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1、第 I 卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;满分20分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。1As a film star she was a success, but as a wife she was _ failure, so their marriage ended in _ failure.A/; / B /; a Ca; a Da; / 2The scene of the story _me of the happy days that I spent in the beautiful co

2、untryside when I was youngArecalled Binformed Creminded Dremembered3 What do you think of the furniture on exhibition? Well, great! But I dont think much of _ you bought Athe one Bit Cthat Dwhich 4Id like to meet Mr. King. Sorry, to my_, he has gone home.Adelight Bawareness Cknowledge Dsorrow5The pr

3、ice of the house this year is _that last yearAas twice high as Btwice more expensive thanCas high as twice Dtwice the amount of6Im terribly sorry, LucyIve left your notebook at home_? I reminded you last nightASo what BWhy notCHow come DWhat if7I soon found that the work I was doing had already been

4、 done by someone else,_, I was wasting my time. Ato make things worse Bin other words Cat the same time Dfor another thing8The pirate (海盗) problem of Somali is generally thought to go _ with the bad situation in the country. Bringing the country back to normal is the best solution to the problem.Aha

5、nd in hand Bat hand Cin hand Dby hand9After that ,he knew he could any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. A. get away with B.get on with C.get through D.get across10Whats that noise?Oh, my God! I _to turn the tap off after I brushed my teethAwas forgetting Bhad forgotten Cf

6、orgot Dforget11_around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.AHaving shown BTo be shown CHaving been shown DTo show12Pack up the items youd like _ along and leave behind those you dislike _ with you on your journey. Ato take; to take Btaking; taking Cto

7、take; taking Dtaking; to take 13_, John returned to school from his hometown.AThe summer vacation being over BThe summer vacation is overCBecause the summer vacation over DAfter the summer vacation being over14. He must have got punished yesterday by his parents for what he had done, _? A. mustnt he

8、 B. hasnt he C. didnt he D. neednt he15Sam some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. A.picked up B. looked up C. brought up D. set up 16The city was attacked by _ terrible weather _few citizens had ever experienced beforeAso, as Bso, that Csuch, that Dsuch, as 17“I hate y

9、ou, I dont want to see you any more.” Such _ what John said when he left _. Ais; in a hurry Bwere; angrily Care; happily Dwas; in anger 18Each of the students in our class_great interest in English and we each_a copy of A New EnglishChinese Dictionary. Ashows; have Bshow; has Care; has Dis; have19I

10、have just received another message, telling me I have won a big prizeDont jump on itYou _Ashould be cheated Bare being cheated Care cheating Dmust have cheated20Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park _ she was bitten on the leg by a lion.Awhen Bwhile Csince Donce第二节: 完形填空(共20小题:每小

11、题1分, 满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从41-60各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。Some years ago when I was in my first year in college, I heard Salome Bey sing for the first time. The moment was exciting. Salomes 21 filled the room and brought the theater to life. I was so 22 that I decided to write an ar

12、ticle about her.I 23 Salome Bey, telling her I was from Essence magazine, and that I wanted to meet her to talk about her career. She 24 and told me to come to her studio next Tuesday. When I hung up, I was scared out of my mind. I 25 I was lying. I was not a writer at all and hadnt even written a g

13、rocery list.I interviewed Salome Bey the next Tuesday. I sat there 26 , taking notes and asking questions that all began with, “Can you tell me” I soon realized that 27 Salome Bey was one thing, but writing a story for a national magazine was just impossible. The 28 was almost unbearable. I struggle

14、d for days 29 draft after draft. Finally I put my manuscript (手稿) into a large envelope and dropped it into a mailbox.It didnt take long. My manuscript 30 . How stupid of me! I thought. How could I 31 in a world of professional writers? Knowing I couldnt 32 the rejection letter, I threw the unopened

15、 envelope into a drawer.Five years later, I was moving to California. While 33 my apartment, I came across the unopened envelope. This time I opened it and read the editors letter in 34 :Ms Profit,Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic. Yet we need some 35 materials. Please add those and return the a

16、rticle immediately. We would like to 36 your story soon.Shocked, it took me a long time to 37 . Fear of rejection cost me dearly. I lost at least five hundred dollars and having my article appear in a major magazine. More importantly, I lost years of 38 writing. Today, I have become a full time writ

17、er. Looking back on this 39 , I learned a very important lesson: You cant 40 to doubt yourself.21AjoyBvoiceCspeechDsmile22AproudBactiveCsatisfiedDmoved23AvisitedBemailedCphonedDinterviewed24AagreedBrefusedChesitatedDpaused25ArepliedBdiscoveredCexplainedDknew26AseriouslyBpatientlyCnervouslyDquietly 2


19、ble36AbroadcastBcreateCpublishDassess37ArecoverBprepareCescapeDconcentrate38AenergeticBendlessCtypicalDenjoyable39AexperienceBsuccessCbenefitDaccident40AattemptBaffordCexpectDpretend第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项. AThe Sahara is huge the largest desert o

20、n the earth. It covers about 3.5 million square miles of North Africa. That is about as big as the whole United States, but some scientists think that the Sahara will have become smaller by the year 3000.Can someone explore the Sahara without going there? Yes. In fact, some of the most exciting disc

21、overies about the Sahara have been made using “explorers” high in the sky. Thanks to these sky-high explorers, we know more about the history of this amazing desert.The satellites send down images or pictures of the earth. Some are taken using the SIR-A radar system. It can make images that show wha

22、t is under the ground below the sand. These images have shown geologists that, in ancient times, there were lakes, mountains, and valleys where the Sahara is now.The Sahara was not always a forbidding desert. Long ago, dinosaurs and giant crocodiles lived there. After the dinosaurs died out, giraffe

23、s, elephants, hippos and other animals lived in the Sahara. So did people. They were shepherds (牧羊人) and hunters who had small villages and farmed the land. There were forests and grasslands where the desert is now.Then, about 6,000 years ago, the climate began to change. Within a few centuries, the

24、 Sahara became the desert. Why? Scientists think that conditions in the atmosphere changed, so that the Sahara became warmer and drier. As the climate changed, fewer and fewer plants could grow there, and the people had to move to places where there was more water.Satellite images help us make other

25、 discoveries about the Sahara. With these pictures, archaeologists can find where ancient people had their settlements. Paleontologists scientists who study fossils to learn about prehistoric life use satellite images to help them find the best places to search for clues to life millions of years ag

26、o.41. What would be the best title for the passage?A. The Worlds Largest Desert B. Exploring the Sahara with SatellitesC. The SIR-A Radar System D. What Is the Sahara like?42. How do the experts learn about the Saharas past?A. By studying the formation of the sand there.B. By looking at the desert f

27、rom space.C. By studying the images sent back from space.D. By examining the fossils of animals.43. From the passage we can learn that _.A. the dinosaurs died out because it was too hotB. it rained a lot in the Sahara a long time agoC. few plants grew in the Sahara a long time agoD. the Sahara was f

28、ull of life a long time B“Money cant buy happiness,” says Madonna, who once called herself the “material girl”. Thats quite a lesson from the 46-year-old pop singers fifth childrens book in the past 18 months. Lotsa de Casha hits store shelves this week.“Lotsa was by far the richest man in the count

29、ry. He had everything that money could buy,” is the opening line of her latest book. “But there was a tiny problem. No matter how much money Lotsa de Casha made, he wasnt happy.” The short book concludes with the moral, “When you learn to share, you will not only find happiness, but also find a frie

30、nd.”Well-known as much for her charming dance sings“Vogue” (时尚) and “Ray of Light” as dancing on the stage while taking off a wedding dressing 20 years ago to perform “Like a Virgin” on MTV, Madonna Ciccone Ritchie says she has left some of her old silliness behind and grown up now.“Id like to think

31、 Ive been evolving and transforming throughout my career. I have grown up,” she told Reuters in an interview.“The media like to say its just another one of my guises”, she talks about her career as an author, “but its much more deep and profound (深刻的) than that.”Madonna, the singer, is known as a ch

32、angeable person. Similarly, Madonna, the writer has written a series of books which barely resemble each other.But Madonna insists the five books convey the same message, “Nothing is what it seems.”Her intended audience and some critics might agree.A book reading at a New York bookstore on Tuesday d

33、rew puzzlement from the group of about 25 kids, who appeared to have difficulty understanding the books real meaning.“I think she makes the same mistake as every celebrity (名人) author makes; they think they can write childrens books,” said Ilene Cooper, the childrens book editor of Booklist, “Genera

34、lly the results are terrible, beyond awful.” 44.What will happen to Madonnas fifth childrens book this week?A. It will damage the store shelves. B. It will be given to every child.C. It will be published formally. D. It will give the audience a lesson.45.The book Lotsa de Casha is mainly about _.A.

35、the importance of money B. the real sources of happinessC. Madonnas life as an artist D. how to earn more money46.What can we learn from the passage?A. Madonnas new book is quite popular with kids.B. Madonna is a famous singer and writer.C. Madonna is confident about her new book.D. The public think

36、s highly of Madonnas new book.CYou could make a pretty damn good argument that, on the court, these are the best days in the history of the NBA. So why isnt the world singing the praises of the NBA? Why isnt todays NBA outperforming the NFL, NASCAR, and Major League Baseball, all of which have been

37、rocked by scandals(丑闻)large and small over the last few years? Simply because todays NBA scares white people.The NBA now has a serious image problem; more than any other sport, its pulled in two opposite directions. As its been for years, whites make up a majority of the fan base; blacks make up a m

38、ajority of the players. And as those players have benefited from increasing paychecks, theyve exercised their influence to shape the sights, the sounds, the feel of the game around them in their own image.Its also got a skill set thats far beyond almost all its fans, white or black. And while we can

39、 appreciate such excellent performance, the fact that we cant do it puts many fans at some kind of small but measurable emotional distance from the game. Whats upsetting White America is the way that the NBA is hugging every element of hip-hop culture-the music, the fashion, the attitude.The NBA has

40、 the potential to be a bridge between cultures, a way to bring both sides together in cheering some of the best athletes of any color. But its a fragile易碎的 bridge indeed, where every black or white element apparently forces out its racial opposite. And its not hard to imagine a time when nobody will

41、 be interested in crossing over.47The authors attitude towards the NBA culture could be described as .Aneutral(中立的) Bdoubtful CcriticalDsupportive48Why is todays NBA not highly praised?AWhite people dont like all players of NBA.BThe NBA doesnt play better than other leagues.CThe NBA is alongside wit

42、h scandals.DWhite people are scared away from the NBA culture.49The serious image problem of the NBA refers to .Athe cultural conflict between white and blackBthe racial backgrounds of white and blackCthe hip-hop culture popular with fansDthe emotional distance resulting from viewing basketball50The

43、 skill set of the NBA is considered to .Abe beyond the fans appreciationBbe part of the hip-hop cultureCkeep fans away to some extent (程度)Dgo beyond the tolerance of most fans51From the last paragraph, we can infer that .Athe NBA will break up in the futureBthe NBA does little to bridge different cu

44、lturesCnobody will be interested in the NBAs performanceDthe best athletes in the NBA will not be popular any moreD“Teenagers who claim that stress makes pimples (青春痘) break out are telling the truth: The stress of taking an exam can make pimples worse,” researchers reported on Tuesday.Dr. Gil Yosip

45、ovitch, a professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, said in a telephone interview, “A lot of our patients mention that when they are stressed, their pimples get worse.” But which comes first the pimples or the stress? Bacteria are often blamed for the inflammation (发炎) that causes pimp

46、les.Yosipovitch and his colleagues set up a test to find out if stress contributes, too. They tested 94 students in Singapore, where the climate is stable, to rule out possible weather factors. The students had an average age of just under 15 and were undergoing an annual exam that determined who wo

47、uld go to university. The students completed a questionnaire widely used in stress research, once just before mid-year exams and again during the summer break. However, the results showed that sebum (皮脂) production hadnt changed significantly despite the change in stress levels.Blackheads, whitehead

48、s and pustules are all caused by an oily substance called sebum that coats the skin and protects the hair. It can be overproduced and clog pores (毛孔) in the time of stress, and this is related to the appearance of pimples. Teenagers are especially likely to have pimples, but studies have shown that

49、cleanliness and diet are not important factors. The students did not have any more blackheads or whiteheads, which blocked pores, and do not involve inflammation, but they did have more pustules or pimples, which are raised bumps containing pus (脓). Dr. Yosipovitch believed inflammation may be to bl

50、ame rather than greasy skin, and that stress made the skin condition worse.Yosipovitch believed the findings might apply to other skin conditions. “A lot of our skin diseases are associated with stress,” Yosipovitch said. He believed the skin mirrors what is going on in a persons mind. 52. What did

51、the research conclude?A. Stress could make pimples worse. B. Bacteria could cause inflammation.C. Inflammation could cause pimples. D. Pimples could actually lead to stress.53. Why did Yosipovitch and his colleagues carry out the test?A. To see if the students could complete the questionnaire.B. To

52、find out whether stress was beneficial to teenagers.C. To learn what caused the stress of taking an exam.D. To find out whether stress had anything to do with pimples.54. Why did the researchers choose students in Singapore to do the research?A. Students in Singapore took many exams.B. Students in S

53、ingapore were worried about their future.C. The weather in Singapore was not very changeable.D. Students in Singapore liked such a research.55. The underlined word “clog” in Paragraph 4 most probably means “ _”.A. enlarge B. shorten C. destroy D. block 56. What can we infer from the passage?A. Less

54、stress helps to make the skin condition better.B. Cleanliness and health are said to be important for a smooth face.C. The overproduced sebum is the key factor leading to bumps.D. The findings can be used to cure other skin diseases.ESONY Corporation announced the development of a small two_foot ent

55、ertainment robot “SDR-4X” that can adapt its performance to its environment and situations found in the house. The company hopes to further develop the possibility for a biped-walking robot. Richer communication with people can be realized by using a variety of sensor systems, performance control so

56、ftware based on memory and learning, and a flexible biped-walking mechanism.While improving the output performance of the small machine that drives each joint, a newly developed “Real-time Integrated Adaptive Control System” controls a total of 38 joints in the robots body in real time, based on inf

57、ormation from various sensors gathered in real time. More advanced movements are realized by enabling biped walk on the irregular surface plus posture retention (保持力) control under external (外部的) pressure. In addition, stable and flexible walk can be achieved by the real time production of walking p

58、atterns such as pace and rotation (旋转) angle in accordance with various situations. Using two CCD color cameras for image recognition, the SDR-4X can find the distance between itself and an object by using two cameras. These cameras allow the robot to range between itself and the object to automatic

59、ally produce a route in order to make its way around the object.Besides, the SDR-4X can recognize an individual by observing the front facial image captured by a color camera. The robot can also observe the direction of a sound source and recognizes an individual speaking by using 7 microphones loca

60、ted inside its head. By using wireless LAN communication functions, the robot can synchronize(同时生成) data processing with an externally connected PC, which enables continuous speech recognition in many different languages. Information on people and the location of an object obtained through image rec

61、ognition technology is used as short and long term memory information. Based on this information, the SDR-4X can realize more complicated communication and movements. By inputting music and lyric data into the robot, it can sing and the composition of emotional, dynamic充满活力的 singing through voice sy

62、nthesis合成 can be realized to improve the robots entertainment quality.57. Besides the ability to move freely, the “SDR-4X” also can _.A. communicate with human beings B. race like human beingsC. distinguish different colors D. take peoples pictures 58. How does the “SDR-4X” recognize different peopl

63、e?A. By controlling a total of 38 joints in its body.B. By using two CCD color cameras for image recognition.C. By using wireless LAN communication functions.D. By recognizing a persons facial image or speaking voice.59. What should humans do first in order to make the robot sing a song?A. Develop a

64、 Real-time Integrated Adaptive Control System. B. Use wireless LAN communication functions.C. Enter information about music and lyric data into the robot.D. Fix an image recognition technology into the robot.60. Where does the passage probably come from?A. A newspaper. B. A guidebook. C. A detective

65、 fiction.D. A storybook.第二节 补全对话根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。选项中有两项 为多余选项:Policeman:Now, Jimmy, did you get a good view of the accident?Jimmy:Oh, yes. I was standing outside the bank building and I saw it quite clearly.Policeman:Do you know what time it was?Jimmy:Yes._61_ It was 2:45 exactly. Polic

66、eman:Good. _62_Jimmy:Well, quite slowly about 10 miles an hour. It was coming up York Road. _63 But they were still red when he went over them.Policeman:I see. _64_ was it also driving slowly?Jimmy:It was coming along Union Street about 30 miles per hour. It was a blue Toyota. _65Policeman:Did you s

67、ee what colour his traffic light was?Jimmy:Yes, it changed to yellow just before he crossed it. A. What about the car? B. I checked my watch. C. Didnt you see the car? D. Now, how fast was the truck moving? E. Was the car going beyond the speed limit? F. I suppose the truck driver knew the lights we

68、re going to change. G. The driver stopped his car when he saw the truck crossing the street.第 II 卷 第三部分:写作(共两节,满分50分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Dear John.Last summer I take a part-time job in the International 66._Camp for children. I have been told one more worker 67._will be needed this year and

69、 I think you are fit it. How 68._about join us? The camp is at the foot of a small hill 69._close to a river. It is so a beautiful place! We can hear 70._birds singing happy all around. Everybody sleeps in 71._tents, that is very exciting. We usually work only five 72._hours a day, so we will have p

70、lenty of spare time visit the 73._area and have a fun, I am sure it will be an unforgettable 74._experience. If you have interests in it, reply to me soon. 75._ Yours, Li Ping 第二节:写作(满分35分)高三年级是高中生活的最后一年,在这一年中,学生们要面临着沉重的升学压力。因此,很多学生下课后也坐在教室里用功,但学习效率和成绩并不理想。由此你想告诉他们:适当的休息很有必要。现在就请你以 “A Ten-minute Bre

71、ak”为主题,按下列要点写一篇短文,让这些同学从中有所启发。短文的要点如下:1十分钟的课间休息很有必要。2要注意适当的休息方式。3你是怎样利用这十分钟的。注意:开头已经给出,不计入总词数;字数100字左右。A Ten-minute BreakAs a Senior Three student, time seems much limited 第12月考试英语答案66. take took 67. 正确 68. fit后加for 69.joinjoining 70.sosuch 71. happy happily 72. that which 73. time后加 to 74. 去掉a 75. interests interest


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