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1、第 四 讲:词汇知识补充与四级真题练习 classic, classicalcomparative, comparable competent, competitiveconcerned, concerning confident, confidant, confidential considerate, considerable, consideringcredible, credulous electric, electricaleconomic, economicalemergence, emergency healthful, healthyhistoric, historical h

2、onorable, honoraryimaginary, imaginative industrial, industrious installation, installment literary, literate, literal momentous, momentary observation, observance physicist, physician respective, respectable, respectfulsensible, sensitive, sensoryspirited, spiritual tasty, tasteful temporal, tempor

3、ary visual, visible二、拼写形近词adapt, adopt, adeptalter, altar altitude, latitude angel, angleaffect, effect;complement, complimentconversation, conservationcounsel, council, consuldessert, desertdiner, dinnerdual, duelethics, ethnicsfork, folkflour, floweridle, idolirritate, irrigatelesson, lessenmassag

4、e, messagepeer, pearpetrol, patrol, petrelpiston, pistolpray, preypreposition, propositionstationary, stationeryvocation, vacation human, humanesuit, suitepremier, premiere moral, morale heroin, heroine 三、特殊拼写absorb-absorptioncompare-comparison destroy-destruction explain-explanation proclaim-procla

5、mationpronounce-pronunciation repeat-repetition prevail-prevalencereveal-revelationexample-exemplify distinguish-distinctextinguish-extinctconsume-consumption simple-simplicity pursue-pursuit buy-purchasebite-baitcontain-contentfurnish-furniturebenefit-beneficial abolish-abolitiondiminish-diminution

6、 四、搭配Noun + Prep desire forevidence for gift for reason for have a good reputation forhave a preference for access toanswer to approach to barrier to entry tokey to response toreaction to solution to threat tocomment on effect on focus on influence on impact on impression on remark onbias against di

7、scrimination againstprejudice againstproblem withtrouble with insight into attitude toward Adjective + Prepbe anxious aboutbe arrogant aboutbe concerned aboutbe crazy aboutbe curious aboutbe enthusiastic aboutbe particular about be amazed at be astonished atbe delighted atbe disappointed atbe dismay

8、ed atbe furious atbe good atbe skilled atbe bound forbe competent forbe eager for be famous for be fit for be grateful for be indispensable for be noted forbe notorious for be ready for be renowned for be responsible forbe suitable for be sympathy for be well-known for be afraid of be ashamed of be

9、aware of be capable ofbe cautious ofbe certain of be confident ofbe conscious ofbe envious of be fearful of be fond of be full ofbe guilty ofbe ignorant of be independent ofbe innocent of be jealous ofbe proud ofbe scarce of be short ofbe sure ofbe suspicious ofbe tired ofbe weary of be worthy of be

10、 absent from be different frombe distinct frombe free frombe alert tobe beneficial tobe comparable tobe equal to be essential to be faithful/loyal to be hostile to be identical tobe immune to be inclined tobe indifferent to be inferior/superior to be opposed to be parallel to be peculiar to be prone

11、 tobe proportional to be relevant to be sensitive tobe similar to be subject to be vital toprior toprevious tobe bored withbe compatible withbe consistent withbe content with be familiar with be fed up with be generous with be patient with be popular withbe satisfied with be harsh onbe intent on be

12、keen onVerb + Prep complain aboutinquire aboutbe confused about discriminate againstfight againstinsure againstaim atgaze at glance atglare atknock at laugh atpeer atshout at smile atstare at benefit fromderive from differ/differentiate from distinguish fromdistract fromdraw from escape from extract

13、 from free from isolate from learn from originate from prevent/prohibit/inhibit/restrain/stop/keep/dissuade/preclude sb from doing protect fromrecover fromremove from retire from separate from shift/switch/range from to shield fromstem from suffer from tell fromadapt/adjust/accustom oneself to add t

14、o adhere to appeal tobe attached to attribute/ascribe/owe sth to sbbe committed to be connected to be doomed/destined tobe related tobe/get used/accustomed to cater to cling to confine/limit/restrict toconform to comply tocontribute/dedicate/devote to go back tolink to object to occur to oppose to r

15、esort/turn to respond to stick totrace toyield to base sth on concentrate/center/focus on sthcongratulate sb on count ondepend on/upondecide on impose on/uponinsist onoperate on reflect on/uponrely onspend on associate with be faced withbe confronted withbe infected withbe obsessed with begin/start

16、with bless sb withcoincide with combine with endow sb withfurnish with interfere withmeddle withmeet withreplace withcompensate forexchange/trade sth for long for mourn for/over qualify for scold/blame sb for sth substitute sth for yearn for accuse sb of sthapprove sb of sthassure sb of sth convince

17、 sb ofdeprive sb of sth inform sb of sthnotify sb of sthremind sb of sthrob sb of sthsuspect sb of sth warn sb of sthassist in believe in be absorbed/engrossed inbe involved in be located/situated inbreak inengage inlie inmajor in participate in persist inspecialize insucceed in be proud oftake prid

18、e in be confident ofhave confidence in be faithful to have faith inbe full of fill with apply for/tobe concerned about/with compare with/toconsist in/ofdeal with/indwell on/inresult in/fromat/with ease 五、同义词辨析acquire, get affect, effect appointment, date belongings, possession, property choose, sele

19、ct compare, contrastcommon, ordinary, average client, customer occupation, profession, career owing to, due to, thanks toquestion, problem, issue raw, crude, original realistic, practical steady, stable valid, efficient, effective四级真题练习1. First published in 1927, the charts remain an_ source for res

20、earchers.A) intelligentB) indispensableC) inevitable D) identical2. There is a_ of impatience in the tone of his voice.A) dotB) hintC) notionD) phrase3. Deserts and high mountains have always been a_ to the movement of people from place to place.A) jamB) barrierC) fenceD) prevention4. Joe is not goo

21、d at sports, but when it_ mathematics, he is the best in the class.A) comes up toB) comes around toC) comes toD) comes on to5. Please_ dictionaries when you are not sure of word spelling or meaning.A) searchB) seekC) inquireD) consult6. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertis

22、ing has_ the quality of the programs.A) affectedB) effectedC) lessenedD) declined7. She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power _. A) dropB) lackC) failureD) absence8. For more than 20 years, weve been supporting educational programs that_ fromkindergartens to colleges.A) spreadB) sh

23、iftC) moveD) range9. I was so_ in todays history lesson. I didnt understand a thing.A) confusedB) neglectedC) amusedD) amazed10. I must congratulate you_ the excellent design of the new bridge.A) withB) atC) onD) of11. Now that spring is here, you can_ these fur coats till you need them again next w

24、inter.A) put overB) put offC) put downD) put away12. I went along thinking of nothing_ only looking at things around me.A) in briefB) in doubtC) in harmonyD) in particular13. In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some_ shops in the residential area.A

25、) flowingB) mobileC) driftingD) Unstable14. The lecture which lasted about three hours was so _that the audience couldnt help yawning.A) tediousB) clumsyC) boredD) tired15. It_you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buyboth.A) creditsB) entitlesC) presentsD) tip

26、s16. When carbon is added to iron in proper _,the result is steel.A) ratesB) densitiesC) proportionsD) thicknesses17. Doctors warned against chewing tobacco as a _for smoking.A) successionB) substituteC) revivalD) relief18. The board of the company has decided to_ its operations to include all aspec

27、ts of the clothing business.A) multiplyB) stretchC) lengthenD) expand19. The test results are beyond _; they have been repeated in labs all over the world.A) conflictB) disputeC) bargainD) negotiation20. His business was very successful, but it was at the_ of his family life.A) exhaustionB) consumpt

28、ionC) creditD) expense21. Though she began her _by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous Hollywood movie star.A) employmentB) career C) occupationD) profession22. Considering your salary, you should be able to at least twenty dollars a week.A) put forwardB) put upC) put outD) put aside23

29、. Mrs. Morriss daughter is pretty and_, and many girls envy her.A) slenderB) lightC) faintD) minor24. Salaries for positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones.A) legalB) optionalC) voluntaryD) temporary25. Science and technology have in important ways to the improvement of agricultural produ

30、ction.A) attachedB) assistedC) contributedD) witnessed26. He never arrives on time and my is that he feels the meetings are useless.A) preferenceB) conferenceC) inferenceD) reference27. Only those who can to lose their money should make high-risk investments.A) maintainB) sustainC) endureD)afford28.

31、The writer was so _ in her work that she didnt notice him enter the roomA) absorbedB) abandonedC) focusedD) centered29.Actually , information technology can _ the gap between the poor and the rich .A) linkB) breakC) allyD) bridge 30.Mass advertising helped to _ the emphasis from the production of go

32、ods to their consumption A) varyB) shiftC) layD) moderate 31.Because of his excellent administration , people lived in peace and _ and all previously neglected matters were taken care of .A) convictionB) contestC) consentD) content 32.Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) _ way to deal with some s

33、tressful situation A) effectiveB) efficientC) favorableD) favorite33.The native Canadians lived in _ with nature , for they respected nature as a provider of life A) coordinationB) acquaintanceC) contactD) harmony34.For professional athletes , _ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter

34、 the history books A) accessB) attachment C) appealD) approach 35.Allthe arrangements should be completed _ your departure.A) prior toB) superior to C) contrary toD) parallel to 36. It is said in some parts of the world, goats, rather than cows, serve as a vital _of milk.A) storage B) reserve C)reso

35、urce D)source37. Its good to know that quite a few popular English expressions actually _ from the Bible.A) acquireB) obtain C) deriveD) result38. Its very_of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep. A) concerned B) careful C) considerable D) considerate 39. There is no _ evidence that people can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a lab. A) rigid B) solidC) smooth D) harsh 40. Some plants are very _ to light; they prefer the shade. A) sensible B) flexibleC) objective D) sensitive


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