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1、吉林四平市2015高考英语语法填空、阅读类训练(1)及答案语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【辽宁卷题型】A:Hi, Bob, would you like to go _1_(swim) this afternoon? B:I wish I _2_(can) , but I have to spend the rest of the day in the library. I have to write an 800word composition which _3_ (hand) in on Monday morning. A:Oh, i

2、s that for Mr. Smiths class.B:Yes, I have to study a long poem. My teacher asked me to read _4_ in class next week.A:Thats hard. B:And besides, I also have to study a lot for maths and history. Maths is _5_(especial) hard for me, _6_ you know. So I dont know _7_ Im going to do it at all.A:Take it _8

3、_, Bob. Ive been doing well in maths. So Ill be happy _9_ you.B:Oh. That sounds great.A:If you like, we can start right _10_ I come back from swimming.B:OK, Ill meet you in front of the library.A:Good luck to you.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1.swimming2.could3.must be handed4.it5.especial

4、ly6.as7.how8.easy9.to help10.after完形填空。Dont Take the Fun Out of Youth SportsWhen I joined a private football league a few years ago, the sport meant everything to me. My coach(教练)said that I had lots of potential(潜力), and I became captain of my_1_. That was before all the fun was taken out of_2_.At

5、first, everyone on the team got_3_playing time. Then the team moved up to the top division after winning all its games, and the_4_started. Some parents, who had paid the coach extra so their daughters could have_5_oneonone training, got angry when she didnt give them more playing time in our_6_. The

6、 coach was replaced.The new coach, however, took all the fun out of the game. All we did during practice was_7_. I always wished to God that it would rain so we would not have the_8_. Of course, all teams run drills; they were_9_. But we ran so much that, afterwards, we had trouble_10_. Younger peop

7、le shouldnt be doing exercises_11_for 18yearold.I was very thin_12_I started football, but as a member of this team I wouldnt eat much , because I was afraid of being too_13_to run. I feared making mistakes, and the added pressure caused me to make more than my usual_14_.Is all this pressure necessa

8、ry? I_15_up leaving the football team. Four other girls did the same, and two of them stopped playing football completely. Thats_16_, because they had so much potential. They were just burnedout with all the pressure they_17_from the coach or their parents.I continued playing football at school and_

9、18_my love for it. I joined a private team coached by my school coach. When I started playing_19_him, he told me I needed to relax because I looked nervous. After I_20_down, I played better. When you enjoy something, its a lot easier to do it well.1A.classBclubCteamDboard答案:C从上文“I joined a private f

10、ootball league.”可知,后来我成为该队的队长。2A.playingBlivingClearningDworking答案:A那都是发生在踢球的乐趣被剥夺之前的事,playing在此指“踢球”这件事。3A.greatBequalCrightDextra答案:B一开始,大家上场踢球的时间是一样多的。4A.businessBstruggleCattemptDpressure答案:D上文开始讲孩子们的压力来源。5A.freeBprivateCgoodDbasic答案:B有些父母额外付费,以使他们的孩子获得私下里一对一的训练。6A.matchesBcoursesClessonsDprogra

11、ms答案:A当压力很大时,教练不给那些(额外付费的)孩子更多比赛时上场的时间,这样他们的父母就生气了。 7A.jumpBplayCrunDshoot答案:C我们所做的练习就是一个字:跑。8A.dutyBmeetingCoperationDtraining答案:Dtraining“训练”。9A.necessaryBboringCscientificDpractical答案:A这些训练是必须的。10A.speakingBmovingCsleepingDbreathing答案:D跑的训练进行了那么多,后来我们气都喘不上来。11A.usedBintendedCmadeDdescribed答案:Bexe

12、rcises intended for 18yearolds(我们进行的)训练是为18岁的孩子准备的。12A.tillBsinceCbeforeDbecause答案:C在开始踢球之前。13A.fullBtiredClazyDbig答案:Afull表示“吃饱的”。14A.sizeBshareCspaceDstate答案:Bshare在此用作名词,“平均;均分”;句意为:我害怕犯错误,而额外的这些压力却使我比平时犯的错误还多。 15A.gaveBkeptCendedDpicked答案:Cend up doing“以做某事而告终”;指离开足球队。16A.sadBshamefulCsillyDseri

13、ous答案:A真是令人感到悲哀的事。17A.receivedBsufferedCbroughtDfelt答案:D句意为:她们因为感受到来自于教练和父母的压力而疲惫不堪。18A.reconsideredBrediscoveredCreformedDreplaced答案:B重新找到了对足球的热爱。19A.atBbyCforDaround答案:C“为教练而踢”,后面教练给“我”指出这种想法不对,要我放松。20A.fellBsteppedCslowedDcalmed答案:Dcalm down“平静/镇定下来”。阅读理解。In the more and more competitive service

14、industry, it is no longer enough to promise customer satisfaction. Today, customer “delight” is what commpaines are trying to achieve in order to keep and increase market share.It is accepted in the marketing industry, and confirmed by a number of researches, that customers receiving good service wi

15、ll promote business by telling up to 12 other people; those treated badly will tell their tales of woe to up to 20 people. Interestingly, 80 percent of people who feel their complaints are handled fairly will stay loyal.New challenges for customer care have come when people can obtain goods and serv

16、ices through telephone calls centers and the Internet.For example,many companies now have to invest (投资)a lot of money in information technology and staff training in order to cope with the “phone_rage”caused by delays in answering call,being cut off in midconversation or left waiting for long perio

17、ds.“Many people do not like talking to machines,”says Dr,Storey,Senior lecturer in Marketing at City University Business School.“Banks ,for example,encourage staff at call centers to use customer data to establish instant and good relationship with them. The aim is to make the customer feel they kno

18、w you and that you can trust themthe sort of comfortable feelings people have during facetoface chats with their local branch manager.”Recommended ways of creating customer delight include:underpromising and overdelivering (saying that a repair will be carried out within five hours,but getting it do

19、ne within two) replacing a faulty product immediately;throwing in a gift voucher (购物礼券)as an unexpected “thank you” to regular customers; and always returning calls, even when they are complaints.Aiming for customer delight is all very well,but if services do not reach the high level promised,disapp

20、ointment or worse will be the result.This can be eased by offering an apology and an explanation of why the service did not meet usual standards with empathy (for example,“I know how you must feel”),and possible solutions (replacement,compensation or whatever fairness suggests best meets the case)Ai

21、rlines face some of the toughest challenges over customer care. Fierce competition has convinced them that delighting passengers is an important marketing tool,while there is great potential for customer anger over delays caused by weather, unclaimed luggage and technical problems.For British Airway

22、s staff,a winning telephone style is considered vital in handling the large volume of calls about bookings and flight times.They are trained to answer quickly, with their name,job title and a “we are here to help”attitude.The company has invested heavily in information technology to make sure that i

23、nformation is available instantly on screen.British Airways also says its customer care policies are applied within the company and staff are taught to regard each other as customers requiring the highest standards of service.Customer care is obviously here to stay and it would be a foolish company

24、that used slogans such as “we do as we please”On the other hand,the more customers are promised,the greater the risk of disappointment.本文阐述了顾客的满意度对企业发展的重要作用。11We can learn from Paragraph 2 that _.Acomplaining customers are hard to satisfyBunsatisfied customers receive better serviceCsatisfied custom

25、ers catch more attentionDwelltreated customers promote business答案:D。推理判断题。A抱怨中的顾客难以令其满意;B不满意的顾客得到更好的服务;C满意的顾客得到更多的注意;D良好的对待顾客促进企业的发展。根据信息句“It is accepted in the marketing industry, and confirmed by a number of researches, that customers receiving good service will promote business”可以看出D项正确。12The wri

26、ter mentions“phone rage”(Paragraph 3)to show that_.Acustomers often use phones to express their anger Bpeople still prefer to buy goods onlineCcustomer care becomes more demandingDcustomers rely on their phones to obtain services答案:C。细节理解题。A顾客常常用电话表达自己的愤怒;B人们依然偏爱网上购物;C客户关注更加成为人们的关注;D顾客靠电话得到服务。根据本段首句

27、“New challenges for customer care have come when people can obtain goods and services through telephone call centers and the Internet”可知C项正确。13What does the writer recommend to create customer delight?ACalling customers regularly.BGiving a “thank you” note.CDelivering a quicker service.DPromising mo

28、re gifts.答案:C。细节理解题。A定期给顾客打电话;B给“感谢”便条;C给予快捷服务;D许诺更多的礼物。根据文中信息“saying that a repair will be carried out within five hours ,but getting it done within two”和“replacing a faulty product immediately”可知C项正确,其他三项曲解了文意。14If a manager should show his empathy (Paragraph 6),what would he probably say?A“I know

29、 how upset you must be.”B“I appreciate your understanding.”C“Im sorry for the delay.”D“I know its our fault.”答案:A。词义猜测题。A我知道你准是很难过;B我很感激你的理解;C很抱歉,耽误您了;D我知道,这是我们的错。根据其后信息句“for example,I know how you must feel”可知A项正确。15Customer delight is important for airlines because _.Atheir telephone style remains

30、 unchangedBthey are more likely to meet with complaints Cthe services cost them a lot of moneyDthe policies can be applied to their staff答案:B。推理判断题。A他们的电话样式没变;B他们很有可能遇到投诉;C这些服务花费了他们很多钱;D这些政策可以应用到职员身上。根据文中信息“.delighting passengers is an important marketing tool, while there is great potential for cus

31、tomer anger over delays caused by weather ,unclaimed luggage and technical problems”推理可知,航空公司很有可能因为恶劣天气、行李主人不明以及技术等问题导致耽误顾客,以及被投诉,此时使顾客满意是很重要的市场手段。16Which of the following is conveyed in this article?AFacetoface service creates comfortable feelings among customers.BCompanies that promise more will n

32、aturally attract more customers.CA company should promise less but do more in a competitive market.DCustomer delight is more important for airlines than for banks.答案:C。事实理解题。A面对面的服务创造顾客中舒适的感觉;B承诺更多的公司自然吸引更多的顾客;C在激烈的市场竞争中,公司应该少承诺,多做实事;D顾客满意度对于航空公司来说比银行更重要。通读全文不难排除A、B、D三项,根据最后一段可知C项正确。【阅读理解】Blind imit

33、ation (模仿)is self-destruction.To those who do not recognize their unique worth. Imitation appears attractive: to those who know their strenghth. Imitation is unacceptable.In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes (菜谱) an

34、d turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone elses way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a childs bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying

35、on them.In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地) hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will

36、get the results of the weak choices of others.In the field of entertainment, our culture glorifies celebrities. Those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character

37、or unacceptable behaviors.Blessed is the person willing to act on their sundden desire to create somrthing unique.Think of the movies,books,teachers,and friends that have affected you most deeply.They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration,not desperation.The world is chan

38、ged not by those who do what has been done brfore them,but by those who do what has been done inside them.Creative people have an endless resource of ideas.The problem a creator faces is not running out of material;it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.Syudy your rol

39、e models,accept the gifts they have given,and leave behind what does not server.Then you can say,”I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors”tragedies and tory ,and know that they are cheering on.1.Imitation proves useful when you . A.know you are unique B.lose the bslance of lifeC.begin to learn some

40、thing new D.get tired of routine practice2. To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should_.A. forget daily fear and pain B. choose the right exampleC. ask others for decisions D. stay away from stars3.Acording to the author. The world moves on because of those who are .A. desperate to intruence ot

41、hers with their knowledge B. ready to turn their original ideas into realityC. eager to discover what their ancestors didD. willing to accept othersideas4.The trouble a creator faces is .A. the lack of strong motivation B. the absence of practical ideas C. how to search for more materials D. how to use imagination creatively5. What is the authors purpose in writing this passage?A. To highlight the importance of creatively.B. To criticize the characters of role models.C. To compare imitation with creation.D. To explain the meaning of success.【参考答案】15、CBBDA


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