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2019-2020学年人教版英语必修五同步导练课件:UNIT 4 MAKING THE NEWS 4-5 .ppt

1、同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 同步导练技法指导第2页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范04 Making the news技法指导第3页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范Section Writing如何写好新闻报道技法指导第4页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范技法指导技法指导第5页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范本单元的写作项目属于新课标中应用体类别中的“新闻报道”。这种题目要求我们对最近发生的重大事件进行简要而迅速地报道。新闻报道一般包括四个部分:标题、导语、

2、主体、结语。1标题是新闻的题目,是编辑对最有新闻价值的内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造。撰写标题是为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意义、吸引读者阅读。2导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容。3主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表现主题,是对导语内容的进一步展开和阐释。4结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结和对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时,作者会根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。技法指导第6页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范黄金表达常用的开头语1.It is reported that 58 people we

3、re killed,including 22 males and 36 females.据报道,58 人遇难,其中男性 22 人,女性 36 人。2.A big explosion broke out in Tianjin on August 12,2015.2015 年 8 月 12 日一场大爆炸在天津发生。主体部分常用表达1.Witnesses say the fire lasted for four hours.目击者说大火持续了四个小时。2.Further details of what happened are still unclear.事件的详情仍不清楚。3.The whole

4、nation was shocked at the news.听到这个消息全国人民很吃惊。技法指导第7页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范4.The conference urges the government of all countries to take necessary measures to get rid of pollution.大会敦促各国政府采取措施消除污染。常用的结束语1.In my opinion,measures should be taken by the government to set up various schools and

5、 colleges to meet the needs of people.我认为,政府应该采取措施建立各类学校以满足人们的需求。2.“Saving the Earth”conference came to a close last Saturday.拯救地球大会上周六结束。技法指导第8页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范写作规范技法指导第9页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范题目要求2019 年 4 月 29 日上午 10 点到 11 点,你们全校师生积极参与了阳光体育活动。教育部倡导学生:每天锻炼一小时健康工作五十年幸福生活一辈子请你

6、根据以上提示,用英语写一篇报道,向同学们讲述一下阳光体育活动的有关情况,并就高中学生是否需要每天花一小时锻炼,谈谈你的看法及理由。注意:1.发言稿应包括以上所有信息,要有适当发挥;技法指导第10页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范2词数 100 左右。参考词汇:阳光体育活动 a student sports program;教育部 the Ministry of Education_三步作文法第一步:搜索单元词汇 1要求_2积极参加_3高级的_4渴望_5集中于,全神贯注于_6进程,过程_7获得,学得_技法指导第11页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点

7、美文写作规范第二步:巧用单元语法和句型1学生应该每天锻炼一小时,这样才能健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子。In order that _,they should exercise for an hour every day.Students should exercise for an hour every day _.(so as to)2锻炼不仅可增强体质,还有助于我们集中精力学习。Taking exercise _.Taking exercise helps us concentrate on our study._ our body but it also helps us concen

8、trate on our study.(not only.but also.)技法指导第12页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范第三步:连接过渡成篇_答案第一步1.demand 2.take an active part in eager for 5.concentrate on 6.process7.acquire第二步1students can have good health and work fifty years and enjoy the whole lifeso as to have good health and work

9、fifty years and enjoy the whole life2builds up our bodyNot only does taking exercise build up技法指导第13页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范第三步On the morning of April 29,2019,from 1000 to 1100,all the students in our school took an active part in a sports program.The Ministry of Education demands that stude

10、nts should exercise for an hour every day so as to have good health and work fifty years and enjoy the whole life.In my opinion,it is a good idea for us senior high students to take exercise every day.Now everyone is eager for health.Although we take an hour a day for exercise,it is well worth it.No

11、t only does taking exercise build up our body but it also helps us concentrate on our study.Therefore,we can work more efficiently in the process of study and acquire more knowledge.技法指导第14页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范单元小结技法指导第15页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范亮点美文技法指导第16页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮

12、点美文写作规范语法填空Last Monday,I _1_(inform)that our headteacher asked me to go to his office.I was delighted to go there.There were some other _2_ classmates there.He assessed the progress we had made and accused us _3_ our shortcomings.He stressed that our chief task is to accomplish our studying assignme

13、nt before the deadline.And meanwhile,he said he was eager _4_(see)an admirable achievement we would make,for we had _5_(usual)intelligence.He demanded that we should pay more attention to the process of studying and assist each other in study.He asked us to study our lessons _6_ of time and acquire

14、the skills of study.At last,he said we couldnt depend on others completely and _7_ no case should we fail _8_(deliberate).After hearing what he said,I felt guilty.We all approved of his remarks and promised _9_(concentrate)our attention on our study so as to be admitted to a famous university.Now I

15、have been aware that in order to get a good _10_(professional)after graduation I must polish my eyes and make a thorough change to avoid the dilemmabefore my parents.技法指导第17页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范上周一,有人通知我说班主任让我去他的办公室。我很高兴去那里,还有几个有天赋的同学也去了。班主任评定了我们所取得的进步,也指责了我们的不足。他强调我们的主要任务是在最后期限之前完成我们的学习任

16、务。同时,他说渴望看到我们能取得值得赞扬的成绩,因为我们有着与众不同的智慧。他要求我们应更加注意学习的过程,并在学习中互相帮助。他还要求我们要提前学习功课,获取学习的技巧。最后,他说我们不能完全依靠他人,而且无论如何我们都不能故意地失败。在听了他的一番话之后,我感到愧疚,我们都赞同他所说的,并承诺集中精力学习,为的是能被名牌大学录取。现在,我已经意识到为了在毕业之后找到一份好工作,我必须擦亮双眼,做一个彻底的改变,以免在我的父母面前出现窘境。答案1was informed 2.gifted 3.of see 5.unusual 6.ahead 8.deliberately

17、 concentrate 10.profession技法指导第18页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范品味高考(四)技法指导第19页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范语法填空(2018 年高考课标全国卷)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Im not sure _61_ is more frightened,me or the female gorilla(大猩猩)that suddenly appears out of nowhere.Im walking on a path in the

18、 forest in the Central African Republic.Unexpectedly,Im facetoface with the gorilla,who begins screaming at _62_top of her lungs.That makes her baby scream,and then a 400pound male appears.He screams the _63_(loud)of all.The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me.I

19、quickly lower myself,ducking my head to avoid _64_(look)directly into his eyes so he doesnt feel _65_(challenge)My name is Mireya Mayor.Im a _66_(science)who studies animals such as apes and monkeys.I was searching _67_ these three western lowland gorillas Id been observing.No one had seen them for

20、hours,and my colleagues and I were worried.技法指导第20页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范When the gorillas and I frightened each other,I was just glad to find _68_(they)alive.True to a gorillas unaggressive nature,the huge animal _69_(mean)me no real harm.He was just saying:“Im king of this forest,and here

21、 is your reminder!”Once his message was delivered,he allowed me _70_(stay)and watch.答案与解析本文为记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在中非偶遇大猩猩,彼此惊恐的经历。61who 考查宾语从句。句意:我不确定谁更害怕,我,还是突然出现的雌性大猩猩。此处为宾语从句,空格处表示“谁”,故用 who。62the 考查冠词。此处为固定短语 at the top of,此处表示以最大的肺活量喊叫。63loudest 考查最高级。根据后面的 of all 可知,他声音最大,所以用最高级 loudest。64looking 考查动词

22、。动词 avoid 后要加 doing。此处表示避免直接看他的眼睛。用 looking。65challenged 考查非谓语。根据语境可知,此处表示不直视他的眼睛,他就不会感到被挑战。feel 为系动词,表示“被挑战”,用过去分词 challenged。技法指导第21页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范66scientist 考查名词。根据语境可知,“我”是一名科学家。scientist“科学家”。67for 考查动词短语搭配。search for 是固定搭配,表示“寻找”,表示“我”在寻找“我”研究的三只西部低地大猩猩。68them 考查代词。此处作 find 的

23、宾语,所以用宾格 them。69meant 考查谓语动词。分析本句的句子成分可知,本句缺少谓语;再根据总体时态可知要用一般过去时,所以用 meant。70to stay 考查非谓语动词。固定短语 allow do“允许某人做某事”,应该用to stay。技法指导第22页同步导练/RJ必修 英语 经典品质/超越梦想 亮点美文写作规范【名师点睛】此题考查固定搭配较多,其中第 62,64,67,70 都为固定搭配,对于这类题目我们需要熟练掌握动词的固定搭配以及介词短语。而此题的第一题则考查从句,对于从句我们可以通过分析句子成分确定连接词的选择。如本题为宾语从句,宾语从句中缺主语,所以应该从连接代词 who,whom,what,which,whose 中选择,再根据指人作主语可判断用 who。

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