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广东省佛山市顺德区均安中学(北师大版)高中英语学案 必修二 UNIT 5(2).doc

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广东省佛山市顺德区均安中学(北师大版)高中英语学案 必修二 UNIT 5(2).doc_第1页
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广东省佛山市顺德区均安中学(北师大版)高中英语学案 必修二 UNIT 5(2).doc_第2页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家词汇集中教学Learning Goals:1. Learn how to remember a word with the help of familiar word or letter group. 2. Learn how to use the new words - combine the new words to make sentences.一、自主学习一)、浏览Unit Five l3 to L4的词汇,寻找词汇中你熟识词汇或字母组合,并用铅笔把它们轻轻地作下划线。然后和你的同桌核对二)、根据音标和轻重读等语音知识,激情诵读三遍词汇和短语,每个三次。

2、三)、运用刚学习的词汇或短语的正确形式完成下列句子。1. 杨丽萍在表演孔雀舞的时候展示了她身上的美丽。Yang Liping showed us her beauty when she was performing Peacock Dance.2.钢琴家郎朗在上一次演出中剃掉了胡子,而且留了新的发型。Lang Lang, a great pianist, shaved his moustache and wore a new hairstyle on last performance.3.有时候,新一代的农民工如果不喜欢他们的工作很容易就离职。At times, the new generat

3、ion of peasant workers will quit easily if they dont like their work.4.观众们对这部现实主义的影片反应如何?What are the audiences reactions to the realistic film?5.这位著名的音乐家将在全世界演出。The famous musician will make performances worldwide.6.华尔兹、霹雳舞、踢踏舞和探戈都是从外国引进中国的。Waltz, breakdance, tap dancing and tango are all introduce

4、d into China from foreign countries.7.一只青蛙在舞厅里跳来跳去。A frog is skipping back and forth in the ballroom.8.在古代中国,剑是身份的象征。In ancient China, a sword is a symbol of identity.9.很多二十世纪四十年代移民国外的中国人都回来寻根问祖。Many immigrant Chinese to other countries during the 1940s have returned to look for their root.10.没有将军的命

5、令,这种新式武器不能使用。Without the permission of the general, that new type of weapons cant be used.11.不要以貌取人,因为一个相貌一般的人也可能有如责任心等高贵的品质或在某些方面有特殊的才能。Dont judge people by their appearances, because an ordinary-looking man maybe has noble characteristics, such as being responsible, or unique talents in some ways.12.我们可以把沙漠变成花园。Water can transform a desert into a garden.13.科学家们在这个山洞里面重新发现了一些秘密,这将会记录在百科全书里面。Scientists have rediscovered some secrets in the cave, which will be recorded in the encyclopedia. - 2 - 版权所有高考资源网


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