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2019-2020学年人教版英语选修六同步导练课件:UNIT 3 A HEALTHY LIFE3-4 .ppt

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1、同步导练/RJ选修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 同步导练03 A healthy life Section Grammar&Writingit 的用法(1)观察观察下列几组句子中 it 的用法,然后加以总结。1.A.Ive bought a_cellphone and it cost me 200 dollars.B.The hunter shot at the_bear but missed it.C.The_baby stopped crying immediately when it saw its mother.2.A.It was a_warm_sunny_afternoon,_so

2、we decided to go hiking.B.It was nearly_midnight when she came back home.C.It is no_more_than_twenty_minutes_walk to the city center.3.A.It is against the law to_drive_without_wearing_your_seat_belt B.As we have no money,it is no use thinking_about_a_holiday C.It is still a question how_many_people_

3、are_to_come_to_their_wedding D.I think it no use arguing_with_himhe wont listen to you.E.He makes it a rule never_to_borrow_money_from_his_girlfriend F.I dont think it possible that_the_number_of_pandas_will_greatly_increase_in_the_near_future 总结代词 it 虽小,用处却很大,在英语中几乎处处都有它的位置。现将其用法归纳如下:it 常用作人称代词,指前面

4、已经提到的事物、动物或不明性别的人。(如第 1 组例句)it 也可用作非人称代词,指代天气、时间、距离、日期等。(如第 2 组例句)根据句子结构的需要,人们常用 it 作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语(不定式短语,动词 ing 形式短语或名词性从句)置于后面。(如第 3 组例句)it 作形式主语的常见句型:1)It is形容词(of/for sb.)to do sth.2)It is形容词thatsb.(should)do sth.(虚拟语气)3)It is no use/gooddoing sth.4)It is said/reported/announced/(well)know

5、n.that.It is important that we should pay close attention to the situation.我们密切关注形势的发展是很重要的。It is no use trying again.再尝试也没有用处了。it 在句中作形式宾语(1)动词it形容词/名词(for sb.)to do 或that 从句。其中,常用动词有:think,believe,suppose,consider,feel,make,keep 等。其中,常用形容词有:hard,useless,worth,worthwhile 等。I consider it a great hon

6、or to be invited to dinner.我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。I felt it advisable to do nothing.我认为最好什么也别做。I think it important that you(should)attend the conference.我认为你去参加这个会议很重要。(2)动词itto sb.that.常用句型有:owe it to sb.that.把归功于leave it to sb.that.把留给某人去做take it for granted that 把想当然keep it in mind that.把记在心里Dont bot

7、her to tidy your room.Just leave it to me to do.别再费时整理房间了,留给我做好了。He took it for granted that his girlfriend would come back again.他想当然的认为女朋友会再回来。(3)动词itthat/when/if.其中,常用动词有:enjoy,like,love,dislike,appreciate,hate,dont mind,be fond of,feel like,see to/depend on/insist on 等。I hate it when people spea

8、k with a mouthful of food.我讨厌有人满嘴的食物,还在说个不停。I appreciate it if you could give me a hand.如果你能帮我一个忙,我将不胜感激。Please see to it that all the doors are shut.务必关好门。(4)动词 makeita rulethat 从句 He makes it a rule that he gets up before dawn.他习惯于天亮前起床。.真题体验:完成句子,并指出 it 的用法1(2019 天津卷改编)She left before I could eve

9、r make _ to the door to offer my thanks.2(2018 全国卷)If you are time poor,you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports,so perhaps we should give _ a try.3(2016 年高考浙江卷改编)My mother and father were united in their way of raising children,but it mostly fell to my mother to

10、actually carry _ out.4(2015 年高考浙江卷改编)How would you like _ if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?5(2014 年高考浙江卷改编)An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year,making_the driest year since California became a state in

11、1850.6(2014 年高考大纲全国卷改编)Whos that at the door?_is the milkman.答案与解析1it make it 固定短语,“达到;到达/能成功”。2it it 作 give 的宾语,指代 running。3it it 代指前面提到的 their way of raising children。4it 固定表达 how would you like it if.,在此结构中 it 代替后面 if 从句的内容。5it it 指代前面提到的 last year,答案用 it。6It 用以指代不明性别的人时常用 it。.根据句意,完成句子 1We live

12、in a world in which only the strongest can _ _ to the top.我们生活在这样一个世界里只有最强的人才能爬得最高。2My boss made _ clear that one in three of us will have to leave next month.我的老板明确表示,下个月我们三人中的一人将不得不离开。3Its a lovely day,isnt it?Yes.I _ the weather is like this.Why dont we sit outside and have our lunch?我喜欢天气这样的时候。我

13、们为什么不坐在外面吃午饭呢?答案1make it 2.it 3.love it when4appreciate it if 5.It4Grandma will _ her elder sister could come back from abroad.奶奶会很高兴,如果她的姐姐能从国外回来。5Im so glad to see you,David._ has been such a long time.How are you?很高兴见到你,戴维,我们已经有很长时间没见面了。你好吗?写作策略 关于回复建议信的写法,应注意以下几点:1.信件要素齐全:建议信的回信和建议信一样,通常由六部分构成:信


15、列举了那里的优势:环境优美,名师众多,教学设施先进,升学率高。请你写一封回信表示感谢并说明拒绝去那里读书的理由。注意:1.词数:120150;2.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯;3.文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:facilities 设施;设备Dear Uncle,Im very glad to receive your letter and thank you very much for your loving care._答案1.a key school 2.prefer to do sth.3.get on with 4.equip with 要点词汇 1重点学校_2愿意干某事_

16、3与相处_4配备_1或许如果我在你市一所重点学校上学,会对我有好处。(用虚拟语气)Maybe_if I studied at a key school in your city.2我认为一个学生是否学习好取决于他自己而不是老师。(宾语从句;depend on)I think whether a student studies well_3此外,最近几年我们学校也配备了现代化的教学设施,这让我们的课堂更生动有趣。_,our school_some modern teaching facilities,which_答案1.it would be beneficial to me2.depends

17、on the student himself or herself,not on the teachers3.Whats more;has also been equipped with;make our classes more interesting and livelyDear Uncle,Im very glad to receive your letter and thank you very much for your loving care.Maybe_if I studied at a key school in your city.But considering my per

18、sonal things,I_at my present school.Although our school_,its environment is very beautiful.Now,I_my teachers,who_I think whether a student studies well_,in recent years our school has also_modern teaching facilities,which_ Of course,if I went to your city to study,I might have_However,I might also e

19、xperience morestress,which_Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考范文Dear Uncle,Im very glad to receive your letter and thank you very much for your loving care.Maybe it would be beneficial to me if I studied at a key school in your city.But considering my personal things,I prefer to study at my present

20、 school.Although our school is located in the countryside,its environment is very beautiful.Now,Im getting on well with all my teachers,who teach well and are very responsible.I think whether a student studies well depends on the student himself or herself,not on the teachers.Whats more,in recent ye

21、ars our school has also been equipped with some modern teaching facilities,which make our classes more interesting and lively.Of course,if I went to your city to study,I might have more chances to go to university.However,I might also experience more stress,which would be harmful to my study.Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Hua温示提馨课时跟踪训练3-4(点击进入)word板块


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