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1、1981年试题一、句型转换(本题共12分,每小题2分。)(A)将下列肯定句改为否定句:1.She is from the south.2.Mr.Smith spoke at the meeting yesterday.3.Put the desk near the bookshelf(B)就下列句中的划线部分提出问题:1.The library opens at 8:30.2.This is my sisters coat.3.Edgar Snow was 22 when he first came to China in 1928.二、连词组句 仿照例句将下列括号中所给的单词和词组连成句子,

2、写在右边的短信中。注意上下文的连贯性、标点及大小写。(本题共10分,每句2分。)Dear Grandpa,例:(some news/you/Ive/to tell/got)Ive got some newsto tell you.1.(our school term/over/now/is)1. 2.(I/mother/with you/one week/can spend/says/in the country side)2. 3.(may I/my friend Wang Ying/along/bring)3. 4.(next Sunday/we/by/are coming/bike)4.

3、 5.(me/all right/write and tell/this will be/please/whether)5. love,Xiao Min三、选择答案 在(A),(B),(C),(D)四个答案中,选出正确的一个,填在左边的括号内。(本题共20分,每小题1分。)例:(B) My name Li Fang.(A)am(B)is(C)be(D)are( )1. is a hospital near our village.(A)there(B)Their(C)There(D)Theyre( )2.I from my brother for a long time.(A)not have

4、 heard(B)have not heard(C)have heard not(D)do not hear( )3.He drives much than he did three years ago.(A)careful(B)carefully(C)more careful(D)more carefully( )4.Most of us came here .(A) in 1978 May(B)in May 1978(C)on May 1978(D)1978,May( )5.We will start as soon as our team leader.(A)comes(B)will c

5、ome(C)come(D)is coming ( )6.Is her hair shorter than ?(A)me(B)my(C)mineD)I( )7.My father told me he was soon going to visit .(A)the United State(B)the United States(C)United States(D)United State( )8.I couldnt find my English-Chinese dictionary .(A)anywhere(B)everywhere(C)nowhere(D)somewhere( )9.It

6、when they left the station.(A)has rained(B)is raining(C) rains(D)was raining( )10.We need fifteen more people our team to do the job.(A)but(B) except(C)aswell(D)besides( )11.The Second World War in 1939.(A)broke out(B)broke up(C)broke in(D)broke( )12.You to the meeting this afternoon if you have som

7、ething important to do.(A)neednt to come(B)dont need come(C)dont need coming(D)neednt come( )13.He doesnt know to stay or not.(A)whether(B)if(C)either(D)if he will( )14.Speak to him slowly he may understand you better.(A)since(B)so that(C)for(D)because( )15.Theres not much news in todays paper, ?(A)

8、isnt it(B)are there(C)is there(D)arent there( )16.The citys underground more people than the buses.(A)brings(B)carries(C)sends(D)fetches( )17.You can see the house for years.来源:Zxxk.Com(A)isnt painted(B)hasnt painted(C)hasnt been painted(D)hadnt been painted( )18.I cant keep the teacher who speaks s

9、o fast.(A)up(B) up with(C)with(D)on with( )19.I can hardly the difference between these two words.(A)point(B)speak(C)talk(D)tell( )20.Dont you remember ?(A)seeing the man before(B)to see the man before(C)saw the man before(D)to have seen the man before四、短文填空 在下面短文的空格中填入适当的词,每个空格只许填一个来源:学科网ZXXK词。(本题共

10、10分,每个空格1分。)Before windows were used,old houses in Northern Europe and Britain very dark.Their great rooms were high,with only hole in the roof(屋顶)to let out the from cooking fires.As time went ,people began to make the holes bigger as to have more light and air in their homes.The first English wind

11、ow was just a small opening the wall.It was cut long,to let in much light as possible,and narrow ,to keep out the bad weather .However,with the window cut long, wind than light would come in.This is it was calledthe winds eye.And the word windowcomes from two ancient words for windand .五、汉译英(本题共18分)

12、1.这台新机器是中国制造的。(3分)2.你多久没有回家了?(3分)3.他每天晚上要到十一点才离开实验室。(4分)4.我们今天用的煤是由几百万年以前的森林形成的。(4分)5.我们的想法是要尽量少花钱多办事。(4分)六、选词填空 根据句子的意思和结构,从所给的动词中,选出一个动词或用它的变化形式填入空格内。(本题共10分,每个空格1分。)(break,bring,cut,do,go,know,learn,lose,see,stay,take,turn,watch)例:Everybody is gone.1.Its easier said than .2.There was so much to d

13、o.He had to up all night.3.She often out of her way to do things for her neighbours.4.Do you enjoy others playing chess?5.It out that only the youngest boy in our class had given the right answer. 6.In spite of his English,he finally made himself understood. 7.Thomas Edison gave his whole life to ou

14、t the secret of nature. 8.It is to all that the World Trade Centre in New York is the highest building in the city. 9.Please that the work is completed in time. 10.She was reading her book,completely to the outside world. 七、阅读理解 阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。(本题共20分,第1小题2分,第2-7小题每题3分。)Human beings act in a dif

15、ferent way from that of animals just because they can speak while animals cannot.Even the cleverest animals cannot do things which to us seem very simple and which small children, as soon as they learn to talk ,would be able to do .A German scientist,who made experiments for many years with big apes

16、,found that his apes could use sticks as tools to pull down bananas which they could not reach.But they only used the stick to get a banana when both the stick and the banana were in view at the same time.If the banana was in front of them and the stick was behind them,they could not use the stick.T

17、hey could not bear the banana in mind long enough to look around and pick up the stick and then use it.The reason for this is clear.We have words for banana and stick which help us to think about these things when they are not in sight.Even a small child knowing the words bananaand stickhas an idea

18、of their relationship(关系)and is able to think of stick together withbananaand to remember this long enough to pick the stick from behind and use it on the banana.Unable to speak,animals cannot keep their knowledge of things for long.That is why they often interrupt one line of action to do something

19、 else and later forget it completely.Human beings,on the other hand,use language and are able to go after one thing continuously and do it with a definite aim.1.Clever animals can do all the things that small children can do ,cant they? 2.Do human beings and animals act in the same way?Why?3.What di

20、d the German scientist do to find out that some animals could use tools to get food? 4.The apes always knew how to get the banana when they saw either the banana or the stick. Is that true? 5.Under what conditions could the apes use the stick to get bananas? 6.Why can children bear the banana and th

21、e stick in mind? 7.What is the difference between human beings and animals in doing things as mentioned in the last paragraph? 1981年答案一、句型转换(A)1.She is not from the south.2.Mr.Smith didnt speak at the meeting yesterday.3.Dont put the desk near the bookshelf.(B)1.When(What time)does the library open?

22、2.Whose coat is this?3.How old was Edgar Snow when he first came to China in 1928?二、连词组句1.Our school term is over now.2.Mother says I can spend one week with you in the countryside.3.May I bring my friend Wang Ying along?4.We are coming by bike next Sunday.5.Please write and tell me whether this wil

23、l be all right.三、选择答案1.(C)There2.(B)have not heard3.(D)more carefully4.(B)in May 19785.(A)comes6.(C)mine7.(B)the United States8.(A)anywhere9.(D)was raining10.(D)besides11.(A)broke out12.(D)neednt come13.(A)whether14.(B)so that来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K15.(C)is there16.(B)carries17.(C)hasnt been painted18.(B)up

24、 with19.(D)tell20.(A)seeing the man before四、短文填空Before windows were used,old houses in Northern Europe and Britain were very dark.Their great rooms were high,with onlya (one) hole in the roof to let out the smoke (dust) from cooking fires.As time went on (by),people began to make the holes bigger so

25、 as to have more light and air in their homes.The first English window was just a small opening in the wall.It was cut long,to let in as much light as possible ,and narrow,to keep out the bad weather.However,with the window cut long,more wind than light would come in.This is why it was calledthe win

26、ds eye .And the word window comes from two ancient words forwind and eye.五、汉译英1.This(The) new machine is made in China.2.How long (Since when) have you been away from home?How long have you not been (back) home?How long is it since you left home? 3.He never leaves the lab until (before)11:00 in the

27、evening.He always stays in the lab till 11:00 p.m. 4.The coal(that, which)we use (are using)today comes(is)from forests of millions of years ago.The coal(that ,which)we use (are using)today was formed from forests of millions of years ago. 5.Our idea is that we should do the most of work with the le

28、ast of money.What we are thinking about(of) is that we should do as much as we can with the least money possible(possible money).What we are thinking about is that we should do as much as we can with as little money as possible.六、选词填空1.Its easier said than done.2.There was so much to do.He had to st

29、ay up all night.3.She often goes(went) out of her way to do things for her neighbours.4.Do you enjoy watching others playing chess?来源:学科网ZXXK5.It turned out that only the youngest boy in our class had given the right answer. 6.In spite of his broken English,he finally made himself understood. 7.Thom

30、as Edison gave his whole life to bringing out the secret of nature. 8.It is known to all that the World Trade Centre in New York is the highest building in the city. 9.Please see that the work is completed in time. 10.She was reading her book,completely lost to the outside world. 来源:学科网七、阅读理解1.No.Th

31、ey cant.(NO.Even clever animals cant do all the things that small children can do.)2.No.They dont.Because human beings can speak while animals cant.3.The German scientist found out that some animals could use tools to get food through the experiments he made with big apes.4.NO. Its not true.(No.If t

32、he apes saw only the banana or the stick,they didnt know they could use the stick to get the banana.)5.When they saw both the banana and the stick at the same time they could use the stick to get the banana.6.Children know the wordsbanana andstick which help them bear the banana and the stick in mind.7.Animals often interrupt what they are doing and later forget it completely while human beings are able to do one thing continuously and with a definite aim.


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