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06-07学年同步测控优化训练高三英语UNIT9 A卷(附答案).doc

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1、本作品版权由冯军老师所有,授权予北京校园之星科技有限公司,任何机构或个人均不得擅自复制、传播。本公司热忱欢迎广大一线教师加入我们的作者队伍。有意者请登录高考资源网()版权所有,盗用必究!高三英语同步检测(十七)Unit 9 Health care(A卷).单词拼写根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺的各单词的正确形式,每空写一词。1She received $10 000 (保险金) when her husband died.答案 insurance2According to the data from National Bureau of (统计数字) of China,he is the

2、 1.3 billionth Chinese.答案 statistics3His cold couldnt be rid of (摆脱掉) though taking the medicine for a whole week.答案 got/gotten4 (绝望了),he dropped out of college and went to work to support his family.答案 Hopelessly5Whenever he meets with some new words,he will (查阅) the dictionary.答案 consult6The gover

3、nment has made a (全国) call to care for the AIDS.答案 nationwide7We should carry on the spirit of utter (献身) to others without any thought of self.答案 devotion8Fleming continued his search until a fortunate incident led him to a new discovery of even greater (意义).答案 significance9The July 7th (事变) happen

4、ed in 1937 in Lugou Bridge in China.答案 incident10The (压力) from their coaches and parents made them burnedout and ended up leaving the football team.答案 pressure.单句理解从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个意思与所给原句的意思相似或相近的句子。1If I had had insurance,the sickness wouldnt have caused such a big problem.A.The sickness wouldnt h

5、ave caused such a big problem,but I hadnt had insurance.B.The sickness wouldnt have caused such a big problem,but I didnt have insurance.C.I didnt have insurance,otherwise the sickness didnt cause such a big problem.D.I hadnt had insurance,or the sickness wouldnt cause such a big problem. 答案B2This a

6、llowance,however,is only enough to cover the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing.A.But this allowance is only enough for them to pay for the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing.B.However,they can use the allowance to spend on the fundamental needs such as food and clothing.

7、C.This allowance is so much that they can spend it on the necessities.D.Theyve received allowance enough to pay for the fundamental needs such as food and clothing,though.答案A3If lowincome families cannot afford to purchase medical insurance,as was the case with Wang Lin,other measures to reduce pove

8、rty will not succeed.A.Though lowincome families cannot buy medical insurance,as was the case with Wang Lin,the government can still go on with the measures to reduce poverty.B.As long as lowincome families cannot afford medical insurance,just as Wang Lin,there is still some difficulty in carrying o

9、n with other measures to reduce poverty.C.Because lowincome families cant purchase medical insurance,as was the case with Wang Lin,the government will do nothing about it.D.Not until the government take action to reduce the poverty will the lowincome families can afford to purchase medical insurance

10、.答案B4The United Nations AIDS Agency warns that the number of infected people in China could reach 10 million by 2020 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease.A.The United Nations AIDS Agency warns that the number of the people who have AIDS will reach 10 million by 2020 if we dont ta

11、ke any measures to prevent the spread of the disease.B.The United Nations AIDS Agency warns that from now on as long as we take action to stop the spread of the disease,the number of the infected people will reach 10 million by 2020.C.If we dont adopt any measures from now on,to stop the spread of t

12、he disease,the number of the infected people in China could come to 10 million by 2020,which is warned by the United Nations AIDS Agency.D.If we dont adopt more measures to stop the spread of the disease,the number of the infected people in China could come to 10 million by 2020,which is warned by t

13、he United Nations AIDS Agency.答案D5In order to meet the challenge,the Chinese government has vowed to provide free AIDS tests for the general public as well as free treatment for those who cannot afford it.A.The Chinese government are determined to provide anything free for those who suffer from AIDS

14、 in order to meet the challenge.B.In order to meet the challenge,the Chinese government will provide free tests and treatment for whoever suffers from AIDS.C.Not only has the government vowed to provide free treatment for those who cannot afford the disease,but free AIDS tests for the general public

15、 as well in order to meet the challenge.D.The Chinese government will both provide free tests for the general public who are suffering from AIDS and free treatment for those who are suffering from AIDS.答案C.用所给词的适当形式填空。Incidentsureriskyprosperhopesignificanttransferdiagnosedevoteconsult1The doctor hi

16、s illness as pneumonia.答案diagnosed2Hearing that her husbands disease was a case,the woman couldnt help crying in despair.答案hopeless3Were there any interesting during your journey?答案incidents4Flemings to his research led to the discovery of penicillin.答案devotion5Flemings discovery of penicillin is of

17、 great in our fight against disease.答案significance6To reduce poverty,medical must be considered as one of the fundamental needs for poor people in a welfare state.答案insurance7About the subject we have many books.答案consulted8The head office has been from London to Beijing.答案transferred9To succeed in

18、business one must be prepared to run .答案risks10The of this industry depends on a full order book.答案prosperity.句型转换在句空缺处填入适当的单词,使完成后的句子与句意思相同或相近,每空一词。1A:If I had had insurance,the sickness wouldnt have caused such a big problem.B: insurance,the sickness wouldnt have caused such a big problem.答案Had I

19、had2A:Owing to the project and the kindness of his family and neighbors,Wang was able to receive treatment in time.B: the project and the kindness of his family and neighbours,Wang was able to receive treatment in time.答案Thanks to3A:He lived in a cold room.Worse still,whenever it rained,the rain lea

20、ked into the room.B:He lived in a cold room. ,whenever it rained,the rain leaked into the room.答案To make matters worse4A:Whenever he meets with a new word,he will consult the dictionary.B:Whenever he meets with a new word,he will it in the dictionary.答案look;up5A:He didnt realize his mistake until he

21、 was told about it.B:It was he was told about it he realized his mistake.答案not until;that.单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1The factory has workers because of the drop in sales.A.laid outB.laid offC.laid asideD.laid down解析lay off解雇;lay out设计,布局;花费;lay aside把放在一边;lay down规定,确定,说明。答案B2Im not quite sur

22、e how to get thereId better a map.A.drawB.lookC.searchD.consult解析consult a map查阅地图。答案D3She was depressed and felt totally about the future.A.hopefulB.hopelessC.anxiousD.unfortunate解析hopeless(感到)没有希望的;hopeful(指人)抱有希望;unfortunate不幸的。答案B4If it for your help,we would be in serious trouble.A.isntB.arentC

23、.hasnt beenD.werent解析句意为:要是没有你的帮助,我们会有很多麻烦。虚拟语气用在与现在事实相反的条件句中时,条件从句的谓语用动词的过去式。答案D5She made a few mistakes playing the violin,but you should make for her since shes only been playing for a year.A.allowancesB.promisesC.roomD.way解析make allowances for原谅,因而不计较。答案6Mary is in bed with a fever and she cant

24、hope to the cold in a few days.A.get rid of B.get away withC.get offD.get out解析get rid of摆脱;get away with被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚;get off下车;离开;get out出来,传出去,泄漏。答案7He requires that he an opportunity to explain his case.A.is givenB.should giveC.giveD.be given解析表示请求、建议、命令的动词(如require,demand,order,suggest)后接宾语从句时,

25、从句中的谓语部分需要用虚拟语气should+do,其中should可省略。答案D8It is said that some government leaders their position to get illegal profits for themselves.A.occupyB.takeC.abuseD.hold解析abuse滥用。句意为“据说一些政府官员滥用职权为自己牟取私利”。答案C9Please ask the lawyer what his would be to take the case to court.A.wageB.incomeC.feeD.welfare解析fee酬

26、金,收费;wage工资;income收入;welfare福利。答案10The fans were well behaved,and the game was played without .A.incidentB.accidentC.eventD.matter解析incident,accident和event都可作“事件”讲,但有区别:incident通常指任何不是很重要的事件,还可指政治上的事件或事变;accident通常指偶然发生的不幸事件;event指重要事件,特别是有历史意义的重大事件。答案A11But for the rain,we it earlier.A.would finish

27、B.should finishC.should have finishedD.must have finished解析but for the rain=if it had not been the rain。答案C12He is stupid.,he doesnt study.A.In the first placeB.In other wordsC.To be honestD.To make matters worse解析to make matters worse(情况)更糟糕的是。答案D13Because of his devotion music,he has become friend

28、ly with Mrs Keith,a pop singer.A.toB.forC.inD.at解析devotion to.此处意为“喜欢,热爱”。答案A14I was under pressure from my parents to become teacher.A.a;aB.the;theC.a;/D./;a解析be under pressure受到压力,受到敦促。答案D15James didnt attend the meeting and .A.so did JaneB.neither did JaneC.Jane didnt tooD.Jane did too解析neither,n

29、or引起分句时,分句要用倒装语序。表示前者否定的情况同样适用于后者,要用句式“neither/nor+do/does/did.+主语”。答案B16The boys work hard, do the girls.A.asB.the sameC.the similarD.like解析本题是一个倒装结构,以as引导的方式状语从句常用这种结构。答案A17That was found to be in many developing countries.A.factB.the caseC.the conditionD.the state解析题意是“在很多发展中国家也是这种情况”,表示“情况”“情景”用

30、the case。如:That isnt the case with Peter.彼得的情况并非如此。condition意为“条件”;state是“状态”的意思,都与题意不符。答案18I hope the weather by this afternoon,because we want to go out.A.cleans upB.cleans outC.clears upD.clears out解析表示“天气转晴”,用clear up。clear out为“清理出”之意,clean out是“打扫干净”之意,clean up是“清除掉”之意,都与题意不符。答案19Accidents oft

31、en out of carelessness.A.riseB.raiseC.go upD.arise解析本题意思是“事故通常是由粗心引起的”,表示“发生”“出现”,在所给的选项中,用arise。rise指“有形的东西在升起”,raise是及物动词,go up有“上升”之意,都不可用于本题。答案D20The moment we had been looking forward to at last.A.comingB.comeC.comesD.came解析本题很容易误选,把come看作look forward to的宾语,因此首先要理清句子结构,句子的主语是The moment,we had b

32、een looking forward to是省去that的定语从句,修饰The moment,所以需要填入的不是look forward to的宾语,而是句子的谓语,根据从句的时态,主句的谓语应是一般过去时。答案D.单句改错下面每句中有一处错误,请改正。1Wang is a layingoff worker,who suffers from AIDS.答案layingofflaidoff2So far,the project helped more than 2000 people receive medical aid.答案helped前加has3It does not cover hea

33、lth care,house or education.答案househousing4The disease of AIDS has caused over 30% of lowincome residents to live on poverty.答案onin5It is said that a society can be judged in the way it cares for its weaker members.答案inby6The funds are limiting and it is possible to meet all the needs.答案limitinglimi

34、ted7In twentieth century,Fleming discovered it.答案twentieth前加the8Fleming invented many new ways to treat the wounds.答案woundswounded9On a bench by the sink,he found some old glass containers,which he had been growing bacteria.答案which前加in10It was not until World War when the importance of Flemings disc

35、overy was fully recognized.答案whenthat.汉译英1我的感冒就是好不了。(get rid of)答案I cant get rid of my cold.2他是一个可以依赖的人。(depend on)答案He is a man to be depended on.3更糟糕的是,他是个下岗工人。(to make matters worse)答案To make matters worse,he is a laidoff worker.4他用他的全部收入治好了他的病。(at the cost of)答案He was cured at the cost of his whole income.5如果我当时知道他的电话号码的话,我就会通知他的。(用虚拟语气)答案If I had known his telephone number,I would have informed him.


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