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本文(2019-2020学年新培优同步人教版英语必修二练习:UNIT 2 SECTION Ⅱ — LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2019-2020学年新培优同步人教版英语必修二练习:UNIT 2 SECTION Ⅱ — LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.docx

1、Section Learning about Language课时过关即时巩固一、单句改错1.This private school is in charge of Mr Wang.答案:in后加the2.The vase will be sell to a Dutch buyer.答案:sellsold3.Is the paper going to handed in?答案:to后加be4.The glass of water will be turned ice.答案:turned后加into5.The shoemaker charged me twenty yuan with mendi

2、ng a pair of shoes.答案:withfor二、将下列句子改为被动语态1.The government will surely improve peoples living conditions.答案:Peoples living conditions will surely be improved by the government.2.The students will finish the work on time.答案:The work will be finished on time by the students.3.Who will build the house

3、for us? 答案:Who will the house be built by for us?4.He will make a model plane for his son.答案:A model plane will be made for his son by him.5.We are going to sell the computer.答案:The computer is going to be sold by us.三、完成句子1.谁将要掌管这个公司?Who will the company? 答案:be in charge of2.将很快修建这个车站。This station

4、soon.答案:will be built3.不会出版这本书了。This book .答案:wont be published4.我们应该为我们的货物做广告。We should .答案:advertise our goods5.这项工作将由谁来做?Who will the work ?答案:be done by四、完形填空The journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful.Cathy suffered some terrible 1 in her early childhoo

5、d.After years of regular treatment,she 2 became healthy.Two years ago,while Cathy was watching the Olympics,a dream came into her sweet little headto be a swimmer.Last summer,she wanted to 3 our local swim team.She practiced hard and finally 4 it.The team practice,5,was a rough start.She coughed and

6、 choked and could hardly 6 her first few weeks.Hearing her coughing bitterly one night,I decided to 7 her from it all.But Cathy woke me up early next morning,wearing her swimsuit 8 to go!I told her she shouldnt swim after a whole nights coughing,but she refused to 9 and insisted she go.From that day

7、 on,Cathy kept swimming and didnt 10 a single practice.She had a 11 intention within herself to be the best she could be.My ten-year-old was growing and changing right before my eyes,into this 12 human being with a passion and a mission.There were moments of 13 of course:often she would be the last

8、swimmer in the race.It was difficult for Cathy to accept that she wasnt a 14ever.But that didnt stop her from trying.Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year.Cathy didnt expect any award but was still there to 15 her friends and praise their accomplishments.As the ceremony was near

9、ing the end,I suddenly heard the head coach 16,“The highest honor goes to Cathy!”Looking around,he continued,“Cathy has inspired us with her 17 and enthusiasm.18 skills and talents bring great success,the most valuable asset(财富) one can hold is the heart.”It was the greatest 19 of my daughters life.

10、With all she had been 20 in her ten years,this was the hour of true triumph(成功).1.A.failureB.pressureC.lossD.illness答案:D解析:由下一句中的“After years of regular treatment(经过多年的常规治疗)”可知,该句的含义应为:凯茜在童年早期患有某种严重的疾病。failure“失败”;pressure“压力”;loss“损失,失去”;illness“疾病”。故选D项。2.A.usuallyB.finallyC.firstlyD.frequently答案:


12、make“制作”,make it “成功”。故选D项。5.A.howeverB.thereforeC.otherwiseD.instead答案:A解析:句意:然而,游泳队的训练是苦难的开始。上文提到她成功加入了游泳队,本句则提到游泳队的训练开始并不容易,故二者存在转折关系。however“然而”;therefore“因此”;otherwise“否则”;instead“相反”。故选A项。6.A.useB.surviveC.saveD.waste答案:B解析:句意:她咳嗽、窒息,几乎熬不过前几个星期。use“使用”;survive“幸存”;save“救,节省”;waste“浪费”。由上一句中的ro

13、ugh可知,答案:为survive。7.A.pullB.tellC.hideD.fire答案:A解析:句意:一天晚上听到她痛苦地咳嗽,我决定不让她去训练了。pull“拉”;tell“告诉”;hide“藏”;fire“开火,解雇”;pull.from.“从脱身”。由句意知A项为正确答案。8.A.afraidB.nervousC.readyD.free答案:C解析:句意:但是第二天清晨,凯茜把我叫醒,她已经穿好泳衣,准备出发了。afraid“害怕的”;nervous“紧张的”;ready“准备好的”;free“自由的,免费的”。由她已经穿好泳衣可知,ready为最佳答案。9.A.take offB

14、.set offC.give up答案:C解析:句意:我告诉她一整晚的咳嗽之后,她不应该去游泳,但是她拒绝放弃,坚持要去。take off“起飞;脱掉”;set off“动身,启程;使爆炸”;give up“放弃”;show up“到场,露面”。由空后的句子“她坚持要去”可知give up为最佳答案。10.A.attendB.missC.banD.start答案:B解析:句意:从那天起,她继续游泳,没有错过一次训练。attend“参加”;miss“错过,思念”;ban“禁止”;start“开始,发动”。由该句中的“Cathy kept swimming”可知,miss为最佳答


16、。由凯茜坚持游泳训练的事实可知,determined为最佳答案。13.A.frustrationB.delightC.excitementD.surprise答案:A解析:句意:当然她也有一些感到挫败的时刻,她经常是游泳比赛中的最后一名。frustration“挫折,挫败”;delight “高兴”;excitement“激动,兴奋”;surprise“惊讶,吃惊”。从她是游泳比赛中的最后一名可知,此处应选择frustration。14.A.beginnerB.learnerC.partnerD.winner答案:D解析:句意:凯茜很难接受自己不是一名获胜者。beginner“初学者”;lea

17、rner“学习者”;partner“搭档,合作伙伴”;winner“获胜者”。根据上一句中的“she would be the last swimmer in the race”可知,她很难接受自己不是获胜者,故选winner。15.A.cheer onB.compete withC.respond after答案:A解析:句意:凯茜没有期望任何奖项,但是仍旧到那儿为她的朋友们鼓劲加油,并且赞美他们。cheer on“向欢呼”;compete with“与竞争”;respond to“对作出回应”;run after“追赶,追求”。根据句意可知A项为最佳答案。16.A.admi

18、ttingB.explainingC.announcingD.whispering答案:C解析:句意:当颁奖仪式接近尾声时,我突然听到总教练宣布:“最高荣誉奖属于凯茜!”admit“承认”;explain“解释”;announce“宣布”;whisper“低声说”。宣布一件大家关注的事情,应用announce,故选C项。17.A.humorB.willC.honestyD.wisdom答案:B解析:句意:凯茜用她的意志和热情激励了我们。humor “幽默”;will“意志力”;honesty“诚实”;wisdom“智慧”。上文主要讲述了凯茜不顾自己的身体,坚持游泳训练,体现的是她的意志力。故选


20、.acrossD.around答案:A解析:句意:在她十年中所经历的所有时刻中,这是她真正成功的时刻。through“经历,通过”;under“在下面”;across“横穿”;around“在的周围”。本句指我的女儿所经历的事情,故选through。五、语篇填空One morning,I was waiting at the bus stop,worried about 1(be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop,2 some of them looked very anxious and 3(dis

21、appoint).When the bus finally came,we all hurried on board.I got a place next 4 the window,so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike 5(catch) my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver,but he refused 6(stop) until we

22、reached the next stop.Still,the boy kept 7(ride).He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally,when we came to the next stop,the boy ran up to the door of the bus.I heard an excited conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked,“8 anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?”A woman

23、 on the bus shouted,“Oh dear!Its 9(I).”She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done,and the crowd of strangers 10(sudden) became friendly to one another.答案

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