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2016-2017学年高二英语译林牛津版选修七UNIT 3 THE WORLD ONLINE练习 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、一、 根据首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词1. The report is so important that you must check the _(准确性) of the data at least three times.2. By using the search engine you can find a lot of _(相关的) information.3. _(抛弃) by her parents,she was brought up by a kindhearted person.4. The Harry Potter series is full of r_ to magi

2、c words that I have never heard before.5. I have been c_ with Li Ming since he went abroad for further study.二、 选择方框内所给短语的适当形式填空be supposed to; be likely to; be about to; be able to; be to1. Children who do volunteer work _ grow up to be caring adults.2. The children _ be at school before 8 am.3. Co

3、lin_ get off the camel when a child ran towards him.4. If a man _ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.5. I lived with my brother this winter and didnt have to pay rent. So I _ save most of my salary. 三、 单项填空1. Language gives us _ability to communicate at _much higher level than any other animals

4、.A. an; / B. /; the C. an; the D. the; a2. The amount of false information on the Internet becomes _of a problem every day. A. less B. more C. better D. worse3. The written record of our conversation doesnt _ what was actually said. There are a lot of mistakes.A. correspond with B. relate to C. look

5、 into D. refer to4. Have you worked out the schedule for our graduation trip? Yes. I _ on it for 3 hours.A. have been working B. was working C. worked D. had worked5. Students in Englishspeaking countries usually address their man teacher “sir”, but _ their woman teacher “madam”. A. seldom they addr

6、ess B. do they seldom addressC. seldom do they address D. they seldom do address四、 完形填空Are forests always created by nature? A man from India proves that this is not necessarily _1_Abdul Kareem, who used to be an airline ticketing agent, has a great love for the _2_. _3_ he never went to college, he

7、 can talk about plants and trees like an expert. In 1977, he bought a piece of _4_ wasteland with the dream of growing trees on it. In the beginning, people thought he was _5_ to waste his time and money on the land. But he simply _6_ them and kept _7_ the soil and planting trees there. The land was

8、 so dry that it had to be _8_ several times a day. Kareem had to _9_ the water from a source that was a kilometer away. In the first two years, none of the trees he planted _10_. However, in the third year, several young trees started growing. Greatly _11_ by the result, Kareem planted more trees an

9、d his manmade forest began to _12_. Kareem let his forest grow _13_, without using any chemicals to help it grow or _14_ insects. He _15_ the ability of nature to renew _16_. Thats _17_ he did not allow fallen leaves or twigs from the forest to be removed.After years of hard work, Kareem has not onl

10、y realized his dream _18_ transformed a piece of deserted property into a beautiful forest as well. Today, his forest is _19_ to 1,100 medicinal plants, 2,000 varieties of trees, rare birds, animals, and insects. Now, scientists from all over the world come to visit his _20_. They hope to find the s

11、ecret of his success. 1. A. possible B. true C. troublesome D. important2. A. weeds B. flowers C. woods D. animals3. A. Because B. Ever since C. As if D. Although4. A. rocky B. rich C. green D. muddy5. A. funny B. crazy C. worried D. brave6. A. influenced B. separated C. changed D. ignored7. A. work

12、ing out B. working on C. taking out D. taking on8. A. turned B. dug C. watered D. covered9. A. fetch B. transport C. take D. drive10. A. died B. increased C. burst D. survived11. A. surprised B. hurt C. encouraged D. moved12. A. take place B. take shape C. lose way D. lose control13. A. smartly B. p

13、ainfully C. excitingly D. naturally14. A. cook B. spread C. kill D. keep15. A. believed in B. learned from C. threw away D. gave up16. A. himself B. them C. itself D. us17. A. how B. when C. whether D. why18. A. and B. so C. or D. but19. A. house B. home C. land D. farm20. A. creature B. park C. cre

14、ation D. nature一、 1. accuracy2. relevant3. Abandoned4. references5. corresponding二、 1. are likely to2. are supposed to3. was about to4. is to5. was able to三、 15DBACC1. D解析:第一空,the ability to do sth.(做某事的能力);第二空,at a high level(处于一个高的水平)。2. B解析:become more of a problem every day(日渐成为一个问题)。3. A解析:corr

15、espond to/with(与相符合,与相一致)。4. C解析:句意:你制订出我们毕业旅行的计划表了吗?是的。我弄了三个小时。根据语境做计划是发生在过去的事情,现在不再进行,排除A,选C。过去进行时表示过去的时间点或时间段正在进行的动作,根据语境排除B;过去完成时表示“过去的过去”,排除D。5. C解析:否定词seldom位于句首时,需部分倒装。四、 15BCDAB610DBCAD1115CBDCA1620CDDBC1. B解析:根据该句中“not necessarily”表达的语境,再结合下文内容可知,“森林是由大自然缔造的”这一观点并非是真的。故选B。2. C解析:根据下句中“he ca

16、n talk about plants and trees like an expert”可判断,他非常喜欢树木。故选C。3. D解析: 该句意为:尽管他没有上过大学,但是他就像专家那样谈论植物和树木。根据句意可知,两句间为让步关系。故选D。4. A解析:根据该句中的“wasteland”以及下句中的“waste his time and money on the land”可知,人们认为在这片荒地上种树是浪费时间和金钱。据此可以判断,这片荒地贫瘠。故选A。5. B解析:根据该句中“waste his time and money on the land”可知,人们认为他在这片荒凉的土地上种树

17、一定是疯了。故选B。6. D解析:根据该句中“simply and planting trees there”可知,他不顾别人的议论,继续在这片贫瘠的土地上种树。故选D。7. B解析:见6题解析。8. C解析:根据该句中“The land was so dry that it had to be”可知,土地太干,所以每天要浇几次水。故选C。9. A解析:根据该句中“the water from a source”可以判断,Kareem不得不到一公里以外的地方去取水。故选A。10. D解析:根据下句“However, in the third year, several young trees

18、started growing”可判断,前两年没有树苗存活。故选D。11. C解析:根据该句中“by the result, Kareem planted more trees”可以判断,受到那些存活的树苗的鼓舞,Kareem种植了更多的树苗。故选C。12. B解析:根据该句中“Kareem planted more trees and his manmade forest began to”可知,Kareem种植了更多的树,他的人造森林初步成型。begin to take shape(初步成型)为固定搭配。13. D解析:根据该句中“without using any chemicals t

19、o help it grow”可知,Kareem不使用化肥助长。据此可以判断,他是让森林自己生长的。故选D。14. C解析:根据该句中“without using any chemicals to help it grow or insects”可知,他不使用化学药品杀虫。故选C。15. A解析:根据该句中“the ability of nature”可知,他相信自然的力量。故选A。16. C解析:根据该句中“renew”表达的语境可知,他相信大自然自我更新的能力。空处代指nature,故选C。17. D解析:分析该句结构可知,空处引导表语从句,由“he did not allow fallen leaves or twigs from the forest to be removed.”可知,该句解释他不让人们清理森林中的落叶树枝的原因,故用why引导该从句。18. D解析:经过数年的辛苦工作,Kareem不但实现了他的梦想,还将一片废弃的贫瘠的荒地改变成为漂亮的森林。not only but(also)(不但而且)为固定搭配。19. B解析:如今,他的森林成了多种药材、树种以及珍稀鸟类、动物、昆虫的家园。be home to(是的家园)为固定搭配。20. C解析:根据语境可知,来自世界各地的科学家到这里参观他创造的森林。故选C。


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