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2020江苏高考英语二轮练习:题型重组练 第5组 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家第五组(建议用时:35分钟).单项填空1_ the food, the foreign guests did enjoy the dinner for the Spring Festival.AEat upBEaten upCTo eat up DHaving eaten up2Homesharing in rural areas has huge growth _ as more and more Chinese tourists are traveling to villages for unique rural experiences.Asurvival

2、BpotentialCinterval Dapproval3Passion is passion and it doesnt matter _ its directed.Exactly, it can be coins or sports or politics.Awhy BhowCwhether Dwhere4We work during the week, but weekends and evenings are usually _Avacant BcasualCempty Dclear5Many of us see reading as an investment in ourselv

3、es, so its only natural that we want to learn something useful _ our efforts.Ain view of Bin response toCin parallel with Din return for6He _ whether to set aside the minor differences, then he did.Adebated BpredictedCplotted Dcalculated7The desk that _ clean so I could do homework was always surrou

4、nded with bowls of bad milk, old magazines and so on.Amay have been Bwould have beenCmust have been Dshould have been8If they throw stones at you, dont throw back. Use them to build your own foundation _Asomehow BanywayCinstead Dnevertheless9Your car should be ready next Tuesday.We were _ hoping you

5、d be able to do it by this Friday.Astill BratherCalways Deven10Its no use complaining about everything all day long, I think._Life is not always fair to us.AI beg to differ BGood for youCDont mention it DYouve got a point11How could I lie to her _ she lived for the truth, whether it was found in mus

6、ic or people?Aunless BwhenCwhile Dthough12Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really_Aappealed to Btaken toCcatered to Dsubmitted to13Do you think Im a good surfer?Of course! I _ you earlier. You made it look so easy, graceful even.Aam watching Bwas watchingChave watched Dhad watched14

7、Why didnt you answer my message? We were waiting anxiously for your decision.Sorry.It_my notice, as I was busy receiving some new clients.Adeserved BfailedCescaped Ddenied15Many thought that after starring in the immensely popular drama, the actor would _ and actively seek new roles.Amake a mountain

8、 out of a molehillBhave too many irons in the fireCstrike while the iron is hotDput the cart before the horse.完形填空(2019苏州调研测试)When I was younger, I loved to read. I could get through a whole book in a day, and used to _1_ my parents every night to let me stay up later so I could “just _2_ my chapter

9、(章节)”. I read any literature(著作) that I could get.However, _3_ there are many books for younger children, once you reach your midteens the choices become _4_. I found myself choosing between books for children that were _5_ and boring, and adult books that I couldnt quite understand.This lack of cho

10、ice _6_ led me to read less and less. When I was in secondary school, the _7_ books I read were ones we were assigned in English class, and I was never very _8_ about my teachers choices. I thought too much discussion of symbolism(象征意义) and themes _9_ the book. Maybe the sky being blue didnt _10_ an

11、ything; maybe it was just a description! Rather than making me more _11_ in literature, it made me _12_ want to pick up a book again.I reluctantly(不情愿地) chose a French literature course in my first year at university. I started out unhappily, determined not to _13_ any of the works we were studying

12、over the course of the year. However, I soon _14_ that at a university level, the discussion was more _15_ and the books more interesting! Being able to discuss my thoughts with other people meant that I could better _16_ the subtle aspects of the bookseven the symbolism and themes.I began reading a

13、gain for _17_. Now, during my year abroad, I spend a lot of my spare time in bookshops and _18_ in cafs, and even attend a monthly book club with some other language assistants.Reading is a great way to widen your horizons, _19_ your vocabulary and use your imagination. Im so happy that I _20_ my lo

14、ve of books.,1.A.advise BaskCforce Dencourage2A.studyBchange CchooseDfinish3A.unless Bif Cwhile Dsince4A.limited Bwide Cclear Dfree5A.small BspecialCrare Dsilly6A.usually BfinallyChardly Dstrangely7A.same BnextConly Dlast8A.enthusiastic BconcernedCdoubtful Dcertain9A.reviewed BruinedCexplained Drene

15、wed10A.advertise BanswerCrepresent Daffect11A.interested BconfidentCsuccessful Ddisappointed12A.nearly Balready Ceven Dnever13A.share Benjoy Ctouch Dlearn14A.supposed BexpectedCrealized Dthought15A.similar BformalCfamiliar Dfruitful16A.understand BacceptCpraise Dpredict17A.comfort BhopeCpleasure Dpr

16、ize18A.chatting Breading Csitting Dplaying19A.expand BknowCmeasure Dshow20A.expressed BexperiencedCreturned Drediscovered.阅读理解Owning a dog is associated with a significantly lower risk of heart disease and death, according to a comprehensive new study published by a team of Swedish researchers on Fr

17、iday in the journal Scientific Reports.The scientists followed 3.4 million people over the course of 12 years and found that adults who lived alone and owned dogs were 33 percent less likely to die during the study than adults who lived alone without dogs. In addition, the single adults with dogs we

18、re 36 percent less likely to die from heart disease.“Dog ownership was especially prominent as a protective factor in people living alone, who are a group reported previously to be at higher risk of heart disease and death than those living in a multi person household,”Mwenya Mubanga, a Ph.D. studen

19、t at Uppsala University in Uppsala, Sweden, and the lead junior author of the study, said in a statement announcing its findings. The link between dog ownership and lower mortality(死亡率) was less pronounced in adults who lived either with family members or partners, but still present, according to th

20、e study.“Perhaps a dog may stand in as an important family member in the single household,”Mubanga added.“Another interesting finding was that owners of dogs which were intended originally for hunting were most protected.”The study, which is the largest to date on the health relations of owning a do

21、g, suggested that one of the reasons why dog owners may have a lower risk of mortality and heart disease was that dog owners walked more.“These kinds of epidemiological(流行病学的) studies look for associations in large populations but do not provide answers to whether and how dogs could protect their ow

22、ners from heart disease,”Tove Fall, a senior author of the study and a professor at Uppsala University, said in a statement.“We know that dog owners in general have a higher level of physical activity, which could be one explanation for the observed results,”Fall added.“Other explanations include in

23、creased well being and social contacts or effects of the dog on the bacterial microbiome(微生物菌群) in the owner.”Fall added that because all participants of the study were Swedish, the results most closely apply to dog owners in Sweden or other“European populations with similar culture regarding dog ow

24、nership”1Why did the researchers do the study related to 3.4 million peoples health and the dogs?ATo help Europeans.BTo find their association.CTo protect unhealthy adults.DTo reduce the risk of heart disease.2What does the underlined word “prominent” probably mean in Para.3?AUniversal.BConfusing.CA

25、ppealing. DImportant.第五组.单项填空1D解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:把所有的食物都吃完以后,这些外国宾客确实很享受中国的春节大餐。分析句子结构可知,空处作句中的状语成分,句子主语the foreign guests和动词短语eat up之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,非谓语动作发生在谓语动作之前,故用现在分词的完成式。2B解析:考查名词辨析。句意:随着越来越多的中国游客前往乡村享受独特的乡村体验,共享乡村住房有着巨大的增长潜力。potential“潜力”,符合语境。survival“生存”;interval“间隔”;approval“批准”。3D解析:考查主语从句。句意:热爱就是

26、热爱,它无关方向,准确地说,它可以是(收集)硬币,体育运动或者是政治。空处引导主语从句,并在从句中充当地点状语,下文的coins,sports和politics为进一步的补充说明,亦是提示。故选D项。4D解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:我们在工作日工作,但是周末和晚上通常都是空闲的。clear在此意为“空闲的,未做安排的”。5D解析:句意:我们很多人把阅读看作对我们自己的投资,因此我们想要学习有用的东西作为我们努力的回报就显得再自然不过了。in view of“由于,鉴于”;in response to“作为对的回应”;in parallel with“与同时”。in return for“作为的

27、回报”,符合语境。故选D项。6A解析:考查动词辨析。句意:他仔细考虑是否要把小的分歧放到一边,然后他那样做了。A项意为“辩论;讨论;仔细考虑”;B项意为“预测”;C项意为“密谋;策划;绘制”;D项意为“计算;估算”。根据句意可知选A项。7D解析:考查情态动词的虚拟用法。句意:那张本来应该是干干净净的以便我能在上面写作业的桌子总是堆满了盛有变质牛奶的碗、旧杂志等等。根据句意及主句中的“was always surrounded”可知,此处用should have done表示“本该做某事实际上却没有做”。8C解析:句意:如果他们向你扔石块,别扔回去。相反,用这些石块建造你自己的地基。someho

28、w“以某种方式,不知怎么地”;anyhow“无论如何”;nevertheless“然而”,均不符合句意。instead“相反,反而”,此处相当于instead of throwing back,故选C项。9B解析:考查副词辨析。你的车下周二就可以准备好了。我们反而希望你本周五之前就能做好。A项意为“仍然,更”;C项意为“一直,总是”;D项意为“甚至,即使”。rather可以用于提出不同或相反的观点,表示“相反,反而”。故选B项。10D解析:考查交际用语。我认为整天抱怨一切是没有用的。你说得对。生活对我们并不总是公平的。I beg to differ“恕我不敢苟同”;Good for you“你

29、真行”;Dont mention it“不客气,不用谢”;Youve got a point“你说得对”。11B解析:考查状语从句。句意:考虑到她为真理而活,不管这种真理是存在于音乐中还是人身上,我怎么可能对她撒谎?A项意为“除非”;C项意为“当的时候;尽管”;D项意为“虽然;尽管”。when在此意为“考虑到;既然”,结合句意可知选B项。12B解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:查尔斯是个怪人,凯利从来没有真正喜欢过他。appeal to“对有吸引力”;take to“开始喜欢,喜欢上”;cater to“迎合,满足需要”;submit to“向屈服”。13B解析:考查时态。答句句意:当然!我之前一

30、直在观察你。你使它看上去如此容易,甚至可以说是优雅。由made可直接排除A和C,B和D的区别在于过去进行时表示过去一段时间内持续进行的动作,而过去完成时强调过去的过去,强调时间差,结合句意可知选B。14C解析:考查动词辨析。你为什么不回我的信息?我们在焦急地等待着你的决定。对不起。由于我当时正忙于接待几个新客户,没有注意到你的信息。escape ones notice/attention“未被某人注意,被某人忽视”。deserve“应得”;fail“评定(某人)不及格,使失望”;deny“拒绝”。15C解析:考查习惯用语。句意:在主演了这部热播剧之后,很多人认为这位演员会趁热打铁并积极寻求新的

31、角色。A项意为“小题大做,言过其实”;B项意为“揽事太多,诸事猬集”;C项意为“趁热打铁”;D项意为“本末倒置,前后颠倒”。根据句意可知选C项。.完形填空【解题导语】作者通过描述自己小时候酷爱读书,到青年时失去读书的热情,再到读大学时重新爱上读书的经历,告诉我们开卷有益,鼓励我们多读书。1B解析:根据上文中的“I loved to read. I could get through a whole book in a day.”可知,作者读书热情高涨,每天晚上请求父母让他晚些睡。ask意为“请求”,符合语境。2D解析:根据上文中的“I could get through a whole boo

32、k in a day”和设空处前的“let me stay up later”可知,作者要熬夜读完(在读的)章节。finish意为“完成”,符合语境。3C解析:根据后文的“I found myself choosing . I couldnt quite understand.”可知,作者作为一名青少年,他可读的书数量有限,此处与“there are many books for younger children”构成语义上的转折。while位于句首时,可以表示“尽管”,符合语境。4A解析:根据下文中的“This lack of choice”可知,作为青少年,作者可选择的书有限。limite

33、d意为“有限的”,符合语境,故选A项。5D解析:根据设空处后的boring可知,作者感觉儿童书可笑且无聊。silly意为“可笑的”,符合语境。6B解析:根据语境可知,缺乏可读的书最终导致作者读的书越来越少。finally意为“最终”,符合语境。7C解析:根据上文中的“read less and less”可知,作者唯一读的书是英语课上老师所安排的书。only意为“唯一的”,符合语境。8A解析:根据上文中的“read less and less”和设空处前的“the _ books I read”以及下文中的“too much discussion of symbolism(象征意义) and

34、themes”可知,作者不再爱读书,而且对于老师的选择也从不热衷。enthusiastic意为“热衷的”,符合语境。9B解析:根据设空处前的“too much discussion of symbolism(象征意义) and themes”可知,作者认为过度地讨论象征意义和主题会毁掉一本书。ruin意为“使毁灭;破坏”,符合语境。10C解析:根据上文中的“too much discussion of symbolism(象征意义) and themes _ the book”和设空处后的“it was just a description”可知,湛蓝的天空也许并不代表任何事物,它或许只是一种

35、描写。represent表示“代表”,符合语境。11A解析:根据上文中的“read less and less”和“never very _ about my teachers choices”可知,这不会让作者对读书更感兴趣,而是让他再也不想拿起一本书。interested意为“感兴趣的”,符合语境。12D解析:此处指作者再也不想拿起一本书。never意为“从不”,符合语境。13B解析:根据上文中的“Rather than making me more _ in.want to pick up a book again.”以及设空处前的“started out unhappily”可知,作者

36、下定决心不去喜欢那一年在课程中学习的任何一个作品。enjoy意为“喜欢”,符合语境。14C解析:根据语境可知,此处指“然而,我很快意识到”realize意为“意识到;知道”,符合语境。15D解析:根据设空处前However和设空处后的more interesting可知,作者意识到在大学里,讨论更加有成效,书也更加令人感兴趣。fruitful意为“富有成效的”,符合语境。16A解析:根据语境可知,能够跟其他人讨论作者的想法意味着他能更好地理解书中微妙的方面。understand意为“理解”,符合语境。17C解析:根据设空处前的again和下文中的“I spend a lot of my spa

37、re time in bookshops”可知,作者又重新获得了读书的乐趣。pleasure意为“快乐”,符合语境。18B解析:根据“I began reading again for _”以及“I spend a lot of my spare time in bookshops”可知,作者把大量的业余时间花费在书店和咖啡馆里读书。read意为“阅读”,符合语境。19A解析:根据设空处前的“widen your horizons”可知,读书能够拓宽视野、扩大词汇量。expand意为“使扩大;增加”,符合语境。20D解析:根据第一段中对作者热爱读书的描述可知,作者很高兴自己又重新找回了对读书的

38、热爱。rediscover意为“重新发现”,符合语境。.阅读理解【解题导语】本文是一篇生活类说明文。作者首先介绍了一项研究结果:养狗可以降低患心脏病及死亡的风险。接下来分析了可能产生这种结果的原因。1B解析:细节理解题。文章第一段提出了一项研究成果:养狗可以降低患心脏病和死亡的风险。第二段讲的是科学家们在十二年期间研究了三百四十万人,他们发现养狗的独居成年人比不养狗的独居成年人的死亡率要低33%,也就是说,做这项研究是为了发现两者之间的关系,所以选B。2D解析:词义猜测题。根据语境可知,独居的人跟那些生活在多人口家庭里的人相比,他们患心脏病以及死亡的风险更高。所以,作为一种保护因素,养狗对独居的人来说尤其“重要”,故选D项。- 8 - 版权所有高考资源网


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