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本文(上海市金山中学2012-2013学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

上海市金山中学2012-2013学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc

1、上海市金山中学2012-2013学年高一期末考试英语试题(考试时间:90分钟满分:100分)第一卷(共75分)I. Listening Comprehension Section Aon your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. To cancel an appointment.B. To book an airplane ticket to Shanghai.C. To make an appointment with the woman.D. To in

2、vite the woman to visit Shanghai with him.2. A. A washing machine. B. An iPhone.C. A television. D. An iPad 2.3. A. She goes to the countryside.B. She goes fishing with her friends.C. She goes to take pictures.D. She helps her mother do housework.4. A. He picked up his sister.B. He listened to a lec

3、ture.C. He went to the hospital.D. He looked after his grandpa.5.A. To Florida. B. To San Francisco.C. To New York.D. To Washington.6.A. See the doctor.B. Take sleeping pills.C. Lose some weight.D. Have a rest.7.A. Its goods were stolen.B. It was broken into.C. Its owner was injured.D. It caught fir

4、e.8.A. On August 22nd.B. On August 24th.C. On August 26th.D. On August 29th.9. A. He is making noise.B. He is watching a football match.C. He is preparing for the final exam.D. He is repairing his TV set.10. A. Mr. White. B. Mrs. White.C. Mr. Black. D. Mr. Whites brother.Section BDirections: In Sect

5、ion B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to

6、 the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. A successful real-estate investor.B. A journalist of Eyes on Investors.C. The founder of an investing business.D. The founder of Eyes on Investors.12.A. How David became so successful.B. Why David started

7、 investing in real-estate.C. How Davids life changed.D. How David enjoyed his life.13.A. Because it was the interview of a successful man.B. Because it was very enjoyable.C. Because it started off just as a chat.D. Because it was a discussion between two persons.14.15. A. The Wine Drinking Competiti

8、on.B. The History and Culture of Winery Show.C. The celebration of Whistler Wines birthday.D. A dinner party.15.A. Whistling.B. German bowling.C. Egg hunting.D. Wine tasting.16.A. In the square.B. At Whistler Wines.C. On the beach.D. In the Great Hall.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear

9、 a longer conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Borrowing Books fro

10、m the LibraryBooksWhere to find 17 English novels for the mans daughterOn the first floorOne book on 18 management for the man himselfOn the fourth floorOne fashion magazine for the mans 19 In the only 20 room on the second floorComplete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.II. Grammar and Vocab

11、ularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21.At the foot of the mountain _ two small rivers.A. is lyingB. are lyingC. lieD. lies22. I dont like the way _ you speak to your pare

12、nts.A. in thatB. whichC. /D. of which23. His curiosity _ the plants and animals led him to _ a biologist.224. The boy, one of the so-called rich second generation, forced his parents to buy a new car _ it might cost.A. no matter how muchB. how muchC. however highD. no matter how25. Which do you pref

13、er, tea or coffee?_. Im not particular about drinks.A. BothB. NoneC. EitherD. Neither26. The teacher left word with us _ she would explain the problem again next time.A. whoB. whatC. thatD. which27. All the visitors have to pass security check before they are allowed to enter the stadium, _?A. dont

14、they B. havent theyC. arent theyD. are they28. This kind of material _ well.A. washesB. washC. is washedD. is washing29. Every time Gina catches her employees _ time, she reminds them that time is money.A. wasteB. wastingC. to wasteD. wasted30. There are 50 students in this classroom _ face the nois

15、y street.A. windows of whichB. which windowsC. the windows in whichD. whose windows31. Jack is _ Janet.A. as diligent a student asB. a student as more diligent asC. diligent as a student asD. as a diligent student as32. The project _ by the end of 2012, will expand the citys telephone network to cov

16、er 2000000 users.A. being accomplished B. to be accomplishedC. accomplished D. having been accomplished33. Believe it or not, crying is a way you can imagine _ pressure.A. relieving B. to relieve C. relieved D. relieve34. In the U.S., _ a tip is thought to be polite when paying the bill.A. leave B.

17、having left C. leaving D. being left35. People all over the world were shocked Japans nuclear explosion caused by the devastating earthquake.A. inB. atC. toD. on36. A little carelessness while driving _ cost the driver his life.A. mustB. shallC. needD. may37. _ for months to look for a job as a bank

18、 clerk, Smith finally took a position at a local advertising agency. A. To struggle B. Having struggled C. To be struggling D. Struggled38. _ you lose your key, please keep a spare one in your office.A. As long asB. ThoughC. UnlessD. In case39. The way the guests _ in the hotel influenced their eval

19、uation of the service. A. were treated B. treated C. would treatD. would be treating 40. When I try to understand _ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes. A. why it does B. what it does C. what it is D. why it is2Section B D

20、irections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. reasons B. really C. farmers D. express E. shelterF. hunters G. pleasant H. supplied I. warm J. discoveredThe earliest men did not have much ti

21、me for art; they faced many dangers, and hunting for food took up almost all their time. But after many thousands of years perhaps a million years or more they became very good 41 , and that gave them a little free time which they could use for other things. A few of them began to paint on the walls

22、 of the caves where they lived. Many early artists painted animals, because these were the most important things in their lives. Animals 42 food to keep them living, and skins to keep them 43 . Like painters today, the early artists possibly painted for many 44 . Perhaps they wanted to give their ca

23、ve a little brightness and color; perhaps they had a few special ideas which they could 45 most easily in a painting; perhaps they just wanted to spend a little time in a _46 way. Many of them believed in magic, and they often drew animals which were caught. They hoped that by drawing these things,

24、they would make them 47 appear. People have 48 cave paintings in many parts of the world. The earliest that we know about are in Europe. Because of the cold weather, the early men in Europe used the caves for _49_; in many warmer parts of the world this was not necessary. We know quite a lot about t

25、he dates of the European paintings, and we believe that the earliest ones were painted about thirty thousand years ago.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phra

26、se that best fits the context.Generally speaking, most people are frightened of making public speech. Losing face is the greatest _50_ and failing to appeal to the audience comes a close second. Most people have plenty of insecurities, and public speaking seems like a situation that will bring all t

27、he _51_ feelings out. Some people are always expected of highly and they will be under pressure to be _52_. Then they may still feel unsatisfied with their performance although the general public have already been _53_ by their speech.While lively people will feel less fear, it does not mean they wi

28、ll _54_ do the job better. On the contrary, in many cases some very shy people do manage to present _55_ speeches. In fact, _56_ is not what mainly decides whether you do well at a public speech. Regardless of what you are like in real life, the key seems to be to act yourself.Doing public speaking

29、as actual acting, performing the lines of a character other than yourself, does not make you succeed. While politicians may limit damage by having carefully prepared, acting again and again _57_, there is always a hidden _58_ among the audience that what they say might not be correct.Likewise, many

30、speeches of great speakers in history are far from _59_. The audience may on the spot be persuaded by them while afterwards they even cant remember what they have heard and have a feeling of being _60_.Although, as Earl Spencer proved at his sister Princess Dianas funeral, it is possible both to pre

31、pare every word and to _61_ naturally, prepared speeches rarely _62_ in public. But, only being yourself doesnt help get rid of all the fears either. If you spoke as if you were in your own kitchen, it would be too _63_. The distance between the speaker and the audience would be too short to strengt

32、hen the need for normal communication and information exchange, which are the main _64_ of a public speech. 50.A. concernB. preferenceC. resistanceD. sorrow51. A. eagerB. unsafeC. specialD. usual52.A. reasonableB. anxiousC. perfectD. critical53. A. preservedB. impressedC. worriedD. prevented54. A. n

33、ecessarilyB. readilyC. appropriatelyD. extensively55. A. terribleB. unforgettableC. suitableD. scientific56.A. skillB. preparationC. knowledgeD. personality57.A. in advanceB. in realityC. in controlD. in result58.A. awarenessB. mysteryC. researchD. fear59. A. beneficialB. clearC. responsibleD. succe

34、ssful60. A. forgottenB. fooledC. encouragedD. determined61. A. actB. cryC. guideD. communicate62.A. make mistakesB. work wondersC. lose faceD. create troubles63. A. dirtyB. personalC. specificD. noisy64.A. limitationsB. advantagesC. purposesD. conditionsSection Bfits best according to the informatio

35、n given in the passage you have just read.(A)Irish dance: The Irish International Dance Company, one of the most dynamic dance troupes in the world, will tour China with its classic production “Spirit of the Dancethe New Millennium”.The dancers include such famous names as Patricia Murray, one of th

36、e Irish dancing champions, and first-rate ballerina Claire Holding.Sponsored by China National Culture and Art Company Ltd., the dancing troupe will give three performances at the Century Theatre.Time: 7:30 pm., June 23-25Place: Century Theater, 40 Liangmaqiaolu, Chaoyang DistrictTelephone: 6551-888

37、8Piano solos: Twenty Chinese and foreign piano music works will be played by three young promising pianists from the China Central Conservatory of Music.Programmes includes: “Consolation No.3 in D-flat major” by Liszt, “For Elise” by Beethoven, “Turkish March” by Mozart, “Waltz in C-sharp minor” and

38、 “A Minute Waltz” by Chopin, and “Hungarian Dance” by Brahms.Time: 7:30 pm, June 16Place: Beijing Concert Hall, 1 Beixinhuajie, Xicheng DistrictTelephone: 6605-581265. How many performances will the Irish dancing troupe give between June 23 and 25? A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.66. Whose works will

39、 NOT be played at the concert? A. Chopin.B. Schumann.C. Beethoven.D. Liszt.67. Who sponsored these performances?A. The Irish International Dance Company.B. The Century Theater.C. China National Culture and Art Company Ltd.D. Art Company Ltd.(B)Despite knowing he was dying, Steve Jobs, former CEO of

40、Apple, worked for more than a year to make plans for four years of new products that he believed would maintain the companys future. It was also revealed that Jobs fought hard to get plans approved for a spaceship-style company headquarters in California. It will be big enough to hold 12,000 employe

41、es in a park-like setting near the existing base in Cupertino, the global headquarters of Apple. He appeared at a town council meeting in June to promote the planning.He was also overseeing (监督) the development of the delayed iCloud project, which will allow Apple users to store their music, photos

42、and other documents remotely, and designing updated versions of the iPod, iPad, iPhone and MacBooks, ensuring that at least four years worth of products will go smoothly.Pre-order sales of the first official biography of Steve Jobs have increased by 44,000 percent. According to the official descript

43、ion, the book, out on October 24, 2011, is based on more than 40 interviews with Jobs conducted over two years as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, competitors and colleagues. Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011, aged 56, following a long battle with cancer. Jobs is

44、 survived by a wife, a son and two daughters. With his passing being confirmed, world leaders, the most famous technology bosses and thousands of fans throughout the world all paid tribute (悼念) in their way to the life of the man they honored as a hero.68. What is the passage mainly about?A. How Ste

45、ve Jobs battled with a deadly disease.B. What Steve Jobs did for his company before he died.C. Why Apple became a successful company.D. Whether Apple will survive without Steve Jobs.69. Which of the following is NOT one of things that Steve Jobs has done?A. Participate in the writing of his first of

46、ficial biography.B. Plan a spaceship-style headquarters in California.C. Control the development of the iCloud products.D. Design updated versions of existing products.70. What did Steve Jobs do when he knew he was dying, according to this passage?A. Enjoy life with his family.B. Contact his friends

47、 and colleagues.C. Be interviewed by the media.D. Make plans for his company71. What can we learn about Steve Jobs from the last paragraph?A. His first official biography was published when this passage was written.B. The main content of his first official biography is about his family life.C. He wa

48、s honored not only by his friends, but also by his competitors.D. No one apart from his family expected him to die so soon.(C)Have you ever wondered why the leaves on trees turn from green to shades of red, yellow and brown each fall? Why the colors are better some years than others? Or even why lea

49、ves are green in the first place? Once each year during the fall season the trees of many regions in America produce a great color show that signals the death of the leaves and an inactive winter period for the tree.Trees, like all living things, need food and energy to live and grow. Leaves are a t

50、rees food factories. leaves contain a green pigment (色素) called chlorophyll, which has the ability to absorb energy from sunlight and turn the water and minerals into starch (淀粉), which is food for the tree.During the summer months when there are long days and pleasant temperatures, the leaves are b

51、usy making food, but as the days of sunlight grow shorter and the weather becomes cooler, the leaf factories begin to slow down until the process of making food stops completely. The green chlorophyll is no longer needed and slowly disappears from the leaves. The reds, yellows and browns of fall lea

52、ves then appear.Where do the colors come from? They are there all the time. Leaves contain yellow, orange and brown pigments that are always present in the leaf but remain hidden by the strong chlorophyll green in summer. The color appears only when the green chlorophyll fades.As the leaves change c

53、olor, the tree pulls any remaining food out of them, storing it to survive during the winter months. The red shades of some fall leaves appear when the sugar produced by the leaves gets trapped in them rather than returning to the tree. The sugar dissolves (溶解) in the sap (树液) of the leaf and turns

54、it red, orange, or purple. Some leaves have no color pigments except for the chlorophyll and just turn a dull shade of brown before drying up.In very warm climates, many broad-leaved trees drop only some of their leaves at a time and appear green all year round. The intensity of the fall colors vari

55、es from year to year, depending on the fall weather conditions. With frosty weather, the colors may not be as varied. Cloudy, rainy weather produces dull shades of red. Warm, humid conditions produce brightly-colored but speckled (有斑点的) leaves. Dry, sunny fall weather produces the most wonderful col

56、ors of all.72. The author raised several questions in the first paragraph most probably because _.A. he advises the reader to look them upB. he wants the readers to think about themC. he knows the reader will be interested in themD. he hopes the reader will find the answers to them73. A. The tree fr

57、eezes in cold weather.B. The leaves store water and minerals.C. The tree begins to die in the winter.D. The leaves stop making food.74. What does chlorophyll do for a trees leaves?A. It makes the leaves drop from the tree.B. It makes the leaves taste sweet.C. It makes the leaves red, gold and brown.

58、D. It makes the leaves green.75. During the fall, how does cloudy, rainy weather affect leaf color?A. It creates more dull leaves with speckles.B. It creates more leaves that are red.C. It creates more orange and yellow leaves.D. It creates more brightly-colored leaves.第II卷 (共14分)I. TranslationDirec

59、tions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.2.为什么不尝试用中药来治疗这种疾病呢?(Why)3. 父母不能容忍孩子们一而再地犯同一个错误。(tolerate)4. 尽管我的实验失败使他失望,但他还是鼓励我继续进行研究。(let down)5. 一个小女孩被强盗绑架了,所以很多警察尽快地去营救她。(rescue)听力原文:1. M: Morning. This is John Smith. Im calling to cancel

60、my appointment with Dr. Williams. I have to fly to Shanghai at four tomorrow.W: OK, cancel appointment, John Smith.Question: Why is the man making the call?2. M: My wife wants to buy a washing machine, my son wants an iPad 2, and I want an iPhone very much.W: If you buy all of them today, well give

61、you a television.Question: What is the woman offering as a gift?3. M: I usually go to the countryside to take pictures or go fishing with friends on the weekends. W: I usually stay at home and help my mother do some housework.Question: What does the woman usually do on the weekends?4. W: It was a pi

62、ty that you missed the lecture by Professor Liu yesterday.M: I had planned to come, but I had to go to the airport to pick up my sister, since my parents were in the hospital looking after my grandpa.Question: What did the man do yesterday?5. W: Morning Jack, I heard you flew to Florida from Washing

63、ton last Friday. M: Yes, I went there to visit my parents. They moved there two years ago from New York. And next week Im going to San Francisco on business. Question: Where is the man going next week?6. W: These days my back aches, and I cant sleep well without sleeping pills. My doctor asks me to

64、have a rest. M: Oh, Im not surprised. You should lose some weight.Question: What does the man advise the woman to do?Did you hear the news?M: Yes! Luckily the owner was OK.Question: What happened to the shop last night?8. W: When will you complete your paper?M: I have been writing for two days. I st

65、ill need another three days to finish it by August 26th.Question: When did the man start writing?9. M: Kate, dont make noise. This football match is great. W: I think you should turn off the TV. Both John and I are preparing for the final exam.Question: Whats the man doing now?10. M: The machine isn

66、t working.W: Ive called Mr. White to repair it. But his wife said he had gone to the airport to pick up his brother. Maybe I should call Mr. Black.Question: Who will the woman call?of months ago in San Antonio, last January actually, and immediately realized I needed to interview him. He was just to

67、tally on fire. He started investing in real estate in 2009 and has already gotten 40 doors. His whole life has just completely changed. Hes free and independent, and has built up a really great real-estate investing business. I wanted to learn how hed done it and share it with you. Anyway, this inte

68、rview is a little different, since we started off just chatting, and I realized that it was so great that I wanted to just make the chat the interview. So I asked him, “Hey, can we just turn this into the interview?” He said yes. So youre just going to see some casual chat between the two of us, a v

69、ery frank discussion. Its all in the interview. I think youre really going to enjoy this.Questions:11. What is Damon Janis?12. What did the speaker want to know about David?13. Why is the interview different?14-16 W: The Food and Wine festival lasts three days, from May 3rd to 5th, and has many fun

70、activities. Theyre as follows. The Wine Drinking Competition will be held from 8:00 am to 10:00 am on May 3rd in the square. People aged 18 and above are allowed to take part in it. The man who drinks the most bottles of wine will be the winner. The prize is a computer. The History and Culture of Wi

71、nery Show is being held from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on May 4th in the Great Hall. The tickets are 40 dollars each for adults and half price for children. On May 5th is the traditional Easter Sunday at Whistler Wines. On that day, children can enjoy craft activities, egg hunting, and face-painting. Orang

72、e juice and popcorn are provided for free. Another event is the celebration of Whistler Wines birthday. Activities include wine tasting, a whistling competition, and traditional German bowling. On the night of May 5th, there will be a dinner party on the beach, where you can try all kinds of food ma

73、de of cheese. I hope you enjoy it!Questions:14. What activity is being held on May 3rd?15. What activity can children do on Easter Sunday?16. Where is the History and Culture of Winery Show being held?17-20 M: Hello, I want to borrow several books, but I cant find them.W: What books do you want?M: T

74、hree English novels for my daughter.W: Novels are on the third floor, oh no, on the first.M: Where are the books on business management? I need one.W: Theyre on the fourth floor, on the left-hand shelves behind the door. The books on human resources on the right-hand ones. M: Oh, and where are the f

75、ashion magazines? I need to borrow one for my wife.W: Fashion magazines are on the second floor. There is only one reading room, and youll find them there.M: OK, thanks a lot.W: Youre welcome.第一卷 (86分)17. Three/3 18. business 19. wife 20. reading21-25 CCCAC 26-30 CAABD 31-35 ABBCB 36-40 DBDAC41. F 4

76、2. H 43. I 44. A 45. D 46. G 47. B 48. J 49. E50-54 A B C B A 55-59 B D A A D 60-64 B A B B C(22分) 65-67 CBC 68-71 BADC 72-75 BDDB第二卷 (翻译14分)2. Parents cannot tolerate their childrens making the same mistake again and again. 3. Peter was forced to give a speech in front of a large audience.4. Though the failure in my experiment let him down, (yet)he encouraged me to go on with my research.5. A little girl was kidnapped by a robber, so the police came to rescue her as soon as possible.

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