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2019新课标英语艺考生文化课冲刺点金课件:UNIT TWELVE .ppt

1、Unit Twelve.重点词汇必背 每个单元20个,其中重点单词15个,重点短语5个。.核心词汇运用 从本单元的重点词汇中选出核心单词7个和核心短语3个进行了精讲。.语法突破对高考的各语法知识点进行精讲,并对该考点进行分析和训练。或.题型突破 对高考中的题型的进行分析,对它的解法进行归纳,并对该题型进行针对性训练。.作文模板必背 针对高考各话题列出模板,供考生记忆。另配有【冲刺练】单元综合练习是对命题的一种预测和对高考试题的提前演练。一、重点单词 1.defeat difi:t v.击败,战胜 2.defend difend v.防守;保卫,保护;辩护 digri:n.程度

2、;度数;学位 4.delay dilei v.&n.拖延,延误,延迟,延期;耽搁 5.delicious dilis adj.美味的,可口的 6.delight dilait n.快乐,乐事 7.deliver diliv v.投递(信件等),交付;发表(演说);使分娩,给(产妇)接生 8.demand dima:nd v.要求,需要;查问 n.要求,需求 9.department dipa:tmnt n.部门;(机关的)司,处;(大学的)系(缩Dept.)10.describe diskraib v.描写,描绘,叙述 11.desert dezt n.沙漠;荒地 v.diz:t 舍弃,遗弃

3、dessert diz:t n.甜点 12.deserve diz:v v.应得,应受;值得 dizain n.图案,图样,样式;设计,策划 v.设计,策划;绘制 14.desire dizai n.期望,欲望;要求,请求;渴望之物 v.期望;要求,请求 15.destroy distri v.毁坏,破坏,摧毁 二、重点短语 16.cannot help doing 情不自禁做 for 喜欢,照看 18.carry on(with)继续下去 19.carry out 完成,实现 20.catch up with 赶上,与并驾齐驱 构词 delighted a

4、dj.高兴的,愉快的delightful adj.使人愉快的,宜人的用法 to the delight of 令愉快delight in sth./doing sth.以为乐例句 To the delight of all her fans,she won the game.令她的粉丝高兴的是她赢得了比赛。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)这消息将使全世界崇拜他的人都感到高兴。This news will _ his fans all over the world.(2)她听到好消息很高兴。She was _ the good news.(3)她感到幸福因为她有一个讨人喜欢的孩子。She f

5、eels happy because she has a _ child.Keys:(1)delight(2)delighted at(3)delightful一、重点单词 1.delight n.快乐,乐事 2.deliver v.投递(信件等),交付;拯救;发表(演说);使分娩,给(产妇)接生 构词 delivery n.投递,交付;拯救;分娩 用法 deliver a baby 接生deliver sb.from解救,使摆脱 例句 We promise to deliver your milk in every morning.我们承诺每天早上把牛奶送达。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(

6、1)请货到付款。Please pay for goods on _.(2)礼物已发送到每家每户。Gifts have been _ every household.(3)她生下一个健康的女孩。She was _ a healthy baby.Keys:(1)delivery(2)delivered to(3)delivered of3.demand v.要求,需要;查问 n.要求,需求 构词 demanding adj.要求多的;吃力的 demandable adj.可要求的demander n.要求者 用法 in demand需求demand for sth.对的需求 例句 The dema

7、nd for coal begins to decrease in the spring.煤的需求在春天开始减少。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)这些问题都需要认真具体地研究。All these questions _ careful and detailed study.(2)下雨天要雇出租汽车的人很多。Taxis are _ on rainy days.(3)对苹果有大量的需求。There is a _ apples.Keys:(1)demand(2)in great demand(3)great demand for4.describe v.描写,描绘,叙述 构词 descripti

8、on n.描写;刻画;类型;说明书 用法 describe as 把说成,把称为describe sb.向描述 例句 Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.语言难以描述那景色之美丽。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)他向我们详细地描述了抢劫事件。He _ the robbery in detail _ us.(2)他自称是医生。He _ as a doctor.(3)我的快乐难以用语言来形容。It is very difficult to _ in words.Keys:(1)described,to(2)describes

9、 himself(3)describe my n.图案,图样,样式;设计,策划v.设计,策划;绘制 构词 designer n.设计者 用法 work out a design 完成设计design to do 策划做 例句 This dress is of the latest design.这件衣服是最新设计。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)他为我们设计了一所很美的房子。He _ a beautiful house.(2)如何规划大学四年的学习生活?How do you _ your college campus life?(3)他们决定现在就出发。They d

10、esigned _ at once.Keys:(1)designed us(2)design(3)leaving/to leave6.desire n.期望,欲望;要求,请求;渴望之物v.期望;要求,请求 构词 desirable adj.令人满意的;有吸引力的;令人向往的 用法 arouse/raise desire 引起欲望desire for money/power/success 金钱欲,权欲,渴望获得成功 例句 I am filled with the desire to go back home.我心中充满了回家的渴望。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)她渴望自己的研究能够出现突

11、破。She desires _ a breakthrough in her research.(2)每个人都向往生活在一个无忧无虑的世界里。Everyone _ live in a world free of worries and pains.(3)他们表示很希望这些文件能公之于世。They expressed their_ the papers should be made public.Keys:(1)for(2)desires to(3)desires that7.destroy v.毁坏,破坏,摧毁,杀死 构词 destroyed adj.遭破坏的 用法 be destroyed b

12、y 毁于 例句 If the tree falls that way,it will destroy the house.这棵树向那边倒下就会把那所房子压坏。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)他只好杀死那只受伤的动物。He had to _ the injured animal.(2)一颗原子弹能摧毁一座城市。An atom bomb would _ a city.Keys:(1)destroy(2)destroy 二、重点短语 比较 care about 关心 take care of 照顾,照料 例句 The sick child was well cared for day and n

13、ight.那个生病的孩子日夜受到很好的看护。操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。(1)他根本不关心他的儿子。He does not _ his son at all.(2)我喜欢她的孩子,却不太喜欢她。I like her child but I dont _ her.(3)他很精明,可以照顾他自己。He is smart and can_ himself.Keys:(1)care about(2)care for(3)take care for 喜欢,照看 9.carry out 完成,实现 比较 carry on(with)继续进行carry through 完成,贯彻 例句

14、The plan shall be carried out to the full.这计划必须不折不扣地执行。操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。(1)我们期待他履行诺言。We expect him to _ his promises.(2)我们决心完成我们所有的计划。We are determined to _ all our plans.(3)无论如何,我们必须坚持研究。We should _ our research no matter what happened.Keys:(1)carry out(2)carry through(3)carry on with10.catch up with

15、 赶上,与并驾齐驱 比较 catch up 赶上;很快拾起;缠住catch up with=keep up with 跟上 例句 We have done all we could to catch up with them.我们已经尽了一切可能来赶上他们。操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。(1)要想赶上其他同学,我得特别努力才行。I have to work hard to _ the other students.(2)小偷一把抓起钱,逃之夭夭。The thief _ the money and ran away.(3)我认为跟上时代是很重要的。I think it important tha

16、t we _ the times.Keys:(1)catch up with(2)caught up(3)catch/keep up with 一、动词语态的类别 二、主动句变为被动句 分类意义语态主动语态主语是动作的执行者。被动语态主语是动作的承受者。句式概念转化步骤主动句谓语动词是主动语态的句子叫主动句。主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语。主动句的谓语变成“be过去分词”,be的形式与原句一致。被动句谓语动词是被动语态的句子叫被动句。主动句的主语变成by的宾语,放在谓语之后,有时可以省略。其他句子成分通常写在句子后面即可。三、被动语态的构成及其用法 构成用法助动词be+及物动词的过去分词强调动作

17、的承受者;不知道或无必要指出动作的执行者是谁,这时候往往不需要用by sb./sth.来引出动作的执行者;常用于经典的报道性的句型,如:Itssaid/reported/believed/expected that.,“据说/报道;人们相信/期待”四、被动语态在八种常用时态中的运用时态构成一般现在时am/is/are+过去分词一般过去时was/were+过去分词现在进行时am/is/are+being+过去分词过去进行时was/were+being+过去分词一般将来时will/shall/be going to+be+过去分词过去将来时would+be+过去分词现在完成时have/has+be

18、en+过去分词过去完成时had+been+过去分词 五、不能使用被动语态的几种情况不用被动语态动词不及物动词appear,disappear,die,end,fail,happen,last,lie,remain,sit,spread,stand,break out,come out,fall asleep,keep silence,lose heart,takeplace系动词appear,be,become,fall,feel,get,grow,keep,look,remain,seem,smell,sound,stay,taste,turn带同源宾语、反身代词作宾语的及物动词die-de

19、ath,dream-dream,live-life,teach oneself,devote oneself,dressoneself 六、动名词主动形式表示被动后接动名词的主动形式表被动的词举例备注need/want/requireOurclassroomneeds cleaning now.后接不定式时用被动语态。Our classroom needs to be cleaned worthThefilmisworthseeing again.后面接及物动词,及物动词后面不接宾语。The film is worth seeing it twice.(it是多余的。)【动词语态

20、高考考点分析】下面是近几年高考题对动词语态的考查。通过题目,我们来分析一下动词语态的用法和考点主要分布情况。1.(2016年全国卷)So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base,where ticket money helps pay for research,I 62(allow)to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre.【分析】62.was allowed。本题用到动词的被动语态。由it was

21、 a great honour可知时态是一般过去时,allow do sth.,意为允许我靠近,用被动语态。2.(2017年全国卷)When fat and salt 64(remove)from food,the food tastes as if it is missing something.【分析】64.are removed。考查被动语态。句意:当脂肪和盐分从食物中被去掉。分析可知fat,salt和remove之间是被动关系,脂肪和盐分是被人们去掉,所以用被动语态。故填are removed。【动词语态高考考点分析】3.(2017年全国卷)Steam engines 65

22、(use)to pull the carriages and it must have been66(fair)unpleasant for the passengers,with all the smoke and noise.【分析】65.were used。考过去式的被动语态。句意:蒸汽发动机是用来引擎四轮车的。动词的语态常常和时态一起考查。不管是语法填空、短文改错还是写作都可能设题考查。平时一定要重视对它的学习。【动词语态同步练习】一、单项选择()1.The big tree by my brother ten years ago.A.was plantedB.planted C.ha

23、s planted D.was plantingA(The big tree是动作的承受者,用被动语态。)()2.Many more houses for teachers since last year.A.are buildingB.builtC.have builtD.have been builtD(Many more houses是动作的承受者,用被动语态。)()3.Who will you ask for help if you?A.robbedB.are robbedC.will be robbed D.will be stolenB(条件状语从句“if you are robb

24、ed”中,主语you是动作的承受者,用被动语态,“如果你被抢劫”。)【动词语态同步练习】()4.The girl was unhappy because she by some boys in the laughedB.was laughed C.laughed atD.was laughed atD(原因状语从句“because she was laughed at by some boys in the class”中,she是动作的承受者,用被动语态。)()5.Great changes place in China since 1978.A.have been t

25、aken B.have takenC.has been takenD.tookB(take place是不及物动词,句末有since 1978,用现在完成时。)()6.the red pencil-box by your father last week?A.Has;boughtB.Was;bought C.Does;buyD.Did;buyB(从by your father last week,就可以判断应该填被动语态。)【动词语态同步练习】()7.Look!A tall modern building in our builtB.was being

26、being builtD.has builtC(A tall modern building是被建设的,用被动语态,从句首的Look!就可以判断应该用一般现在时。)()8.When the Party?A.was;founded B.was;;found D.has;been foundedA(the Party是被建立的,用被动语态。)()9.In 1620,about half the USA forests.A.was coveredB.were filled withC.was covered withD.covered withC(about half the US

27、A和cover之间是被动关系,about half the USA是被覆盖的,应该用被动语态。)【动词语态同步练习】()10.Will the job in ten minutes?A.finish finish finished D.finishedC(the job是动作的承受者,被完成。)二、语法填空:用被动语态填空。1.My new book (finish)in two months.will be finished(My new book 是finish这一动作的承受者,用被动语态,从时间状语in two months 可以判断应该用一般将来时。)2.Silk

28、(produce)in produced(Silk是被生产的,应该用被动语态。)3.The New Year Card (post)to me by John last week.was posted(The New Year Card是被寄到的,从时间状语last week可以判断应该用一般过去时。)4.A lot of water (waste)every year.Its a serious wasted(water是浪费这一动作的承受者,故用被动语态。)5.Now many kinds of work (can do)by robots.can

29、 be done(从by robots可以判断应该用被动语态can be done。)【动词语态同步练习】6.English (speak)as a second language in some spoken(English是speak这一动作的承受者,用被动语态。)7.A new bridge (build)over the river last year.was built(bridge和build之间是被动关系,用被动语态,从时间状语last year可以判断用一般过去时。)8.The children often (tell)to be careful wi

30、th fire.are;told(children被告知,用被动语态。)9.The accident (happen)just now.happened(accident和happen之间是主动关系,从时间状语just now可以判断用一般过去时,故填happened。)10.Now he (ask)if the meeting (hold)next asked;will be held(由主句中的时间状语now可知主句应该是现在时,主语he是被问及,故用被动语态,从句的时间状语next Friday可知从句应该用一般将来时,meeting也是被举行的,用被动语态。)高考话

31、题:个人感情(personal emotions)-谈与家人相处 Im a middle school student.Im writing to ask you for help because my relationship with my mother has troubled me for a long time.Though I love my mother,she is too strict with me and she loses her temper so easily that I dont know how to communicate with her.Even if I get high grades,I still feel afraid of her.Besides,we seldom have a chance to sit down and exchange our feelings and thoughts.Im eager to know how we can know more about and get closer to each other,and I do hope you will give me some advice.(105 words)

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