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新教材2021-2022学年外研版英语必修第一册学案:UNIT 5 INTO THE WILD SECTION Ⅱ USING LANGUAGE WORD版含答案.doc

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新教材2021-2022学年外研版英语必修第一册学案:UNIT 5 INTO THE WILD SECTION Ⅱ USING LANGUAGE WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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1、Section Using languageGrammar定语从句(2)一、语法图解二、语法突破定语从句除了由关系代词引导外,还可由关系副词when, where, why引导,它们在从句中作状语。1关系副词when引导的定语从句关系副词when引导定语从句时,先行词应是表示时间的名词,如time,day,hour,year等。关系词在从句中作时间状语。I still remember the day when I first went to the Great Wall.我还记得我第一次去长城的那一天。The day when we get together will come soon.我

2、们相聚的日子很快就会到来。2关系副词where引导的定语从句关系副词where引导定语从句时,先行词应是表示地点或抽象地点的名词,如place,factory,house,village等。关系词在从句中作地点状语。The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down.我十年前居住的那所房子已经被拆了。He is now working in the factory where his father worked.现在他正在他父亲工作过的那家工厂工作。3关系副词why引导的定语从句关系副词why引导定语从句时,先行词常常为reas

3、on。关系词在从句中作原因状语。 The reason why he succeeded in the exam was that he studied very hard.他考试成功的原因是他学习非常努力。Can you tell me the reason why you didnt come to his birthday party?你能告诉我你没参加他的生日宴会的原因吗?名师点津表示时间、地点及原因的名词作先行词时,定语从句可用关系代词引导,也可用关系副词引导。若先行词在定语从句中作状语,则应用关系副词;若先行词在定语从句中作主语或宾语,则应用关系代词。即时演练用关系副词合并下列句子

4、Ive always longed for the days.I should be able to be independent then.Ive always longed for the days when I should be able to be independent.The lab is not far from here.The chemist often does experiments there.The lab where the chemist often does experiments is not far from here.There are moments.

5、I forget all about it then.There are moments when I forget all about it.This is the village.I was born there.This is the village where I was born.1add .to . 把加到里(教材P54) English idioms are a way of adding colour to the language.英语习语是一种为语言增色的方式。(1)add to增加;增添add up 把加起来add up to 合计达(2)in addition 另外in

6、 addition to 除之外(经典佳句) These plants will add interest to your garden in winter.这些植物在冬季会给你的花园增添胜景。练透单句语法填空You can add meal money to your ID cards at the Front Desk.In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.Perhaps you think you could easily add to your happine

7、ss with more money.写美补全句子另外,我要去四川旅游,那里有很多名胜。In addition, I will go on a trip to Sichuan, where there are a great number of places of interest.2source n来源,出处;起源,根源(教材P55)Sheep, cows and pigs have been kept at home as sources of food for around 7,000 years.羊、牛和猪作为食物来源在家养殖已经有约7,000年的历史了。at source在源头,在发

8、源地a source of 的来源from all sources 从各个方面trace to its source 追根寻源(经典佳句)What is their main source of income?他们的主要收入来源是什么?练透单句语法填空Is the water polluted at source or further downstream?They were producing more energy from all sources (source)写美补全句子你们当地的图书馆将是很好的资料来源。Your local library will be a useful sou

9、rce of information.维度一基础题型练单句语法填空1The reason why she changed her mind is quite clear.2The days when they travelled together meant a lot to him.3Id like to live in a country where there is plenty of sunshine.4We went through a period when communications were very difficult in the rural areas.5After l

10、iving in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child.6I didnt get a pay rise, but this wasnt the reason why I left.7The government building where I worked was very tall.8Wed like to know the reason why she didnt accept the job.9This is the theatre where well visit

11、 a wellknown pianist.10I still remember the cold night when my friend left his hometown.维度二语法与写作补全句子1这是一个星期前他们住过的房子。This is the house where they lived a week ago.2那间在大火中被毁坏的屋子已经被重新修好了。The house which was destroyed in the terrible fire has been repaired.3我不信任他的原因是他常常撒谎。The reason why I dont trust him

12、 is that he often tells lies.4我们生活在一个许多事情都可以用电脑完成的时代。We are living in an age when many things can be done on computer.5毕业以后,他回到那个他长大的小镇上。After graduation he returned to the small town where he grew up.6我不喜欢你跟你父母讲话的方式。I dont like the way (that/in which) you speak to your parents.维度三以语段形式练习语法用正确的关系副词填

13、空We are having an amazing time here in South Africa.Our accommodation is perfect.In the evening 1.when the sun sets, we go out and sit on the balcony 2.where we can watch lots of different animals come down to drink at the waterhole.I guess this is the reason 3.why this place is so popular.Next week, we are going to fly up to Zambia 4.where we will get the chance to visit the famous Victoria Falls.


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