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本文(上海师范大学附属中学2017届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

上海师范大学附属中学2017届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc

1、上海师范大学附属中学2017届高三第三次模拟考试II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in each blank with one proper word or the proper form of the given word to make the passage coherent. Make sure that your answer are grammatically correct. Steven Paul Jobs was born in Cali

2、fornia USA, on Feb. 24, 1955. In 1974 he dropped out of college to work (21)_a video game designer. His initial aim was to save pretty enough money to go to India and experience Buddhism.111Back in the US in the autumn of 1974, Jobs went into business, with his high school friend, Stephen Wozniak. J

3、obs held the opinion (22)_computers would appeal to a broad audience. Although he had long hair and dressed casually, he managed (23)_(obtain) finance for his first marketable computer, the Apple II, in 1977. Apple Inc. (24)_(form) and met with immediate success. Seven years later, Jobs introduced t

4、he Macintosh computer in a brilliantly designed demonstration. However, the sales of the first Macs were (25)_(disappoint). This led to such tensions in his company (26)_in 1985 he resigned.In 1986, Jobs brought Pixar Animation Studios. Over the following decade he built Pixar into a large corporati

5、on (27)_, among other achievements, produced the first full-length film to be completely computer-animated, Toy Story, in 1995.In late 1996, Apple, (28)_(face) with huge financial losses and on the verge of collapse, asked Jobs to come back. He accepted, and quickly engineered an award-winning adver

6、tising campaign and urged customers to “think different” and buy Macintoshes. In 1998, he introduced the iMac, an egg-shaped computer that offered high-speed processing at a reasonable price. It was (29)_ instant success. Steve Jobs had saved his company and, in the process, re-established (30)_ as

7、a master high-technology marketer.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. action B. admiration C. adopted D. changed E. personalF. plain G. practicality H. published I. recog

8、nized J. unhappy K. weirdWhy People Use Pseudonyms(艺名)You cant choose the name given at birth, but in many countries you can change it legally when you reach adulthood. Of course, most people never change their names even if they feel (31)_ about them. However, some people do take this course of (32

9、)_- particularly artists! What makes an artist want to change their name? Sometimes its for purely (33)_ reasons, such as the Nobel Prize winning poet from Chile, Neftali Reyes. He didnt want his father to know he was writing poems, so he changed his name to Pablo Nenda when he was a young man. At o

10、ther times the reason may appear (34)_; take the case of Portuguese poet Femando Pessoa, who wrote under 75 different names. The reason? “When I use a different name, I always write in a different way,” he explained. In most cases, however, people do it for social, historical, political, or cultural

11、 reasons. Here are some of the most common:1111The persons name is just too long and difficult to remember. Lets be honest, Madonna Louise Ciccone is not as easy to remember as just (35)_ “Madonna”. And short names are easier to remember. William Bradley became Brad Pitt and Edson Arantes do Nascime

12、nto became Pele.Sometimes names are changed for marketing purpose. For example, if a name sounds too foreign, it may be changed to something that is more (36)_ in a market. So in the film world, Ramon Estevez (37)_ the name Martin Sheen. Or maybe the artists real name doesnt sound very attractive -

13、Chad Everett does sound a lot better than Raymond Cramton!Artists sometimes choose the name of someone they admire. Robert Zimmerman changed his name to Bob Dylan because of his (38)_for the Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas.Another reason may be (39)_: in the past, women found it very difficult to become a

14、well-received writer. To avoid this situation, they sometimes gave themselves mens name, so the English author Mary Ann Evans consequently became George Eliot, and she did get her books (40)_!III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words

15、or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Weve tried shopping, making money and spending it, but were still miserable. Whats missing from our lives?Money (41)_ makes most of us happy. Poor people, (42)_, see their life satisfaction rise wi

16、th income but for most of the population in a country as rich as ours, any jump-start to well-being from a pay rise quickly wears off. “I was window shopping in the south of France recently and I saw a woolly hat decorated with diamond, and I quite fancied it.” When we get to that stage we should re

17、alize that more money isnt getting us more in terms of (43)_.But what about health? Surely the virtual (44)_ of most fatal disease, rising life expectancy and falling death rates should be cheering us up? Not a bit of it. All that happens is that our expectations rise just as or even more quickly. (

18、45)_, our health is better on almost every count, but this doesnt translate into our feeling any healthier. We are more aware of our health, so we get more (46)_ it. Medicine has become a victim of its own success: having massively reduced the chances of death in childbirth, for example, people are

19、now shocked if a life is lost-and reach for a lawyer. Death was inevitable - now its (47)_.Like the answer to many great problems, however, the answer to the question of happiness may be quite plain: once countries and households are free of material need, the biggest (48)_ to life satisfaction seem

20、s to be a healthy set of personal relationship. The relative happiness of late teenagers and those passing middle age may relate to their spending more time on friendships. The thirty somethings, (49)_on the two fronts of work and children, are the most frustrated. Those between full-time education

21、and (50)_ may be spending more time on the activities they think will make them happy - earning and spending - than on those that (51)_ will: spending time with friends and family.The friend-shaped gap (52)_the American paradox - why the residents of the richest nation in the world are so unhappy -

22、according to Professor Robert E. Lane at Yale University. “There is a kind of (53)_ of warm interpersonal relations, of easy-to-reach neighbors, of inclusive memberships , and of solid family life.” he says.The (54)_ of happiness? Not money. So leave the lawn, forget your investment and call in sick

23、 tomorrow. Do yourself a favor. Phone a(n) (55)_. 41.A. by all meansB. no longerC. as a matter of factD. in no time42.A. instantlyB. reluctantlyC. dependentlyD. understandably43.A. happinessB. harmonyC. wealthD. health44.A. occurrenceB. stimulationC. eliminationD. spread45.A. objectivelyB. Amazingly

24、C. FortunatelyD. Similarly46.A. curious aboutB. anxious aboutC. satisfied withD. associated with47.A. immoralB. avoidableC. unacceptableD. continual48.A. oppositionB. introductionC. tendencyD. contributor49.A. fighting1111B. callingC. commentingD. touching50.A. entertainmentB. developmentC. practice

25、D. retirement51.A. seeminglyB. hardlyC. actuallyD. theoretically52.A. explainsB. concealsC. concludesD. worsens53.A. hopeB. lackC. changeD. increase54.A. resultB. advantageC. secretD. potential55.A. employerB. friendC. companyD. hotline Section BDirections:Read the following four passages. Each pass

26、age is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, and C, D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A) We went to the B.T Blackstone Library, not far from Lake Michigan, once

27、 a week. You could easily miss the building if you didnt know what you were looking for. But once you were inside, you could never mistake it for anything else. We passed through two sets of heavy brass doors to the lobby of the library. And if we turned right then, we could see an alcove with table

28、s; this led, in turn, to a big reading room with a great and ancient globe that sat in front of the largest windows. At some time during every visit I found my way into that room to touch the globe. I liked to look at Africa, with the coded colors of the different countries like the Belgian Congo an

29、d Rhodesia, and try to remember which countries were fighting to be free just as we were struggling for civil rights. I had heard Daddy talking about the struggle, arguing with the television as someone discussed it on a news show.On Saturday, as I wandered through the young adult section. I saw a t

30、itle: Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. I could tell from looking at the shelf that shed written a lot of books, but I didnt know anything about her. I had learned from experience that titles werent everything. A book that sounded great on the shelf could be dull once you got it home, and every ba

31、d book I brought home meant one less book to read until we went back in a week. So I sat in a chair near the shelves to skim the first paragraphs:“Christmas wont be Christmas without any presents” grumbled Jo, lying on the rug.“Its so dreadful to be poor” sighed Med, looking down at her old dress.“I

32、 dont think its fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all” added little Amy, with an injured sniff. “We have got Father and Mother and each other.” said Beth contentedly from her corner.It was a thing I had decided on some other books to take home, because I

33、 didnt look through the rest of the section that day. I read and read and read Little Women it was time to walk home,and expect for a few essential interruptions like sleeping and eating, I wouldnt put it down until the end. Even the freedom to watch weekend television held no appeal for me in girls

34、 who could almost be like me, especially Jo. It seemed to me a shame that she wasnt Black: then our similarity would be complete. She loved to read, she loved to make up plays, she hated acting ladylike, she had a dreadful temper. I had found a kindred spirit.56. What can be learned about the author

35、s father according to Paragraph 1?A. He was uncomfortable discussing politics with his children.B. He had strong feelings about the Civil Rights movement.C. He didnt approve of most news covered on TV.D. He generally had a pessimistic world view.57. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that the autho

36、r is most likely to agree_.A. books seem duller when read in libraries than when read at home.B. interesting books are often very dull in their first few paragraphs.C. novels are usually more interesting than nonfiction works.D. book titles can sometimes be misleading.58. The author quotes some line

37、s from Little Women as part of a larger attempt to_.A. convey the impact of an unexpected discovery.B. Describe a young readers sense of history.C. Illustrate the suddenness of a decision.D. Explain a childs misunderstanding.59. The author lists several things about Jo primarily to_.A. challenge an

38、interpretation B. highlight some differencesC. stress a comparison D. develop a disapproving opinion(B)A http:/ site from CNN. Over 50 news stories categorized under headings such as crime, environment and adventure. Each story has a range of activities focusing on

39、 comprehension and vocabulary, mostly of the multiple-choice variety.B http:/ is an American radio network with an extensive audio archive-an excellent source of authentic English.C http;/Hilarious site bringing together over 7,000 links to humor of every kind, from American comedy to

40、 Australian cartoons. Here you will see the funniest jokes and pictures from all over the world.D http:/ of fascinating interviews with famous people from every walk of life: action, cartoons, musicians, painters, philosophers, political activists, scien

41、tists and writers.E http:/ of online music from classical to jazz, from blues to rap. You can listen to radio programs or select a range of special features.F http:/Here you will find listening activities-updated each month-from the online magazine from Macmillan.60. h

42、ttp:/ is a website intended for those who_.A. are learning English.B. are writing news stories.C. are interested in environment protection.D. are designing activities for newspapers.61. For someone who is doing a project on this years Nobel Prize winner,_will be the most su

43、itable websites to turn to.A. http:/B. http;/C. http:/ http:/ Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. How to Choose a Suitable Website.B. This Weeks Web Guide.1111C. Web Radio: New Access to Information.D.

44、 Special Features from Famous Websites.(C)Its finally over. We mean both the Oscar telecast, which ran as long as Gone With the Wind(though with fewer important roles for African Americans), and the three-month death march of critics citations, guild(行业) awards and expert opinions on whod win. In ca

45、se you nodded off, Birdman took Best Picture and Director, and the acting prizes went to Eddie Redmayne for The Theory of Everything. Julianne Moore for Still Alice, J.K. Simmons for Whiplash and Patricia Arquette for Boyhood-four folks whom most people know from the speeches they gave, not the movi

46、es they were in.This year, the only big hit among the eight Best Picture finals was American Sniper. The other seven were art-house films. You see, there is Hollywood, which makes movies the whole world watches, and there is off-Hollywood, which hatches the films that get Oscars. Somebody has to ask

47、: Why does Hollywood hate what it does for a living?It can be as simple as “films” are great and “movies” are rubbish. On the Rotten Tomatoes website, which shows the reviews of dozens of critics. Birdman pulled a 93 rating(out of 100) and The Imitation Game an 89. But some popular hits also scored

48、with the critics: 91 for Guardians of the Galaxy, 89 for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 88 for Gone Girl and a dramatic 96 for The Lego Movie. Audiences liked these four films too, paying more than 51 billion to see them in North American theaters(plus another 1.3 billion dollars abroad).So wh

49、y werent at least a couple of these films nominated for Best Pictures? Maybe simply because they were popular. They got their awards as cash prizes, not Oscar statuettes. The Oscar winners have become a category of little films about big diseases. Another disconnect between Oscar voters and moviegoe

50、rs: ages. The average age of the 6.7000 Academy members is about 60, and they see most of the nominated films on screeners at home. Basically, they want movies to be television: educating, intimate dramas. The stories they respond to are not of youngsters on grand quests-the action film-but of unsun

51、g heroes battling weakness and approaching death.The very first Oscar party, in 1929, had two Best Picture categories: one for “outstanding picture” (William Wellmans spectacle Wings), the other for “unique and artistic picture” (E.W Mumaus masterpiece Sunrise). Maybe the Academy, obsessed with indi

52、e(独立制片的) artistry, should return to the double award. Then Avatar could win along with The Hurt Locker, and Gravity with 12 Years a Slave, even the new Star Wars might have a shot.63. It can be inferred from the last sentence of Paragraph 1 that_.A. not many people saw the four films.B. the four fil

53、ms won the awards as expected.C. awards shouldnt be given to the four people.D. the four actors and actresses made great speeches.64. Why does the author mention these films in Paragraph 2?A. To illustrate the great films that are worth watching.B. To explain why some films are given a higher score

54、than others.C. To illustrate there are films welcomed by both viewers and critics.D. To highlight the importance of turning to critics reviews when choosing films.65. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with?A. Less emphasis should be given to moviegoers opinions abo

55、ut films.B. Oscar voters are unsung heroes fighting against weakness.C. Being popular may prevent a film winning Oscar awards.D. Its better to see a film in the cinema than at home.66. What suggestion does the author give about Oscar award.A. Having more independent film makers nominated for awards.

56、B. Setting up an award for the films different from present winners.C. Improving the standard for outstanding films.D. Giving more chances to the greatest hits.Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only

57、once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. Of course, you dont always need to wear a suit.B. Besides, men care more about dress codes than women do.C. In short-remember to keep your whole style plain and simple.D. Companies have seen that the more relaxed attitude to dress not onl

58、y promotes comfort, but also encourages younger workers to stay.E. All in all, not every company allows its staff to wear earrings.F. First, lets look at color.Getting dressed for the officeIts clear that business wear has changed in the last few years-for both men and women. Even traditional busine

59、ss such as law companies have altered their dress codes from “smart” to “smart-casual”. (67)_. What is less clear, however, is what “smart-casual” actually means. I hope to give you a few basic tips here. There are many factors involved: for example, the particular industry you work in, how much con

60、tact you have with the public and your position in the company. The seasons even have a part to play-what is acceptable in the summer might not be in the autumn or winter.So, does “smart-casual” mean you can come to work in tracksuit bottoms and sandals, or does it just mean that you dont have to we

61、ar a tie? (68)_. Fashionable colors for suits for both men and women this season are still the traditional grey, dark blue and black. You see someone wearing grey and it indicates a conservative, professional image; dark blue says youre trustworthy; and black always looks smart and classy. These col

62、ors dont have to look boring, however. Try wearing a shirt or blouse with a splash of color. Pale blue, pink or lilac are better than loud colors like bright pink and dark red.(69) _. Men can go for a sports-type jacket, with a shirt or smart jumper. You can wear well-cut trousers made of wool, or a

63、 good pair of chinos. Women can wear trouser suits or skirt suits. You can also wear more fashionable trousers and a blouse, or a skirt and top. But be careful; avoid wearing baggy, loose clothes, very short skirts and lots of logos and patterns. If in doubt, go back to the suit. You need a similar

64、attitude to jewellery, bags and other accessories; you should try to resist large earrings and huge, colorful bags. (70)_.Section DDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 90 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Dear S

65、ir/Madam,I am writing with reference to the article entitled “Everythings jut perfect, thanks!” which appeared in the June issue of your magazine. Following a discussion of the article in our English class, I have been chosen to express our disagreement with some of the views contained in the articl

66、e.First of all, we find it difficult to believe that such a large number of people are satisfied with the education system and with their working conditions. This is certainly not the case here, where many people have complaints about the poor standards of education. In fact, lack of job satisfactio

67、n is known to be among the greatest causes of stress in this country.Secondly, it certainly is not true that most people are happy with public transport, either in our cities or in the country. Furthermore, one of the most commonly heard complaints is that there are insufficient buses and trains to

68、serve on ever-increasing population. Its a well-known fact that our public transport system is seriously under-funded and our roads are heavily crowded. And, as far as city life is concerned, a significant percentage would move if they had the opportunity.Finally, we feel it is unrealistic of you to

69、 claim that most people have enough money to live on. Were this so, we would have none of the financial problems faced by most people and widespread poverty would not be an issue.To conclude, we found your article to be extremely inaccurate in its assessment of living conditions. Since your magazine

70、 claims to represent students from all over the world, we look forward to reading more objective reporting in future issues.Yours faithfully,Mark Wiseman第II卷I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 你平均每天花多少时间上班?(average)73. 买

71、很多不需要的东西有意义吗?(point)74. 阅读一本书之前,最好仔细阅读下它的书名和作者简介。(had better)75. 这部电视剧中的情节与学生们的实际生活并不相符,但令我惊异的是,它竟然广受好评。 (disagree)II. Guided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假如你是启明中学的学生王磊,学校计划在校园内开放若干个Wi-Fi热点,并就此通过校报征求学生意见,欢迎大家踊跃发

72、言,你有意表达自己对这一问题的观点,并就此写信给校报,内容包括:1. 你是否赞同这一做法;2. 你的理由。 (参考答案)II. Grammar and Vocabulary21-30:as; that; to obtain; was formed; disappointing; that; that/which; faced; an; himself;31-40: JAEKF ICBGHIII. Reading Comprehension41-45: BDACA 46-50: BCDAD 51-55: CABCB56-59: BDAC 60-62: ACB 63-66: ACCB67-70:

73、DFACSection D We found your article to be extremely inaccurate in its assessment of living conditions. First, the number of people who are satisfied with the education system and working conditions is huge. Second, the transportation system is not that perfect. Furthermore, buses and trains to serve

74、 on ever-increasing population are insufficient and that most people have enough money to live on is unrealistic. I. Translation1. How much time on average do you spend in working every day?2. Is there any point buying too many unnecessary things?3. You had better read carefully its name and the authors introduction before reading a book.4. The plot in the TV series disagrees with students real life, but to my surprise, its very popular.

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