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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Dream Homes第七课时 Task教学课件(新版)牛津版.pptx

1、Unit 1 dream homes第七课时 TaskLearning goals:1.To Master useful expressions of dream home.掌握描述理想中的家时所需要用到的表达。2.Learn how to write an article about my dream homeby learning a sample writing.通过学习一篇范文学会写一篇关于我理想的家的文章。3.Write an article about my dream home.写一篇我理想的家的文章。at the foot of a hillnear a lakein a ci

2、ty next to a supermarket near the seaWhere is your dream home?other places:near a riverin the centre of a cityin a townin the countryside.It is Why?because I can/love to/like to/want to.Complete the questionnaire below with your own information and then talk about the questions with each other.Part

3、ATask 1Last name:_ First name:_ Age:_Telephone number:_What kind home do you live in?Put a tick()in the box.House How many floors are there in your house?_Flat How many floors are there in your building?_Do you have a garden?_How many rooms are there in your home?_How many people are there in your h

4、ome?_Who are they?_Put a tick()in the box next to the things you have in your home.balcony computer fridge living room shower sofa study toilet washing machine There is a/an in front of/behind/beside It has floors.There is/are on the ground/second floor.There is/are always enough there.I would like

5、to invite my friends to My friends like to It is great fun!Do you like your own home?Do you want a better one?Listen to the article about Simons dream home.Answer the following questionsTask 2Its at the foot of a hill.There is a kitchen and a home cinema.He would like to invite his friends to watch

6、films with him.1.Where is Simons dream home?2.Whats on the ground floor?3.What would Simon like to do at the weekend?Listen again,work in pairs and fill in the blanks.找出文中的主题句找出文中表“在某地方有.”句型,并举一例。找出文中“某处/某人有.”句型。找出文中对事实情况进行评价的语句。找出文中“我”的看法或观点的语句。My dream home is at the foot of a hill.It has three fl

7、oors.There is a football field behind my house and a swimming pool beside it.Each room has a new computer.The kitchen is very clean.I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend.It is great fun.What is on the first floor?.What is on the second floor?.How many floors are the

8、re in his home?.Where is Simons dream home?.What is on the ground floor?.What is outside his home?ParagraphTalking aboutPara.1Para.2Para.3Para.4ABCDEF1.My dream home is at the foot of a hill.我梦想中的家坐落在山脚下。句子中的foot是“基础,底部”的意思,如:the foot of the stairs楼梯底部Their village lies at the foot of the mountain.他

9、们的村子位于山脚下。Word study2.There is always more than enough food there.短语more than enough 意思是“足够多,太多,绰绰有余”如:Once is more than enough.How can you do it again?一之为甚,其可再乎?You dont have to join in;there are more than enough people on the job already.人够多了,您就不用插手了。enough 形容词:足够的 修饰名词即放在名词前enough 修饰形容词或副词时,只能放在形

10、容词或副词后如:足够大big enough 足够快(副词)fast enough 足够的钱(名词)enough money3.I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend.我想邀请我的朋友在周末和我一起看电影。句子中invite do sth.是邀请某人做某事的意思。如:感谢邀请我们来参观你的新居。Thank you for inviting us to visit your new flat.Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Introduction(总体介绍)Talk

11、ing about the ground floorTalking aboutthe first floorTalking about the second floorWrite your own dream home.Where,How many floors,Outside,The names of the rooms What the room is like/what you can do Task 3Writing:根据以下要点,写一篇题为My dream home短文。要点:1.我理想的家园不是很大,它靠近大海,二楼有一个大阳台,能眺望大海和海滩。2.我有自己的卧室和书房,我可以在

12、书房读书和朋友们聊天。3.一楼有个大厨房,因为我喜欢做饭。4.房子前有个花园,我可以在花园里赏花,享受快乐。Writing:Welcome to my dream home.Its not very large.Its near the sea.There is a bigbalcony on the second floor.I can look out at the sea and the beach there.Onthe second floor,I also have my own bedroom and study.I can read or chatwith my friends

13、 in the study.On the first floor,there is a big kitchen because I like cooking meals.In front ofthe house,there is a garden.I can enjoy beautiful flowers and have lots of funthere.This is my dream home.I hope my dream comes true some day.Work hard,and your dream will come true!1.Read and recite the passage.2.Finish exercise book task.HomeworkByeBye!

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