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1、Section Introduction, Reading & Vocabulary一、单词拼写1.Ive b a table for two at Beijing Restaurant tonight.答案:booked2.In the Torch Festival,the Yi people dance in their national c.答案:costumes3.He was (闲逛) in the street when he witnessed an accident.答案:wandering4.The guests were deeply impressed with the

2、girls e manners.答案:elegant5.In this area,the plains e for hundreds of miles.答案:extend6.I have pleasant (记忆) of our friendship.答案:memories7.The icy coldness of the water (使苏醒) her.答案:revived二、用适当的介、副词填空1.This festival is the end of October,when “ghosts”come out.2.Have you ever dressed in special clot

3、hes?3.Think carnival,and you think of crowds,costumes,and confusion.4. the beginning,it lasted just one day.5.Their use was limited by laws,the first of which dates back the fourteenth century.6.If they broke the laws,they were put prison for up two years.7.But the late 1970s the tradition was reviv

4、ed by students.8.Hotels are fully booked and the narrow streets are crowded wonderful costumes.9.If the key Rio is music and movement,then in Venice it is the mystery of the mask.10.If the masks come ,the magic is lost.答案:1.at2.up3.of4.At;for5.to6.into;to7.in8.with9.to10.off三、选词填空think of,prepare fo

5、r,have fun,in secret,date back to,dress up,put into prison,come to an end,up to,be crowded with1. as Father Christmas and accompanied by six pretty girls,he set off.2.The origin of Chinese culture more than 5,000 years ago.3.Thousands of soldiers were transported into Britain to fight against the en

6、emy.4.During the Spring Festival,the shops shoppers.5.My classmates are busy the monthly test.6.The murderer was caught and .7.He drove his car at a speed of 120 kilometres an hour.8.Two hours later,their quarrel .9.Jack is selfish because he is always himself.10. meant eating,drinking and dressing

7、up.答案:1.Dressed up2.dates back secret4.are crowded with5.preparing for6.put into prison7.up to8.came to an end9.thinking of10.Having fun四、根据课文重要句型仿写句子1.经常找方法来表扬你的孩子,那么你将发现他们会对你敞开心扉。Find ways to praise your children often, youll find they will open their hearts to you.答案:and2.她假装在听经理讲话,实际上她在想别

8、的事情。She pretended to the manager,but actually she was thinking about something else.答案:to be listening3.事故发生后,他被禁止驾车。After the accident,he from driving.答案:was banned4.逃跑五天后,他逃跑的日子结束了,他被捉住了。Five days after hed escaped,his days on the run when he was finally caught.答案:came to an end5.经理想要告诉工人:迟到五次意味着离

9、开这家公司。The manager meant the workers that being late for 5 times meant the company.答案:to tell;leaving五、阅读理解It was Thanksgiving morning and in the crowded kitchen of my small home I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang.I opened the front door and saw two small

10、children in rags huddling together inside the storm door on the top step.“Any old papers,lady?” asked one of them.I was busy.I wanted to say “no” until I looked down at their feet.They were wearing thin little sandals,wet with heavy snow.“Come in and Ill make you a cup of hot cocoa.”They walked over

11、 and sat down at the table.Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor.I served them cocoa and bread with jam to fight against the cold outside.Then I went back to the kitchen and started again on my household budget.The silence in the front room struck me.I looked in.The girl held the empty cup in

12、her hands,looking at it.The boy asked in a flat voice,“Lady,are you rich?”I looked at my shabby slipcovers(家具套).The girl put her cup back in its saucer carefully and said,“Your cups match your saucers.” Her voice was hungry with a need that no amount of food could supply.They left after that,holding

13、 their bundles of papers against the wind.They hadnt said “Thank you”. They didnt need to.They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful.Plain blue cups and saucers were only worth five pence.But they matched.I tasted the potatoes and stirred the meat soup.Potatoes and brown meat s

14、oup,a roof over our heads,my man with a good steady jobthese matched,too.I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room.The muddy prints of small sandals were still wet upon my floor.Let them be for a while,I thought,just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.1.Two childr

15、en came to the writers front door because was Thanksgiving DayB.they were beggarsC.they wanted old papersD.they wanted a cup of cocoa解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Any old papers,lady?”可知。答案:C2.Why did the writer let the children in?A.She showed great pity on them.B.She had old papers to sell.C.She wanted t

16、o invite them to her Thanksgiving feast.D.She wanted them to see how rich she was.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段可知当作者看到他们穿着满是雪的拖鞋时应是对他们很同情。show pity on对同情。答案:A3.The girl thought the writer was rich perhaps because .A.she saw that the ladys room was comfortableB.she saw the cups matched the saucersC.the writers slip

17、covers were very newD.the writer was preparing a big meal while she was too hungry解析:细节理解题。根据第七段中“Your cups match your saucers.”可知小女孩认为拥有配套的茶杯和茶托就是富裕的。答案:B4.From the passage,we can infer that whether you are rich depends on much money you have you feel about your you have h

18、elped othersD.what job your husband is doing解析:推理判断题。根据第七段中“They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful.”可推知。答案:B5.The writer left the muddy prints of small sandals on the floor for a while to her husband that someone had comeB.remind her that she had helped two childrenC.remind her that she has much moneyD.remind her how rich she is解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Let them be for a while,I thought,just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.”可知。答案:D

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