语。29 suggest v暗示当suggest表示“建议”时,其后名词性从句应使用虚拟语气;而当suggest表示“暗示,表明”时,其后从句应使用陈述语气。30 动名词短语buying a car作主语。31 that is(that is to say)常作插入语,表示“也就是说”。32 concept/knsept/n.概念;观念make them more attractiv

10、e28.For example,some advertisements may suggest29 that buying a car30 can make you free.That is31,they use the concept32 of freedom to sell the car.Other common ideas include happiness,wealth and success.In fact,in the world of advertisements,such content is as old as advertising itself.读文清障原文呈现For

11、many of todays advertisers,33repeating old ideas is not a successful approach34.They realise that it does not matter how attractive the idea linked with the product is35 most people know that the main purpose of the advertisement is making customers spend money.Instead,these advertisers look for oth

12、er ways to make people notice their products.33动名词短语repeating old ideas作主语。34approach/prt/n.方法,方式(常与介词to搭配)35that引导的从句作realise的宾语。it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的how attractive.the product is。读文清障原文呈现The top advertisers of today believe that using humour36 as well as37 new and unusual ideas to surprise people is i

13、mportant in modern advertisements.Their aim is to create something that has never been seen before and is fascinating for people to look at38.By doing this,they hope to make people forget that someone is trying to sell39them something!36 humour/hjum/n.幽默 humorous adj.幽默的37 as well as既又,也A as well as

14、 B强调A not only A but also B强调B38 动词不定式短语to create.look at作表语。其中that has never.look at是定语从句,修饰something。39 try to do sth.设法/努力做某事 try doing sth.尝试做某事第34段译文 然而即使这样,也经常不足以在现代城市中引起关注。由于广告业的繁荣,人们已习惯于看到高水准的视觉设计。现代广告必须把最高水平的设计和产品理念相结合,以增强吸引力,这样才能在激烈的竞争中胜出。例如,有些广告示意买车会使你自由。其实,他们是在用自由的理念来卖车。其他常见的理念包括幸福、财富和成功

15、。事实上,就广告界而言,这些内容和广告本身一样陈旧。对当今众多的广告商来说,重复旧的理念已不是有效的办法。他们意识到,与产品相关联的理念多么吸引人并不重要多数人知道广告的主要目的就是让消费者花钱。相反,这些广告商寻找其他方式来使人们关注他们的产品。当今的顶级广告商认为。在现代广告中运用既出其不意、新颖独特又幽默的创意很重要。他们的目的是要创造一种人们以前没有见过的、赏心悦目的东西。他们希望这样做会使人们忘记有人正在向他们推销商品!读文清障原文呈现However,not all40advertising41 is about selling products and services for a

16、 profit.Some contemporary42advertisements mainly aim43 to make contributions44 to society.There are public advertisements which encourage 40 not all.为部分否定,意为“并非所有的都”。完全否定常用none,no one,nobody,nothing等。41advertising/dvtaIzI/n.广告活动;广告业42 contemporary/kntemp rri/adj.当代的43 aim v瞄准;力求达到;目的是aim to do sth.意

17、欲做某事44 contribution/kntrIbju n/n.贡献,捐助make contributions to对做出贡献读文清障原文呈现citizens45 to participate in improving their neighbourhood,protecting the environment,and helping other people.Over the last decade,the government has worked hard at using advertisements to educate the public on fighting AIDS,sa

18、ving water,helping the poor,giving up smoking,etc.These advertisements have helped to increase public knowledge,which has made our society a better place for everyone.45citizen/sItIzn/n.公民;市民第5段译文 然而,并非所有的广告都是为了赢利而推销商品和服务。一些当代广告的主要目的是为社会做贡献。还有一些公益广告,它们鼓励公民参与改善社区、保护环境和帮助他人的活动。在过去的10年中,政府努力用公益广告教育公众防范

19、艾滋病、节约用水、扶贫、戒烟等。这些公益广告有助于增加公众知识,使我们的社会对每个人来说更加美好。1blame A雇用2attempt B鼓励3attitude C租用,雇用4pretend D为辩解;保卫5hire E态度,看法6approach F尊敬;尊重7analyse G争论;理由Pre-readingPlease match the words with their proper meanings.8employ H责怪,归咎于9contribution I合适的10defend J假装11argument K分析12encouragement L尝试,试图13respect M方

20、法,方式14advertise N贡献,捐助15suitable O为做广告,登广告15_ 610_ 1115_答案:15 HLEJC 610 MKAND 1115 GBFOILead-in1What do you know about the paparazzi?参考答案:The paparazzi are also called“puppy team”in Chinese.It refers to those journalists who are hunting the news of celebrities.They like to take photographs of famous

21、 peoples private lives.2Can you think of some advertisements you have seen?Where can you see or hear advertisements?参考答案:on TVin the newspaperon the Internet on the radioin the street at bus/train/subway stationon the bus in the magazineon the board,etc.While-readingRead the text and then match the

22、topics with each paragraph.(1)Paragraph 1 AThe combination of design and new ideas.(2)Paragraph 2 BThe new and general need of modern ads.(3)Paragraph 3 CAbout classic ads.(4)Paragraph 4 DThe reason of making people forget the existence of ads.(5)Paragraph 5 EAbout the public ads.(1)(5)_Fast-reading

23、答案:(1)(5)CBADECareful-readingChoose the best answers according to the text.1According to the writer,advertisements like“Shanghai Sewing Machine”or“Tsing Tao Beer Corporation”are _.Aattractive BsuitableCcompetitiveDclassic2Nowadays,advertisements with _ are more attractive to people.Ahigh standards o

24、f designBideas linked to the productsChigh standards of design and ideas linked to the productsDconcepts of freedom,happiness,wealth and success3The top advertisers use humour as well as new and unusual ideas _.Ato create something newBto persuade people to buy their productsCto make people notice t

25、heir productsDall of the above4Public advertisements are made to encourage people to _.Amake contributions to societyBprotect the environmentCimprove their neighborhoodDhelp other people5Whats the main idea of the text?AHow to make an attractive advertisement.BHow to sell products with advertisement

26、s.CWhat a good advertisement is like.DNot all advertisements aim to make a profit.答案:15 DCDABStudy-readingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1For example,it could be“Shanghai Sewing Machine”or“Tsing Tao Beer Corporation”,and you would know what the companies sell,where they are lo

27、cated,and the brand names.句式分析 本句是由and连接的两个并列句。在后一个分句中,又包含着what引导的宾语从句和where引导的宾语从句。尝试翻译 例如,一则广告可能是“上海缝纫机厂”或“青岛啤酒厂”,你一看就知道它们卖什么,位置在哪里,是什么牌子。2As present-day advertisers often have large budgets,a lot of money is spent on applying modern techniques of design to make these advertisements as visually attractive as possible.句式分析尝试翻译 当今的广告商常常拥有大量的预算,所以他们把许多钱用在现代设计技术上,以使这些广告在视觉上尽可能地吸引人。“课时跟踪检测”见“课时跟踪练(三)”(单击进入电子文档)


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