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本文(2019-2020学年新培优同步人教版英语必修三练习:UNIT 5 SECTION Ⅱ— LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2019-2020学年新培优同步人教版英语必修三练习:UNIT 5 SECTION Ⅱ— LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.docx

1、Section Learning about Language课时过关即时巩固一、请根据前缀multi- 和后缀 -ward(s)的含义,猜测下列单词的含义1.multivitamin 答案:多种维生素的2.multistorey 答案:(建筑物)多层的3.outwards 答案:向外4.forward 答案:向前5.westwards 答案:向西二、选择适当的单词填空whatwhetherwhohowthat1.He hasnt made the decision he will go there or not.答案:whether2.We came to the decision we m

2、ust act at once.答案:that3.I have no idea he is doing now.答案:what4.Its a question he did it so well.答案:how5.The question should do the work requires consideration.答案:who 三、七选五阅读理解There are a few tips old people should keep in mind while traveling during the long weekend.Consider these tips to keep you

3、r traveling stress-free.1.Plan ahead.Get to know your destination ahead of time.Find out the weather for the weekend and choose some fun places to go with loved ones.1If you need a wheelchair or other devices,inform the place youre staying ahead of time.2.2Let your doctor know about your travel plan

4、s.They may want to discuss medications or dietary changes and offer their sound medical advice.3.Consider your medications.The old should always think about any medicine they take daily.Bring enough medicine to last you the entire weekend.3 That way,if there are travel delays,youll be prepared.Dont

5、leave your medications exposed in your room while youre away.Always place them in a safe spot out of harms reach.4.Avoid showing flashy items.Keep your jewelry at home while youre traveling,or tuck it in a hidden spot.If youre staying in a hotel,use the room safe to hold valuables such as wallets wh

6、ile youre gone.4If youre on the first floor,always keep windows locked to avoid break-ins.5.Travel comfortably.Old people should always aim to travel comfortably.5Even the smallest of heels can throw off your balance and possibly cause you to fall.Use luggage with wheels for easy mobility.A.Talk to

7、your doctor.B.Take your doctor with you.C.Pack flat shoes with good support.D.Avoid placing the “clean my room” sign on the door.E.You also can pack the necessary items like an umbrella.F.Pack your medications in your carry-on if youre flying.G.Talk with friends about the best means of traveling aro

8、und.答案:1.E2.A3.F4.D5.C四、完形填空New Zealand is an English-speaking country.But the government recognizes1 language,too.This is the Maori language.English2 began to visit New Zealand after 1770.They found a3 people living there.They were the Maoris,4 had come from islands in the Pacific Ocean 400 years b

9、efore during the 14th century.For a long time the5 government was not interested in these faraway islands.It was6 a British colony (殖民地)in 1840.As a7,more and more British settlers arrived from Britain.The dark-skinned Maoris were8 to the first settlers.But soon the new settlers wanted9 lands.So in

10、1844 there was fighting10 them.This was the first of several wars between the two11.The next fifty years were very bad for the Maoris.Many were12 in the wars.Many more died from new diseases13 by the British.In 1840 there were perhaps 200,000 Maoris;by 1869 this number had14 to 42,000.For many years

11、 the “British” New Zealanders looked 15 upon the Maoris.16 in recent years,the two peoples have lived in 17.They have had equal18,and the Maori language is one of the languages of the country with19.Today there are about a quarter of a million Maoris,which is about 9% of the 20.1.A.othersB.thisC.ano

12、therD.other 答案:C解析:上文提到新西兰是说英语的国家,而空后的名词language为单数,因此政府应是也接受另一种(another)语言。others “其他人或物”,后不接名词;this “这个”;another “另一个”;other “其他的”。2.A.loversB.pilotsC.driversD.sailors 答案:D解析:由“the Pacific Ocean”推出在交通条件较为落后的18世纪,英国人到新西兰必须是从海上,所以用sailors。lover “喜爱的人”;pilot “飞行员”;driver “司机”;sailor “海员,水手”。3.A.dark-

13、skinnedB.yellow-skinnedC.short-leggedD.white-haired 答案:A解析:由第三段第一句话中的“The dark-skinned Maoris were .”可以推出答案为dark-skinned。4.A.whichB.theyC.whoD.whom 答案:C解析:因为定语从句的先行词the Maoris指的是人,所以可以排除A项;而they不能引导定语从句;whom在定语从句中不能做主语。由此得出答案为who。5.A.MaoriB.BritishC.EuropeanD.New Zealand 答案:B解析:由上文可知是英国航海家到的新西兰,所以答案

14、为British。意思是“英国政府一开始并没有对这些遥远的岛屿感兴趣”。6.A.rewardedB.awardedC.calledD.made 答案:D解析:make在句中的意思是“使成为”,make New Zealand a British colony的意思是“使新西兰成为英国殖民地”。reward “报答”;award “授予”;call “打电话,称呼”。7.A.ruleB.resultC.wholeD.ruler 答案:B解析:as a rule的意思是“通常”;as a result的意思是“结果”;as a whole的意思是“总体上”;as a ruler的意思是“作为一名统

15、治者”。根据句意,应为as a result。8.A.cruelB.friendlyC.dangerousD.unknown 答案:B解析:本句考查上下文之间的联系。由下文的but转折可知,本题的意思应是“深色皮肤的毛利人对于第一批移民非常友好”,即答案为friendly。cruel “残忍的”;dangerous “危险的”;unknown “不为人所知的”。9.A.theirB.itsC.theD.a答案:A解析:因为此处是指移民想要夺取毛利人的土地,所以代词应用their。10.A.amongB.ofC.inD.between 答案:D解析:among侧重指“在三者或三者以上之间”,而b

16、etween 侧重指“在两者之间”。本句话是指战争在移民和毛利人之间进行,因此答案为between。11.A.settlersB.personsC.peoplesD.nations 答案:C解析:由最后一段第二句“.in recent years,the two peoples have lived .”可知毛利人和移民是两个民族。12.A.killedB.diedC.protectedD.wounded 答案:A解析:下文提到许多人死于疾病,因此本句应指“许多人死于战争”,表示在战争中或事故中死亡往往用be killed的句式。die“死”,不用于被动结构;protect “保护”;woun

17、d “使受伤”。13.A.broughtB.givenC.takenD.caused 答案:A解析:新疾病应是被英国人带来的(bring),所以答案为brought。give “给”;take “带走”;cause “造成”。14.A.increasedB.fallenC.improvedD.developed 答案:B解析:因为上文提到许多毛利人死于战争和疾病,所以他们的人数应是下降(fall)到42,000人。15.A.afterB.downC.forD.forward 答案:B解析:look after的意思是“照顾”;look down upon的意思是“看不起”;look for的意

18、思是“寻找”;look forward是“向前看”。本句表示“英国移民”的新西兰人看不起毛利人。16.A.ButB.UntilC.SoD.Therefore 答案:A解析:but “但是”,表示上下文的转折;until “直到”;so “因此”,表示结果;therefore “因此”。由上下文可以看出,它们存在着明显的转折关系。17.A.dangerB.troubleC.peaceD.distance 答案:C解析:live in peace “和平共处”;in danger “处于危险之中”;in trouble“处于困境之中”。18.A.incomeB.rightsC.educationD

19、.experiences 答案:B解析:由上文可知,近年来他们之间的关系发生了变化,他们有了平等的权利。因此可以推出答案为rights。19.A.EnglishB.JapaneseC.GermanD.French 答案:A解析:由第一段第一句“New Zealand is an English-speaking country.”可知新西兰是一个说英语的国家。因此答案为English。20.A.areaB.landC.populationD.island 答案:C解析:上文提到“a quarter of a million Maoris”,这是在谈论人口(population)。area “面积”;land “土地”;island “岛屿”。

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