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2019-2020同步外研英语必修三新突破讲义:MODULE 1 SECTION Ⅳ USING LANGUAGE WORD版含答案.doc

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1、Section Using Language第一步速读了解文章主题和段落大意速读P9教材课文,写出文章的主题The text mainly tells about the destination of the European Union,how it started and its members第二步细读把控文章关键信息细读P9教材课文,选择最佳答案1In the United Kingdom,the head of state is a ApresidentBChairmanCking or queen Dparliament leader2What can we know from t

2、he first part?AThe European Union controls its member countries completely.BA king or queen has higher power than a president.CAny member country can ask the European Union for help.DThe European Union sends representatives to each member country.3All the following countries belong to the EUs first

3、members EXCEPT AGermany BFranceCDenmark DItaly4What can we conclude from the second and third parts?AThe United States belongs to the European Union.BThe European Union is popular among most European countries.CThe European Union wants to unite the whole of Europe.DEach European country is ruled in

4、different ways by the European Union.【答案】14CCCB第三步研读能力升华接轨高考根据P9教材课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式The European Union is an organisation of 1.European(Europe) countries.The countries are independent and 2.are governed(govern) in different ways.But each of them sends 3.representatives(representative) to th

5、e European Parliament,which has some control over 4.what happens in each of the member countries.The idea of the European Union began in 5.the 1950s.The first members were France,Germany,and four other countries.Little by little,the number 6.increased(increase) during the second half of the 7.twenti

6、eth (twenty) century.By the year 2000,there were 15 member countries.In 2004,the European Union increased 8.to 25 members.The 9.expanded (expand) European Union has a population of more than half a billion people,twice 10.as big as the population of the United States.单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1Flooding

7、is likely in some coastal regions (地区) of the northeast during the early part of the week.2The representatives (代表) from all over China gathered in Beijing to attend the important meeting last month.3One of major features (特点) of the park is that its view is very beautiful.4I want to check with my s

8、ecretary before I sign the papers.5The hospital has an ideal geographical location.6On Tuesday the countrys parliament voted to establish its own army.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1govern vt.统治;治理government n政府governor n统治者2produce n产品;农产品v生产;制造production n产量3Agree v同意agreement n协议;契约disagreement n不同意(反义词)4r

9、epresent v代表representative n代表5geography n地理geographical adj.地理的.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1in terms of根据;依照2compared with/to 与相比较3on the other hand 另一方面;反过来说4little by little 一点点地;逐渐地5belong to 属于6have a population of 有人口7have a control over 对控制.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1On the one hand,hospitals lose money.But,on the

10、 other hand,if people are healthy,dont think of it as losing money;think of it as saving lives.2His spoken English is improving little by little with the help of his teacher.3In terms of speed and comfort,a bicycle cant be compared with other means of transportation like car and train.4The dictionar

11、y and the grammar books that have bookmarks in them belong to Jane.5Though I am improving in my study,I still have a long way to go compared with some of my classmates.背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.But each of them sends representatives to the European Parliament,which has some control over what happens in each

12、of the member countries.但是每个国家都派遣代表参加欧洲议会,该议会对每个成员国所发生的事情都有一定的控制力。介词宾语从句。父母应该对孩子在网上的所作所为有所控制。Parents should have some control over what their children are doing online.2.The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people,twice as big as the population of the United State

13、s.扩大了的欧盟拥有五亿多人口美国人口的两倍。倍数句型:倍数asadj.as.。我的农场已经扩展成了一个大农场,是原来的3倍大。My farm has expanded into a big one,which is three times as big as the previous one. opposite prep.& adv.在对面;在对面adj.相反的;对面的nC 相反的人(物);对立面(经典例句)(2019全国卷)“.It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment,high status

14、 has just the opposite effect on us.”“这清楚地表明:讨人喜欢会带来很好的适应力,而地位高却会对我们产生完全相反的影响。”写出下列句中opposite的含义The library is on the opposite side of the road from the school.对面的She hurried away in the opposite direction.相反的There is a couple with a dog who live opposite.在对面I thought she would be small and pretty,b

15、ut shes completely the opposite.相反的人be opposite to在对面;与相反just the opposite 恰恰相反We were fortunate enough to find the post office as soon as we got off the bus,it was just opposite to the bus stop.我们足够幸运,一下公交车就找到了邮局,它就在公交车站的对面。 sign v签署,签名;打手势,示意n符号;标志,标牌,指示牌;手势;征兆(教材P7)France and Germany arent going

16、to sign the agreement.法国和德国是不会签署这项协议的。(1)a sign of.的标志/迹象(2)sign to sb.to do sth. 打手势让某人做某事(3)sign up for 报名参加sign in/out 签到/退He signed to us not to make any noise because his baby was asleep.他打手势要我们不要发出任何声响,因为他的孩子睡着了。Can I sign up for this course in advance?我能提前报名参加这个课程吗?For safety reasons,please s

17、ign in when you arrive at the building,and sign out when you leave.基于安全考虑,请你在抵达大楼时签到,离去时签退。 agreement nC协议;契约U(意见)一致;赞同,同意(经典例句)The two countries have signed an agreement on how to prevent pollution.这两个国家就如何防止污染已经签署了一项协议。(1)sign an agreement签署一项协议arrive at/come to/reach/make an agreement 达成协议;取得一致意见

18、(2)in agreement with 赞同,和一致(3)agree vt.&vi. 同意;一致disagree v. 不同意Finally we made/reached/arrived at/came to an agreement with them on this matter.我们最终在这个问题上与他们达成了协议。It is a great pity that the meeting ended with no agreement reached(reach)很遗憾的是会议没有达成协议就结束了。A decision will not be made until everyone i

19、s in agreement with it.直到所有人都同意才能做决定。 in terms of根据来说;依照;就而言(教材P9)In terms of size and population,how big is the European Union compared with China?在面积与人口方面,欧盟与中国相比有多大?in the long/short term就长/短期而言be on good/bad terms with sb. 与某人交情好/不好In terms of money were quite rich,but not in terms of happiness.

20、从钱的角度说,我们相当富有,但就幸福而言则不然。What they have done is good for the environment in the long term.从长期来看,他们所做的事情对环境是有利的。We have been on good terms(term) with our neighbors for all these years.这么多年来我们一直和邻居的关系很好。 on the other hand另一方面;反过来说(教材P9)In France,on the other hand,the head of state is a president.而在法国,国

21、家的元首是总统。on (the) one hand.;on the other hand.一方面;另一方面for one thing.;for another. 首先;再者(陈述的两方面情况常一致)I really want to go to society and experience more,but on the other hand Im afraid I cant fit into it.我确实想走入社会,体验更多,但另一方面我又怕自己不能适应社会。On (the) one hand,cars make our life more convenient,but on the othe

22、r hand,they will cause air pollution.一方面,汽车使我们的生活更方便;但另一方面,它们会造成空气污染。This trip is really of great benefit to me.For one thing,it broadened my horizons;for another,it made me learn how to take care of myself.这次旅行的确对我很有益。一方面,它开阔了我的眼界,另一方面它让我学会了照顾自己。 little by little一点点地;逐渐地(教材P9)Little by little,the n

23、umber increased during the second half of the twentieth century.逐渐地,数量在20世纪后半期增长了。year by year年年,逐年step by step 逐步地side by side 肩并肩one by one 一个接一个The children walked out of the school gate side by side after school.放学后孩子们肩并肩地走出校门。As the bell rang,the students went out of the classroom one by one.铃声

24、响了,学生们一个接一个地走出教室。 (教材P9)But each of them sends representatives to the European Parliament,which has some control over what happens in each of the member countries但是每个国家都派遣代表参加欧洲议会,该议会对每个成员国所发生的事情都有一定的控制力。【要点提炼】句中的what happens in each of the member countries是what引导的名词性从句,作介词over的宾语,what在宾语从句中作主语。(1)w

25、hat 除了引导宾语从句,还可以引导主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。(2)what引导名词性从句在句中作成分时,what既有一定的含义,又起连接作用,在从句中可充当主语、宾语或表语。What you will do next is none of my business.你下一步做什么不关我的事。This book is just what I have been looking for.这本书正是我一直在找寻的那本。名师点津what在引导名词性从句时具有三大特点:不可省略,作成分,有词义;that在引导名词性从句时具有三大特点:不可省略(宾语从句除外),不作成分,没有词义;which引导名词

26、性从句时意为“哪一个/哪一些”,通常有一个选择的范围。(which/what/that)Which of you climbs to the top of the hill first will receive a prize.你们哪一个先到山顶,哪一个就将获得一份奖励。No one can tell what will happen next.没有人能说出以后会发生什么。I truly believe that beauty comes from within.我确信美来自内在。 (教材P9)The expanded European Union has a population of mo

27、re than half a billion people,twice as big as the population of the United States.扩大了的欧盟拥有五亿多人口美国人口的两倍。【要点提炼】句中twice as big as.是倍数的表达法,意为“是的两倍大”。常见的倍数表达法:(1)A is.timesadj./adv.的比较级than B(2)A is.times asadj./adv.的原级as B(3)A is.times名词(the size/length/width/height/depth)ofBIt is said that the oil pric

28、e in 2018 is more than 3 times as high as it was in 2015.据说2018年的油价是2015年的三倍多。Asia is four times as big as Europe.Asia is four times bigger (big) than EuropeAsia is four times the size of Europe亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。.单句语法填空1The book belonging(belong) to me was lost yesterday,which made me very sad.2Its easy to

29、find because there is a church just opposite (oppose) my house.3The two companies reached an agreement about developing the area together.4He was desperately signing to me not to mention (mention) anything about him.5John hadnt been able to stop smoking suddenly.He had to control his smoking desire

30、little by little.6In terms (term) of money its not a good job,but I can gain some experience.7I would like to get a job which pays more,but on the other hand I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.8The population of our hometown is nearly twice larger (large) than that of yours.9What was once regar

31、ded as impossible has now become a reality.10Compared(compare) with the book bought last week,this one is more interesting.完成句子1你所说的一定要和所做的一致。What you say must be in agreement with what you do2因此,应建议学生尽快报名参加。Therefore,students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible3老师经常告诉我们未来属于我们。The teacher often tells us the future belongs to us.4她没有犯错误,恰恰相反,她所做的是正确的。She didnt make a mistake,just the opposite,what she did was right.5这块大石头的重量是那块的三倍。The big stone is three times as heavy as that one.


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