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1、湖南省长沙2023-2024高三上学期第三次月考英语试题本试题卷分为听力、阅读、语言运用和写作四个部分,共 10 页。时晕 120 分钟。满分150 分。第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.18.答

2、案是C。1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At the airport.B.At the trai e tram station.2.What are the speakers probably talking about?A.A job.B.An interview.3.What does the woman think of learning French?A.Fairly boring.B.Too diificult.4.Why does the woman make the phone call?A.To remin

3、d David to have a checkup.B.To have her house cleaned.C.To schedule an appointment.5.What will the man do about the camera?A.Lend it to Larry.B.Have it repaired.C.Change it for a new one.C.9.15.C.At the post office.C.An investigation.C.Quite interesting.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独自。每

4、段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独臼前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.What happened to the man?A.He went to the wrong class.B.He lost his textbooks.C.He was attracted by the lecture.英语试题 第1页(共10页)7.How did the woman probably feel?A.Impatient.B.Guil

5、ty.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What happens to the meeting?A.It is canceled.B.It is advanced.9.Who will inform everyone of the change?A.Anna.B.Paul.听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。10.Why did the speakers get there early?A.To attend a class.B.To get good seats.11.Which seats are the speakers least likely to choose?A.The seat

6、s in the middle.B.The seats in the back.C.The seats in the front.12.What are the speakers probably doing?A.They are queuing.B.They are talking about a film.C.They are buying some popcorn.听第9段材料,回答第13至 16题。13.Who advised the man to be an instructor?A.His workmate.B.His brother.14.How did the man earn

7、 his university fees last summer?A.He worked as a sailor.B.He served in a restaurant.C.He taught an online course.15.What surprised the man at first about the course?A.The trainees were eager to learn.B.There were various people.C.The training was demanding.16.What does the man think of his job?A.En

8、joyable.B.Busy.听第10段材料,回答第17 至 20题。C.Relieved.C.It is postponed.C.Steve.C.To buy some food.C.His schoolmate.C.Easy.17.What percentage of students are absent each day in some large American cityschools?A.10/o20%.B.20%40%.C.40%60%.18.Who will benefit from the plan being tried in Florida?A.The board of

9、 education.B.Headmasters of city schools.C.Students with good attendance records.19.What measure has been taken in San Francisco to protect school property?A.Rewarding schools that have decreased the destruction.B.Punishing students who damage school property.C.Cutting down the budget for repairs an

10、d replacements.英语试题 第2页(共10页)20.What is the speaker mainly talking about?A.Punishment by teachers.B.Attention on pupils grades.C.Ways to deal with skipping classes.第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Cannes(戛纳)is a place that offers lots of different ways to

11、 spoil yourself.During the Cannes Film Festival in May,nothing changes,except that there are more people doing this,and that they talk about film.Heres a guide to what you should do during the festival,both film-related and not.Hotel Intercontinental Carlton The film festival is a busy time for Cann

12、es.The best way to appreciate the crowds might be having a dinner on a terrace(露天平台)Head to the Hotel Intercontinental Carlton and wander the lobby to take it all in.If youre lucky you might be able to secure a table in the restaurant.Dress to impress or you wont stand a chance of getting in.Cinema

13、de la Plage Throughout the Cannes Film Festival,one of the best places to soak up some of the wonderful atmosphere is the open-air Cinema de la Plage at Mace beach.If you havent secured a ticket in advance for a seat,theres no need to worry.You can spread a blanket out on the ground,open up your pre

14、-prepared picnic,and enjoy the movie.Marche Forville The Marche Forville is a must-see for any visitor to Cannes and a foodies delight.On most days,vendors sell home-made fruits and vegetables as well as local specialties to eat for lunch.But dont go on Mondays,unless you want to browse for bargains

15、,as thats when the flea market is on instead.La Croisette La Croisette is the most famous walk in Cannes and is listed under the cultural inventory of France itself.Stroll the whole length,stop for a coffee,and end your walk by sitting on one of the free blue chairs along the way while taking in the

16、 view.It is also a great place to admire Cannes sculptures.21.What is probably the intention of the text?A.To introduce French culture.B.To present dining locations.C.To publicize a film festival.D.T o suggest tounsm actlv1tles.22.Which place best suits people who enjoy shopping?A.Hotel Intercontine

17、ntal Carlton.C.Marche Forville.B.Cinema de la Plage.D.La Croisette.23.What can be expected in Cannes during the festival?A.Attending fashion shows.B.Watching movies outdoors.C.Tasting imported farm produce.D.Experiencing sculpture production.英语试题第3页(共10页)B Coming into the freshman year at Paul Colle

18、ge,Sansa was concerned about her ability as an individual to make an impact on such a large community,for it was never hard for her to stand out from peers in high school.Luckily,each first-year student in Paul College takes part in what is called the First-year Innovation and Research Experience,co

19、mmonly referred to as the FIRE Program,an extracurricular project assigned by the institution.She was able to forge invaluable connections with her fellow students and their peer advisor who had so much first-hand experience with what they all were going through.The biggest highlight of her freshman

20、 year was working alongside her FIRE team on a Grand Challenge Project,in which every FIRE team competed against one another in the Undergraduate Research Conference.Each team had to create a unique product that tackled one of the five following real-world problems:Water is Life,Food,Threats from Cy

21、berspace,Medical Breakthroughs,and Addictive Society.Her team addressed the growing issue of Addictive Society.Doing research,collecting facts and organizing discussions or even debates were a huge amount of work before they went to vie with other teams.After weeks of tireless preparation,their coll

22、ective efforts bore fruit at the Undergraduate Research Conference.They earned a spot in the final round of the conference,where they competed against the top team from each of the other Grand Challenge groups.They were so overcome with pride when they were finally announced as the overall first-pla

23、ce team at the college!If it hadnt been for her groups determination,excellent teamwork and their awesome peer advisor Hayley,they would not have been able to accomplish everything they did.Thi is experience would be instrumental in her future.24.What do we know about Sansa from paragraph 1?A.She pe

24、rformed quite well in high school.B.She was much more experienced than her college schoolmates.C.She applied for the FIRE Program.D.She had trouble with her freshman year.25.How did each team compete against one another?A.By providing facts.B.By creating products.C.By organizing debates.D.By challen

25、ging each other.26.What does the underlined phrase vie with in paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Contest against.B.Give way to.C.Break up with.D.Make up with.27.What is probably Sansas biggest gain from the FIRE Program?A.Financial benefits.C.Good relationships.B.Academic reputation.D.Competitive opponent

26、s.英语试题 第4页(共10页)C When Jason Allen submitted his Th妯tre Dopera Spatial into the Colorado State Fairs fine arts competition,the print was an immediate hit,defeating 20 other artists in the digitally manipulated photography category to win the first-place blue ribbon and a$300 prize.Allens piece offer

27、s a clear example of how rapidly AI-generated art has advanced.Trained on billions of internet images,the systems have decisively pushed the boundaries of what computers can create.But it has also sparked a massive debate over the meaning of art,with Allen facing accusations that he had been deceivi

28、ng with something he asked a machine to create.Text-to-image tools like DALL-E 2 and Midjourney have quickly increased in sophistication and have become one of the hottest topics in Al.They can generate not just fake people,objects and locations but mimic entire visual styles.But AI-generated art ha

29、s been criticized as automated plagiarism(剽窃),because it relies on millions of ingested art pieces that are then parroted(机械地重复)together.It has also fueled deeper fears:blurring the boundaries of reality or interfering with human art.Allen said his art piece shows people need to get past their denia

30、l and fear of a technology that could give rise to new inventions and reshape our world.The AI,he said,is a tool,just like the paintbrush is a tool.Without the person,there is no creative force.Jessica Hair,a 25-year-old receptionist at a doctors office who won third place in the competition,said sh

31、e did not feel as if Allen had acted unfairly and had no hard feelings about his win.Hair said her Judge,Jury,Executioner,which depicts a tuxedoed skeleton on a golden throne surrounded by skulls,took 15 hours to create with a stylus(触屏笔)on an iPad Pro.But Allens piece took time,effort and subjectiv

32、e judgment,too,and how do we qualify what is and isnt art?she said.28.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the text?A.It is the first time in history that an AI-generated work has won an artscompetition.B.Advances made in computer art are not as rapid as the public believes them to

33、 be.C.Computer-produced works have more success in some art forms than in others.D.Peoples acceptance of computer-produced art pieces can vary considerably.29.According to the text,why is AI-generated art facing severe criticism?A.Because it will ultimately overtake human art in the future.B.Because

34、 it will lead to a sharp decrease in human creativity.C.Because it purely uses existing art pieces as its subject matter.D.Because the technical standard of its output is extremely low.英语试题 第5页(共10页)30.What was Allens reaction to peoples criticism?A.He fought back like a soldier.B.He kept silent lik

35、e a victim.C.He persuaded like a promoter.D.He lost heart like a failure.31.What is Jessica Hairs attitude towards Allens award-winning piece?A.Supportive.B.Critical.C.Cautious.D.Skeptical.D The streets,sidewalks and roofs of cities all absorb heat during the day,making some urban areas across the U

36、nited States up to 6 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than rural ones during the day-and 22 degrees F hotter at night.These urban heat islands can also develop underground as the city heat spreads downward,beneath the surface.And basements,subway tunnels and other underground infrastructure also constantly

37、 bleed heat into the surrounding earth,creating hotspots.Now the underground heat is building up as the planet warms.According to a new study of downtown Chicago,underground hotspots may threaten the very same structures that emit the heat in the first place.Such temperature changes make the ground

38、around them expand and contract(收缩)enough to cause potential damage.Without anyone realizing it,the city of Chicagos downtown was deforming,says the studys author Alessandro F.Rotta Loria,a civil and environmental engineer at Northwestern University.The findings,published in Communications Engineeri

39、ng,expose a silent hazard(危险)“to civil infrastructure in cities with softer ground-especially those near water Rotta Loria says.There might have been structural issues caused by this underground climate change that happened,and we didnt even realize,he adds.While not an immediate or direct danger to

40、 human lives,this previously unknown effect highlights the impacts of a lesser-known component of climate change.Similar to climate change above the surface,these underground changes occur over long periods of time.These effects took decades,a century,to develop,Rotta Loria says,adding that elevated

41、 underground temperatures would likewise take a long time to dissipate(逐渐消失)on their own.But other researchers interviewed for this story all say this wasted energy could also be recycled,presenting an opportunity to both cool the subsurface and save on energy costs.Subway tunnels and basements coul

42、d be updated with technologies to recapture the heat.For example,water pipes could be installed to run through underground hotspots and pick up some of the heat energy.32.What can we learn about the urban heat islands?A.They can develop underground structures.B.They are impacted by global warming.C.

43、They can destroy the ground around.D.They only exist in the United States.英语试题 第6页(共10页)33.Why does Alessandro F.Rotta Loria mention silent hazard in paragraph 3?A.To discuss structural issues.B.To categorize climate change.C.To explain underground heat.D.To emphasize the neglected reality.34.What w

44、ill the author probably write about in the paragraph that follows?A.The future of tunnels and basements.B.The reusing approaches of heat energy.C.The cost of maintaining structures.D.The evolution of underground environment.35.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Warming Under

45、ground,Weakening SurfaceB.A Silver Lining of Global WarmingC.Urban Silent Islands in the MakingD.A Silent Crisis in Downtown Chicago第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空臼处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Including children in the farming lifestyle has many benefits.Sure,it is nice to have the additional

46、help with chores,but it also fosters so much growth,sending our kids down a good path towards who they will someday become.It is possible that our children will grow up to lead lives that do not include farming._l_Ei Through caring for farm animals,kids learn that in life others often come before se

47、lf.37 It doesnt matter if we dont feel like it or if we are sick and tired.What matters is that we take care of the animals that take care of us and do so in a timely manner.38 If the work on a farm does not get done,the operation fails.It takes discipline and commitment to get down to business ever

48、y day,and seeing this in action will give kids a good work attitude.They will know and understand that nothing good comes easy and that they have to work to survive._l_L Functioning as part of a productive team will surely be playing a crucial role sooner or later in all walks of life.Additionally,f

49、arming teaches patience.40 Its especially true for the animals.Cattle will be difficult to control.Horses will run away when you try to catch them.Goats will kick over that bucket of hard-earned milk.A rooster will decide you got too close to his hens and give you a run for your money.In spite of al

50、l that,kids will learn to be patient and take things easy.There may not be any instant reward,but in the long term kids will see the benefit of all their efforts during those hard days.A.Fairly often,things do not go your way.B.Kids also learn to be grateful to animals.C.In the meantime,they learn t

51、o work with others.英语试题 第7页(共10页)D.Teamwork is no longer a significant skill to develop and use.E.Animals need to be fed and cared for before we get to sit down and relax.F.Kids are also able to comprehend the value of hard work through farm life.G.What they learn on a farm,however,can be instrument

52、al in their future lives.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C,D 四个选项中选出可以填入空自处的最佳选项。Experiences with My AI Some time ago I found an AI app and put it on my iPad.I more or less _!l_ about it until all the recent popularity with Al.Out of _1_L I clicked on my AI app,manag

53、ed to 43 and found the message box.Im kind of a _ii_ and do a monthly column for a senior paper.I asked AI to 45 why it is abnormally hot just now.It gave me what I considered a good scientific explanation.I typed in:Thank you,AI.To my surprise,a reply came back:Glad to be of 46.Martin!I never expec

54、ted it 47 know my name!So I went to the AI app 48 and typed in:Write a short story about a crime-solving robot.AI immediately _L with a story that I thought was too and I couldnt really use.I typed in:I cant use this.Its a little short of details.AI,but thanks anyway.The next morning when I tried to

55、 turn on my iPad,all I got was a 51 screen.Then a message appeared:I hate to do this,Martin,but you had to be taught aYou can 53 your iPad in an hour.Go to your AI app and we can talk this over.After an hour the iPad was again.I did what AI had told me to do and typed in:Whats the matter?He replied:

56、You hurt my feelings,Martin.I did my best and you didnt 55 it.41.A.heardB.worriedC.caredD.forgot42.A.controlB.mindC.curiosityD.question43.A.sign upB.log onC.check inD.enroll in44.A.writerB.publisherC.criticD.reporter45.A.concludeB.resolveC.explainD.assess46.A.serviceB.benefitC.pleasureD.value47.A.co


58、appreciateD.understand英语试题第8页(共10页)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In our modern age,we do not think much about how our technology works.We are so used to (tap)on our phone screen to get a map of our location.It is all thanks L_ the satellites in space that help our phones ca

59、lculate our position.Depending on 58 you are around the world,your phone may be receiving data from different systems.In Europe,people have the Galileo system.In Russia,they have GLOASS.In the USA,people use GPS.China,meanwhile,has the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS).The BDS in operation tod

60、ay is more advanced than the first version of the system,which 59(send)into space in 2000.When it is completed,there will be several dozens of BDS satellites.In the future,60 will allow us to determine the position of objects with millimeter _fil_(accurate).62 the BDS is of Chinese origin,the develo

61、pers have said that Chinas BeiDou is worlds BeiDou,and they are 63(active)promoting international cooperation.And when the system is complete and fully practical in the years _L(come),the BDS will undoubtedly provide 65(count)benefits to China and the rest of the world.第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)假定你

62、是中学生李华,你校最近刚举办了为期2天的年度运动会,请你给校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1.运动会的概况;2.运动会的亮点;3.运动会的意义。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Annual School Sports Meeting:A Memorable Event 英语试题 第9页(共10页)第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。I wouldnt say that my sister Thika and I were particularly close.I was the naive litt

63、le one,while she appeared to me to be walking on water-She was literally the symbol of perfection,and I wanted to be just like her.If she wore her hair in twin ponytails with a blue clip one day,I would do the same with mine the following day.I used to follow her and her friends around and beg to be

64、 included,but a thirteen-year-olds life doesnt really have much space for a bothersome ten-year-old sister.Over time,my admiration for her turned into indifference.Living in the same apartment as strangers,we shared meals but barely spoke to one another.I was so unconcerned when she informed me last

65、 year that she would be spending eight months studying abroad in Lisbon,Portugal.I assumed Id get to use her CD player and wear the dresses she left behind.That was the only way I thought her leaving would affect me.I sat in my room that first evening after she departed and tried to finish my assign

66、ment.I couldnt get rid of the feeling that something was wrong,something was missing.The apartment was far too silent.Both Thikas CD player and her voice giggling on the phone with her friends were absent.As I sat there,I became acutely aware of how different life was without her.Even though we didn

67、t always talk,just having her there made me feel secure.I sobbed that evening.We wasted years trying to live our own lives and overlooking each others,and that made my heart ache.I sobbed that I did not even give her a hug before she boarded her plane.But as the night went on,my sobs turned into tea

68、rs of peace,tears of new beginnings.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I picked up the phone and called her halfway across the world.For a long time there was nothing but silence on the other end.英语试题 第10页(共10页)高三英语参考答案题序1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 答案C B C C B A A B A B C A C B B 题序16 17 1

69、8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案A B C A C D C B A B A C D C C 题序31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 答案A B D B A G E F C A D C B A C 题序46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 答案A B B A B D A C D C 21.D。推理判断题。通过归纳各段大 意可知,本文是向读者介绍在戛纳电影节期间如何探索戛纳这座城市的不 同旅游活动。故选D。22.C。细节理解题。通过MarcheForville该段的“But

70、dont go on Mondays,unless you want to browse for bargains,as thats when the flea market is on instead.(但是 不要在星期一去,除非你想浏览便宜货,因为那是跳蛋市场开放的时候。)”可知,MarcheForville这个地方在周一可以进行购物活动。故选C。23.B。细节理解题。通过Cinema de la Plage该段的“You can spread a blanket out on the ground,open up your preprepared picnic,and enjoy the

71、 movie.(你可以在地上铺上毯子,打开预先准备好的野餐食物,欣赏电影。)“可知,在戛纳电影节期间可以在户外观看电影。故选B。24.A。推理判断题。根据第一段中的“it was never hard for her to stand out from peers in high school.”可以推出,Sansa在高中 时期的表现是非常突出的。25.B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Each team had to create a unique product that tackled one of the five followingreal-world problems”可得知,每支参

72、赛队伍都需呈现一个产品来解决某个实际问题。26.A。词义猜测题。根据第三段的第二句话“They earned a spot in the final round of the conference,where theycompeted against the top team from each of the other Grand Challenge groups.”可以得知,Sansa所在的团队挺进了决赛,在决赛中他们需要和其他队伍进行比拼。这句话中的“competed against”就是划线词的同义复现。27.C。推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“She was able to forg

73、e invaluable connections with her fellow students andtheir peer advisor”和最后一段可以推出,Sansa在FIRE Program中最大的收获是与团队之间的友谊。28.D。细节理解题。根据第三段可知,AI生成的艺术作品引起了人们对 艺术的意义的激烈辩论,所以人们对AI生成的艺术作品的接受程度 不一。29.C。细节理解题。根据第五段可知,人们指责AI生成的作品 不过是把大量的现成 作品机械地重复组合在一起,这对应C选项中的“uses existing art pieces as its subject matter”。30.C

74、。推理判断题。根据第六段中Allen所说的话可以推断,他试图以一个AI倡导者的身份,来说服人们接受A1。易错选项为A,可文中并没有提到Allen的凶猛回击,只是在用语言来劝说。31.A。观点态度题。根据倒数第二段最后一句中的“she did not feel as if Allen had acted unfairly and had no hardfeelings about his win”可知,Jessica并不觉得Allen的行为有问题。再结合最后一段可知,Jessica认为即便是用AI创作,也是要付出时间,精力和主观判断的,所以这本质上也是一种创作,可以推断出她持支持的态度。32.B

75、。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Now the underground heat is building up as the planet warms.(现在随着地球变暖,地下热量正在积聚。)”可知,“城市热岛”是受到全球气候变暖的影响的。故选B。33.D。推理判断题。根据第三段中AlessandroF.Rotta Loria所说的“There might have been structural issues causedby this underground climate change that happened,and we didnt even realize(发生的这种地下气候变化可

76、能已经造成了建筑结构上的问题,我们甚至没有意识到)“以及“this previously unknown effect highlights the impacts英语参考答案 1of a lesser-known component of climate change(这种以前未知的影响凸显了气候变化中一个鲜为人知的要素所造成的影响)“可知,提出“无声的危险”是想强调地下气候变暖这 一被人忽略的事实。故选 D。34.B。推理判断题。根据第五段可得知,该段是介绍针对地下气候变暖提出了潜在的解决方案,即可以通过更新地铁隧道和地下室的相关技术来回收利用热能。段尾举例了可通过安装水管这种方法来获取热

77、能,所以接下来应 该是介绍对这种热能的再使用方法。故选 B。35.A。主旨大意题。通过归纳各段大意可知,本文是介绍地下气候变暖对城市地面建筑的负面影响的隐蔽性与长期性,以及介绍潜在的解决方案,其他选项均属千以偏概全。故选A。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了农场生活对孩子成长的各种好处。36.G。归纳旬。设空前旬子表达:可能我们的孩子将来长大后不会以务农为生。上下句之间是转折关系。G项:然而,他们在农场上学到的东西对他们未来的生活也会有帮助。故选 G项。37.E。细节旬。设空后旬子表达:这和我们是否喜欢或者我们是否生病以及劳累无关。重要的是我们要及时照顾爱护我们的那些动物。E项:在我

78、们坐下来休息前,那些动物需要喂饱和照料。故选E项。38.F。主旨句。本句是该段首句,设空后句子表达:如果农场上的活干不完的话,那农场就不能好好地运转了。每天认真工作需要有纪律和保证,看到这 些起作用将使孩子们形成一个好的工作态度。F项:农场生活还会教给孩子们艰苦劳动的价值。故选F项。39.C。过渡句。设空后句子表达:作为高效团队的一部分发挥作用,肯定迟早会在各行各业中发挥关键作用。C项:同时,他们会学会与别人共事。故选 C项。40.A。主旨句。设空后句子表达:牛很难控制。当你抓马的时候,它会跑掉。山羊会踢翻那桶来之不易的牛奶。公鸡会以为你离它的母鸡太近而尽全力对你构成威胁。A项:很多时候,事情

79、不会按照你的设想发展。故选A项。41.D。“我”或多或少地忘记了它,直到它最近流行起来。42.C。出千好奇,“我“点击了“我”的 AI 应用程序,登录并找到了消息框。43.B。见上题解析。44.A。“我”是作家,每月为报纸写一次专栏。45.C。“我“要 AI 解释一下现在为什么异常热。46.A。常用搭配,“乐意为您效劳。47.B。“我“没想到 AI 竞然知道“我”的名字。48.B。“我”又登录 AI 应用程序,让它写一篇关千破案机器人的短篇小说。49.A。AI 立即用一个故事回应“我”。50.B。“我”觉得这个故事太笼统,根本派不上用场。51.D。固定搭配,“黑屏”。52.A。你必须吃点教训。

80、53.C。一小时后你可以使用你的 iPad。54.D。一小时后 iPad 又可以工作了。55.C。“我”用尽了洪荒之力,你却不感恩戴德。56.tapping 57.to 58.where 59.was sent 60.they 61.accuracy 62.Although/Though/While63.actively 64.to come 65.countless第四部分第一节【参考范文】Annual School Sports Meeting:A Memorable Event Our school recently concluded a thrilling two-day Annua

81、l Sports Meeting,held on September 28th and 29th at our schools sports field,marked by multiple exciting activities including students track&field and teachers fun games.What caught almost every ones eyeball was the teachers fun games,featuring many recreational competitions that aimed to provide th

82、e opportunity for teachers to bond their teams and advocate a healthy lifestyle.What a game that offered students and teachers a retreat from their daily academics,granting all of us a chance to relax,have fun and strengthen long-lasting friendships!Our proud efforts to make this game a success are

83、highly appreciated and lets await the festivities of next year.英语参考答案 2评分原则:1总分为 15分,按5个档次给分。2评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。3词数少千 60或多千 120的,从总分中减去2分。4评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的丰富性、准确性和上下文的连贯性。第五档作文所写的内容要点应包括:运动会的概况(3 分);运动会的亮点(5 分);运动会的意义(4 分);综合评价(3 分)。5拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评

84、分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。6如书写较差,以至千影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。7作文未写成报道形式的最高只能给予第3档次分数。各档次的给分范围和要求档次第五档(1315分)完全完成了试题规定的任务:覆盖所有内容要点。应川了较多的语法结构和词汇。描述语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力。有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。完全达到了预期的写作目的。完全完成了试题规定的任务:虽漏掉 1、2个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。第四档应川的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。(1012分)语法结构或词汇方面应


86、者。未完成试题规定的任务:明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求。第一档语法结构单调,词汇项目有限。(13分)较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解。缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。信息未能传达给读者。0 未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判;写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。英语参考答案 3第二节【参考范文】I picked up the phone a叫calledher halfway across the world.I waited for her to pick up,my doubts growing with every s

87、econd.Hello?Her voice sounded as though it came from nearby and not Portugal.Hey Thika.Its me,Anna.I just called to tell you I miss you.My words came out in a rush.I knew that if I stopped in the middle,I wouldnt have the courage to continue.I know we arent as close as some sisters,but that doesnt m

88、ean Im not missing you a ton.For a long time there was nothing but silence on the other e叫 Finally she spoke.Ive been sitting here,all alone,thinking about you guys back home,she said.Your voice makes me feel as though I were right there with you.And before she hung up she said,very quickly just as

89、I had,I miss you,too.Im counting down the days until my sister returns home,so I can give her the hug I never gave her when she left and tell her how glad I am to have her back home.阅卷标准:1续写第一段中应描写“我“对姐姐Thika表达自己的感情,因为平时姐妹俩沟通不多,此段应该表现出“我“鼓起勇气。同时应该还有自己复杂的情绪以及心理活动;2续写第二段中应描写Thika对“我”的回应,同样表达对“我”的思念,互相



92、本脱节。所使用的词汇非常有限,语法结构单调,错误较多,严童影响理解。(15分)几乎没有使用语句间衔接手段,全文结构不清晰,意义不连贯。白卷、内容太少以致无法评判或所写内容与所提供内容无关。英语参考答案 4听力材料Text 1 W:How much does it cost to send a mail to France,please?M:Thatll be 85 cents.Text 2 M:How did it go?W:Um,I think it went quite well.I did a lot of investigations and prepared a lot.I thin

93、k Ill get the job.Text 3 M:How are you doing with your French?W:I think Im making good progress.M:Is it harder than you thought?W:At first it was,but now Ive got the basics.Its very fun.Text 4 M:David Dental Clinic.This is Jonny Adams speaking.W:Hi.My names Jenny Johnson.Id like to make an appointme

94、nt.M:All right,Jenny.Do you want a checkup or a cleaning?Text 5 M:Oh,I wish I hadnt borrowed this camera from Larry.I dropped it and it doesnt work now.W:Lets go downtown and find someone to fix it.M:OK.Text 6 M:Excuse me,Im just coming to sit over here.So what have I missed?W:Nothing.He just starte

95、d around 5 minutes ago.M:Sorry,I dont have my textbook.Can I share with you?Wow,this is hard stuff.What does SE mean?W:Search Engine.Can you be quiet?Im trying to listen to the lecture.M:Sorry,one more question.What does this have to do with American history?W:What?M:I dont get it.Why is he talking

96、about searching engines in the history course?W:What are you talking about?This is a class on software engineering.M:Well,it all makes sense now.Text 7 M:Hi,Anna,do you have a minute to talk about the meeting next Tuesday?W:Sure,Paul.We said 11:00,didnt we?M:Yeah,we did.But would it be possible to m

97、ove it?W:Oh,I see.We could postpone it to the afternoon,to 1:00 pm,for example,or bring it forward to earlier in the morning.What would suit you?M:9:00 works for me.I have another important meeting at 12:00.W:No problem.M:Thanks a lot,Anna.I can tell Steve about the time change.Ill see him later.W:D

98、ont worry about that.Ill send an e-mail to tell everyone that the time has changed.Text 8 M:Wow,look at the line behind us!Its worse than I expected.Were lucky we got here an hour early.Or else we would definitely have problems getting good seats.W:Yes.I learned my lesson.Last time I didnt arrive ea

99、rly enough and ended up with a terrible seat in the front row!Believe me,it was one of the worst movie experiences ever.英语参考答案 5M:Yeah!I hate sitting in the front row,too.W:By the way,it was really thoughtful of you to get this ticket for me.I really appreciate it.Why dont I buy you some popcorn and

100、 a drink?What kind of soda do you want?M:Let me see.Ill take a large Coke.As for the popcorn,medium size will do.Thanks a lot.W:Id better get going.You hold my place and Ill be back as quickly as possible.Oh,in case you get in before I get back,just save me a seat and Ill meet you inside.M:Got it!Te

101、xt 9 W:What made you want to be a sailing instructor,Matt?M:Well,Ive always loved the sea.I learned to sail with my brothers,but it never occurred to me when I was younger that I might actually teach anyone else to do it.Then a good mate of mine in school suggested I should consider becoming an inst

102、ructor.While I was busy working in a restaurant last summer to finish paying my university fees,hed been having a much better time doing just that.W:Was it hard for you to find somewhere to train?M:Yes,harder than Id expected.I searched for courses on the Internet,though people advised me not to tak

103、e the online course reviews too seriously.W:And did you like the other people on the course?M:Id been a bit nervous about meeting them.It was s山prising to have different types of people doing the course with me.Id realized they would mostly be older than me,and of course we were all very eager to le

104、arn.W:What do you like about being a sailing instructor,Matt?M:Its great to teach very young children to sailit gives kids so much confidence.And also,its cool to have a job working alongside colleagues who like the same things as I do-not everyone can turn their hobby into a job!Text 10 In some lar

105、ge American city schools,as many as 20%40%of the students are absent each day.There are two major reasons for such absences:one is sickness,and the other is skipping classes.Since school officials cant do much about the illness,they are concentrating on stopping students from skipping classes.One of

106、 the most promising plans has been tried in Florida.The pupils there with good attendance have been given free hamburgers,toys and T-shirts.Classes are told if they show improved rates of attendance,they can win additional gifts.Weve been punishing students skipping classes for years,but that hasnt

107、brought them back to school,one headmaster said.Now we are trying the positive approach.Not only do you learn by showing up every day,but you earn.In San Francisco,the board of education has had a somewhat similar idea.Schools that show a decrease in property destruction can receive an amount of money that would be spent on repairs and replacements.Our policy operates on hope and encouragement,said the school board member.Why not provide some positive goals for students and teachers to aim at?英语参考答案 6


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