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本文(安徽省马鞍山市2021届高三下学期4月第三次教学质量检测英语试题 扫描版含答案.pdf)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

安徽省马鞍山市2021届高三下学期4月第三次教学质量检测英语试题 扫描版含答案.pdf

1、英语试题参考答案一听力1-5 CBACA6-10 CCBAB11-15 BCBAB16-20 CAACB二阅读理解21-23 BAC24-27 CBBA28-31 DBCA32-35 BCDD36-40 FADEG三完形填空41-45 BADAC46-50 BCADB51-55 DACBD56-60 BACDA四语法填空61.which62.frequently63.security64.conflicts65.our66.than67.largest68.has laid/has been follow五短文改错Last Saturday,I went to

2、Caishi Park to join in for a public service activity with my classmates.Its a famous park in Maanshan.Therefore,some of its visitor leave garbage behind.HowevervisitorsAfter get our tools,we were dividing into different teams.We carefully looked for garbagegettingdividedalong the road.We spent about

3、 two hours filling many bags with garbage in a park.Then we sortthesortedthe garbage and put it into different bags.Both of us were a bit tired,but we felt happily to clean up the park.The greatest pleasure isAllhappy we have made it more beautiful.that六书面表达(略)听力录音稿:Text 1W:Harry,time for your bath.

4、M:Oh,Ill take it after I finish my homework.Its almost done.W:You shouldnt have surfed the internet before that.Text 2M:Darling,Mary just called to say she would be back late today.W:Is she going to her night class?M:No.Shes going to drop in on her friend,Alice.She is ill.W:OK.Ill pick her up later.

5、Text 3M:What do you want to do on your vacation?W:Id like to visit some museums,do some shopping and maybe see some movies.What aboutyou?M:Ill take a part-time job to get some social experience.W:That sounds meaningful!Text 4M:Guess what?Diana got first place in the exam again.W:I really admire her.

6、She always devotes herself to study.We should learn from her.M:Yes.Practice makes perfect.Text 5W:Bruce,have you heard our manager Jeremy has got promoted?And hes moving to a differentdepartment.M:Wow,thats great!I believe he will be a good leader.Text 6W:Come in,please!M:Hello,Ann.W:Hello,Frank.Wha

7、ts up?M:Ben should be taking some visitors around today,but he is off sick,so I was wonderingW:If Id do it?M:Exactly.W:No problem.Who are the visitors?Sales directors from Canada and France again?M:No.Ten operations directors from England this time.Text 7M:Good morning.May I help you?W:Good morning.

8、Id like to rent a two-bedroom or three-bedroom flat.M:OK.Here is a three-bedroom one on the second floor.Its very close to the supermarket andjust within walking distance of Subway Line 10.W:Hmm,very good.Is the flat furnished?M:Yes,fully furnished.W:Great.Id like to go and have a look.Text 8W:What

9、can I do for you?M:Id like to have a glass of milk and two fried eggs with sausages.W:Sorry,sir.The sausages have been sold out.M:Well,can I replace them with bacon?W:Yes.We also provide special fruit salad now.Would you like to have a try?M:No,thanks.I often prefer having that and a sandwich for lu

10、nch.W:OK.Your menu is accepted.Your food will be ready in 20 minutes and then will be deliveredin 5 minutes.Is there anything else I can do for you?M:No,thats all.Thank you.W:My pleasure.Have a nice day!Text 9W:John,weve got to go on a diet!M:Oh,no.It never works for me.W:It will work if you listen

11、to me this time.M:All right,what is it?W:Well,first of all,we should plan a balanced diet.M:That sounds difficult.W:Dont worry.Ive got loads of recipes for all sorts of meals.Secondly,we shouldnt try to loseweight quickly.It doesnt work because you lose energy and feel hungry all the time.M:How long

12、 will this diet have to last?W:Until we feel were the right weight!And thirdly,wed better give up the things we like.Forexample,Ill stop eating cakes and you should stop putting sugar in coffee because they are badfor us.M:You are right.Cakes are getting quite expensive!W:OK.The last point,we should

13、 do some exercise,like swimming.M:Yes,I would like to go swimming.But let me think about it for a day or two.W:Why not start it now?M:Because Im hungry.Text 10(男女声各一遍)In the 19th century,newspapers often published novels in parts.Only one chapter was printedat a time.Telling the whole story took sev

14、eral weeks or months.At the start of the 21st century,the cell phone novel was born.It married an old idea to new technology.The first cell phone novel,Deep Love,was written by Yoshi,a Japanese writer.The story wasso popular that it was later published as a book and made into a movie.Other Japanese

15、authors,like Naito and Chaco,have also been successful in the field.The first Chinese cell phone novelwas Distance,written in 2004 by writer Xuan Huang.The story contains 1,008 characters and isdivided into 15 chapters.There are several ways to read a cell phone novel.Readers may go to special websites to reada chapter or download it to their phone.Or,chapters may be sent to a persons phone via e-mail orshort message.Chapters are shortoften no more than a few hundred words long.Now,thousands of these mini novels in different languages are on the market.Its convenient to readsuch novels.

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