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本文(专题04 单词拼写-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编 - 副本.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

专题04 单词拼写-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编 - 副本.docx

1、2011年单词拼写46. The boy tried to_(跳)over the fence.答案:jump47. Tina is a_ (陌生人)in this village. Nobody knows where she comes from.答案:stranger48. We stayed at grandmas house for_ (几乎)a month。答案:nearly49. I bought_(我自己)a new computer.答案:myself50. John is very _(粗心的)and he often loses his keys.答案:careless5

2、1.A_ (著名的)writer used to live in this small town.答案:famous52 .Toms parents only allow him to_(游泳)in the pool.答案:swim53. The ice on the river is_ (厚)enough to skate on.答案:thick54 .I must raise my voice so that everybody can_(听到)me.答案:hear55. It takes great_(努力)to get the party ready.答案:effort2012年单词拼

3、写46. The children were all moved to_(眼泪).答案:tears47. Jack is a hard -working and _(诚实的)man.答案:honest48.Take the_(药)three times a day after meals.答案:medicine49.The weather is usually _(干燥的)and sunny at this time of the years.答案:dry50.Michael studied modern European_(历史)at college.答案:history51.Dont_(浪

4、费)your money on unnecessary things.答案:waste52. Hurry up! Were going to be_(晚了)!答案:late53.He had no_(经验)of running a kindergarten.答案:experience54.Your sister and I will _(结婚)this spring in New York City.答案:marry55.Thanks to my English teacher, my spoken English has_(极大的)improved.答案:extremely2013年单词拼写

5、46. Everybody wants to _(练习) their English with me.答案:practice47. Many people _(成功) in losing weight by doing exercises.答案:succeed48. I dont think its _(健康的) for her to spend so much time alone.答案:healthy49. I am having _(医学的) treatment now and cant go to work today.答案:medical50. Doctors are unable

6、to _(解释) why the disease spread so quickly.答案:explain51. The situation was far more _(危险的) than John had realized.答案:dangerous52. She left with a _(承诺) that she would finish the report before Friday.答案:promise53. Do you play any other sports besides football and _(篮球)?答案:basketball54. A small sail w

7、ill be light in weight, making it _(容易的) to pull up.答案:easy55. He failed to reach the _(标准), and did not qualify for the race.答案:standard2014年单词拼写46.The old couple received a _(礼物)from their neighbors.答案:gift/present47.The doctor says it is _(必要的)for me to have an operation.答案:necessary48.However co

8、ld it was, he went on swimming in the _(河)。答案:river49.Without their support, the project would not have been _(成功的)。答案:successful50. _(记住)to bring your passport with you.答案:Remember51. Whatever difficulties you may meet with, keep working hard until you _(实现)your dream.答案:realize52.It is _(危险的)to dr

9、ive drunk.答案:dangerous53.The project will cost _(在之间)eight and ten million dollars.答案:between54.Its bad manners to smoke in _(公共的)places.答案:public55.The bed he bought last week is not so _(舒适的).答案:comfortable2015年单词拼写46.After _(早餐), we went for a walk on the beach.答案:breakfast47.Its very_(危险的)for th

10、e children to play in the street.答案:dangerous48.He has to drive a long _(距离)to work every day.答案:distance49.You cannot _(判断)a book by its cover.答案:judge50.New discoveries have been made to support this _(理论)。答案:theory51.This is the _(理由)why he was not interested in the project.答案:reason52.People hav

11、e a right to _(决定)how to spend their own money.答案:decide53.I thought hed been drinking, _(尽管)I wasnt completely sure.答案:though/although54.We need to give more _(关注)to the needs of elderly people.答案:attention55.Frank is gaining valuable _(经验)working for his fathers firm.答案:experience2016年单词拼写46.The n

12、otes are given at the bottom of the _(页).答案:page47.The church was rebuilt in the seventeenth _(世纪)。答案:century48.The students were asked to write a _(作文)about the river.答案:composition49.There should be some cleaner ways of producing _(电).答案:electricity50.May I _(介绍)myself? My name is John SmithNice t

13、o meet you, Mr. Smith.答案:introduce51.To cut the amount of _(脂肪)in your diet, you should avoid eating red meat.答案:fat52.Please dont go _(楼上). The baby is sleeping.答案:upstairs53.You must go and see a _(医生)if the pain returns.答案:doctor54.Dont _(担心). Ill be sending the material you require by e-mail.答案:

14、worry55.The _(服务)there is perfect and umbrellas are lent free of charge.答案:service2017年单词拼写46. I dont think he will _(轻易地)change his mind.答案:easily47. If you touch a _(火), you get burned.答案:fire48. Ann placed the vase _(小心地)on the shelf.答案:carefully49. He often _(警告)his son not to drive so fast.答案:w

15、arns50. Paul will buy the suit if it has been tailored by _(星期一)答案:Monday51.The French usually drink _(酒)their main meal.答案:wine52. It is no doubt that only those who face up to challenges are more likely to _(成功)答案:succeed53. Englands woolen sweaters are famous for their _(质量)答案:quality54. Please m

16、ake an _(额外的)key for our front door.答案:extra55. Share your _(进步)and failures with the people around you, and youll find help from them.答案:progress2018年单词拼写46.Our football team feels _(自豪的) that we have won all the matches this year .答案:proud47. The train runs _ (每个) night of the week except Saturday

17、s 答案:every48. Shes worried that she might not be _(能够) )to find another job. 答案:able49.Peter could hear beautiful _(音乐) coming through an open door. 答案:music50. Warm_(天气)attracted a lot of tourists to the countryside for a pin答案:weather51. The drive to my office _ (通常) )takes15 to20 minutes. 答案:usua

18、lly52. Take my _(忠告) and study something practical.答案:advice53. Can you _(解释) how the medicine works?答案:explain54. A government spokesman will announce the new _ (决定) )this afternoon 答案:decision55. I hope you will soon _ (忘记) the bad experience you had today答案:forget2019年单词拼写46. She still remembered

19、 part of the _(故事).答案:story47. He _(有时) plays the piano together with his son.答案:sometimes48. People _(改变) their mind for one reason or another.答案:change49. He was excited that his _(最喜欢的) team had won the game.答案:favorite50. The _(总的) cost was just as what we had expected.答案:total51. If you _(比较) t

20、he prices, youll find they are about the same.答案:compare52. I respect the president, but I do not _(同意) with his decision.答案:agree53. I have just finished washing all my _(脏的) clothes.答案:dirty54. Professor Wang didnt _(提及) his new argument in the article.答案:mention55. Jack was a _(安静的) and gentle ma

21、n who liked sports and enjoyed life.答案:quiet2020年单词拼写46.Would you_(借给)me your car tomorrow morning?答案:lend47.We should all remember the _(重要性)of keeping the traffic rules.答案:importance48.The chairman entered the room with his secretary following _(在后面)答案:behind49.A dictionary like this is_(值)200 yua

22、n.答案:worth50.The moment I opened this novel, the story drew my _(注意力)答案:attention51.Nowadays peoples _(依赖)more and more on Internet.答案:depend/rely52.Stephen had to _(准备)dinner for the whole family.答案:prepare53.His suitcases were taken to Madrid by _(错误)答案:mistake54.The classroom is full of _(吵闹的)chi

23、ldren.答案:noisy55.We have saved some money, but it is not nearly _(足够)答案:enough2021年单词拼写46. This box is so heavy that I can hardly _(想象)what you put in it.答案:imagine47.Ateacher is more than a person who passes _(知识)to his students.答案:knowledge48.I dont think Tom has the _(必要的)skills for the job.答案:ne

24、cessary49.He first broke the world _(记录)when he was 18.答案:record50.Its reported that watching too much TV does no _(好处)to children.答案:benefit51.She is tall enough to _(清洁)the windows without standing on a chair.答案:clean52.Its polite of the child to give up his seat to the _(上了年纪的)woman.答案:elderly53.

25、My brother regretted missing a _(讲座)given by professor Wang.答案:lecture54.It started to rain _(突然地).答案:suddenly55. The air is filled with the pleasant _(味道)of flowers.答案:smell2022年单词拼写46. Lucy went to the supermarket to gel the food for the _(特别的)holiday meal.答案:special47. The main _(理由)I dont like h

26、im is his selfishness. 答案:reason48. The new restaurant serves _(健康的)food.答案:healthy49. This small country is working hard to _(发展)its milk industry. 答案:develop50. Some new shopping centers are being built _(在附近)my house.答案:near/around51. He did not _(提到)anything about the party. but I believed that he would go. 答案:mention52. She will write to the manager and _(建议)a meeting.答案:suggest/advise/propose53.He has to finish the report by 9 oclock _(今晚).答案:tonight54. Spring is the planting _(季节).答案:season55.Id like to thank all those who are here to _(支持)me.答案:support

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