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2012届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版 BOOKⅢUNIT 16 FINDING JOBS.doc

1、2012届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版此学案为QQ1084591801原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。Unit 16Finding jobs找工作核心词汇1Hawking is an_(杰出的)scientist in the world.2Mike gets a good_(薪水)from his job,so he can live a good life.3Shes never_(守时的)for appointments so you can expect to be kept waiting.4We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday;o

2、ur plan is fairly_(灵活的)5_(申请者)for teacher training courses need to have at least one years experience.6The tournament is open to_(业余选手)as well as professionals.7What sort of_(资格)do you need for the job?8He has no fixed_,but he has been_in reading history books.(occupy)1outstanding2.salary3.punctual4

3、.flexible5Applicants6.amateurs7.qualifications8occupationoccupied高频短语1send _寄出;派遣;给送行2_ the team 队中的一员3point _ 指出4_ a good impression 留下好的印象5take _ 开始走红6_ to date 现代的;时新的;据目前 所知的7hold _ 退缩;踌躇1off2.on3.out4.make5.off6.up7.back重点句式1_he is watched by thousands of_Becks fans all over the world.每一次他踢球时,来

4、自世界各地的成千上万崇拜贝克汉姆的足球迷们都会观看。2Many countries have set up programmes to encourage and develop young footballers,and _ the clubs go to assess athletes and find stars of the future.很多国家都建立了鼓励和培养青年足球球员的基地,而这就是俱乐部去评估运动员并发现未来球星的地方。1.Every time he plays football;adoring2.this is where知识详解1. instantn瞬间;片刻 adj.

5、立即的;立刻的【教材原句】 (P140)The Internet has made instant communication possible from almost any location.因特网使来自任何位置的瞬间通讯变为可能。(1)adj.立即的;紧急的;速成的His new book became an instant success.他的新书立即成为畅销书。The wounded are in instant need of help.那些伤员急需救助。(2)n.片刻,顷刻In an instant,the birds in the tree flew away in all d

6、irections at the gunshot.听到枪响,树上的鸟儿顷刻间朝四面八方飞走了。I couldnt answer for an instant.我一时答不上来。(朗文P1072)The instant I saw the place,I knew it was the right house for us.我一看到这个地方,就知道这正是我们想要的房子。(牛津P1058)I recognized her the instant (that) I saw her.我一眼就认出她了。Instantly I saw him I knew he was the man the police

7、 were looking for.我一看见他就认出他正是警方在寻找的那个人。即境活用1完成句子使我非常吃惊的是,她一读信就突然哭起来。Much to my surprise,she burst into tears _ /_she read the letter.答案:instantly/the instant2. neverthelessadv.虽然如此;然而;依然【教材原句】 (P141)Nevertheless,companies should also evaluate the disadvantages before adopting this system.虽然如此,公司应该在接

8、受这个系统之前评估它的弊端。(牛津P1345)There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law.Nevertheless,it is important that we try.我们几乎没有可能改变法律。不过,重要的是我们努力争取。(牛津P1345)Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.我们的失败是意料中的事,尽管如此,还是令人失望。连词although,though不能与but,however连用,但可与nevertheless,s

9、till,yet连用。思维拓展Although admission is free,nevertheless,few people attended the lecture.尽管免费入场,但听讲的人却不多。即境活用2This years fall in profits was not unexpected._,it is very disappointing.AYetBButCAlso DNevertheless解析:选D。句意为:今年利润下降实属意料之中,然而它还是令人失望。nevertheless然而;but,yet前面一般用逗号,与后面的句子之间不用逗号。3. occupationn职业

10、;占据【教材原句】 (P139)However,football is such a fiercely competitive occupation,that many players are not successful and have to leave the profession to find other careers.然后,足球是一个如此竞争激烈的职业,以致于许多运动员没有成功而不得离开这个行业去寻找其他的职业。under occupation在占领之下,占领中by occupation职业上lose ones occupation失业fixed/regular occupati

11、on固定职业occupy v占(空间、时间等);占用;占有;使忙碌;侵占,占领occupy time/space/a position占时间/空间/位置occupy ones mind/thoughts/attention占据头脑/思想/注意力思维拓展In this economic crisis,many people have lost their occupations.这次经济危机中,很多人失业了。He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone elses occupation.他从巴黎回来,发现他的办公室被别

12、人占了。Soccer occupies most of my spare time.足球占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。He was fully occupied with business matters,so we didnt want to bother him.他全身心地忙于公务,所以我们不想打扰他。即境活用3_herself with routine office tasks,she had no time to attend to her children.AOccupying BOccupiedCBeing occupied DTo be occupied解析:选A。句意:忙于办公室日

13、常任务,她没有时间照看孩子。occupy oneself with“忙于”,此处为v.ing形式作状语。4.The hats of coal miners,cowboys and firemen indicate the wearers_Aexperience BoccupationCpersonality Deducation解析:选B。occupation 职业。句意:煤矿工人、牧童和消防队员所戴的帽子表明了他们的身份。personality人格,品格。4. assessvt.评价,估价【教材原句】 (P139).and this is where the clubs go to asse

14、ss athletes and find stars of the future.这是俱乐部去评价运动员并找出未来球星的地方。(牛津P102)Its difficult to assess the effects of these changes.这些变化带来的效果难以评估。Examinations are still an important means to assess students performances.考试仍旧是评价学生表现的一种重要方法。They assessed the damage caused by the fire at$2.5 million.他们估价由大火造成的

15、损失为二百五十万。assessment n.评价;估价思维拓展Her assessment sounds reasonable and is probably pretty close to the truth.她的估价合情合理,几乎接近事实。即境活用5完成句子_(评估太早)the effects of the temporary measures.答案:It is too early to assess5. up to date现代的;时新的;据目前所知的【教材原句】 (P141)He/She should have several years of experience and be up

16、 to date with modern mens haircut styles.他/她应该有多年的经验,并且很时尚,留有年青人的发型。In the fa ctory all the equipment is up to date.那个工厂的设备都是新的。 Computer technology is advancing so rapidly that no book can ever be fully up to date.计算机技术发展如此迅速,以致任何时候也不可能有一本书能及时地充分反映它的最新成就。思维拓展To date,there has been no improvement in

17、 her condition.到目前为止,她的状况还是没有好转。They are following traditions that actually date from the earliest humans.他们实际上遵循了人类最早的传统。6完成句子(1)Everyone should keep on getting himself educated so as to be_(跟上现代科技)答案:up to date with modern technology(2)Im afraid youll have to buy some new clothes because the cloth

18、es in your closet are mostly_(过时)答案:out of date6. hold back退缩;踌躇;阻挡;妨碍进展;隐瞒;抑制【教材原句】 (P143)Be honest,but dont hold back and be modest.要诚实,但不要畏缩还要谦虚。No force on earth can hold back the progress of the society.没有任何力量能阻止社会的进步。(牛津P974)She held back,not knowing how to break the terrible news.她踌躇着,不知如何说出这

19、一可怕的消息。(牛津P974)I want to tell him the truth,but something held me back.我本想告诉他真实情况,但又开不了口。hold on“继续,坚持下去;不挂断”,hold on to“抓住不放”,hold up“举起;拿起”,catch hold of“抓住”思维拓展You should hold on to your oil shares.你应该掌握住你的石油股份,不要放弃。(牛津P975)An accident is holding up traffic.一场事故造成了交通阻塞。即境活用7用hold短语的适当形式填空。(1)Coul

20、d you_a minute,please?Ill see if the manager is in.(2)Women_half the sky.Whatever men can do can also be done by women.(3)Such a good opportunity might never come again,so you must_it this time.(4)Whatever great difficulty we might be faced with,we shall never_.答案:(1)hold on(2)hold up(3)catch hold o

21、f (4)hold back7. in touch with保持联系;了解【教材原句】 (P136)One of the students gets in touch with a careers adviser.其中有一位学生和职业顾问取得联系。get in touch with和取得联系,keep in touch with和保持联系,lose touch with和失去联系,断绝联络,be out of touch with失去联系;不再了解思维拓展(牛津P2137)Thanks for showing us your productswell be in touch.谢谢给我们介绍你们

22、的产品,我们将会保持联系。(牛津P2137)Im trying to get in touch with Jane.Do you have her number?我们正在设法和简取得联系。你有她的电话号码吗?I try to keep in touch with current events by reading newspapers.我通过读报来尽量多地了解时事。If you live in the country,you soon get out of touch with things.如果你住在乡下,很快就会跟不上形势的发展。即境活用8Ill give Bob a ring.You s

23、hould.You havent been in_with him for ages.Arelation BcombinationCtouch Dconnection解析:选C。句意:你们多年已失去联系了。be in touch with“与保持联系”。9.With the rapid development of Chinas economy,close_should be kept in with worldfamous scientists and advanced technology.Aconnection BrelationCtouch Dfriendship解析:选C。固定短语k

24、eep in close touch with意思是“与保持密切联系”,本题是其被动语态形式。句型梳理【教材原句】 (P139)Many countries have set up programmes to encourage and develop young footballers,and this is where the clubs go to assess athletes and find stars of the future.很多国家都建立了鼓励和培养青年足球球员的基地。而这就是俱乐部去评估运动员并发现未来球星的地方。【句法分析】在this is where.句式中,wher

25、e引导的是表语从句,相当于the place where。Home is where you can have a peaceful time.家是你可以获得安宁的地方。This is where we used to live.这就是我们以前住的地方。She said the plan would work out well.Thats just where I disagree.她说那项计划结果会好的。而这正是我所不同意的。即境活用10(2010年江苏泰兴市期中调研)Do you think it wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children?No,thats_they are mistaken.Awhere BwhenCso Dhow解析:选A。考查表语从句。where引导表语从句,表示那就是她们的错误所在。高考资源网独家高Ks5uK&S%5#U精品资源,欢迎下载!高Ks5uK&S%5#U

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