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本文(广东省广大附中、铁一、广外三校2020-2021学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

广东省广大附中、铁一、广外三校2020-2021学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc

1、2020-2021学年下学期期中三校联考高二英语命题人: 审题人: 试卷共10页,满分150分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和班级、考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡的卷头上。2 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。3 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束

2、后,将答题卡交回。第一部分 语法知识与运用: 选择最佳答案.(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. Is this the factory _ computers are built?A. that B. where C. which D. in that2. He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science.A. which I think isB. which I think it isC. which I think itD. I think which is3. I dont like _ y

3、ou speak to her.A. the way of whichB. the way in that C. the way whichD. the way4. In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of _ are women.A. them B. which C. whom D. who5. I shall never forget those years _ I lived on the farm with the farmers, _ has a great effect on my life.A. when; who

4、 B. that; which C. which; that D. when; which 6. David is such a good boy _ all the teachers like. A. that B. as C. whoD. whom7. A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, “Is there a hospital around _ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?”A. thatB. whichC. where D. what8. Helen had to

5、shout _ above the sound of the music.A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard9. With the homework _, he was allowed to watch the football match.A. finished B. finishing C. to finish D. to be finished10. Such _ the case, I couldnt help but _ him.

6、A. being, supportB. was, support C. has been, supportingD. is, to support11. While watching television, _. A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell rings C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings12. Not only should you get used _ under difficult conditions but you also pay more attent

7、ion _ your work well. A. to working, to do B. to working, to doing C. to work, to doingD. to work, to do13. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _ the girl and took her away, _ into the woods. A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappeared C. seizing; disappearing D. seized; disappearing14

8、. When she came in, she was surprised to find a stranger _ at the back of the classroom with his eyes _ upon her.A. seating; fixing B. seated; fixedC. having seated; fixed D. to seat; fixing 15. _ in painting, John didnt notice evening approaching. A. To absorb B. To be absorbed C. Absorbed D. Absor

9、bing第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读下列短文,选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)AAn increasing number of students worldwide are considering studying abroad. The application process varies from country to country. If youre looking for a university with a strong international outlook but feel swept over by all the

10、application options, here is some guidance to get you started.UKInternational students must apply to universities in the UK through a system known as Ucas. This system allows students to apply to up to five universities with just one application. It costs 20 for a single choice or 25 for more than o

11、ne choice.The application consists of a series of questions to determine the students schooling and predicted grades. The biggest part of the application form is the personal statement, in which applicants should describe their personal interests and related experiences. SwitzerlandSwitzerland has f

12、our official languages and is bordered by five countries so it is no surprise that its universities are among the most international in the world. International applicants may need to take an entrance exam if they have a foreign school certificate, and must also prove that they have a good grasp of

13、the French language, usually through taking a language exam. The full application costs 50 Swiss Francs for a holder of a Swiss diploma and 150 Swiss Francs for holders of foreign diplomas. CanadaInternational applicants have to write up a personal profile as part of their application, which is very

14、 similar to the personal statement required for a UK university application. Students will also have to prove their English-language competencythere are nine ways to meet the English Language Admission Standard, which are listed on many university websites. SingaporeThe process of applying to a Sing

15、aporean university is very much alike, but overseas students may be delighted to find that the domestic applicants have to cover the same procedures: filling out an online application form and submit identification documents, supporting documents and an application fee of $20.16. Which country requi

16、res international applicants know French well? A. UK.B. Switzerland.C. Canada.D. Singapore. 17. What part of the application is similar between the UK and Canada? A. The application system. B. The number of universities.C. The application cost. D. The personal statement.18. Whats special about the a

17、pplication process in Singapore?A. Applicants need to pay a lot. B. It is much simpler than elsewhere. C. Its no different for native students. D. The competition is even more fierce. BGrandma Pugh sized up the baby like a pig at the farmers market. There was a pause and then she pronounced. “Hes go

18、t nice long legs.” She clapped her hands once in approval. But then she frowned and leaned forward. Everyone waited anxiously. The baby had opened his eyes and was staring up. “But those cross eyes wont do,” she declared firmly, shaking her head in disappointment. That had been Freddie Pilchers firs

19、t meeting with Grandma Pugh. Since then, ten years had passed. Much to his grandmothers satisfaction, shed been proven right about the boys legs. He was a regular beanpole. Grandma Pugh had also been correct about his eyes. Freddie had been wearing glasses to correct his vision since he was two year

20、s old. His current pair was thick, and cheap-looking, but at least he could see. Freddie not only had poor eyesight, but he was also clumsy. He wasnt good at schoolwork either. But there was one thing that the boy was good at and it was all on account of the length of his legs. He could jump. Freddi

21、e was the best jumper in school. Not only could he leap the furthest but also the highest. At breaktimes, he entertained the little ones by leaping over the school wall into Mrs Hobsons garden and then rapidly jumping back. She had been up to see the head teacher several times because somebody had b

22、een crushing her vegetables. It was badgers(獾), Freddie suggested, when quizzed by Miss Harpy definitely badgers; no doubt about it. His dad had terrible problems with badgers. Only last week he had lost two rows of carrots. Freddie had woken one night and heard them tearing through the garden, a wh

23、ole herd of them. They rooted up the lawn and dug up the vegetables. Terrible things, badgers. All the other children nodded their heads wisely. There was a moments pause in Class Three as everyone thought about the dreadful damage that badgers could do.19. What do we know about Grandma Pugh? A. She

24、 was present at the birth of baby Freddie. B. She was unwilling to listen to the ideas of others. C. She was a figure of great importance in the family. D. She valued physical appearance over all other things.20. Why did Freddie jump over the school wall? A. To amuse his schoolmates.B. To escape fro

25、m school. C. To annoy his teacher. D. To damage Mrs Hobsons vegetables.21. Which of the following best describes Freddies physical appearance?A.B.C.D.22. Why does Freddie talk about badgers in the final paragraph? A. To explain the cause of the damage. B. To warn the class about their danger. C. To

26、describe what happened to his fathers garden. D. To make up an excuse for the cause of the damage.CEarly or Later Day CareMany young parents are confused about whether their children should have early day care, and there have always been different views on this subject.The British psychoanalyst John

27、 Bowlby believes that separation from parents during the sensitive “attachment” period from birth to three may scar a childs personality and lead to psychological problems in later life. Some people have drawn the conclusion from Bowlbys work that children should not be subjected to day care before

28、three because of the parental separation it causes, and many people do believe this.According to Bowlby, a great deal of psychological harm can occur when young children are separated from their parents. If they are left without touch for a while, they will have a higher stress level. Parents influe

29、nce on their childrens well-being may never be greater than during the earliest years of life, when a childs brain is developing rapidly and when nearly all of her or his experiences are shaped by parents and the family environment.However, there are critics. Some anthropologists (人类学家) point out th

30、at the love affair between children and parents found in modern societies does not usually exist in traditional societies. There has been a long history of the fact that father and mother did not bring up their children alone. Plato, around 394 B.C., argued that a system of early child care would fr

31、ee women to participate in society. Results from Israeli and Dutch studies show that child-raising duties are more evenly distributed among a broader group of people.Besides, studies have reported that early day care has a neutral or slightly positive effect on childrens development. They learn the

32、benefits of being socially smart, understanding the concept of sharing and caring. They promote concentration skills, which is very important in their learning. There are games where children are taught basic language and mathematical skills through stories and everyday examples.Common sense tells u

33、s that early day care would not be so widespread if children had problems with it. But Bowlbys analysis raises the possibility that it has delayed effects. The possibility that such care might lead to more mental illness 15 or 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statistics. Whatever th

34、e long-term effects, parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with. Children under three dislike leaving their parents and show unhappiness. At the age of three almost all children find it easy to go to the nursery. The matter, then, is far from being clearly known, though expe

35、rience and available evidence indicate that early day care is reasonable for young children.23. The passage mainly argues whether _.A. children over three will accept school educationB. children under three should be sent to nursery schoolsC. the family relationship is different in traditional socie

36、tiesD. early day care should be totally replaced in modern societies24. Which of the following supports Bowlbys theory?A. Early day care wouldnt be so popular if it had negative effects.B. Separation from parents for young children is common in history.C. Parents find the immediate effects of early

37、day care difficult to deal with.D. Studies show early day care has a positive effect on childrens development.25. The authors attitude towards early day care is that _. A. children under three should stay with their parentsB. it has potential benefits for both children and parentsC. the bad effect o

38、f it on children will disappear as they grow upD. it is controversial and the settlement calls for the use of statistics26. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?A. B. C. D.I: Introduction P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: ConclusionDCybercrime refers to any criminal off

39、ence related to the Internet. Internet crimes have been classified into four categories. First, they can be related to a lack of proper Internet security, such as downloading or deleting other peoples files without permission, and spreading computer viruses. The second are crimes usually committed w

40、ithout a computer, but can occur over the Internet. For some criminals use the Internet to cheat others of their money. Third, websites which offense information or encourage hatred and violence are named. Last, there are related to intellectual property (intellectual property is a design, patent, b

41、ook, etc. law prevents other people from copying).All Internet users are affected by cybercrime in one way or another. (However, crime against a private organization in the USA, showed that 45.6 percent of the 351 biggest company government agencies had had their security systems broken into in the

42、previous year. Security consultants tell us that cybercrime is costing firms worldwide hundreds of billions of dollars every. Considering how bad the situation with cybercrime against companies has become, many people wonder why so little is known about this. The main reason is that most cybercrime

43、is not reported. Until now, most companies have been unwilling to report cases of cybercrime. They fear that by doing so, they will lose customers, who may think that the company cannot protect their confidential information or their money.All of this is made more difficult by the legal situation re

44、garding cybercrime. Cybercrime is so new that many governments have not yet passed laws against it, and there are many holes in the legal systems. In addition, most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with suspects from other countries who may have committed cybercrime. Thus, it is diffic

45、ult to catch criminals of cybercrime.The only answer to this problem is international cooperation. Governments must join forces to keep up with the advances in technology used by the criminals. It is also important to draft new laws and negotiate international standards for fighting cybercrime.27. W

46、hich of the following can be considered as cybercrime?A. Copying others public filesB. Creating computer virusC. Sending hatred words to a friendD. Stealing from online banks28. How does the author prove that cybercrime is worse to large companies?A. By comparing the changing numbers.B. By listing t

47、he survey data. C. By analyzing the heavy loss.D. By adding background information.29. Which of the following best explains “confidential” underlined in Paragraph 3?A. legalB. valuableC. privateD. correct30. What is the authors advice to prevent cybercrimeA. Countries work together following the sam

48、e law.B. Abroad cybercriminals should be sent back.C. The lawyers should learn more about laws.D. The government should flow the law. 第二节 七选五(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)Both men and women are living longer these days in industrialized countries. 31 In general, they can expect to live six or seven years mo

49、re than men. One reason for this is biological.One important biological factor that helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women. 32 Between the ages of about 12 and 50, women produce hormones that are involved in fertility (生育能力). These hormones also have a positive e

50、ffect on the heart and blood flow. In fact, women are less likely to have high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks. 33 Theyhelpthebodydefenditselfagainstsomekindsofinfections. This means that womengenerallygetsicklessoftenandlessseriouslythanmen. The common cold is a good example: women,onav

51、erage,getfewercoldsthanmen. 34 Scientists are still not exactly sure how genes influence aging, but they believe that they do. Some think that a womans body cells have a tendency (倾向) to age more slowly than a mans. Others think that a mans body cells have a tendency to age more quickly. 35 A. Howev

52、er,women,onaverage,livelonger.B. Thebiologicalfactorplaysanimportantpart.C. Womenarealsohelpedbytheirfemalegenes.D. Thefemalehormonesalsoprotectthebodyinanotherway.E. Recentresearchseemstosupportbothofthesepossibilities.F. Therefore,womenaremore healthythanmenandcanliveabetterlife.G. Hormonesarechem

53、icalswhichareproducedbythebodytocontrolcariousbodyfunctions. 第三部分 语言知识运用第一节 完形填空 (共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)An act of kindness doesnt have to be a grand gesture. Even those small acts of kindness can make a difference in someones day. That was just the case for Amie Mickey when she 36 a bumper sticker on her

54、 car reading: You Matter.Amie started to do this several years ago. At first, she wondered if people would 37 it. However, much to her surprise, she began seeing a flood of 38 every time she hit the road. More often than not, people 39 slowly near her car would roll down their windows, raising their

55、 40 , waving and smiling. Sometimes, she even found some sticky notes left on her windshield saying things like “You 41 too!” Once while she was driving down the highway, she became 42 when a man driving a sports car at a high speed pulled his car alongside suddenly, waving and mouthing, “You matter

56、!” Though it took her some time to recover from the 43 , she still felt happy. Last year, someone 44 her car while she was waiting for her friend in the car by the roadside, saying to her, “It is a(n) 45 sticker. Ive seen various stickers before, but none of them have touched me as your sticker has

57、done.” The two small words on the sticker seem simple enough, but they really struck a chord with many complete strangers who 46 to catch sight of the sticker.Stories like Amies really 47 the rest of us. Sometimes a kind word or gesture may lift our 48 and it doesnt cost a thing except for a little

58、extra thought. Maybe it means offering a friend a hug, praising the children when their children 49 well in school, helping someone out or volunteering at animal shelters or shelters for the homeless. Acts of kindness are waiting everywhere. Small as they seem, they can make a 50 impact on the world

59、, and help form general goodness.36. A. tore up B. picked up C. fixed up D. put up37. A. watch B. overlook C. notice D. neglect38. A. attention B. strangers C. confusion D. trouble39. A. running B. driving C. walking D. riding40. A. voices B. hats C. shoulders D. thumbs41. A. count B. share C. value

60、 D. matter42. A. frightened B. frustrated C. embarrassed D. disappointed43. A. parking B. speed C. incident D. event44. A. approached B. blocked C. repaired D. cleaned45. A. important B. special C. typical D. skeptical46. A. happened B. occurred C. managed D. offered47. A. shock B. inspire C. deligh

61、t D. satisfy48. A. feelings B. thoughts C. spirits D. minds49. A. work B. exercise C. conduct D. behave50. A. reliable B. subjective C. positive D. brief第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)In any major Indian city, people are seen with an arm outstretc

62、hed, mobile phone in hand, 51 (smile) widely and clicking away. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi is said 52 (love) the selfie (自拍), posting pictures online that he has taken with 53 (variety) world leaders.But the pursuit of selfie can sometimes have deadly consequences. India is home to 54 highest

63、 number of people who have died while taking photos of 55 (they), with 19 of the worlds 49 recorded selfie-linked deaths since 2014. 56 (early) this month, an 18-year-old college student on a class picnic lost his balance while taking a selfie on top of a rock near a dam. He fell into the water and

64、drowned, along with a classmate 57 jumped in to save him.Since then, the Indian government 58 (declare) 16 no-selfie zones across Mumbai, warning people 59 taking unnecessary risks. Police have declared “no selfie” in areas considered to be 60 (risk)particularly along the coastline in spots with no

65、railings or fences. Anyone coming into “no selfie” areas even if they take no photos, will risk a fine of 1,200 rupees ($17.50).第四部分 词汇 (满分30分)第一节:单词拼写:用选修7单词表中黑体单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整。单词在答题卡上均需以完整形式呈现。(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)61. She got _ (恼怒的)when she heard the bad news.62. I must ask you to _ (陪同)me to the

66、police station.63.The headmaster and all the _ (全体员工) will be present at the end-of-term ceremony. 64. Study harder from now on. _ (否则), you will fall behind.65. Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced _ (每年). 66. I still need a _ (推荐) letter from my English teacher.67.

67、 He told me to keep my word and I _(服从).68. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is b_ to people.69. I offer you my hearty c_. You are so great that you get the first prize in the competition. 70. The tree is a_ in fruit.71. V_ actions or activities are done because someo

68、ne chooses to do them and not because they have been forced to do them. 72. He d_his suitcase along the platform, for they were too heavy to carry.73. He p_ the land for $200, 000 dollars.74. Tom and Jane want to get d_. That means they intend to end their marriage.75. Can I s_ milk for cream, becau

69、se I dont like cream?第二节:完成句子:根据中文或上下文意思,用选修7单词表中短语的适当形式填空,每空一词,补全句子。(共30空,每题0.5分,满分15分)76. 我们必须与时俱进。Its necessary for us to_ _ with the times.77. 她渴望出国。She _ _ _ go abroad.78. 虽然他看起来有点笨拙,但决不能取笑他。Although he looks a little clumsy, he cant _ _ _ _ at all.79. 最近非洲许多河流都干涸了。Many rivers in Africa _ _ _re

70、cently.80. 他忙于准备期中考试。He _ _ _ preparing for the mid-term exams.81. 如果你继续这么吃下去,减肥是不可能的。If you keep on eating like this, losing weight is _ _ _ _.82. 那位科学家日复一日投身于科学,最终获得了巨大的成功。That scientist was devoted to the study _ _ _ _ _and finally he achieved great success.83. 他一定会来,因为他信守诺言。He _ _ _ come for he

71、is always keeping his word.84. 几分钟后我才意识到发生了什么。It was several minutes before I _ _ _ what had happened.第五部分 读后续写 (共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。As a sixth grader, I began noticing how other kids were separating into groups. I wasnt sure where I belonged. I found it har

72、d to fit in.Our teacher had assigned “secret friends” for the coming week. She wrote each kids name on a piece of paper and threw them into a glass; then we each closed our eyes and drew the name of a classmate who we were to secretly befriend and support over the next five school days. By the middl

73、e of the week, everyone, including me, had turned this assignment into a contest to see whose secret friend could leave the best gift. We left cards, pens and even money. It seemed that everyone was getting cool presents from their friend except me.On the last morning of our assignment, I walked int

74、o my classroom and noticed there was a package. I opened the wrapping paper and inside was a box of powder (胭脂粉).The girls sitting near me laughed the gift I had received. To make matters worse, the powder had already been opened.I tried to forget about the embarrassing gift, but when I was in the b

75、athroom during the break, the girls who had seen me open the powder started speaking ill of my secret friend of giving it to me. I quickly joined in “How terrible,” I heard myself saying “What could my friend be thinking by giving me such a stupid gift? My grandmother wouldnt even want it.” The girl

76、s laughed at my remarks and rushed out of the bathroom. I stayed to wash my hands and let the water run through my fingers as I thought about what I had just said. It wasnt normal like me to say mean things like that about someone.Paragraph 1:Then I saw my classmate Janet come out of a bathroom boot

77、h(厕所隔间),tears streaming down her face. _Paragraph 2:Along with my apologies, I explained the reason. _2020-2021学年下学期期中三校联考高二英语答案第一部分 语法知识与运用 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1-5 BADCD 6-10 BCDAA11-15 CADBC第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)16-18 BDC 19-22 CAAD 23-26 BCDC 27-30 DBCA 31-35 AGDCE第三部分 语言知识运用第一节 完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满

78、分15分)36-40 DCABD 41-45 DACAB 46-50 ABCDC 第二节 语篇填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)51. smiling52. to love53. various54. the55. themselves 56. Earlier 57. that/ who58. has declared59. against60. risky第四部分 词汇 (共两节,满分30分)第一节:单词拼写:(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)61. annoyed62. accompany63. staff64. Otherwise65. annually66. recomm

79、endation67. obeyed68. beneficial69. congratulations70. abundant71. Voluntary72. dragged73. purchased74. divorced75. substitute第二节:完成句子:(共30空,每空0.5分,满分15分)76. fit in77. is/was dying to78. be made fun of79. have dried up80. is occupied with81. out of the question82. day in and day out83. is bound to84

80、. was aware of第五部分 读后续写 (共1小题,满分25分)Paragraph 1:Then I saw my classmate Janet come out of a bathroom booth(厕所隔间), tears streaming down her face. She shouted at me with anger, “If you dont want my gift you can just leave it instead of laughing at it. This is the best powder from my mum! “Before I cou

81、ld say a word, Janet dashed out, leaving me dumb with deep regret. But soon I clenched my fingers and made up my mind to find Janet and say sorry to her. There she was, sitting in a tree shadow wiping her eyes.Paragraph 2:Along with my apologies, I explained the reason. I was not a mean girl by judg

82、ing peoples presents. The reason why I complained in front of the girls was that I wanted to fit in, having a sense of belonging in the group. Hearing my sincere words, Janet calmed herself down after constant sobs and said, “True friendship comes from genuine care and love for each other. I think thats our teachers intention of this secret friend assignment”. That day, I learned to cherish real friendship.

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