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本文(新教材2021-2022学年人教版英语必修第一册学案:UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS SECTION Ⅴ READING FOR WRITING——写一篇健康报告书 WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新教材2021-2022学年人教版英语必修第一册学案:UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS SECTION Ⅴ READING FOR WRITING——写一篇健康报告书 WORD版含答案.doc

1、Section Reading for Writing写一篇健康报告书学范文背佳句它山之石,可以攻玉范文诠释教材原文GOING POSITIVEI always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV even though I knew that it was impossible.I worried about my weight and tried every new diet I read about online.I tried nofat, lowfat, 52, only bananas, no bananas I almost went

2、 bananas, too.Then I read an article that said instead of asking “Am I fat?” I should be asking “Am I fit?” I had no idea a letter could make such a difference! Once I started thinking about fitness rather than weight, things began to change.Instead of saying “I want to lose three kilos”, I would sa

3、y “I want to run two kilometres in eight minutes” or “I want to be able to do 30 pushups”Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed, I added healthy foods to my meals.I could still have a burger now and then, but I would add a salad or an apple.Finally, I stopped comparing myself with actresses and

4、 models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body.Instead, I made a list of the things I liked about myself.By being positive about myself and my body, I became both happier and healthier.名师论道学语言第一段1.文章第一段最后一句中使用nofat, lowfat, 52, only bananas, no bananas等词语表达了作者当时减肥的决心和策略,形象而又简洁。2

5、.第一段中使用了让步状语从句(even though I knew that .)和定语从句(tried every new diet I read about online)等高级句式显示了作者较强的语言功底。第二、三段1.文章第二、三段中用then, instead of, rather than, finally, instead等词语,突出了作者正确的减肥方法。2.文章第二、三段运用了定语从句(I read an article that .; cutting out the foods I enjoyed; looking for things that .; made a list

6、 of the things I liked .),条件状语从句(Once I started .)以及动名词作宾语(instead of asking .; stopped comparing myself .; By being positive .)等高级句式表达了作者减肥方法的变化。学结构1.短文由三部分组成,第一部分描述以前的状况;第二部分介绍经历的变化;第三部分总结,描写目前的状况。2.文章第一段第一句表达了作者想要减肥的想法,第二、三句表达了为减肥所采取的措施,前后衔接自然、连贯。3.文章第二、三段按照时间顺序详细介绍了作者如何健康减肥的心理和行为变化过程。在表达中使用了then

7、, finally, but, and等过渡词使文章表达条理清晰。佳句背诵1.I used to catch a cold.我过去常常感冒。2.As we all know, health is very important to everybody.众所周知,健康对每个人都很重要。3.I come to enjoy some outdoor sports.我开始喜欢一些户外运动。4.We should be cycling at least two or three times a week.我们每周应该至少骑两三次自行车。5.Dont worry if we begin to lose o

8、ur breath.如果我们开始喘不过气来,不要担心。6.However, if we find ourselves in pain then we should stop and take a rest.然而,如果我们发现身体疼痛,那么我们应该停下来休息。7.In fact, exercise of any kind seems to be the key to keeping health.事实上,任何形式的锻炼似乎都是保持健康的关键。8.Sports are also very useful in teenagers character building.体育运动对青少年的性格塑造也很有

9、用。 仿佳作找差距巧借外力,事半功倍题目要求写一篇短文,介绍你自己是如何平衡学习和休息的。内容包括:1以前无法平衡学习和休息;2现在已经做到二者平衡。注意:1.词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。仿写步骤Step 1一仿结构布局合理 第一段:以前无法平衡学习和休息。第二段:怎样平衡学习和休息。第三段:现在已经做到学习和休息的平衡。Step 2二仿语言规范美观 1两年前,我不能平衡学习和休息。Two years ago, I couldnt balance study and rest.2我经常忙于学习。I was often busy with my study.3我没有时间休息。

10、I had no time to have a rest.4最后我生病了,不得不在医院住了3周。At last I fell ill and had to stay in hospital for 3 weeks.5当我从疾病中康复后,我开始思考我的问题。After I recovered from illness, I began to think about my problems.6我不是整天做作业,而是一天打一个小时篮球。(instead of)Instead of doing my homework all the day, I went to play basketball for

11、 an hour a day.7通过平衡学习和休息,我变得很健康。By balancing study and rest, I became quite healthy.8我没有落后。I didnt fall behind.9我学得比以前好。I studied better than before.Step 3三仿句间过渡自然 1用因果关系连接句2和句3I was often busy with my study, so I had no time to have a rest.2用副词instead连接句8和句9I didnt fall behind; instead,I studied b

12、etter than before.Step 4誊写 Two years ago,I couldnt balance study and rest.I was often busy with my study,so I had no time to have a rest.At last I fell ill and had to stay in hospital for 3 weeks.After I recovered from illness,I began to think about my problems.I got to realise the importance of bal

13、ancing study and rest.Instead of doing my homework all the day,I went to play basketball for an hour a day.Finally,by balancing rest and study, I became quite healthy.I didnt fall behind; instead,I studied better than before.1diet n规定饮食;日常饮食vi.节食(教材p.42)I worried about my weight and tried every new

14、diet I read about online.我担心我的体重,尝试了网上看到的每一种新的饮食方案。(1)go on a diet节食;控制饮食(表动作)be on a diet在节食(表状态)(2)a balanced/healthy diet均衡的/健康的饮食佳句The doctor puts me on a very strict diet, for Im too fat.医生严格限制我的饮食,因为我太胖了。练透单句语法填空He is on a diet to reduce some weight.No sugar in my coffee, please.Im dieting (di

15、et).写美补全句子During festivals and celebrations, doctors remind people to have a balanced diet在节日和庆典期间,医生提醒人们均衡饮食。2make a difference有作用或影响(教材p.42)I had no idea a letter could make such a difference!我没想到一个字能产生这么大的影响!(1)make no difference (to sb/sth)对某人/物没有作用或影响make some difference (to sb/sth)对某人/物有些作用或影响

16、(2)tell the difference分辨;区分;区别佳句Luckily, my teacher often tells me that every small thing can make a big difference.幸运的是,我的老师经常告诉我,每一件小的事情也能起到重要作用。练透单句语法填空/词汇升级What you have said will make no difference to the naughty boy.The twins are so alike; its difficult to tell the difference between them.I wi

17、ll help clean up the roadside litter whenever possible.I hope my behaviors will work.I will help clean up the roadside litter whenever possible.I hope my behaviors will make a difference写美Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.我们只有言行一致才能对

18、我们希望完成的事情有所贡献。3rather than 而不是(教材p.42)Once I started thinking about fitness rather than weight, things began to change.一旦我开始考虑健康而不是体重,事情就有了变化。(2)other than不同于;除了以外,more than 超过;不仅仅是;非常佳句I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想要冷饮,而不要咖啡。练透单句语法填空/补全句子The students, rather than their teacher,

19、 are(be) going to have a picnic this weekend.Im more than glad to receive your letter, asking about what you should pay attention to when visiting a friend.我非常高兴收到你的来信,询问拜访朋友时你应该注意什么。Id like to go there by train rather than by air.我宁愿坐火车而不是乘飞机去那儿。写美一句多译她宁愿步行去上班也不愿开车。She prefers to walk to work rathe

20、r than drive a car.(prefer to do .rather than do .)She would rather walk to work than drive a car.(would rather do .than do .)She would walk to work rather than drive a car.(would do .rather than do .)4cut . out 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下(教材p.42)Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed, I added healthy foods

21、 to my meals.我不再拒绝我喜爱的食物,而是在自己的三餐中添加健康食品。cut off切断;断绝;剪掉;砍掉;阻碍cut up切碎;使伤心cut down降低;减少;砍倒cut in插嘴;打断(谈话);插入;插队佳句My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking, but at least he has cut down.我叔叔还没能戒烟,但是至少他已经在减少(吸烟)了。练透写出下列句子中cut out的含义I like this article so much that I cut it out of the newspaper.剪下He has

22、decided to cut out smoking and drinking.停止做写美补全句子This article is too long, and you have to cut it down to 1,000 words.这篇文章太长了,你得把它减少到1,000字。5(教材p.43)stress n压力;紧张;重音 vt.强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi.焦虑不安(1)under stress在压力之下(2)stress the importance of强调的重要性(3)stressful adj.产生压力的;紧张的stressed adj.紧张的;感到有压力的佳句Mr Liu o

23、ften stresses the importance of learning English well, which has a great impact on me.刘老师经常强调学好英语的重要性,这对我有很大的影响。练透单句语法填空Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.He stressed (stress) that we should pay more attention to our safety in particular.It is also a virtue to forgive and forget

24、, especially in such a competitive and stressful (stress) society.写美补全句子 A good way to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with your good friend.减轻压力的一个好方法就是与你的好朋友聊聊感受。维度一:品句填词1What would you do with a million (百万) dollars?2He pretended (假装) to his family that everything was fine.3For example,jo

25、gging(慢跑) is quite a popular form of exercise.4You will have to diet (节食) before you get well again.5Using cell phones can increase stress(压力) within families and friends.6That is to say,I believe that the Internet has positive (积极的) effects on our lives.7Susan never cheated (作弊) in her exams,becaus

26、e she laid great stress on proper behaviour.8The delay was due to the error (差错) by a person rather than by a machine.9The film is a great success and is popular with the audience of different ages.10Running every day takes energy of your body so you can stay slim维度二:词形转换1As we all know, our footbal

27、l team is not as competitive (compete) as our volleyball team.2Compared (compare) with them, were more confident of success.3It is true that little things can make a difference (differ) in life!4You must think positively (positive) no matter how big a challenge is.5You look much slimmer (slim) these

28、 days than before.6People making friends online are afraid of getting cheated(cheat).7It was a stressful (stress) time for all of us.8I like football best, but I also like cycling and jogging (jog).维度三:固定搭配和句式1It was the culture rather than the language that made it hard for him to get used to the n

29、ew environment abroad.正是文化而非语言使得他很难适应国外的新环境。2The doctor advised that we should have a balanced diet and get into the good habit of going to bed early.医生建议我们要均衡饮食并养成早睡的好习惯。3Your encouragement made a great difference to me你的鼓励对我有很大的影响。4She earns her living by selling insurance她以推销保险为生。5I dont know whether to say hi or to pretend not to see them我不知道是跟他们打招呼还是假装没有看见他们。6多数男士喜欢在家过周末而不愿去购物。Most men prefer to spend the weekends at home rather than go shoppingMost men would rather spend the weekends at home than go shopping.Most men would spend the weekends at home rather than go shopping

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