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2016-2017年高中英语(北师大版必修一)单元检测:UNIT 2《HEROES PERIOD 3》 .doc

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2016-2017年高中英语(北师大版必修一)单元检测:UNIT 2《HEROES PERIOD 3》 .doc_第5页
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1、Period ThreeLesson 2History Makers.语境填词1The hospital was f_ in 1960.2Whats your o_ of the new headmaster?3Who do you know led the 1911 revolution and founded the first R_ of China?4P_,the film is good.5All men are born equal,so we should be treated _ (平等地)6The local people have made a strong _ (抗议)

2、to the mayor about the new airport.7A foreign language is a weapon in the _ (拼搏) of life.8I went on a lot of peace _ (游行示威) when I was a student.选词填空1As we all know,New Years Celebrations usually _ setting off firecrackers in China.2She _ most of her free time _ books.3In my opinion,I didnt _ what s

3、he said,for she never kept her word.4_ his accent,he came from Shanghai.5His new book _ last week.6We should unite together to _ pollution and protect our environment.同义词辨析1用spend,take或cost的适当形式填空(1)Tom _ a lot of time on the experiment.(2)It _ us about ¥10,000 a year to run a car.(3)Much of my time

4、 is _ studying music.(4)It _ me three hours to finish my homework today.2用put up,set up,build或found的适当形式填空(1)You should believe my argument,for it is _ on facts.(2)It is my brother who _ tents for us when we have a picnic in the open air.(3)Her uncle will be in charge of _ our teaching building.(4)I

5、m hoping Ill _ my own business someday.(5)Harvard,_ in 1636,is one of the most famous universities in the United States.单项填空1You may not agree,but _ I think university is not the only way to success.Atruly Bgradually Ccommonly Dpersonally2Who,_,is the best basketball player in China today?I think it

6、s Yao Ming.Ain your opinion Bin that caseCas a result DI see3The rich man_a hospital and a school in the town lived the rest of his life there.Aafter founded Bhad foundedCfounded Dfounding4The blacks tried hard to fight for_slavery,and they succeeded at last.Aan end to Bend toCend Dan end of5They do

7、ubted whether she would be_to the task,so she was not admitted.Aequal Bsimilar Cfamiliar Dcontent6Two dogs were struggling _ each other _ a piece of bone.Afor;for Bwith;withCfor;with Dwith;for7_ all his savings gone,he started to look for a job.AWith BFor CAs DWhen8They encouraged_English by radio a

8、nd television.Ato learn Blearning Cfor me to learn Dme to learn9When_help,one often says “Thank you” or “Its kind of you”Aoffering Bto offer Cto be offered Doffered10The local miners went on a strike to_about the unsafe working conditions.Astruggle Bfight Cprotest Dprevent.完形填空There are certain thin

9、gs British men like to believe about themselves.The first is that one day they will again_1_the World Cup.They also believe they do not_2_._3_the centuries,Britons are believed to have a “stiff upper lip”But is it true?Yes,it is.A recent study arranged by Kleenex on how the British express their emo

10、tions_4_that 95 percent of them still_5_their emotions.Moreover,_6_72 percent think this is unhealthy,19 percent cant remember the last time they “let it out”As a result,Kleenex is_7_the “Let It Out” campaign that_8_Britons to grab a tissue and have a good cry.These days,however,the male Britons_9_t

11、oward crying is changing.Though the majority still_10_to open up emotionally,a 2004 study by Oxfords Social Issues Research Center found that 77 percent of British men considered crying in public increasingly_11_.Half of London males_12_crying in front of their mothers.Scotsmen are the least emotion

12、al,although they are most_13_to cry at weddings.Peter Marsh,director of the center,said:“Crying can now indicate sensitivity rather than_14_.Like David Beckham,crying because youre dropping off your boy at nursery isnt seen as weak.”Winston Churchill was said to be a_15_crier,shedding tears at seein

13、g a_16_in an air raid shelter (防空洞),and when he saw his wife after a long_17_.Psychologists say that while society has accepted that men can cry,there are_18_.Ronald Bracey,a consulting psychologist,said:“If a man began to cry when he was having stitches (缝针) in hospital,he would be_19_as a weak man

14、.Men still need to be seen as strong when it_20_to physical pain.”1A.winBdefeatCownDreceive2A.laughBcryCshoutDtremble3A.InsideBOverCBeforeDHalf4A.requiresBinsistsCexhibitsDreveals5A.conductBexposeCcontainDconstruct6A.whileBbecauseCsinceDfor7A.carryingBstudyingCstartingDcalling8A.persuadesBallowsCord


16、ldier17A.absenceBpresenceCbattleDreserve18A.expectationsBlimitsCrulesDexceptions19A.classifiedBinsistedCconsideredDimagined20A.comesBhappensCliesDgoesagree to,agree with 与agree onagree to表示愿意接受某事或允许某事发生,其后常接决定、建议、邀请等。agree with指“同意(某人的观点);(食物、气候等)适合(某人);(数、性、人称方面)与一致”。agree on表示主语双方就某事情(项)达成一致意见。1He

17、 agreed to our suggestion about the holiday.他赞成我们关于假期的建议。2Do you agree with me on this point?在这一点上你同意我的意见吗?3We agreed on the price.我们就价格达成了一致意见。答案.1.founded2.opinion3.Republic4.Personally 5equally6.protest7.struggle8.marches.1.begin with2.spent;on3.agree with4.Judging by5.came out6.fight against.1.(

18、1)spent(2)cost(3)spent(4)took(1)spend通常以人作主语,常用于spend some time in doing sth.(in可以省略)或spend some time on sth.结构。 (2)take多以it作形式主语,用于It takes sb. some time to do sth.结构中。(3)cost多以物作主语,常用于sth. cost sb. some money结构中,或以it作形式主语,构成It costs sb. some money to do sth.结构。2(1)founded(2)puts up(3)building(4)se

19、t up(5)founded(1)put up指临时搭建建筑物。(2)build指建筑正规建筑物。(3)set up指团体、组织、俱乐部等小范围组织的成立。(4)found指国家、政党等的建立,尤指提供资金。.1.D考查副词词义辨析。personally就个人而言,符合句意。truly真正地;gradually逐渐地;commonly一般地。2A问句句意为:依你看,谁是当今中国最优秀的篮球运动员?in you opinion在此作插入语,意为“在你看来”。3D由句式结构分析,本句的主干是:The rich man lived the rest of his life there。所以此空需一定

20、语成分来修饰the rich man,而man与found之间为主动形式,故用现在分词短语做定语,所以选D项。4Aan end to.的结束,end在此为名词。5A句意为:他们怀疑她是否能胜任这项工作,因此没有录取她。be equal to胜任。6Dstruggle for为而斗争/努力;struggle with与搏斗。7A“with宾语形容词”是with复合结构中的一种形式。句意为:所有的积蓄都没了,他开始去找工作。8Dencourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。9Dwhen offered help为when one is offered help的省略形式。10C句

21、意为:当地矿工举行罢工抗议不安全的工作环境。protest about抗议,符合句意。.1.Adefeat击败,打败,宾语多为人或队等;own拥有;receive收到,接到;win表示“赢得(比赛等)”,故选win。2B由下文可知,英国男人认为他们不能哭。笑(laugh);大叫(shout);发抖(tremble)都不是本文论述的话题。3Bover the centuries意思是“在这些世纪中”。over有“在期间”之意,符合句意。inside“在里面”和before“在以前”通常不与centuries搭配;文中也无法推理出half the centuries的表达。4D分析句子成分可知,此


23、ince/for都可以表示原因。7C由文意可知,Kleenex正在发动一项“Let It Out”的活动。此处动词应和名词campaign搭配,故选start,表示“发动”之意。8D这项活动的目的显然是要鼓励(encourage)英国人发泄出来自己的情绪。说服(persuade);允许(allow);命令(order)三项与语境不符,并非一定要说服英国人哭,也不是别人允许才能哭,更没人命令谁去哭。9A从下文可知,这句话概括了英国男士对哭的“态度”的变化。attitude常与toward搭配使用,意为“对的态度”。face脸,面部;idea主意;impression印象;感想,三者都不与句意吻合

24、。10B句意为:尽管大部分人仍然需要做出很大努力才能公开表露自己的情感,但77%的英国男士已经认为当众流泪逐渐可以接受了。struggle to do sth.努力、尽力去做某事。frighten使惊恐;fight打仗,搏斗;break打破;违背,均与语境不符。11C根据上一小题解析可知,acceptable可以接受的,符合题意。unimaginable想不到的;unbelievable难以相信的;shameful可耻的,三项表达的意思恰恰相反,故可排除。12A一半的伦敦男士承认在母亲面前哭过。admit承认;adapt使适应;deny否认;拒绝给予;support支持,拥护。显然只有admi

25、t符合句意。13Dbe likely to do.可能会。句意为:苏格兰男士是最不情绪化的,尽管他们最有可能在婚礼上流泪哭泣。possibly为副词,无be possibly to do结构;surely,certainly语气太过强烈,过于绝对化。14A由rather than可知其前后的词为对立关系,即“现在哭泣可以表明敏感而不是软弱”。horror惊恐,恐怖,不符合语境。力量(strength);勇敢(bravery)二者是近义词,均无法与sensitivity构成对比,可以排除。15B从下文可知,丘吉尔就是一个经常流泪的人,故选frequent(频繁的)。brave勇敢的;seldom

26、很少,恰好与句意相反;kind意为“好心的,和蔼的”,与文意不符。16C在防空洞里看到的应是一个survivor“幸存者”,躲避轰炸的难民等,而不是soldier(士兵)。student是一个特定的概念,文中没有提及;wound创伤,伤口;survivor幸存者,生还者。17A根据上下文可以推理出此处应是离开家很长时间之后见到妻子,故选absence,表示“缺席,不在”。presence出席,到场;存在;battle战役;reserve预备军;储备(物)。18B心理学家说尽管社会已经接受了男人同样可以哭泣,但还是有限度的,故用limits,表示“界限,限度”。expectation预期;rule规则,章程;exception例外的人(或事物),例外,均与句意不符。19Cbe considered as.被认为是。classify把分类;insist坚持;imagine想像。此处说的是一个男人在医院缝针的时候如果哭,就会被认为是软弱的。显然C项合适,表示人们对此的看法。20Awhen it comes to.为固定搭配,意思是“当说到的时候”。句意为:当说到身体上痛苦的时候,男人仍然需要被看作是坚强的。版权所有:高考资源网()


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