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本文(2021九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and poems易错考点专练课件(新版)冀教版.ppt)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2021九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and poems易错考点专练课件(新版)冀教版.ppt

1、易错考点专练UNIT 4 Stories and Poems12答案呈现BB提示:点击进入习题考点123The number;one fourtha set number of;The number of考点21C答案呈现12no longer livesdidnt;any more考点312Dtoo many考点434too muchtoo much;much too123答案呈现DDD考点5123knock downknocks atknock into考点6123DCaloud考点74loud考点 1 compare 的用法。单项选择。1.【2020天水】_with my fathers

2、 handwriting,mine is poor.A.Compare B.ComparedC.Comparing D.ComparesB【点拨】compare比较,动词原形。compared是过去式/过去分词;comparing是动名词/现在分词;compares是第三人称单数。compared with“和相比”,这里表示被动,因此用过去分词。2.The old wise man is the hero of the village.He is compared _a beacon(指明灯) C.with D.atB【点拨】comparewith意为把和比较;compa

3、reto意为把比作。故选B。考点 2 辨析 a number of 和 the number of。.单项选择。1.【2019安顺】Nowadays,_people like HUAWEI phones better,and about _ of them are adults.A.the number of;four fifthsB.a number of;four fifthC.a number of;four fifthsD.the number of;four fiveC【点拨】句意:如今,许多人更喜欢华为手机,其中约五分之四是成年人。1.the number of的数量,作主语,谓语

4、动词使用单数;a number of许多,大量的,修饰可数名词复数,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;本句谓语动词like是复数,可知填a number of。2.分数表达法:基数词作分子,序数词作分母,当分子大于一时,分母用复数,“五分之四”是four fifths,故第二个空填four fifths。故选C。.根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词。2.【2021石家庄42中二模改编】我们学校老师的数量是118,其中四分之一是女教师。_ _ of the teachers in our school is 118,and _ _ of them are women teachers.The numbero

5、ne fourth3.每间教室都有固定数量的桌椅。桌子的数量为 45。Every classroom has _ _ _ _ desks and chairs._ _ _ the desks is 45.a set numberof The numberof考点 3 辨析 no longer 和 no more。同义句转换,每空一词。1.Annie doesnt live here any longer.Annie _ _ _ here.2.When little Jim saw his mother,he no more cried.When little Jim saw his mothe

6、r,he _ cry_ longer livesdidntany more.单项选择。1.The meat is _expensive and eating _ meat is bad for your health.A.much too;much too B.too much;much tooC.too much;too much D.much too;too much考点 4 辨析 too many/much 和 much too。D【点拨】too much,much too,去掉前词看后头;much可接不可数,too则修饰形或副;too many要记住,后接名词必复数。故选D。

7、.选词填空。2.The famous doctor has helped _ patients overcome the disease.He is great.3.Its too late,but we have _ work to do.4.Dont eat _ junk food,or youll be _ fat.too many,too much,much tootoo manytoo muchtoo much much too考点 5 though/although 的用法。单项选择。1.【2020江西】It was great in the end _we had a terri

8、ble time at the beginning.A.if B.unless C.when D.althoughD【点拨】考查连词的词义辨析。if 如果;unless除非;when当时候;although尽管。题意为“虽然开始时我们经历了可怕的时光,最终还是挺好的。”故选 D。2.【2020 安徽】Our English teacher is nice and patient _ she is very strict with us.A.if C.unless D.thoughD3.【2020石家庄40中二模】_ the little girl is only five years

9、 old,she knows more than 200 ancient Chinese poems.A.Because B.IfC.Unless D.AlthoughD考点 6 knock 的相关短语。选词填空。1.Dont _ the door,or the pigs will run out.2.It rains hard and the rain _ the windows heavily.3.The basketball coach told the players not to _ the other players.knock at,knock down,knock intokn

10、ock downknocks atknock into考点 7 辨析 loud,aloud 和 loudly。.单项选择。1.The teachers voice is very _.We can hear it.A.aloud B.loudly C.louder D.loudD【点拨】loud用作形容词意为“响亮的,大声的”,强调发出的声音能被听见。用作副词一般用来修饰speak,shout,laugh,talk等词;aloud副词,常与read,call 等词连用。loudly常与ring,knock等词连用。故选D。2.Reading English _ is good training,but you dont have to read it very _.A.loud;aloud B.loudly;loudC.aloud;loudly D.aloud;loudC.根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词。3.早上我们总是大声读书。We always read books _ in the morning.4.在公共场合大声笑是不礼貌的。Its not polite to laugh in a _ voice in public.aloudloud

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