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2019-2020学年新培优同步人教版英语必修二练习:UNIT 1 SECTION Ⅰ WORD版含解析.docx

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1、Section Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending课时过关即时巩固一、根据句意和汉语或首字母提示写出单词1Of all the museums paintings,only one s the fire.答案survived2The movie is so moving that it is w seeing once more.答案worth3The boss asked me to r the chair because it was in the way.答案remove4Have you seen the house which

2、 b to Mr Green?答案belongs5Our house will be (装饰) with beautiful pictures.答案decorated6I dont like the (设计) of the tall building.答案design7Please (想象) sitting in the sun all day!答案fancy/imagine8Do you (怀疑) that he will finish the work on time?答案doubt二、单句改错1She will go to the city in the search of her lo

3、st student._答案去掉第二个the2The Great Wall is worth being seeing._答案去掉being3This recorder belongs to his._答案hishim4I will do what I can to help you in return your help._答案return后加for5I have no doubt whether he will pass the examination._答案whetherthat或nosome6Do you fancy go out this evening?_答案gogoing三、完成

4、句子1这两个国家多年来一直处于战争状态。The two countries for many years.答案have been at war2毫无疑问,我们队将赢得这场比赛。 our team will win the game.答案There is no doubt that3作为对他的帮助的报答,我决定给他买一辆汽车。I have decided to buy him a car .答案in return for his help4没有人在这次事故中幸存下来。No one was able to .答案survive this accident5这些岛屿隶属西班牙。The islands

5、 .答案belong to Spain四、根据课文内容填空1This gift was the Amber Room, was given this name several tons of amber were used to make it.答案which;because2It was also treasure (decorate)with gold and jewels, took the countrys best artists about ten years to make.答案a;decorated;which3However,the next King of Prussia,

6、Frederick William , whom the amber room belonged,decided not to keep it.答案to4Later,Catherinehad the Amber Room (move)to a palace outside St Petersburg she spent her summers.答案moved;where5(sad),although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world,it is now (miss).答案Sadly;missing6Thi

7、s was a time the two countries were at war.答案when7There is no doubt the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg, was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.After that, happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.答案that;which;what五、阅读理解AFrom the earliest times,man has been interested in a

8、rt.People have often worked together to collect and save the worlds art treasures.Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre(卢浮宫)in Paris,France.The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries.It is the biggest art museum in th

9、e world.The Louvre has not always been a museum.The first building was a fort (堡垒).In 1190,it was the kings castle with high walls and a round tower.It had a moat(护城河) to keep out the enemies.Over the years,the number of buildings around the castle grew.By 1350,the castle was no longer needed as a f

10、ort.The Louvre became a palace home for French kings and queens.During times of peace,new treasures were brought in.During days of war,many treasures were stolen,and the buildings were damaged.When Francis became king of France in 1515,he brought in many artists from other countries.One of the artis

11、ts was Leonardo da Vinci from Italy.Da Vincis Mona Lisa is the best known painting in the museum today.In 1793,the Louvre became a public museum,just as it is now.It is a place where art treasures are kept for everyone to enjoy.Every year millions of people from all over the world come to the Louvre

12、 to see the masterpieces(杰作).1How long has the Louvre been a public museum?A.For over 800 years. B.Since 1350.C.Since 1515.D.For over 200 years.答案D解析卢浮宫是1793年才成为一个公共博物馆的,距今200多年。2Most of the works of art in the Louvre have been collected probably by .A.the French peopleB.Francis C.Leonardo da VinciD

13、.people of the world答案A解析由短文第二段第二句可以得知卢浮宫里的艺术品是由法国人民搜集来的。3From the passage we can learn that .A.the Louvre was once a church as well as a palaceB.Mona Lisa is kept in ItalyC.Leonardo da Vinci once stayed in FranceD.the Louvre is only a place of interest to the French people答案C解析由倒数第二段第一、二句可以推知,达芬奇曾经

14、在法国生活过。4Why is it good for the works of art to be kept in public museums?A.In public museums works of art will not be stolen.B.In public museums works of art will not be damaged.C.In public museums artists can study the works of art.D.In public museums everyone can enjoy the works of art.答案D解析根据文章最后

15、一句话可知答案。BThe Great Wall of China was once thought to have been built entirely during the Qin Dynasty between 221 and 207 BC;it is now believed to have been started earlier.The 15-foot-high,25-foot-wide,1500-mile-long structure was undoubtedly built to keep out invading enemies.To the common people o

16、f the empire,who had been forced to build the wall,it was not worth it,however.The wall,and other public works completed by the Qin Dynasty,had caused great losses on the wealth and human life of the country.As a result,an angry population rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty,and in 207 BC t

17、he Han Dynasty began.Because of its rich history and magnificent appearance,the Great Wall attracts many tourists,scientists,and historians to this day and will continue to do so for generations.5According to the author of this passage,the Han Dynasty was able to come into power because .A.enemies w

18、ere not effectively prevented from invading the empireB.it had started the work on the wall and really controlled it all alongC.the common people rebelled against the empire that had forced them to work on the Great WallD.the Qin emperor lost all his personal wealth in the creation of the Great Wall

19、答案C解析从第二段可知,汉朝能建立是由于老百姓起来反抗逼迫他们修建长城的秦朝的结果。6The main idea of this passage is that .A.the emperor of the Qin Dynasty was a slave driverB.invading enemies was a problem in ancient ChinaC.the common people of ancient China were very poorD.the human achievement of the Great Wall is widely appreciated答案D解

20、析纵观全文,长城的建造是劳动人民血汗和智慧的结晶,它的宏大规模,它的悠久历史,它的文化价值,充分说明它是人类的伟大成就,并具有广泛的审美意义。7The author has not directly stated,but would support the opinion that .A.Qinshihuang was not that cruel to the people during his timeB.the common people of the Qin Dynasty were the ones who provided the labor in constructing the

21、 Great WallC.work on the Great Wall was started before the Qin Dynasty came into existenceD.the Great Wall of China is a great human achievement and was probably worth the effort it took答案D解析A项明显错误;B和C两项的内容在文章中直接提到了;只有D项是通过阅读文章可以推断出的作者观点。六、语篇填空This morning I took a bus to school.The traffic was 1(bu

22、sy) than usual and there were more people on the bus.At Xinhua Stop,I saw 2 old man get on the bus.He looked very weak.I stood up and gave my seat to him.He thanked me and asked me about my name and my school.We talked 3(happy).Later in the 4(three) class,Mr Du came in and asked me to go to the fron

23、t.I didnt know why,so I was a little afraid.Everyone 5(look) at me.Then he told them 6 I did on the bus this morning.He 7(know) it because he got a phone call from the old man.Mr Du said I could be a good example to my 8(classmate).It was really a good day 9 me!I was so 10(pride).12345678910答案1.busier2.an3.happily4.third5.was looking6.what7.knew8.classmates9.for10.proud


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