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1、汉源一中2011至2012学年上期高二年级半期考试英语卷第卷(共150分)第一部分 英语知识运用请根据题意,从每小题的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将答案转涂到机读卡的相应位置。(每小题1分,共计30分)1. America and England are two countries _ by a common language.A. divide B. divided C. dividing D. to be divided2. The only problem was _ I didnt realize the local accent would be so different

2、.A. that B. what C. which D. 不填3. American English and British English are different _ many ways.A. from B. with C. in D. on4. You will find it is a world of wonders, _ world where everything may happen.A. a B. the C. one D. 不填5. After all, there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within

3、 the two countries _ between them.A. with B. as C. to D. on6. If you _ TV at home, you will find all kinds of ads.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn over7. Our teacher suggests that she _ hard. His words suggests that he _ her deeply.A. studies; loves B. studies; loveC. study; loves D. study;

4、 love8. The American spelling system _ for about 200 years.A. has been existed B. has existedC. existed D. had existed9. He was _ enough to receive a better education in college.A. luck B. lucky C. luckily D. luckiness10. I _ linguistics when I go to university.A. am studying B. am going to study C.

5、 study D. studied11. A miner is a person _ works underground.A. who B. that C. which D. A and B12. On average, one vehicle comes off the steep road _.A. every two week B. every two weeksC. every twice weeks D. every a twice week13. _ a man, the death toll in this mountainous area has fallen.A. Thank

6、 to B. Thanks to C. Thanking to D. Thanking for14. At any time, the wise man _ his place.A. takes up B. takes on C. takes off D. takes over15. Do you know the reason _ he was late for school this morning?A. how B. what C. why D. because16. “It was a nightmare” means _.A. It was an interesting experi

7、ence.B. It was a happy journey.C. It was a terrible experience.D. It was a sad journey.17. - Where is Sam? - I dont know. He _ have gone to the meeting.A. must B. might C. should D. could18. - I looked after a group of fifteen French children. - That _ easy!A. mustnt be B. mustnt have been C. cant h

8、ave been D. wasnt19. I would be very _ if you could send me more information about the post available.A. grates B. grateful C. complaining D. shocked20. There will be plenty of other new jobs, _ we probably cant even imagine.A. some of that B. of that someC. some of which D. which some of21. A biogr

9、aphy is a book _ tells the story of somebodys life.A. what B. which C. who D. 不填22. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is perhaps the most famous American novel _ written.A. ever B. though C. never D. since23. _ the light of the lighting, I saw a woman lying on the ground, blood everywhere.A. With B

10、. On C. By D. In24. To his _, the boss gave him a rise last week.A. surprise B. surprising C. surprisingly D. surprised25. The poor man died _ the coal mine crash, leaving three children.A. of B. from C. away D. out26. I persuaded my daughter _ the dishes, one yuan a time.A. washed B. to wash C. was

11、hing D. to be washing27. They hurried _ they could see the famous basketball star at the stop.A. such that B. that C. so that D. when28. With time _, we all know how hard our parents have spent time feeding us.A. past B. passed C. passing D. passes29. _ at the news that he won the first place in the

12、 competition, we all expressed our congratulations to him, _ him to continue his success.A. Surprised; encouraged B. Surprised; encouragingC. Surprising; encouraged D. Surprising; encouraging30. The boy used to get up _. _ he was determined to get up early. _ he has got up early.A. later; Late; Late

13、ly B. late; Lately; LaterC. late; Later; Lately D. lately; Later; Late第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are 31 than housewives. Evidence shows that 32 ar

14、e in poorer health than the jobholders. A study shows 33 the unemployment rate increases by 1, the death rate increases correspondingly(相应地) by 2. All this 34 one point: work is helpful to health.Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy, 35 loneliness and solitude(孤独). Resea

15、rches show that people feel 36 and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are 37 . Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard. Work serves as 38 between man and reality. By work, people 39 each other. By collect

16、ive activity, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work 40 the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and makes him liable to(易于) 41 . 42 ,work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of 43 .Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When 44

17、finishes his writing or a doctor successfully 45 a patient or a teacher sees his students 46 ,they are happy 47 .From the above we can came to the conclusion 48 the more you work, 49 you will be. Let us work hard, 50 and live a happy and healthy life.31A.more healthierB.healthierC.weekerD.worse32A.c

18、areer women B.the busyC.the joblessD.the hard-working33A.that wheneverB.whetherC.that thoughD.since34A.comes toB.equals toC.adds up toD.amounts to35A.other thanB.offC.in touch withaway from36A.happy,interestedB.glad,joyfulC.cheerful,concernedunhappy,worried37A.busyB.freeC.lazyD.empty38A.a riverB.a g

19、apC.a channelD.a bridge39A.come acrossB.come into contact withC.look down uponD.watch over40A.meansB.standsC.equalsD.matches41A.successB.deathC.victoryD.disease42A.BesidesB.NeverthelessC.HoweverD.Yet43A.disappointmentB.achievementC.regretD.apology44A.a workerB.a farmerC.a writerD.a manager45A.manage

20、sB.controlsC.operates onD.deals with46A.raiseB.growC.riseD.increase47A.in a wordB.without a wordC.at a wordD.beyond words48A.thatB.whichC.whatD./49A.the lonelier and weakerB.lonelier and weakerC.happier and healthierD.the happier and healthier50A.study wellB.studying wellC.study goodD.studying good第

21、二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AIve never visited the town of Wetumka in Oklahoma. But I understand the folks there celebrate a day every year when they laugh at themselves. They call it Sucker Day and they plan a town festival on the last Saturday of September

22、 to celebrate it. It started in 1950 when a man called himself Morrison arrived there and persuaded local residents to put up money to bring a circus to town. They didnt know him, but he was a nice enough fellow and they trusted his words. Businessmen bought plenty of food, drinks, and even they pre

23、pared gifts for crowds of people who were bound to arrive. And Morrison sold tickets ahead of time. People in the town were so excited at the sight of a circus in their own town. Children could hardly sleep at night. On the day the circus parade was to march in the main street, excitement turned int

24、o disappointment when nothing happened. Morrison had escaped away in the night with all the money he had got. There was no circus. The good folks of Wetumka were cheated. It didnt take long for their disappointment to turn to amusement, however, someone came up with an idea of holding a four-day cel

25、ebration anyway. And why not? They had all the food and gifts. Calendars were clear, and besides, everyones heart was set on having a good time. They called their party the Sucker Festival. In a display of good-natured fun, people celebrated the fact that theyd been robbed, fooled. And now Sucker Da

26、y is an annual event in the town_ a good excuse to come together, to laugh and have fun. We are going to be fooled sometimes, especially if we easily place our confidence in people. But we shouldnt give up trusting just to avoid being cheated.51. After Morrison ran away, the people in the town . A.

27、searched for him everywhere but in vain. B. All became angry with himC. were sorry for their lost money D. celebrated although cheated52. The purpose of the passage is to . A. encourage us to turn disappointment into amusementB. advise us to experience the spirit of Sucker Day C. warn us to look out

28、 for cheats in lifeD. give us some ideas of a different culture.53. The authors feeling to people in Wetumka cab be described as . A. sympathetic B. appreciative C. doubtful D. disappointed54. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Sucker Day B. A Clever Cheat C. Poor Folks of Wetumka D. A

29、 Pleasant Surprise BIf you dont know what to wear to attend Chinese celebrations, something red is always the right choice on such an occasions. The red color is connected with good luck or fortune. The Chinese people enjoy decorating their house with something red. The bride wears red dress on her

30、wedding, though probably influenced by the western customs she would wear white dress at the beginning of the celebration.Unlike the meaning of red to anger, danger and bad temper in the west, such as the expressions like “a red rag to bull”, “see red”, “be in the red”, “red in tooth and claw”, etc.

31、 the red always carries positive meanings in China.The next special color in the past is yellow, which is similar to the color of earth and soil. Since earth and soil are very important for people, yellow used to be the favorite color used by the king in China.Another favorite color is green, which

32、presents life and energy, while black and white are connected with death. Dont wear a black dress to attend a wedding or a birth party. Wearing a white headdress shows someone in your home recently dies. Probably black is related to darkness. The Chinese like to refer to things illegally done “black

33、”, for example, “black money” and “black market”. And “black heart” refers to someone really bad.The meanings of colors are obvious in the costumes of traditional Chinese operas. Red shows loyalty(忠实) and courage; black represents honesty and fairness; yellow clothing means royalty(皇室成员) and white t

34、o purity.55. The red color in the west probably represents . A. luck and happiness B. anger and danger C. justice and mixed emotions D. loyalty and courage56.We can know from the passage that . A. white has a positive meaning in Chinese operaB. yellow used to be popular with the working people.C. re

35、d was the main color used by emperors in China.D. “black heart” means someone with black heart.57. When we attend a birthday party in China, we should wear . A. a black suit B. a white suit C. a white headdress D. a red dress58. The passage is mainly about . A. different color on different occasions

36、 B. the traditional Chinese meaning of colorsC. the historic development of colors D. the clothing in Chinese celebrations.C CROSS COUNTRYName: Frederick Im a 33-year-old man riding the TransAmerica Trail west to east starting on May 18th,2010 from Astoria. I would like to ride about 90 mils a day a

37、nd end up in Virginia in about 50 days. I will be riding self-supported and mostly camping and cooking under the stars with a few stays in motel(汽车旅馆) along the way. Anyone is welcome to join me. Name: Edmund TransAmerica, west to east. My son (21) and I (52) are going to fide across-country from 06

38、/02/2010 to 07/27/2010 with a 30-foot recreational vehicle. Until a few days ago, we had a driver who was going to join us the last part of each day. Our plan is to take turns driving, so were looking for two more companions to join us for all or part of the trip. We spend nights in campgrounds and

39、ride about 70 miles per day. Name: Willard Im planning on riding the TransAmerica Trail from west to east on or about May 15th,2010 from Astoria. I would like to ride 85-100 miles per day and end up in Virginia 43 to 50days later. Rest every7-8days. Travelling self-supported. Planning to camp with s

40、taying in motels when necessary. Im a 50-year-old engineer. I f interested, e-mail me. Name: CallumLets ride together! 32-year-old, looking forward to three months trip. Cycling across the country along the TransAmerica Trail from east to west. Im going to start in Maine and end in San Francisco. Tr

41、aveling self-supported, depending mostly on camping and cooking. Planning to ride 50-60 miles a day. Looking at May1 as a start date. 59. Whats the purpose of these people in the passage? A. to discuss a sports game B. to share travelling experienceC. to develop camping skills D. to look for travell

42、ing partners60. Which of the following might travel together?A. Edmund and Frederick B. Callum and Edmund C. Frederick and Willard D. Willard and Callum61. How many people does Edmund want in his travelling group? A. three B. four C. five D. six62. Callum planned to arrive in San Francisco around .

43、A. July 1 B. August 1 C. September 1 D. October 1D Not many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was seventy-five,he gave 12,000 to the village school to b

44、uy land and equipment for a childrens playground. As a result of his kindness,many people came to visit him. Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk,Johnson remarked that he was seventy-five and expected to live to be a hundred. The newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at sev

45、enty-five. Johnson had a sense of humor. He liked whisky and drank some each day. “I have an injection (注射) in my neck each evening.”he told the newspaperman,thinking of his evening glass of whisky.The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was

46、seventy-five and had a daily injection in his neck. Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain,asking him for the secret of his daily injection.63. The gift of money to the school suggests that Johnson _.A. had no children. B. was a strange man.C. was very fond of chil

47、dren. D. wanted people to know how rich he was.64. Many people wrote to Johnson to find out _.A. what kind of whisky he had. B. how to live longer.C. how to become wealthy. D. in which part of the neck to have an injection.65. The newspaperman _. A. should have reported what Johnson had told him. B.

48、 shouldnt have asked Johnson what injection he had. C. was eager to live a long life. D. should have found out what Johnson really meant.66. When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening, he really meant that _. A. he liked drinking a glass of whisky in the evening.B. he needed an i

49、njection in the neck.C. a daily injection in the evening would make him sleep well.D. there was something wrong with his neck. EOf all systems of symbols,language is the most highly developed. It has been pointed out that human beings, by agreement, can make anything stand for anything. Human beings

50、 have agreed, in the course of centuries of mutual (相互的) dependency, to let the various noises that they can produce with their lungs,throats, tongues, teeth, and lips systematically stand for certain happenings in their nervous system. We call that system of agreements language.There is no necessar

51、y connection between the symbol and that which it stands for. Just as social positions can be symbolized by feathers worn on the head,by gold on the watch chain, or by a thousand other things according to the culture we live in, so the fact of being hungry can be symbolized by a thousand different n

52、oises according to the culture we live in. However obvious these facts may appear at first glance, they are actually not so obvious as they seem except when we take special pains to think about the subject. Symbols and the things they stand for are independent of each other, yet we all have a way of

53、 feeling as if, and sometimes acting as if, there were necessary connections. For example, there are people who feel that foreign languages are unreasonable by nature: foreigners have such funny names for things, and why cant they call things by their right names?This feeling exhibits itself most st

54、rongly in those English and American tourists who seem to believe that they can make the natives of any country understand English if they shout loud enough. Like the little boy who is reported to have said: “Pigs are called pigs because they are such dirty animals,” they feel tha“ the symbol is inh

55、erently (内在地) connected in some way with the things symbolized. 67. Language is a highly developed system of symbols because human beings _. A. have made use of language for centuries B. use our nervous system to support language C. have made various noises stand for any eventsD. can make anything s

56、tand for anything by agreement 68. What can we conclude from Paragraph 2? A. Different noises may mean different things. B. Our culture determines what a symbol stands for. C. The language we use symbolizes our social positions. D. Our social positions determine the way we are dressed. 69. In Paragr

57、aph 3, the underlined words “take special pains” probably mean“ “_”。 A. try v“ry hard B. take our time C. are very unhappy D. feel especially painful 70. The example of the little boy is used to show that _. A. adults often learn from their young B. “pig” is a dirty word because pigs are dirty C. wo

58、rds are not connected with the things they stand for D. people sometimes have wrong idea about how language works第二节 根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When you called me last night, I was addressing some letters._71_Quite a few. There were ten envelopes, I believe.While you were writing lett

59、ers, I was reading a book._72_I was at home part of the day. I went to the doctors office._73_No. I went to the doctors at about 10 oclock in the morning._74_What time did you wake up yesterday morning?_75_While you were sleeping soundly, I was doing a lot of things.A. How many letters did you write

60、 last night?B. Who did you write to?C. Did you go to the doctors in the afternoon?D. Do you have enough stamps?E. Were you at home most of the day yesterday?F. I didnt wake up until nearly 11 am.G. While you were at the doctors, I was sleeping soundly.第卷(40分)第一节 短文改错(10分)It is Sunday today. I have b

61、een studying all day long. On 1. _the morning, I had dry breakfast. We had no water to 2. _drink because the water supply had cut off. The water had 3. _come back in the evening. I did maths then. I didnt stop after 4. _12 oclock. After a short lunch I had the break. Then I went to 5. _my Sunday Eng

62、lish class.After a long and tired class for more than two hours, I got 6. _to home. Some work had been done but some hadnt. I must 7. _review all my subject such as the Sciences and the Humanities, 8. _which include Chinese, English, Politics and History as 9. _well. Thats terribly! Especially when

63、there was no water. 10. _第二节 书面表达(30分)假如你是李明,你发现部分同学每次遇到重要考试,都会出现一些焦虑症状。请你用英语写一封信,向某学生英文报编辑反映该问题。信的内容应包括下列要点:焦虑症状:头晕、乏力、睡眠不好、食欲不振等建议:1考前制定好合适的复习计划2考试期间正常作息3睡前洗热水澡、喝热牛奶等有助于睡眠4其它建议(内容由考生自己拟定)注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。2.要准确使用语法和词汇;使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思;3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。参考词汇:头晕dizz

64、y(adj.)Dear editor,Im Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. Im writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams. _Yours, Li Ming答案:答案及解析1. On改为In。in the morning为固定搭配。2. dry前加a。一般来讲, 三餐前不加任何冠词, 但当三餐前有形容词修饰时, 则必须在形容词前加不定冠词。如:We usually have breakfast at eig

65、ht. I have a wonderful breakfast this morning.3. 第一个had后加been。根据逻辑, 此处应为被动语态。4. after改为until。构成“not.until.”句型。5. the改为a。have a break意为“休息一会儿”, 为固定搭配。6. tired改为tiring。tired为形容词“劳累的”, 多用来修饰人; tiring也为形容词, 意为“令人劳累的”, 用来修饰事物。7. 删去to。home为副词。8. subject改为subjects。subject是可数名词。9. 此行无错。10.terribly改为terrible。系动词后要用形容词。 高考资源网w w 高 考 资源 网


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