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2019新课标英语艺考生文化课冲刺点金课件:UNIT SEVEN .ppt

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1、Unit Seven.重点词汇必背 每个单元20个,其中重点单词15个,重点短语5个。.核心词汇运用 从本单元的重点词汇中选出核心单词7个和核心短语3个进行了精讲。.语法突破对高考的各语法知识点进行精讲,并对该考点进行分析和训练。或.题型突破 对高考中的题型的进行分析,对它的解法进行归纳,并对该题型进行针对性训练。.作文模板必背 针对高考各话题列出模板,供考生记忆。另配有【冲刺练】单元综合练习是对命题的一种预测和对高考试题的提前演练。一、重点单词 1.challenge tlind n.挑战;考验;难题;艰巨任务 v.向挑战;邀请比赛 2.champion tmpin n.冠军,优胜者 3.c

2、hance ta:ns n.机会,可能性;偶然 4.character krikt n.性格,品格;(汉)字,字体 5.charge ta:d v.收费;管理;索价;将(电池)充电,装满;控告 n.费用;管理 6.chat tt v.聊天,闲谈 n.聊天,闲谈,非正式的谈话 7.cheat ti:t n.骗子;欺诈;欺骗行为 v.骗取,哄骗;欺诈;作弊 8.check tek n.支票;检查;核对 vt.校对,核对;检查 9.chief ti:f adj.主要的,首要的 n.领导,首领 10.choose tu:z v.选择,挑选;选定 11.civilization sivlaizein n

3、.文明;文化;开化;教养(也可写成civilisation)12.classify klsifai v.分类,归类,分等级 13.click klik v.点击(计算机用语)14.coach kut n.教练;马车,长途公共汽车 v.当教练;指导,辅导 15.colleague kli:g n.同事,同僚 二、重点短语 16.be known as 以出名 17.be late for 迟到 18.be/get lost 迷路,消失,丢失 19.be made from/of 由制造 20.be popular with 受欢迎的 用法 by chance 偶然,碰巧take a chance

4、/chances 冒险,投机grasp a chance 抓住机会miss a chance错过机会例句 Please give me a chance to explain.请给我个机会解释一下。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)我遇见她完全是偶然的。I met her quite _.(2)她绝不会错过出国学习的机会。She will never _ to study abroad.(3)我认为在生活中你就得去冒险。I believe you have to _ in life.Keys:(1)by chance(2)miss a chance(3)take chances/a chan

5、ce一、重点单词 1.chance n.机会,可能性;偶然 v.偶然发生;碰巧;冒.(的险)2.charge v.收费;管理;索价;将(电池)充电,装满;控告n.费用;管理 用法 charge sb.with sth.因某事控诉某人in charge of 负责或照管某人或物 例句 How much do you charge for the cap?这顶帽子要价多少?操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)嫌疑犯被控诉为谋杀他的妻子。The suspect _ murdering his wife.(2)这位护士负责照顾这些病人。The nurse is _ the patients.(3)修鞋

6、要多少钱?How much do you _ mending shoes?Keys:(1)was charged with(2)in charge of(3)charge for 3.cheat n.骗子;欺诈;欺骗v.骗取,哄骗;欺诈;作弊 构词 cheating n.欺骗行为 用法 be cheated of/into doing sth.被骗去某物或被骗去做某事 例句 I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)He is a shameless(无耻)_.(2)

7、他被骗得相信自己是最聪明的。He was cheated _ that he was the smartest.Keys:(1)cheat(2)into believing 4.check n.检查;支票;核对 vt.校对,核对;检查 用法 美国人常将check指“支票”,而英国人则常用cheque 来表示支票。check in(飞机等)报到,登记check out(旅馆等)结账离开;检验;查核 例句 Do look out for spelling mistakes when you check your homework.你检查作业时要当心拼写错误。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)乘客

8、应在班机起飞前一小时办理登机手续。Passengers should _ one hour before their flight time.(2)他打算在星期二结账离开旅馆。He plans to _ on Tuesday.Keys:(1)check in(2)check out5.chief adj.主要的,首要的 n.领导,首领 构词 chiefly adv.主要地 用法 chief engineer 总工程师 editor-in-chief主编 例句 The chief aim of man is not to get money.人的主要目的并不是赚钱。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。

9、(1)主编删去了最后一段。_ cut out the last paragraph.(2)稻子是这一地区的主要作物。Rice is _ in this areas.(3)唐被委任为该项工程的总工程师。Don was appointed _ of the project.Keys:(1)The editor-in-chief(2)the chief crop(3)chief engineer6.choose v.选择,挑选;选定 构词 过去式:chose 过去分词:chosen choice n.选择 用法 choose from/between/among 从中挑选 choose as/to

10、be 把选作 例句 He chose not to go home until later.他决定晚一点才回家。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)你们将选谁当的新班长?Who will you _ your new monitor.(2)你可以从六种流行风格中选择。You may _ six popular styles Keys:(1)choose as(2)choose from7.classify v.分类,归类,分等级(按照事物类型、质量或是否相似进行分类。)构词 classification n.分类 用法 classify.into/as 把分类成 classify by/acc

11、ording to按分类 例句 The books in the library are classified by subject.图书馆的书是按科目分类的。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)我宁可把他的小说归类于科幻小说。Id rather _ his novels _ science fiction(2)Classify them _ their usage Keys:(1)classify,as(2)according to/by二、重点短语 用法 get lost 滚开(口语)eg:Tell him to get lost 叫他滚。be lost in thought 陷入沉思 例

12、句 I have a very bad sense of directions,so I easily get lost.我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路。操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。(1)Looking at the blue sky,the young girl was _ thought.(2)His words were _ the students.(3)分秒必争。There was not a moment to _.Keys:(1)lost in(2)lost upon(3)be lost8.be/get lost 迷路,消失,丢失9.be made from/of 由制造比较

13、be made in 在何时或何地制造be made up of 由组成/构成(强调主语由两部分或两个以上的部分构成或组成。)be made from 指从原料到制成品,发生了质的变化,已无法复原(属化学变化)。be made of 指从原料到制成品,只发生了形状变化,没有发生本质变化(属物理变化)。例句 Many items in daily use are made of plastic.很多日常生活用品是用塑料制成的。操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。(1)These gloves _ leather(皮革).(2)水是由氧和氢组成。Water _ oxygen and hydrogen.(

14、3)我希望我的员工都非常出色。I want my staff to be _ excellent workers.(4)This antique(古老而珍贵的)chair _ 1750.Keys:(1)are made of(2)is made from(3)made up of(4)was made in10.be popular with 受欢迎的 比较 be popular with=be popular among/in be popular as 作为受欢迎 例句 Tom has always been popular among his classmates.汤姆在同学中一直很受欢

15、迎。操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。(1)The reporter is popular _ his audience.(2)Mo Yan is popular _ a writer in the world.(3)The song is popular _ teenagers.Keys:(1)with(2)as(3)with 一、主谓一致概念和原则主谓一致定义原则概念谓语动词的使用要与句子的主语在人称和数上保持一致。语法一致主语的单复数决定其谓语动词的单复数形式。All the students are here now.意义一致主语和谓语的一致是用主语所表达的内在含义决定的。His fami

16、ly are having lunchnow.His family is very large.就近原则谓语的数是由最临近的主语的单复数确定的。There is an eraser,and 3pencils here.Neither he nor his classmatesare fond of it.二、主谓一致中的一些情况 二、主谓一致中的一些情况 三、谓语用单数的情况情况举例many a或more than one所修饰的词作主语时More than one student has visited theGreat Wall.every,each,some,no,any 构成的复合代词

17、作主语时Nothing is difficult if you put your heartinto it.金钱,时间,价格或度量衡作主语时1000 dollars is not enough.非谓语动词作主语时in the sun is bad for your eyes.在数学四则运算中One plus two is three.主语从句作主语时Who will go there is not decided.【主谓一致高考考点分析】下面是近几年高考题对主谓一致的考查。通过这些题,我们来分析一下主谓一致的用法和考点主要分布情况。1.(2009年广东卷).When Jane got home

18、,with her small but well-chosen present in her bag,her parents were already 39 table having supper.Her mother was excited.“Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,”Jane 40(inform).【分析】根据主谓一致的原则:主语与谓语动词要在人称和单复数上保持一致。所以考题中填谓语动词时一定要考虑这一原则,如:40题,主语是Jane(单数),时态是过去时,语态是被动语态,故填was informed。2.(2017年

19、全国卷)Fast food 67(be)full of fat and salt;by 68(eat)more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.【分析】67.is。考查主谓一致。句意:快餐食物中充满了脂肪和盐。fast food的意思是“快餐”,表示一类食物,为不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。故填is。【主谓一致高考考点分析】3.(2018年全国卷)While running regatesalstly cant make you live forever,the review s

20、ays it 64(be)more effective at lengthening life than walking,cycling or swimming.【分析】67.is。考查主谓一致。根据从句的cant以及says可知用一般现在时态,主语是it,故谓语动词用单数形式即is。通过对高考题中语法填空题和写作的分析,我们可以看出:主谓一致原则贯穿在整个英语教学中,涉及每一个句子,所以我们在学习和复习时,要重点复习以上原则及其基本用法,了解一些固定搭配等。全国卷的改错题中有主谓一致的考点。一般考查主语的数与谓语动词的数的一致性。【主谓一致同步练习】一、单项选择 ()1.Neither Bi

21、ll nor his parents at home yesterday evening.A.is B.areC.wasD.wereD(neither.nor.;either.or.;not only.but also.;There be.and.,就近原则,即主语是his parents。)()2.The paper for books and newspapers made of wood.A.areB.is C.has D.haveB(主语paper为不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。)()3.I,who your friend,will try my best to help you wit

22、h your English.A.amB.is C.are D.beA(主语who与先行词I是相同的,所以谓语动词由I来定。)()4.The rich not always happy.A.is B.areC.has D.haveB(定冠词加形容词表示一类人,the rich指所有富人。)【主谓一致同步练习】()5.Mary as well as her sisters Chinese in China.A.are studyingB.have studied C.studiesD.studyC(主语后跟as well as,as much as,no less than,along with

23、,together with,with,like,rather than,but,except,besides,including,in addition to等短语时,与前面的主语保持一致,即主语是Mary。)()6.Not only my brother but also I good at painting.Both of us good painters.A.are;are B.am;amC.am;areD.is;isC(neither.nor.;either.or.;not only.but also.;There be.and.,就近原则,第一空的主语是I。)()7.Every b

24、oy and every girl to attend the evening party.A.wish B.wishesC.is like D.likeB(and连接的并列单数主语前若分别由each,every,no,many a等修饰时,看作单数。)【主谓一致同步练习】()8.There a pen,two pencils and three books on the desk.A.have B.hasC.are D.isD(由there或here引导的句子用就近原则。)()9.The Arabian Nights well known to the English.A.isB.areC.

25、wasD.wereA(主语是一本书。)()10.The United States of America one of the most developed countries in the world.A.is B.areC.wasD.wereA(主语是一个国家。)【主谓一致同步练习】二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Playing too much computer games (be)bad for your health.is(动名词作主语,看作单数。)2.Recently the number of the visitors to Hong Kong (increase).has i

26、ncreased(数字作主语,看作单数。)3.What he said and what he did (hurt)his mother deeply.has hurt/hurt(从句作主语,看作单数。)4.More than one room (need)tonight.is needed(many a或more than one所修饰的词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。)5.The bus,including the passengers on it,(be)OK.is(主语后跟as well as,as much as,no less than,along with,together with

27、,with,like,rather than,but,except,besides,including,in addition to等短语时,与主语保持一致。)【主谓一致同步练习】6.Three hours (be)used to write my article this morning.was(时间作主语,看作单数。)7.When night comes,no sound and no voice (hear).is heard(and连接的并列单数主语前若分别由each,every,no,many a等修饰时,用单数。)8.Its said that when to start and

28、where to go (decide).has been decided(and连接的是同一件事,看成是一个整体,谓语动词用单数。这件事是由人来决定的,所以用被动语态。)9.The rest of the lecture (be)too boring.is(half of,part of,most of,a portion of 等词引起主语时,与主语一致。)10.Lets begin,since all (be)here.are(all指所有人,可数名词复数。)高考话题:日常活动(daily routines)-早起的好处Getting up early is a good habit w

29、hich is of benefit to us.By getting up early,we can take some sports in the morning,which is good for our health.Besides,the fresh air and quietness in the morning make us think more quickly than any other time of the day and memorize what we have learned more easily.Last but not least,getting up early can also help us train our character.It should be kept in mind that only when we get into the habit of getting up early every day can we keep a healthy body.(100 words)


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