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河南省商丘市第一高级中学2020届高三适应性训练3英语试卷 PDF版含答案.pdf

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1、2020届高三 适应性训练3英语试卷本试题卷共10页,72小题。全卷满分150分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1、答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2、选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3、非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸 和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4、考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题 时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将

2、试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.丘19.15.答案是C。B.9.18.1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a telephone booth.B.In a clothes shop.2.Why does the woman dislike

3、 the movie?A.Its too long.B.Its a foreign movie.3.How does the man learn about animals?A.By surfing the Internet.B.By reading a few books.4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Salesman and buyer.5.What does the man want the woman to get for him?C.9.15.C.In a p

4、ost office.C.Its too violent.C.By watching a TV program.C.Customer and waiter.A.Hard drinks.B.Mineral water.C.Some medicine.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独臼前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6 和第7两个小题。6.What will

5、 the woman do?学而知不足 为而致不惑第 1 页,共 16 页A.Take up a new job.B.Have the man promoted.7.When did the man get a pay raise last time?A.Three years ago.B.Five years ago.C.Eight years ago听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至第 10 三个小题。8.Why did the man have an operation?A.He took drugs mistakenly.B.He had a stomach problem.C.He f

6、elt painful all the time.9.How did the man feel shortly after the operation?A.Relieved.B.Puzzled.C.Uncomfortable.10.Where does the woman suggest the man go with her?A.To a hospital.B.To a restaurant.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至第 13 三个小题。11.Whats the mans attitude towards the indoor wildlife center?A.Favorable.

7、B.Ambiguous.12.What animal did the man fail to see?A.Sharks.B.Butterflies.13.What is the woman eager to do?A.Visit the indoor wildlife center again.B.Read more,about the wildlife animals.C.Go home and have a rest immediately.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至第 17 四个小题。14.Why does the man talk to the woman?A.To consu

8、lt about an association.B.To invite her to act as a president.C.To ask for help with his school work.15.What year is the woman in?A.The first year.16.How much is the four-year membership fee?A.10.B.The second year.B.35.1 7.What is peer coaching?A.A challenging sport.B.An activity about study.听第 10 段

9、材料,回答第 18 至第 20 三个小题。18.What is the speaker volunteering as in the organization?A.A doctor.B.A n engmeer.19.What is required to become a volunteer for MSF?A.The sk计Is of designing websites.B.The ability to work independently.C.The great interest in leading a team.20.What is the speakers purpose?A.To

10、 introduce a demanding position.B.To share her volunteering experience.C.To look for volunteers for an organization.C.Start her own company.C.To a grocery store.C.Uninterested.C.Tree frogs.C.The fourth year.C.40.C.An international conference.C.A food expert.学而知不足 为而致不惑第 2 页,共 16 页学而知不足 为而致不惑第 3 页,共

11、16 页学而知不足 为而致不惑第 4 页,共 16 页学而知不足 为而致不惑第 5 页,共 16 页学而知不足 为而致不惑第 6 页,共 16 页学而知不足 为而致不惑第 7 页,共 16 页学而知不足 为而致不惑第 8 页,共 16 页学而知不足 为而致不惑第 9 页,共 16 页学而知不足 为而致不惑第 10 页,共 16 页题序1 2 答案B C 题序16 17 答案B B 题序31 32 答案A A 题序46 47 答案C D 2020届高三 适应性训练3英语试卷参考答案3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C A B A A B C B A C 18 19 20 21 22

12、23 24 25 26 27 A B C D B D B D C A 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 C B A B A E G D B C 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 A B B D A C B C A D【语篇导读】这是 一岛应用叉。本叉介绍了2019年几部烹钰万面的畅销书。13 14 15 A A C 28 29 30 B B A 43 44 45 D A A 58 59 60 B C D 21.D。细节理解题。根据第 一 部分所提及的高压锅、fast meals 及Ideal for beginners等可知,这部书的特别之处

13、在于它提供简单的食谱,能教初学者做快餐。22.B。细节理解题。由第三部分中的a book that is part biography可知,他在书中写入了自己的一些经历。23.D。细节理解题。根据最后 一 部分中的Built on the idea that eating a clean and healthy dietfor 30 days can transform your dining patterns 可知,阅读该书可能会帮助我们在一个月内养成健康的饮食习惯。【语篇导读】本又是 一妫记叙又。又章讲述了被时代杂志称力“地球英雄”的Sylvia Earle 从事保护每手工作的经历。24.

14、B。细节理解题。第二段Earle描述她第 一次见到大海的情景:三岁的时候被海浪打翻,从那以后,大海引起了她的注意,大海激发了她的想象力,促使她走向研究海洋的道路。25.D。细节理解题。第三段Her special focus is on developing a global network.provide thefoundations of global processes谈到了Earle现在特别关注的是:发展陆地和海洋区域的全球网络,以保护为全球进程奠定基础的生物系统。26.C。推理判断题。作者在第三段中专门提到了 Earle对墨西哥湾海洋状况所做的前后对比,尤其提到了在20世纪末,由千过

15、度捕捞和污染,生活在墨西哥湾数百万年的鲨鱼、鲸鱼和许多其他大型生物的数量已经减少了90%。作者借此说明现在海洋所面临的严重问题。27.A。观点态度题。最后 一 段中Earle谈到:我找到了希望 的理由,那就是远离密西西比河河口的清澈的海洋中充满了生命;墨西哥湾大部分地区没有受到破坏。由此推知,Earle对海洋的未来充满了乐观和希望。【语篇导读】本文是 一篇说明文。一项新的研究预测,按照目前的开未速度,到2050年,全球42至79的地下水被开采出来供地表使用的水域将达到临界点。28.B。词义猜测题。根据第 一段中“when small actions can begin making unusu

16、ally big differe-nces”可知,划线词意为“临界点”。29.B。细节理解题。根据第二段中“the study predicts that 42 to 79 percent of water areas aroun-d the world where groundwater is drawn up for use at the surface will reach tipping pointsby 2050”可知,过量使用地下水导致流域地下水临界点的到来。30.A。细节理解题。根据第三段中“A healthy ground water aquifer(含水层)protects

17、ecosyste-ms against seasonal ups and downs in the use of water”可知,地下水在环境中的作用是保持水源供给的稳定性,保持水源的平衡。学而知不足 为而致不惑第 11 页,共 16 页31.A。细节理解题。根据第四段中“De Graaf and the study team set up a computer model“和The mod-el covered fifty years,from 1960 to 20 I 0”可知,研究人员从过去50年的数据预测出50年后的地下水资源状况。【语篇导读】这是 一总说明又。银杏树被称为“活化石”

18、,在漫长的岁月中变化不大,因此在帮助了解地球万面具有特殊的地位。本又王要介绍了科学家利用银杏树来帮助了解地球的一个项目。32.A。段落大意题。文章第二段主 要介绍了银杏树在帮助了解地球方面的独特地位。33.C。细节理解题。根据第二段首句Because ginkgo trees havent changed much in all that time,theyre in a unique position to help us learn what Earth was like.可知,银杏树在漫长的岁月中变化不大,因此它们在帮助我们了解地球方面具有特殊的地位。34.B。推理判断题。根据第四段首句

19、researchers are relying on help from citizen scientists可知,the Fossil Atmospheres project项目需要普通人们的参与,也就是需要平民科学家。35.A。推理判断题。末段的最后 两句提到这个项目除了需要监测温室里的 银杏树叶外,还需要收集更广泛的数据,这就是平民科学的用武之地。由此推断接下来要介绍的是平民科学家 需要怎样去获得需要的数据。根据文中的 theyre also seeking a much wider dataset可以判断 这个项目正在寻找、招募一些平民科学家,所以他们还没有做出贡献。【语篇导读】本又是

20、 一篇说明文。掌握简单的闲聊技巧可以在不知不觉中深化彼此之间的理解、建工更有意义的人际关系。36.B。根据下文“Its easy to see when someone is only excited about hearing his own voice and it makes you doubt whether hes listening to anyone elses thoughts”及其他细节可推断,B项”不要过千沉满于你的时刻“最适合作该小节的标题。37.A。根据空前“What the other person says may not only change your orig

21、inal thought”中的not only可推断,空项中应该 有also或but also等衔接词。38.E。根据空前“Another way to add value to a conversation is to ask questions.“中的关键词 ask questions 可推断,答案只能从C、E 两项中选 一,但是C项中的“keep the key points inmind”与空后“Questions dont have to be smart.”相抵触,可排除。39.G。根据本小节的主题词及空后细节可推断,空项中应该包含有转折连词,以便承上启下。40.D。该空项处于段首

22、,有两种可能性:I)作为该段的中心句;2)作为上下文的过渡句,通读待选项,可以排除第一种可能性。而D项“Valuable conversations lead to meaningfulrelationships”不但很好地总结了上文,还能十分自然地过渡到下文。【语篇导读】这是 一篇夹叙夹议文。作者介绍了自己在巴士车上的所见所感,表达了对快乐友善的巴士司机的感激之情。41.B。由第四段第三句I _ put my book away可知,此时作者放下了手中的“书”,观察着自己的周围。42.C。由本文开头的几句问候语可知,作者正看着司机向乘客们”问候。43.D。由第三段中的Most bus dri

23、vers I had met are not so cheery可知,这是作者遇到过的最“快乐的“巴士司机。44.A。在每一站,巴士司机都会“露出“灿烂的 笑容,向熟悉的面孔点头,表示热烈的欢迎。flash a smile投以微笑;return a smile报以笑容;force a smile强装欢笑;hide a smile暗自发笑。45.A。此处指巴士司机的“神态”愉悦且平静,好像什么事也不会出差错似的。air在本句意为“神态,感觉”。46.C。由下面三句内容可看出,这位司机与其他司机有着不同的精神面貌,这令作者感到学而知不足 为而致不惑第 12 页,共 16 页“困惑不解”。47.D。

24、他们经常牢骚满腹,为了不 迟到“总是争分夺秒地赶路。48.A。这位巴士司机完全颠覆了“我”对“驾驶“巴士车的理解。由前文作者对不同巴士司机的对比可知,A项符合文意。49.B。此处指“车上的乘客纷纷下车”,由下句New faces stepped on可知B项顺承文意。pick up(开车)接人,搭载;drop off停车卸客;see off送行;load up(向车辆或容器里)大量装入。50.B。由第二段中的 put down和下文内容可知,作者一直在看司机的举动,把书“完全”收起来了,B项切合文意。completely 完全地,彻底地。51.D。由上一段内容和下文中的Thank you so

25、 much for your _ to passengers.I really appreciated seeing it可知,作者“满怀敬意地”在那里坐着。52.A。“我”突然想到“我”应该告诉他,看到“我”在这个城区遇到的所有这些充满小小善意的时刻,“我”是多么地“感激。下文I really appreciated seeing it暗示答案为A项。53.C。由下文I walked to the front of the bus及最后一段中的Stepping _ the bus可知,作者已经到了自己下车的“车站”。54.B。非常感谢您对乘客的“好意”。司机对乘客的热情问候和接待是善意的表现

26、。55.C。这是“鼓舞人心的,让“我”一整天都非常开心。inspiring鼓舞人心的。56.A。Thank you,that makes my day是司机的答复,应选A项。57.D。”下“车时,“我”想起了曾经遇到过的一句名言。step off the bus 下车。58.B。感恩而不”表达”,就像包起礼物而不送出去一样。此处作者把“表达谢意”类比为“送出礼物”,应选B项。59.C。”我”很“高兴“把这份感激的礼物送给了这位司机。巴士车上的一切都是在愉快的氛围中发生的,作者最终向司机表达了谢意,自然应该感到“高兴”。60.D。由最后一段中的grateful可知答案为D项。【语篇导读】这是 一

27、篇新闻报道。又章主要介绍了中国的新疆地区面对牧场遭受蝗虫灾害,采取的生态措施利用鸡去捕杀蝗虫并且取得良好效果的事情。61.Officials。考查名词复数。根据谓语动词 have handed out判断主语Official 应该 用复数形式。62.hoping。考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,句中 have handed out是谓语动词,而且和动词 hope之间没有连词连接,由此判断空格处 应该是非谓语动词作状语,句子主语Officials和 hope之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词。63.where。考查定语从句。分析结构可知 counties是先行词,后面是定语从句。从句中缺少状语,判

28、断填where。64.higher。考查形容 词比较级。根据than 判断填比较级。句意:一份报告预测,中国北部地区的蝗虫数量将高千正常水平,其主要原因是冬季气温升高。65.mainly。考查副词。修饰owing to,应该用副词作状语。mainly 主要地。66.ended。考查动词时态。分析结构可知,that是定语从句的主语,end up是从句的谓语,再根据主句中的谓语动词 included可以判断从句应该用一般过去时。67.to。考查介词。固定搭配:limit.to 把限定在。68.has used。考查动词时态。固定句型:This is the first time+that 从句。当

29、主句谓语是IS时 that 从句应该用现在完成时,所以填has used。69.to run。考查非谓语动词。从结构判断此处是不定式作状语,介绍人们训练鸡鸭的目的是追逐并吃掉蝗虫。学而知不足 为而致不惑第 13 页,共 16 页70.a。考查冠词。a quarter 四分之一。句意:这场运动涉及近 28 万人,是为了应对该国 25年以来最严重的蝗灾。【短文改错】I was meeting my friends at my favourite for my 17th birthday dinner.I was restaurant and got there at 7 oclock,the ti

30、me we had planned to meet.I looked around八excited exactly for familiar faces,but no one arrived yet.At half past seven,I was still waiting.I called every had 印end泣none answered my phone.I had to go home disappointedly and thought that my friends but had b蚐 forgotten the dinner.I opened the front doo

31、r and walked into!dark house.Suddenly the the lights went on and all my friends jumped up,斗归“Surprise!It is my芦birthday ever shouting best 第一处错误:考查名词。此处前面的 favorite 相当千最高级,后接单数名词。第二处错误:考查形容词。此处是修饰人,要用过去分词演变而来的形容词。第三处错误:考查副词。此处要注意修饰的不是名词“七点”,而是介词短语“在七点”。第四处错误:考查介词。此处是“look around for“短语,意为“寻找。第五处错误:考

32、查时态。根据前后的关系判断,此处是指在我“寻找(look)之前还没有人”到达”(arrive)。arrive 发生在 look 之前,故用过去完成时。第六处错误:考查连词。根据前后句意判断,此处是转折关系,要用 but。第七处错误:考查语态。此处 forgotten 后面带有宾语,故不是被动态。been 多余。第八处错误:考查冠词。此处是指前面提到的 home,用 a 不合适。第九处错误:考查非谓语动词。此处 shouting 做伴随状语,与 friends 是主动关系。第十处错误:考查形容词最高级。此处后面的 ever 提示词,指我过的最好的生日。要用最高级。【参考范文】Notice An

33、exh如tion of Chinese calligraphy works is to be held in the Exh伽tion Hall of the school,咖ch lasts five days from Monday to Friday next week At the exh如tion,a large collection of calligraphy works will be displayed,our teachers and schoolmates included.Some local calligraphy experts will be present,te

34、aching visitors the basic skills of it.Whats more,there will be lectures where you can learn about the origin,classification and development of Chinese calligraphy The exh巾山on is aimed at helping both Chinese and overseas students have a better understanding of Chinese caligraphy,experience the beau

35、ty of Chinese characters and improve their own handwriting.Everyone is welcome to participate The Student Union 学而知不足 为而致不惑第 14 页,共 16 页2020届高三 适应性训练3英语试卷听力材料(Text I)W:Hi.Do you have a large size for this blue shirt?M:Im sorry but we re out of the large size.But our shop on 7th street has them.If yo

36、u like,I can make a call now.(Text 2)M:You ve been quiet since we left the theater.Whats the matter?Didnt you like the movie?W:No.Im tired of all that blood and people killing each other.M:Hold on!You saw how full the theater was.People like it.(Text 3)W:Tim,I read your online article about animals.

37、You really know a lot about them.You must read lots of books on them.M:Actually I like watching the Animal World program on TV.And I learn from it.(Text 4)W:You are watching TV!Why dont you share some housework?It is always my tum to empty the dishwasher.M:It isnt.I did it yesterday and I ve cleaned

38、 the cooker.(Text 5)W:Good evening,sir.Would you like to start off with something to drink today?We have a wide selection of soft drinks.M:Do you have mineral water as well?I have to take some medicine.(Text 6)M:Ashly,is that true that you re leaving the company soon?W:Yes,I have no choice.As you kn

39、ow,I ve been here for years,but this company hasnt promoted me for five years since I was first promoted.I ve found a better job M:We ve worked together all that time.I know how you feel.The company hasnt raised our salaries for three years,either W:Well,once I settle in at my newob,III see if I can

40、 help you get a job there as well.It would be great to work together again(Text 7)W:I heard you were in hospital for a few days to have an operation.I hope everythings OK M:Yes,fine.I had something wrong with my stomach,but it wasnt serious W:It must have really hurt after the operation.M:Well,the n

41、urse gave me plenty ofpaink仆lers,but I did feel uncomfortable.I wasnt permitted to eat anything for 48 hours after the operation.That was the worst thing W:Im sure you are ready for a thick juicy steak now.Lets eat in the restaurant in Garstang Road M:Im afraid I cant.The doctor gave me a list of fo

42、od I couldnt eat,and steak is on the list!学而知不足 为而致不惑第 15 页,共 16 页(Text 8)M:Hi,Julie.Wasnt the indoor wildlife center wonderful?I ve never seen such an amazing building W:Hi,Greg.Didnt you find it tiring though,walking up so many stairs?And it was hard to find your wayaround.But it was an interestin

43、g start down on the basement,where it was so dark that I 小dnt see the sharks at first in the water behind the glass.M:I saw them,but they looked quite scary.However,those butterflies right at the top of the 如ldmg were amazmg.W:Yes,they were beautiful.Did you manage to see any tree frogs?They were so

44、 cute M:I spent ages hunting for them,but I couldnt find a single one W:That was a pity!By the way,!really cant wait to go back because there is just too much to see M:I think we should read more about the wildlife before we think of going back there.(Text 9)M:Oh,hello.Im Jack.This is the Law Studen

45、ts Association,right?W:Yes,thats right.Im Mary,President of the Association.Are you interested inoining?M:Maybe.What year are you in?W:The fourth year.M:Im in the first year.Im not sure if lll survive even into the second year.W:Im sure youll make it just fine.It does seem a bit worrying at the begi

46、nning,but it gets easier.Trust me.M:Thats hard to imagine.So,do I have to pay to join the association?W:Well,theres an annual membership fee of 10 pounds,or you can get four-year membership for 35 pounds.M:Mm,what activities do you have?W:We have guest speakers,talking about various topics.Theres a

47、meeting on the first Tuesday of every month.M:That sounds great.Id love to hear about their experience.But my timetable is so full already.I dont think I have enough time to go to the meetings.Any other activities?W:Well,we offer some peer coaching M:Whats that?Sounds like youre mixing study and spo

48、rt.W:Not in that way.Peer coaching is when other students help you if youre having problems with your study.Usually,we get the senior students-the third or fourth years-to do止M:I see.(Text 10)W:lm Olga Victorie.Now Im volunteering as a doctor in MSF,which is one of the worlds largest organizations t

49、hat provide emergency medical relief.One of the biggest tasks I undertook this year was organizing a team to open a new hospital in a town that had no medical care for three years.The project was a success and the local people were thankful.What qualities and skills do you need to become a volunteer

50、 for MSF?You have to be able to deal withstress,and you need to be able to work independently as well as in a team.Besides medical experts,MSF needs the skills of technical staff such as building engineers and food experts.Now HIV and TB doctors are urgently needed.The work is tough and demanding but the rewards can be great.If you think you fit one of the positions,find out how to apply for it on our website www.msf org 学而知不足 为而致不惑第 16 页,共 16 页


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