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2019-2020学年新素养导学英语必修一译林版文档:UNIT 1 PERIOD ONE WORD版含答案.docx

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1、 School doesnt have to be a prison.If you find school life difficult,you can learn to make it easier.Here are some tips(提示) to help you.Try a team sport.Some schools offer team sports that allow you to make friends with your fellow students.Soccer,basketball and American football can all make school

2、 life have a little more fun.So you can choose one of them to take up.Stay organized.One of the most stressful parts of school life can be making sure you have everything youre supposed to have.Wheres your English homework? Is your pencil sharp? The less you have to worry about these little things,t

3、he more youll be able to focus and enjoy school life.Take it easy on your teachers.Teachers are like students: some are great;some are less than great.But teachers are in charge of the classroom.So even if youre feeling frustrated(沮丧的)or bored in class,you should be nice to your teachers.Try to find

4、 kids you can talk to and play with.Ask for help if you are having trouble with your homework.As a result,they will possibly be friendly back to you.Ask for help at school by joining an afterclass study group,if your school has one.Ask your teacher if you can stay 1015 minutes after school to ask a

5、few questions about your homework if youre embarrassed(尴尬的) to ask during class.Its always better to ask.根据上文完成下列各题1Whats this passage mainly about?Some tips on how to make school life easier.2How many tips does this passage mention?Four.Period OneWelcome to the unit & ReadingPrereading匹配左边的单词与右边的汉语

6、意思第一组1enjoyableA有乐趣的;令人愉快的2experience B集会,会议3assembly C获得;赚,挣得4headmaster D校长5earn E经历,体验答案1.A2.E3.B4.D5.C第二组6respect A致力于;献身7devote B文学8literature C一般的,普通的;平均的9average D尊敬,敬重10struggle E奋斗,努力;挣扎答案6.D7.A8.B9.C10.E第三组11challenging A额外的,外加的12encouragement B做饭;烹饪,烹调13cooking C喜爱的,喜欢的14extra D鼓励15fond E

7、具有挑战性的答案11.E12.D13.B14.A15.C第四组16sculpture A学业的,学术的17dessert B满意18satisfaction C交换;交流19academic D甜点20exchange E雕刻,雕塑答案16.E17.D18.B19.A20.C.The main idea of the passage is that .AWei Huas English improved a lot as she used English every dayBschool life in the UK is busy and bitterCWei Hua had a wonde

8、rful experience in a British schoolDWei Hua was happy with the British school hours答案C.Skim the text and find out the main idea of each part. B Para.1AAttend assembly A Para.2 BSchool hours E Para.3 CBritish food and her activities F Paras.46 DHer intentions C Para.7 ETeachers and classmates D Para.

9、8 FHomework and subjects.True (T) or false (F)1Wei Huas favourite teacher was Mr Heywood.(F) 2Most British classes have less than thirty students.(T)3Wei Hua had more homework in her school in China.(T)4It was very expensive for Wei Hua to communicate with her parents.(F)5In the UK,students can choo

10、se to stop studying any subject.(F)6The cake made by Wei Hua did not taste good.(F).Choose the best answer according to the text.1Wei Hua stayed in Britain for .Ahalf a year Bone yearCtwo years Dless than one year答案B2The best way to earn respect from the school is according to the headmaster.Agettin

11、g on well with classmatesBhelping others with studyCworking hard and achieving high gradesDkeeping quiet in class答案C3Wei Hua found her homework difficult because .Ashe disliked doing it in EnglishBher homework was too muchCshe couldnt understand her teachersDher homework should be done in English答案D

12、4Students at that school have to study all the subjects EXCEPT .AArt BMaths CEnglish DScience答案A5Which of the following words can best describe Wei Huas school life in the UK?AQuite easy. BInteresting.CBoring. DFruitful(有收获的)答案DAfter reading the text,please fill in the following blanks.I was very ha

13、ppy 1.with the school hours in Britain.On the first day,all students attended 2.an assembly.During it,we 3.were told(tell) by the headmaster that the best way to earn respect was 4.to work(work) hard and achieve high grades.In our class there were 28 students,5.which is about the average size for Br

14、itish schools.I found the homework was not heavy,but it was a bit 6.challenging(challenge) for me at first because all the homework was in English.My English 7.improved(improve) a lot as I used English every day and I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings.British food is very 8.differen

15、t(differ) from Chinese food.British people like eating dessert at the 9.end of their main meal.I was very 10.lucky(luck) to experience this different way of life.1I was glad that all my classmates were fond of the cake that I made.句式分析这是一个主从复合句。I was glad是主句,that all my classmates were fond of the c

16、ake是宾语从句,that I made是定语从句,修饰先行词cake。定语从句是很常用的修饰名词的从句,也是本单元要学习的语法项目。自主翻译我很高兴我所有的同学都喜欢我做的蛋糕。2Students at that school have to study Maths,English and Science, but can stop studying some subjects if they do not like them,for example,History and French.句式分析自主翻译数学、英语和科学是该校学生的必修课,但是,如果学生不喜欢某些科目是可以不学的,比如历史和

17、法语。.阅读理解A(2019贵州思南中学高一上期中)As I walked into the primary school,I looked down at my new black shoes.I stood at Mrs Blackstones door.Before I tried the great escape,the door opened.“Weve been waiting for you!” Mrs Blackstone,my new fifth grade teacher,said loudly.With a smile my mom walked away and I w

18、as left taking center stage in front of a group of students.Over the next few days,Mrs Blackstone made it her job to find me a new best friend.During history lessons,when I didnt want to speak in front of the class,shed not only call on me but have me stand up to address my classmates.One spring aft

19、ernoon,Mrs Blackstone asked me to stay after class.“Id like to speak with you,Amanda.” My mind raced.Had I got a bad grade? Had I hurt anyones feelings? “Are you enjoying your new school?” She sat comfortably behind her desk.“I want to tell you something,between you and me,not to be shared with anyo

20、ne else.” She continued,“I see something special in you.The way you communicate with others,and the kindness you showI think you have great potential(潜力) to be something important.” I listened carefully to every word.“I have been a teacher for over twentyfive years; I can see it.But you must believe

21、 in yourself.Thats very important.Remember that and youll go far,” she said.Her voice was music to my ears that day.I walked out of her office,not staring at my shoes,but looking straight ahead with my head high.My teacher saw something special in me! Years later,her words still remain inside of me.

22、语篇解读文章讲述了作者刚转到新学校时对新环境不熟悉,胆怯且不自信。在老师Mrs Blackstone的帮助下克服了心理障碍,适应了新环境,并重新充满了自信。1The author went to school unwillingly most probably because she .Adidnt like the school at allBoften got low grades at schoolCwas treated badly by her classmatesDwasnt used to the new environment答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段的内容和第三段中的“

23、Are you enjoying your new school?”可推知,作者是刚转学过来,对新环境不适应,所以不愿去上学。故选D。2When the author was asked to stay after class,she felt .Aannoyed BembarrassedCtired Dnervous答案D解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“My mind raced.Had I got a bad grade? Had I hurt anyones feelings?”可推知,作者当时很紧张,不知道老师为什么要找她谈话。故选D。3Why did Mrs Blackstone h

24、ave a good talk with the author?ATo tell the author her potential.BTo encourage the author to believe in herself.CTo help the author to realize her mistakes.DTo make the author feel cared and loved.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段中老师说的话,尤其是本段最后“But you must believe in yourself.Thats very important.”可知,老师鼓励作者要相信自己。这

25、就是老师找作者谈话的目的。故选B。4What can we learn from the passage?AThe author came from a poor family.BThe teacher sang a song to the author.CThe author never forgets what the teacher said.DThe author no longer cared for anybody but herself.答案C解析推理判断题。根据最后一段尤其是最后一句“Years later,her words still remain inside of me

26、.”可知,老师说的话给了作者自信,使作者终生难忘。故选C。BGirls can easily get sad.If your friend is feeling blue and calls you,what will you do?Here are some tips on how you can make her smile again.Listen to her.When people feel sad,they often have the feeling of needing to be heard.So,listen carefully to what she is saying

27、and do nothing else.Your friend will surely thank you for being the shoulder she can cry on.Once you are done with listening,you can offer some advice or remain silent and let her feel everything and let it all out by crying.As a friend,you might think you should give her some advice.But if you have

28、 no idea about what to say,just remain silent and be there for her.In order to be able to help your friend in need,dont be sad for yourself.How can you help your friend when you are also feeling down?A hug can make a difference in the world.It makes you feel warm and special.A hug makes you feel saf

29、e.So give your friend a hug when she needs it the most.Spend more time with your friend who wants to be happy.Do things together like washing dishes,cleaning,or going out for fun.The more time you spend together,the stronger your friendship will become.Sometimes,it is much better that you avoid a cr

30、ying friend in your life.But by doing so,you are also keeping your friend at a distance and will make her wonder if you are her true friend.If you are there when she needs you,your friendship will be much stronger.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要阐述的是当我们面对一个伤心难过的女性朋友时,我们该怎么做来帮助她重拾快乐,进而巩固彼此间的友谊。5The writer wrote this

31、passage mainly to tell us .Awhy girls can easily get sadBwhat to do when we are sadChow to make friends with girlsDhow to make a sad female friend happy again答案D解析写作意图题。通读全文可知,作者主要告诉我们,当我们面对一个伤心难过的女性朋友时,我们该如何来帮助她重拾快乐。6According to Paragraph 2,when a female friend is sad,what should we do?AWe should

32、ask her why she feels sad.BWe should say something nice to her.CWe should spend time listening to her.DWe should give her some good advice.答案C解析细节理解题。作者在第二段主要告诉我们,当女性朋友伤心难过时,我们要做的是倾听,故选C项。7We can learn from the passage that .Ahugging a sad friend can make you feel warm and specialByour sad friend ma

33、y feel much better if you are also sadCits not a good idea to be silent facing a sad friendDgiving a hug to a sad friend is very helpful答案D解析推理判断题。根据第五段内容可推断,给伤心的女性朋友一个拥抱对她的帮助很大。8In Paragraph 6,the writer mainly suggests that we .Aspend more time with our friendsBhelp our friends with their housewor

34、kCspend time with our friends every dayDask our friends to take part in activities答案A解析细节理解题。根据第六段内容可知,作者认为我们应多花时间陪朋友,故选A项。C(2019江西南昌二中高一上期末)Have you ever imagined taking the SAT or ACT in middle school?Duke TIP(Talent Identification Program) gives younger students an opportunity to take these stand

35、ardized tests,which are used for college admissions(录取)Since 1979,Duke University has supported Duke TIP,an organization that encourages academic achievement.In addition to organizing the exams for excellent students,the program also offers summer enrichment programs,online courses,and needbased hel

36、p,among other resources.On May 22,Duke TIP held its Grand Recognition Ceremony at the university in Durham,North Carolina.The event celebrated the achievements of this years seventh graders who scored in the highest 4 percent.Top seventh graders are invited to take part in Summer Studies,where they

37、can take different kinds of courses such as aerospace engineering to web development.While the 7th Grade Talent Search is the highlight of the program,students from grades 4 through 10 are allowed to take part in all kinds of Duke TIP programs.Duke TIPs Executive Director,Shawna Young,took part in t

38、he program when she was growing up.“I remember always being told I was smart and one day getting that letter in the mail from Duke,this university that was so well known,” she said.“I remember taking the SAT in seventh grade,walking in,and feeling that everybody was bigger than me.Not knowing how to

39、 answer all the questions,just trying to do my best.I left that experience more confident.It made me believe that it was OK to be myself.”Young added that one of the best parts of Duke TIP is the creation of a group of likeminded students.I was among the 500 seventh graders who were honored at this

40、years ceremony,where three excellent Duke TIP alumni(校友) who have made great achievements in their own fields were also recognized.Who knows where the future will lead this years stars.语篇解读这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。这篇文章主要介绍了杜克大学的Duke TIP项目。9What is the main job of Duke TIP?AProviding students with online resource

41、s.BOffering programs for students in Duke.CPicking up excellent students for Duke.DSupporting gifted students.答案D解析推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“Duke TIP(Talent Identification Program) gives younger students an opportunity to take these standardized tests,which are used for college admissions(录取)”可知,Duke TIP给年轻的学生

42、一个机会参加这些标准化测试,这些标准化测试被用于大学招生录取,因此推断即Duke TIP的主要工作是支持有天赋的学生,故选D。10The honorees(获奖者) of this year will .Agive a speech to 4th to 10thgradersBbe provided with many coursesCvolunteer in Summer StudiesDbe given big prizes答案B解析细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Top seventh graders are invited to take part in Summer Studies,w

43、here they can take different kinds of courses such as aerospace engineering to web development.”可知,今年的获奖者将被提供许多课程,故选B。11What did Shawna Young think of her taking the SAT in Grade 7?AIt won her great fame.BIt made her successful.CIt made her believe in herself.DIt allowed her to enter Duke early.答案C解

44、析细节理解题。根据倒数第三段最后两句“I left that experience more confident.It made me believe that it was OK to be myself.”可知,Shawna Young认为七年级时参加SAT考试的经历让她更自信了,故选C。12What would be the best title for the text?ADuke TIP Creates Top StudentsBDuke TIP Celebrates Students SuccessCStudents Take Part In Duke TIP ProgramsDM

45、iddle School Students Take Standardized Tests答案B解析标题归纳题。本文首先介绍了Duke TIP机构通过组织优秀年轻学生参加大学入学考试激励他们学习,接着介绍了今年的庆祝活动,表彰七年级参加大学入学考试的成绩优异者。B项作标题最能概括文章大意。.七选五How to Make Friends at a New SchoolStarting with a new school can be difficult.Everything seems to be different,and you dont even know where to go for

46、your own classes. 13 However,if you use these skills,you can quickly turn some of those strangers into friends.Be yourself. 14 If some people dont accept you,theyre not the kind of friends you need.People often stay together because they have similar interests.For example,someone who does a lot of s

47、port may make friends with those who also run or swim a lot. 15 Remember to be nice to the people you meet at your new school.If you think that you will say something that may make them feel sad,do not say anything and just nod your head if they talk to you.Also,remember to be as helpful as possible

48、!Believe in yourself.A smile goes a long way.When you walk in the halls,dont keep your eyes on the floor.Raise your head and make eye contact(目光接触) with other people. 16 Introduce yourself.Tell them your name and where youre from.Remember peoples names.You like it when people use your name,and so do

49、 other people. 17 Besides,ask them in a kind way if they have a nickname(昵称)Youd be surprised how often this might come in handy.ABe friendly to others.BMaking new friends can be hard,too.CJoin afterschool activities you like.DNever change who you are to try and fit in.EIf you see someone you know,s

50、mile or say “Hi”FPeople may become angry if you just begin by saying “Hey” each time.GDont sit at the back of the classroom where other people dont notice you!13答案B解析由该空后的“However,if you use.strangers into friends.”可知,这里是说结交新朋友也会很难,故选B项。14答案D解析由该段标题“Be yourself.”和该空后的说明可知,D项内容符合此处语境。15答案A解析由该段中的“Rem

51、ember to be nice.at your new school.”和“remember to be as helpful as possible”等信息可知,本段主要是讲要对他人友善,故用A项作为小标题最恰当。16答案E解析由该空前面的“make eye contact(目光接触) with other people”和后面的“Introduce yourself.”等信息可知,E项内容符合此处语境。17答案F解析由该段标题“Remember peoples names.”和该空前的“You like it when people use your name,and so do other people.”可知,记住别人的名字非常重要,如果你每次都称呼对方“嘿”,别人可能会生气,故选F项。


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