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2022届高考人教版英语一轮学案:必修3 UNIT 3 THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE WORD版含解析.doc

1、Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note话题:阅读兴趣【场景背诵】体会黑体表达并背诵全文 I must have always known reading was very important because the first memories I have as a child deal with books. There was not one night that I dont remember mom reading me a storybook by my bedside. I was extremely inspired by the elegant w

2、ay the words sounded. I always wanted to know what my mom was reading. Hearing mom say,“I cant believe whats printed in the newspaper this morning,” made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself. (2019高考天津卷B)【话题运用】根据提示进行写作Knowing how to read could open many doors to us (知道如何阅读能够为我们打开许多

3、扇门). I started off with sentences, then paragraphs, and then stories. I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly,so that I could read all of the road signs we passed (这样我就能阅读我们所经过的所有道路标志). My progress in reading raised my curiosity (激发了我的好奇心), and I wanted to know everything. 在认识的单词前打“

4、”penniless adj.pavement n.bay n. passage n.unpaid adj. embassy n. bet n& vi.& vt.steak n. pineapple n.dessert n. genuine adj.bow vi.& n. barber n.businessman n. issue vt.& vi.fake n& adj. nightfall n.1phrase n短语;词组;惯用语2author n著者;作家3indeed adv.真正地;确实;实在4scene n(戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色5wander vi.漫游;

5、漫步;漂泊6stare vi.凝视;盯着看7fault n过错;缺点;故障8spot vt.发现;认出n.斑点;污点;地点9account vi.& vt.认为;说明;总计有n.说明;理由;计算;账目10seek vt.& vi.寻找;探索;寻求11contrary n反面;对立面adj.相反的;相违的12envelope n信封13amount n数量14manner n礼貌;举止;方式15scream vi.尖声叫n.尖叫声;喊叫声16rag n破布;碎布1novel n小说;长篇故事 adj.新奇的;异常的novelist n小说家2permit vt.& vi.许可;允许;准许n.通行

6、证;许可证;执照permission n许可;批准3patience n耐性;忍耐patient adj.有耐心的n.病人patiently adv.有耐心地4unbelievable adj.难以置信的believe vt.相信;信任belief n信念;信仰5rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的rudeness n粗鲁6adventure n奇遇;冒险adventurous adj.冒险的强化训练一、根据所给提示,用适当形式填空1My sisters taste in dresses is contrary (相反的) to my own.2The happy scene (场景;场面) of

7、 children playing in the garden disappeared,and it was quiet again.3He is always finding fault (过错) with me,which makes me very sad.4The girl is staring (stare) at the stranger with her eyes widely open.5On the way,we spotted (spot) a man holding a piece of paper that said,“Lost my job.Family to Fee

8、d.”6So far,huge amounts (amount) of money have been spent on his slimming gym.7They are seeking (seek) the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health.8Generally speaking,good manners (manner) arise from the respect for others.9John was wandering (wander) in the pavement alone when he sa

9、w a servant coming up to him.10The moment the famous singer turned up on the stage,the fans couldnt help screaming (scream)11I will come after the meeting if time permits,but I should ask for my headmasters permission first.(permit)12Although the patient was out of patience,the nurse was still patie

10、nt with her work and did it patiently(patience)13It was rude of you to injure his pride last night,so you must offer him an apology for your rudeness(rude)14As we all know,Mo Yan,a famous novelist,won Nobel Literature Prize and wrote many excellent novels(novel)二、熟词生义(写出加黑词的词性及词义)1(2019高考北京卷)Climate

11、 change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas,while reducing it in other spots,leading to changes in the oceans appearance.n.地点 2(2019高考北京卷)Im writing to give you a full account of my unforgettable experience in a farm work programme.n.描述 3From that point Shackleton wanted to force a p

12、assage by dog sled (雪橇) across the continent.n.通道,通路 4(2020新高考全国卷)Peoples attention wanders constantly.v.开小差,走神 【联想记忆】聚焦“允许”与“禁止”permit v& n允许;许可证permission n允许;许可allow vt.允许forbid vt.禁止ban vt.& n禁止;禁令prohibit vt.禁止admit vt.准许(进入)admission n准许(加入)1bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出2account for 导致;做出解释3a large amo

13、unt of 许多;大量4take a chance 冒险5in rags 衣衫褴褛6by accident 偶然;无意中;不小心7on the scene 在现场8go ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说9as for 关于;至于10from the bottom of ones heart 发自内心11find fault with 吹毛求疵;找毛病12stare at 盯着看;凝视13on the contrary 与此相反;正相反14make a bet 打赌活用一:Brought up in a happy and wealthy family,John lost all

14、his family members and fortune by accident. However,he insisted on not seeking help from his friends but depending on himself. What he did moved Miss Brown and she lent a large amount of money to him to set up his business again. A few years later,his patience and determination as well as his persev

15、erance accounted for his unbelievable success eventually.活用二:I got so fed up with waiting for him to do it that I just went ahead and did it myself.As for me,it was how to do it in a short time that was of great importance. To tell the truth,I didnt like him from the bottom of my heart as he liked f

16、inding fault with others who talked with him on the spot.原句展示仿写运用1.Well,towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.解读“find宾语宾语补足语”结构。2The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.解读had just done.when.“刚做完,这时”。3And it was the ship that

17、 brought you to England.解读“It is/was.that.”强调句型。4Indeed,sir,I hope youll come here whenever you like.解读whenever引导让步状语从句。1.当我到达美国后,我发现自己生活在一个完全陌生的文化中。After I arrived in America,I found myself living in a completely foreign culture.2我刚刚坐下来工作就发现有东西在墙上移动。I had just sat down to work when I spotted someth

18、ing moving on the wall.3就在活动结束时,我们拍了一张照片,纪念难忘的一天。(2018高考北京卷)It was at the end of the activity that we took a picture in memory of the unforgettable day.4无论何时面对挑战,我都会想起他并坚持下去。Whenever I face challenges,I will think of him and keep on.词汇精研1.scene n(戏剧)一场;现场(spot);场面;景色on the scene 在现场(on the spot);当场;

19、在台上behind the scenes 在幕后;暗中appear/come on the scene 出场;登场经典例句At the end of the story,my mind continued the final scene of reunion.在故事的结尾,我的脑海里继续浮现着重聚的最后一幕。The movie opens with a scene in a New York apartment.电影开头的一场戏发生在纽约的一套公寓里。【基础检测】单句语法填空/单句改错The moment the police received the call,they rushed to

20、the scene,where a traffic accident happened.I feel very frightened whenever I think of the scene which a boy was bitten by a tiger.whichwhere或which前加in 【能力提升】补全句子棕色的岩石、深绿的松树和傍晚的阳光混合在一起,创造出一种神奇的景色。The colors of the brown rocks,the deep green pine trees,and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a mag

21、ic scene2.permit vt.&vi.许可;允许;准许(反:forbid) n许可证;通行证;执照(1)permit do sth. 允许某人做某事permit doing sth. 允许做某事(2)permission nU允许;许可without permission 未经允许(3)a residence/parking permit 居住证/停车证与permit有类似用法的动词:allow doing sth./sb. to do sth. 允许(某人)做某事forbid doing sth./sb. to do sth.禁止(某人)做某事advise doing

22、sth./sb. to do sth. 建议(某人)做某事【基础检测】单句语法填空The government has already permitted the company to use (use) special materials to make it easier for the vehicle to fly.The visitors are reminded that the museum doesnt permit smoking (smoke)With her dads permission (permit),she spent the next two years rese

23、arching online.(2019高考北京卷)【能力提升】单句写作如果时间允许的话,我的确希望你来参加今年的音乐节。(2019高考全国卷)If time permits/Time permitting, I do hope you will attend this years music festival.3.account vi.& vt.认为;说明;总计有n.说明(explanation);理由;计算;账目;报道(1)account for 解释;是的原因(2)on account of 由于;因为on no account 决不(3)考虑到经典例句The professor war

24、ned the students that on no account should they use mobile phones in his class.教授警告学生们绝对不要在他的课堂上使用手机。The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.天气不好可能是人来得少的原因。on no account意为“决不”,放在句首时常引起句子的部分倒装,有类似用法的还有:by no means,in no way,in no case,on no condition,under no circumstances,at no time等

25、。【基础检测】单句语法填空/写出加黑词的含义I prefer western painting. There are several reasons accounting (account) for my preference.(2019高考天津卷,书面表达)Its reported that Taobao and Tmall account for more than half of all the parcel deliveries in China.占比例 I opened a bank account after I earned $100,000 by doing a fulltim

26、e job after graduating from college. 账户 【能力提升】补全句子/词汇升级We had to put off the sports meeting on account of the heavy rain (因为大雨)I sincerely hope that you will consider my suggestions. Im looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.(2019高考全国卷)I sincerely hope that you will take my suggesti

27、ons into account/consideration. Im looking forward to hearing from you as soon as vt.发现;认出;点缀 n斑点;污点(mark);地点(1)spot sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事be spotted with 散布;点缀(2)on the spot(on the scene) 当场;在现场高考例句(2019高考天津卷)Without delay,I called to thank her. She said she spotted my wallet on a

28、 bus seat. 我立刻打电话向她道谢。她说她在公共汽车座位上发现了我的钱包。spot当作先行词时,后面常用where引导定语从句,where在从句中作状语。,【基础检测】单句语法填空I was waiting for my friend when I suddenly spotted a man not far from me staring (stare) at me.When the man was trying to break into the bank,he was caught by the police on the spot.【能力提升】单句写作不仅将展出各种剪纸作品,工

29、匠们还将现场向参观者展示如何将纸剪成各种形状。Not only will all kinds of papercutting works be on display, but the craftsmen will show visitors how to cut paper into different shapes on the spot.他们为什么要在这个特殊的地方建一栋房子?Why do they want to build a house on this particular spot?5.manner n礼貌;举止(behaviour);方式(way)in a(n).manner 以

30、的方式Its bad/good manners to do sth. 做某事是没有/有礼貌的table manners 餐桌礼仪(1)manner意为“方式;方法;举止;态度”时,常用其单数形式;(2)manner 意为“礼貌;礼仪;习俗”时,常用其复数形式。【基础检测】单句语法填空The work should have been done in a more satisfactory manner.Its bad manners (manner) to break in while others are speaking.【能力提升】单句写作下面是你在中国如何注意餐桌礼仪的一些建议。(20

31、18高考全国卷)The following are some suggestions on how to mind your table manners in vt.& vi.(sought,sought)寻找;寻求(make a research for);探索seek to do sth. 试图做某事seek for/after 寻找/追求seek ones fortune 寻找致富之路;碰运气经典例句You are busy doing homework,playing sports,making friends,seeking after your dream

32、s.你忙于做作业,做运动,交朋友,追求梦想。【基础检测】单句语法填空The shopkeeper is trying to seek for a better way to win his customers back,perhaps with a discount.You ought to seek advice from your teacher when you get into trouble in school.【能力提升】补全句子事实是,现在很多年轻人正在大城市寻找发财的机会。The fact is that nowadays many young people are seeki

33、ng their fortune in big cities7.bring up 培养;抚养;养育;教育;提出;呕吐bring forth 生产,产出bring forward 将(的日期或时间)提前bring about 引起;产生;导致;带来bring sth. back 使某物恢复;带回某物;使想起某事bring down 降价;使倒下;击败bring in 引入;赚(钱)经典例句In my day, children were brought up to respect the law.在我那个时代,孩子们从小被教导要守法。The photographs brought back ma

34、ny pleasant memories.那些照片给人带来很多美好的回忆。We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.我们打算降低所有计算机的价格。bring up后接代词时,应用bring sb. up;be brought up in“在长大”;be brought up by sb.“由某人抚养”。 【基础检测】写出下列各句中bring up的含义/用bring的相关短语填空Brought up in a big city,he found it quite difficult to fit in the countryside.抚养

35、;养育 He brought up a practical plan in the meeting,which brought down the cost of production.提出 He was drunk and brought up what he had eaten at midnight.呕吐 This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of my high school days.It is well known that science has brought about many changes in

36、our lives.【能力提升】词汇升级Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her aunt.Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.8.take a chance 冒险;试图做某事;碰运气(1)take chances 碰运气by chanceby accident 偶然;碰巧(2)(The) chances are that. 有可能There is a chance that. 有可能经典例句I dont

37、 think it will work,but Ill take a chance and try it.虽然我认为那样不行,但是我仍会碰运气试一下。Id like to take a chance to run a business.我想借此机会经营一家企业碰碰运气。【基础检测】单句语法填空It is wrong of you to take a chance while driving a car.Whats more,I consider it a good chance to enjoy (enjoy) the wonderful scenery and taste the delic

38、ious food here and there.【能力提升】单句写作我抓住这次机会,积极参加主题为“劳动最光荣”的实践活动。(2019高考北京卷)I grasped this opportunity/chance to take an active part in the programme with the theme “Working is most beautiful.”句式剖析1.Well,towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.嗯,傍晚时分我发现自己被一阵大风刮到海上去了。教材原句“f

39、ind宾语宾语补足语”结构(1)find宾语(2)finditadj./ do (it是形式宾语,to do是真正的宾语)与find用法相同的动词还有see, hear, watch, notice, have, keep等。【基础检测】单句语法填空A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking (smoke) in the kitchen.Thats why she often finds herself helpless (help) when she meets with some challenges.She wo

40、ke up and found herself (her) in a hospital.【能力提升】单句写作当我在农田里干活的时候,我发现在烈日下干农活很艰辛。(2019高考北京卷)While working in the farmland, I found it very hard to work in the fields under a hot sun.2.Indeed,sir,I hope youll come here whenever you like.真的,先生,我希望您想来的时候您就来。教材原句 whenever引导让步状语从句(1)引导让步状语从句(2)whatever,wh

41、ichever,who(m)ever既可引导让步状语从句,又可引导名词性从句;no matter what, no matter which, no matter who(m)只可引导让步状语从句。经典例句Larry always blames me whenever anything goes wrong.每每有什么事情出问题,拉里总是责怪我。【基础检测】单句语法填空However/No matter how great the difficulties are,we must complete the task in time. The gold medal will be awarded

42、 to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race.(2018高考天津卷)【能力提升】补全句子我们学校有一个大的体育馆,无论什么时候,我有空就去那儿锻炼。(2018高考全国卷)Our school has a big gymnasium,and I will go there for exercise whenever I am available.单句语法填空1Nine people died on the scene and one more person died in hospital in the car crash.2Child

43、ren are not permitted (not permit) to enter the cinema without their parents.3China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot where it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. (2020高考全国卷)4Speaking of table manners (manner),keep your voice low and pleasant during the me

44、al.5More than 750,000 have graduated from SAC,with many seeking (seek) employment in engineering,education,medicine and a wide variety of other professions.6The government has taken measures to bring down the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.7The player is under good treatment an

45、d the chances are that he will recover from his injury in time for the next game.8He found his daughter surrounded (surround) by letters and books and looking very worried.9Even the best writers sometimes find themselves lost (lose) for words.10At last,I will be on my own,but I still want to have my

46、 parents to turn to whenever I need help.单句改错1We took achance on the we weather and planned to have the party out side.2If you want to get the job, do preparingprepare well enough before the interview.3He is always polite. He is a man of good mannermanners .4When the man was trying to break into the

47、 bank, he was caught by the police inon the spot.5The soldiers found themselves walkwalking in the opposite direction.思维训练Step 1:先盲填(不看参考词汇只根据语篇逻辑)This afternoon a man dressed in rags came into the shop. We all stared at him 1.doubtfully when he said he wanted a new coat. I took him downstairs and s

48、howed him a cheap coat which would 2.cost him only a small amount of money. I thought he might be a bit upset about the price, but on the contrary he did not seem to care about it at all. I didnt mean to be rude but I have no patience with 3.customers who cant decide. So I persuaded him to buy it.Th

49、en the most unbelievable thing happened to mehe 4.handed me a million pound bank note. I did not know whether it was genuine or not, so I 5.sought out my boss to ask his advice. He told me that I had indeed made a serious mistake by judging this man only by his clothes.Step 2:再参考提供词汇(注意词形变化,有两个多余词汇)

50、customer; doubtful; cost; wander; seek; hand; clothesStep 3:核对答案并背诵短文.话题书面表达根据下面提示写一篇80词左右的人物介绍。马克吐温是美国19世纪最著名的作家之一,生于密苏里州,做过水手,喜欢写作;全世界读者都喜欢他的作品。(一)根据提示利用本单元所学知识补全短文As for my favourite figure (至于我最喜欢的人物),it must be Mark Twain,one of the bestknown American writers in the nineteenth century. Because

51、he was brought up (他被抚养长大) in Missouri in the middle part of the United States,he set many of his novels in his boyhood adventures on the river.When he grew up,he took a chance to work as a sailor (他冒险做过水手) on a river boat for some time. The fact is that his father didnt permit him to do so (他的父亲不允许

52、他这么做) at first. After seeking advice from his father (征求父亲的建议后),he decided to become an author,which helped him make lots of money.Many of Mark Twains novels have been translated into many languages,which explained why he and his works are deeply loved by readers throughout the world.(二)按要求升级词汇和句式1用

53、本单元所学词汇升级加波浪线词汇(1)lots ofa large amount of (2)explainedaccounted for 2用非谓语动词作状语升级第一段第二句Brought up in Missouri in the middle part of the United States,he set many of his novels in his boyhood adventures on the river.小说、戏剧an English short film 一部英语短片comedy show 喜剧表演stage art 舞台艺术historical drama 历史剧te

54、ll of 讲述adapt.from. 根据改编be well received 大受欢迎give a performance 表演on the stage 在舞台上play a(n).role/part in 扮演的角色put on 上演(戏剧等)reality show 真人秀pass down from generation to generation 代代相传appeal of theatre 戏剧的感染力on the edge of ones seat 极为激动Peking Opera 京剧deal with the theme of the story in a very clever manner用一种非常高明的方法体现故事主题explosive effect 爆炸性的效果

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