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1、阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Have you got some paper, a pair of scissors and, above all, a desire to decorate your house? Then, we have the perfect holiday artwork for you: Make Star Wars snowflakes (雪花). Remembered as a cherished form of work in classrooms before the holidays, paper snowflak

2、es have drawn many peoples attention again.The designer, Anthony Herrera, just recently released his 2013 collection. The Star Wars snowflake designs began as just doing designs of characters that I and my daughter wanted to make three years ago, Herrera told us in an email. The second year I introd

3、uced vehicles, and this year I decided to push further by designing battle scenes.Sometimes, he feels a bit bored with his job. With each year, the designs have got more detailed and various, but the process of creating them remained the same: sketching figures on paper with a pencil until a symmetr

4、ical (对称)pattern comes out, then scanning the designs and cut them with scissors. However, he says he has plenty of ideas for new flakes next year, so no two will ever be the same. Hopefully with Star Wars: Episode VII coming in 2015 hell have even more work in the future.Check out your favorite fin

5、ished versions of Herreras flakes (from both 2013 and previous years) and download the pictures beneath them and then get down to creating your own work. A warning: Most designs arent for the casual flake-maker, so patience you must have.1. Making paper snowflakes draws many peoples attention probab

6、ly because _.A. it is a traditional form of decoration B. it is a course of artwork in school C. it is a way of killing time in holiday D. it is designed by Anthony Herrera2. From the text, we know that Herrera _.A. can make snowflakes with his daughters helpB. made more complicated designs before 2

7、013C. introduced paper vehicles in 2011D. will make a great variety of detailed paper flakes3. Herrera is fed up with the job sometimes because _A. he has to design detailed and different patternsB. he has to follow the fixed process of paper cuttingC. he spends much time designing, scanning and cut

8、tingD. he has few ideas for what the next designs will be like4. By writing the last paragraph, the author tries to _.A. offer us more information about Herreras paper cuttingB. tell us how to download picture of snowflakesC. instruct people to be a real creative artistD. remind us of being patient

9、with Herreras designs【参考答案】14、ADBC Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you

10、have just read.【2013嘉定区】AWork your brain!Between 2 and 3 pounds of wonder, it controls everything we say, do or think, who we are and what we care about, the way we walk or laugh or figure out things, what we like and the talents we possess, how we see and talk and run and jump and process our food.

11、The brain uses 20 percent of our bodys oxygen and 20 percent of its blood. Somewhere within its protein, fat, 100,000 miles of blood vessels and 100 billion nerve cells, it helps us remember where we put our gym shoes. Change our temperature so we dont die because of the heat or cold. Speed us up or

12、 slow us down. Help us choose between orange juice or orangeflavored drinks.Its complexity are stunning, far beyond anything most of us can imagine. To keep this work of art as polished as possible we need to eat right, exercise and keep mentally stimulated.Good nutrition helps brain cells communica

13、te with each other. Exercise stimulates a hormone in our brain that improves memory. Mental stimulation keeps you sharp even as you age.“Its very important that we tell people to be physically active and mentally active,” said neurologist Malcolm Stewart.“People cannot stop aging, but youre able to

14、reduce the damage; youre able to keep the function up.”Following are Dr.Stewarts advice for improving brain health:l NutritionAvoid fast food. Follow the old adage(格言): For breakfast, eat like a king; for lunch, like a queen; for supper, like a beggar.l ExerciseDo a combination of stretching aerobic

15、 and musclestrengthening every day.l Mental gamesTry to have a sense of hope about the future. Do puzzles. Listen to music. Reach out to others to make their lives better.65. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to _.A. inform us how the brain works B. give us advice on how to keep t

16、he brain healthy C. tell us that the brain plays an important role in our lives D. show how special the brain is to us 66. The word “stunning” in Paragraph 5 means _.A. interesting B. strange C. significant D. amazing 67. According to the text,more exercise _.A. keeps our mind sharp B. helps improve

17、 our memory C. gives our brain a rest D. is good for brain cells communicating with each other 68. In order to keep brain healthy,we should avoid _.A. eating a good lunch B. doing puzzles C. eating a large supper D. taking aerobic exercise 【参考答案】65-68 BDBC 【由安徽省合肥市2014高考模拟题改编】阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和

18、D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Can I get a light? This question is among the most common between smokers. What if this question was to come from an unusual source? In April 2014, the National Health Promotion Foundation uploaded an anti-smoking advertisement onto YouTube. The anti-smoking ad has quickly been known as

19、 the most powerful anti-smoking ad.The anti-smoking video, called the Smoking Kid, features children walking up to adult smokers asking for a light. The children in the ad are actors but the adults smoking are unsuspecting participants in the project.The video begins with the statement adults know t

20、hat smoking is harmful, but dont remind themselves of this fact Once a smoking kid approaches the adults, every adult asked is shocked that a child with a cigarette in hand is asking for a light. The first adult starts by saying, Im not giving it to you, and the video goes on to state every adult fi

21、lmed said no and reminded the children that smoking is bad.Before going away, the kid hands each adult a booklet after being turned down for a light. The booklet says, You worry about me, but why not about yourself? Each adult looks around for the child as their faces are filled with confusion and d

22、iscomfort.The video shows that a few of the smokers quickly threw away their cigarettes or put their cigarettes away, showing that this experiment was affective at that moment.The most influential element in the ad isnt the use of children or the responses from the smoking adults. It comes down to s

23、omething much simpler than that. Why is it that we worry about other people, forgetting to worry about ourselves?1. According to the text, the anti-smoking ad is _.A. unusualB. shockingC. influential D. encouraging2. The underlined word unsuspecting (in Para. 2) probably means _A. uninformed B. unwi

24、llingC. unfortunate D. unacceptable3. What are the adults,reactions to the children asking for a light?A. They pay no attention to childrens request.B. They reject kids,request and educate them.C. They look around for childrens parents.D. They quickly throw childrens cigarettes away.4. The best titl

25、e of the text might be _.A. Give up smoking, for your own sake B. Keep away from smoking, adults C. Tell your children not to smokeD. Reject a child asking for a light【参考答案】14、CABA【2014高考英语安徽省六校联考】All across California, honeybees are flying away from their hives(蜂箱) and dying. Empty hives are causin

26、g a lot of worry about some important food crops.Bees give us a lot more than delicious honey. They are pollinators(授粉者)they enable plants to produce the fruits and nuts we enjoy by carrying pollen from one plant or flower to the next. The wind pollinates oats, corn, and wheat, but many other plants

27、 (like apple and cherry trees and melon vines) depend on insects, bats, and birds. In the U.S., millions and millions of bees kept by human beekeepers fly around doing a lot of this important work for food crops. “Bees are worth protecting because their work adds so much to our diet,” says Dr. Jeff

28、Pettis of the Bee Research Laboratory.Californias almond (杏仁) crop alone depends on about half the bees in the country. But now the almond crop and many others could be in trouble with so many bees dying.Researchers at government and university labs all over the country are trying to figure out why

29、so many bees are dying. However, bees are hard to study. Most die away from the hive, so researchers dont have dead bodies to examine. And when researchers return to a hive after two weeks, about half the bees they studied on their first visit will be dead, replaced by new ones in the natural life c

30、ycle of bees.“It isnt like studying a large animal like a cow that doesnt move around much and is easy to find out in the cow field,” says Pettis.Researchers have some ideas about what could be affecting bee health. They could be sick from poisons widely used to kill insects, or they might not be ge

31、tting enough good food to stay strong. Also, tiny insects called mites feed on bees. “A virus or bacteria could also be doing the killing.” explains Pettis.72. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A. The wind helps pollinate.B. Bees are important in food crops. C. Bees give us a lot of delicious honey.

32、D. Cherry trees are pollinated by bees.73. Bees are hard to study because _. A. they move around too much B. new bees soon replace all the bees studied by researchers C. they are too tiny D. they never return to hives74. What could cause so many bees to die? A. Poisons to kill birds.B. Eating too mu

33、ch. C. Large insects.D. Some virus.75. What can we learn from the article? A. A large number of bees have died in the hive. B. Without bees, some foods would disappear from our diet. C. Only researchers in California want to know what kills bees. D. Large animals are easier to study than tiny insect

34、s.【参考答案】7275 BADB2015高考英语:名词(附解析)1. Poetry written from theof the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.A. perspectiveB.priorityC.participation D.privilege答案 A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:从城市青年的角度写的诗歌往往揭示他们因缺乏归属感而焦虑的现状。A项“角度”;B项“优先考虑的事”;C项“参加”;D项“特权”。根据句意可知选A项。2. With inspirati

35、on from other food cultures, American food culture can take a for the better.A.shareB.chanceC.turnD.lead答案 C 考查名词的固定搭配。句意:受到其他饮食文化的启发,美国饮食文化有望好转。take a turn for the better为固定短语,意为“好转”。3. Carbon dioxide, which makes abetween us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so

36、the earth is becoming warmer.A.differenceB.comparisonC.connectionD.barrier答案 D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:二氧化碳在我们和太阳之间设置了屏障,使得热量无法轻易从大气层散发出去,结果地球变得更暖和了。A项“不同,差别”;B项“比较”;C项“联系”;D项“障碍”。根据句意可知选D项。4. Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with.A.curiosityB.satisfactionC.envyD.patience答案 D 考查名词辨析。句意:无论我

37、什么时候犯错误,老师都耐心地把它们指出来。curiosity意思是“好奇”;satisfaction意思是“满意”;envy意思是“羡慕,嫉妒”;patience意思是“耐心”。根据句意,选D。5. Generally, students inner motivation with high expectations from othersessential to their development.A.isB.areC.wasD.were答案 A 考查主谓一致。句意:一般说来,学生的内在动机和来自于他人的高期望值对他们的发展是必要的。此处考查主谓一致中的就前原则,除了with外,还有toge

38、ther with, along with, as well as, but, except, rather than等。根据就前原则,谓语动词的数应与inner motivation一致,因此使用单数形式,排除B项和D项。然后根据generally确定使用一般现在时,因此答案为A。6. As the worlds population continues to grow,theof food becomes more and more of a concern.A.worthB.supplyC.packageD.list答案 B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着世界人口的持续增加,食物供应越来越

39、受人们关注。worth价值,用途;supply供应;package包裹;list名单,清单。故选B。7. The accident caused someto my car, but its nothing serious.A.harm B.injury C.ruin D.damage答案 D 考查名词辨析。句意:这起事故对我的车造成了一些损伤,但是并不严重。A项指各种伤害、危害。常构成do harm to结构;B项指伤口,多指人体上的伤害;C项表示毁灭;D项多用于物品的损坏,是可以复原的。故选D。8. While she was in Paris, she developed afor fi

40、ne art.A.way B.relationC.taste D.habit答案 C 考查名词辨析。句意:在巴黎时,她对美术产生了兴趣。way方法,道路;relation关系,亲戚;taste味道,品味,欣赏;habit习惯。根据句意选C。9 In order to protect the environment,people are greatly encouraged to travel by public_.AtransportBserviceCmeansDtransfer答案 A 句意:为了保护环境,人们被鼓励乘公交车。transport“交通,运输”;public transport

41、“公共交通”,是固定搭配;service“服务”;means“方法,方式”;transfer“转移,调动”。10Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _.Aconsequence BindependenceCcompetence Dintelligence答案 C 句意:为了保持专业能力,老师们需要不断更新知识。consequence“结果,后果”;independence“独立,自主”;competence“能力,技能”;intelligence“智

42、力,智慧”。11Theres a _ in our office that when its somebodys birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.AtraditionBbalanceCconcernDrelationship答案 A tradition“传统,惯例”;balance“天平,平衡”;concern“关心,挂念”;relationship“关系”。句意:在我们办公室里有一个传统,有人过生日,他们就会拿蛋糕与众人分享。根据句意A项正确。12Anyway,I cant cheat himits against all

43、 my _.Aemotions Bprinciples CregulationsDopinions答案 B emotion“情感”;principle“原理,原则”;regulation“管理,规则”;opinion“观点,看法”。句意:无论如何,我不能欺骗他,那违背了我的处事原则。故选B项。13The lack of ecofriendly habits among the public is thought to be a major_of global climate change. Aresult Bcause CwarningDreflection答案 B result“结果”;ca

44、use“原因,理由”,常与介词of搭配,表示“的原因”;warning“警告,警报,先兆”;reflection“反应,反射”。由空前的“缺少生态环保的习惯”与空后的of global climate change可推知,此处应用cause表示“全球气候变化的原因”。句意:公众缺少生态环保的习惯被认为是全球气候变化的一个主要原因。14Giving up my job to go back to fulltime education was a big _, but now I know it was the best decision I have ever made.AprojectBcom

45、mitmentCcompetitionDambition答案 B 本题考查名词辨析。句意:放弃工作再回到全日制教育中去是一个很大的挑战,但是现在看来,那是我做出的最好的决定。project“工程”;commitment“重担,义务”;competition“竞争”;ambition“野心”。根据常识判断,一个不容易做的事情常被看作是一个挑战,一项难以完成的任务或一份重担。故B项符合句意。15Have you heard the traffic_that happened in Yatai Street last week?AaccidentBaffairCincidentDevent答案 A 根据句意可知应选A项,traffic accident意为“交通事故”。affair“事物,事件,私事”;incident“事件,事变”,用于表示突发事件或偶发事件;event“重要的事情,大事”。


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