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本文(2022七年级英语下册 期末专项训练八 书面表达专训习题课件(新版)牛津深圳版.ppt)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2022七年级英语下册 期末专项训练八 书面表达专训习题课件(新版)牛津深圳版.ppt

1、期末专项训练 专项八 书面表达专训牛津沪教版七年级下 一二三提示:点击进入作文四五六七一、请你根据下面内容提示写一篇关于人物介绍的文章。60 词左右,可适当发挥。提示:1.写一个你身边熟悉的人物,可以是同学、朋友、亲人等;2.写出外貌、职业和性格特点;3.你对他(她)的评价。_My dadI love my dad.He is tall.He has black hair andwears glasses.My dad is a doctor.Every day he goes towork and helps sick people.Sometimes he has to workall d

2、ay and all night but he still finds time to help mewith my studies.He also plays ball games with me everyweekend._My dad is hardworking,patient and kind.He is agreat dad!二、假如你是Linda,你来自美国,现在在上海做交换生。你在美国的朋友Mike 对上海很好奇,来信请你介绍,请你给他回一封信,要求不少于80 词。提示:1.上海位于中国东部;2.上海是个现代化大都市,也是一个国际化的城市;3.上海市民很友好;4.上海有很多风景

3、名胜,例如:外滩,东方明珠塔,金茂大厦,豫园等。Dear Mike,_Yours,Linda_Dear Mike,Shanghai is in the east of China.It is a modern cityand there are many tall buildings in Shanghai.It is also abig international city.Many people from different placesand countries come to visit it.People in Shanghai arenice and friendly.There

4、are many places of interest in Shanghai,such_as the Bund,the Oriental Pearl Tower,Jinmao Tower andYu Garden.If you come to Shanghai,I am sure you willhave a good time.Yours,Linda三、动物是人类的朋友,很多人都有自己最喜欢的动物,请以“My favorite animal”为题,阐述一下你对动物的看法。段落提示:Paragraph 1:Describe your favorite animal in some words

5、.Paragraph 2:When and where did you go?What happened to you when you?How did the animal help you?Paragraph 3:What do you think of this animal?My favorite animal_My favorite animalIt is important to get on well with animals.Why?Because some animals can give us a lot of help.Myfavorite animal is a dog

6、.It is helpful and friendly.It was a fine morning.Some boys were playingfootball happily in the street when I came around by bike.Suddenly the football hit me and I fell down on the_ground.Then,my dog barked loudly.People sent me tothe hospital as quickly as possible.A doctor looked meover carefully

7、.Luckily,I was not badly hurt.My dogfollowed me to the hospital.I was deeply moved.I think dogs are peoples friends.We should protectthem.四、空气污染日益严重,已经严重影响到我们的生话。请你谈谈空气污染是怎样造成的。80 词左右。提示:1.车量增多,排出的有害气体增多;2.工厂排出的废气增多;3.大量树木被砍伐,树木太少;4.呼吁大家保护环境。_These years,air pollution is more and more serious,and it

8、 brings us many problems.There are many reasons.More and more people buy cars,and some carsproduce a lot of harmful gases and waste a lot of energy.Alot of factories produce waste gases into the air.It makesour city and sky become grey.And many people cut downtrees to make paper,so trees are fewer a

9、nd fewer._We must do our best to protect our environment.五、水是生命之源,而在现实生活中,浪费水的现象屡见不鲜。请你以“How to save water”为题,写一篇100 词左右的短文,提出解决办法,内容包括:1.说明水的重要性;2.提出节约用水的具体方法(至少两点);3.发出号召,保护水资源。How to save water_How to save waterWater is very important.It is the source of life.Wecant live without water.But we are

10、now wasting a largeamount of water in our daily lives.And what shall we do?There are several ways to save water.Firstly,takeshorter showers and dont leave the tap running when wedont need to use water.Secondly,try to reuse water.Its_the most important way for us to save water.At last,weshould not po

11、llute water so that we will have fresh waterfor years and years.In these ways,we can save not only a huge amountof water but also ourselves.六、每个人都有自己的爱好,请结合自己的实际情况,以My hobby 为题,描述自己的兴趣爱好,80 词左右。参考句型:1.My hobby is.2.I like doing because.My hobby_Paragraph 2:When and where did you go?What happened to

12、you when you?How did the animal help you?Paragraph 3:What do you think of this animal?My favorite animal_My hobbyI like doing sports and reading in my free time.My favorite sport is basketball.I often play basketballwith my classmates after school and play with my friendson weekends.I like playing b

13、asketball because it can makeme strong and healthy.When I play basketball,I forget allmy worries and I can make lots of friends who have the_same interest.In the evening when I finish doing my homework,Ilike reading because I can get lots of knowledge frombooks and the books can tell me more about C

14、hina andthe world.Books are our best friends and they can openour eyes,too.I like all kinds of books,such asstorybooks,novels and so on.七、【山西晋城期中】树木对人类来说非常重要,它们给人类提供了很多东西,树木是抵制污染的最好帮手,请以“Trees are our friends”为题,描述树木的重要性并号召人们停止砍伐树木和种植更多的树木。树木的用途树木可以美化环境,使人心情舒畅;树木可以净化空气,是抵制污染的卫士,对人类的健康有好处;树木给人类提供了很多东

15、西,很多家具都是木头制成的;人们从树木上获取了很多食物,如各种水果等。如何保护树木结合自身认识提出至少2 个建议。注意:1.词数:80 词左右(题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Trees are our friendsTrees play an important role in our daily lives._Trees are our friendsTrees play an important role in our daily lives.Theydo a lot for people.First,trees make our environment beautiful and t

16、hismakes people feel more comfortable.Second,they aremajor fighters against pollution.They keep the air cooland clean.It is good for peoples health.Third,trees_provide us with many things.A lot of furniture is madeof wood.Finally,we also get food from trees,such asfruit and oil.Trees are our best fr

17、iends!However,people cutdown millions of trees every year.What can we do toprotect trees?I think we can do the following things.First,we should stop cutting down trees.Second,we can_plant more trees.Third,we should reduce the use ofthings made of trees.Finally,we can call on more peopleto protect trees.Lets try our best to protect trees together!

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