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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家虹口区2011学年度第一学期高三年级英语学科第二次分层练习(A卷)2011.11 考生注意:1. 本试卷分为第卷(第1-11页)和第卷(12页)两部分。全卷共12页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。2. 答第I卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写学校、班级、姓名和准考证号,并用铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写准考证号。3. 第I卷(1-16小题,25-80小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案不能涂写在试卷上,涂写在

2、试卷上一律不给分。第I卷中的第17-24小题、81-84小题和第II卷的试题,其答案用钢笔或圆珠笔写在答题卡上,如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上也一律不给分。第I卷 (105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversati

3、ons and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Johnson. B. George.C. The woman. D. Both George and Johnson.2. A. On the

4、 third floor. B. At a bookstore.C. In a department store. D. In the mens department.3. A. At four-thirty. B. At five oclock.C. At five-thirty. D. At four oclock.4. A. $3. B.$6. C. $8. D. $12.5. A. An article in the newspaper. B. A telephone conversation. C. A play in the theatre. D. A play on televi

5、sion.6. A. He cant afford that much for a trip.B. He is fortunate to have made a lot of money.C. He doesnt think 15,000 dollars will be enough for such a trip.D. 15,000 dollars is only a small sum of money for him.7. A. The bus was late. B. She forgot her class.C. She got up later than usual. D. Her

6、 clock went wrong.8. A. Tom was not allowed to watch television.B. Tom bought an expensive watch.C. Tom does like television.D. Tom should watch more television.9. A. Its difficult. B. Its easy.C. Its too short.D. It takes her only one hour.10. A. Teacher and student. B. Boss and secretary.C. Father

7、 and daughter. D. Husband and wife.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers

8、 on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. The number of students they take in is limited.B. They receive little or no support from public taxes.C. They are only open to children from r

9、ich families.D. They have to pay more taxes.12. A. Private schools admit more students.B. Private schools charge less than religious schools.C. Private schools run a variety of programs.D. Private schools allow students to enjoy more freedom.13. A. The churches.B. The program designers.C. The local

10、authorities.D. The state government.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Anxious and worried.B. Proud and excited.C. Nervous and confused.D. Inspired and confident.15. A. His father scolded him severely.B. His father took back the six dollars.C. His father made him do th

11、e cutting again.D. His father cut the leaves himself.16. A. One can benefit a lot from working with his father.B. Manual labourers shouldnt be looked down upon.C. One should always do his job seriously.D. Teenagers tend to be careless.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conve

12、rsations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.What time will Mr. Black be back

13、?Hell be back at _ (17).Where does Dan hope to meet Mr. Black?In Room 1415 on the _ (18) floor in the _ Hotel (19).Whats Dans phone number?His number is _ (20).Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Has James ever been to Sydney

14、 before?This is the _ (21) that James has visited Sydney.When does James intend to visit the Sydney Opera House?He intends to visit it _ (22).Is Darling Harbour a shopping center?No, its a big _ (23).What kind of bus can take James to see the attractions of the city?He shall take _ (24) to go there.

15、Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Since the 2010 World Expo, Shanghai has cha

16、nged so much that it is _ recognitionA. from B. beyond C. over D. with 26. The other day I met with the CEO of the company at the hotel, _ who used to teach at Fudan University.A. oneB. anyoneC. the oneD. someone27. _ in debt and faced with unemployment, some graduates dont have the ability to live

17、independently. A. Graduating B. Graduated C. To graduate D. Being graduated28. I really _ thank you enough for your generosity. Its been an amazing day.A. neednt B. shouldnt C. mustnt D. cant29. -This book by Tony Garrison is of great use for our course. -But I think his latest one is _ worth readin

18、g.A. better B. more C. most D. very30. It is reported that China has created the first man-made sun in the world recently, _?A. isnt it B. is it C. hasnt it D. has it31. The child will stop showing off, if no notice _of him. A. takes B. is taken C. was taken D. has taken32. -What has made him upset

19、recently?- _ alone to face a troublesome milk case.A. Left B. Being left C. Having left D. To leave 33. The computer program is a puzzle to me. The more I think of it, the more questions I think of _.A. ask B. asked C. being asked D. to ask34. The gap between rural and urban economy in China _, and

20、education is the key to solving the problem.A. is widening B. widens C. was widenedD. widened 35. Some singers are popular among their fans _ they can be annoying at times. A. in case B. even if C. so that D. as if36. It was April 29,2011 _ Prince William and Kate Middleton held their wedding ceremo

21、ny. A. that B. when C. since D. before 37. There can be little doubt _ bombing Libya would drive thousands more to take up arms.A. why B. Whether C. that D. How38. China Pavilion has become such an attractive place of interest _ everyone likes to visit.A. so B. that C. which D. as39. The agreement _

22、 as a whole is, I think, the best one we can reach to gain the win-win result.A. taken B. taking C. to take D. having taken40. Netizens can find out _ all the excitement is about on the internet.A. thatB. ifC. whatD. whenSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the b

23、ox. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. impact B. particular C. continued D. failure E. battlingF. equally G. suffering H. popular I. differently J. described Apple Reports CEOs DeathSteve Jobs, the founder and former CEO of Apple, died on October 5 at

24、 the age of 56. Jobs had been _41_ with pancreatic (胰腺的) cancer since 2004. In August 2011, he stepped down as CEO, handing over to Tim Cook.When asked what Steve Jobs is best remembered for, many of us would name a _42_ product: the iPod, the iPhone or the iPad, for example. According to the Wall S

25、treet Journal, Jobs “proved the appeal of well-designed products over the sheer (纯粹的) power of technology itself and shifted the way consumers interact (互动) with technology in an increasingly digital world”.But in the eyes of Eric Jackson, a reporter with Forbes magazine, Jobs brought much more to t

26、he world than these _43_ devices. Some of the lessons he taught us were _44_ inspiring. Jobs once _45_ his philosophy as trying to make products that were at “the intersection (交集) of art and technology”. He said this was always an important part of what made Apples products stand out.Jobs also taug

27、ht people how to face _46_. He was fired by the successor (继任者) he himself chose. Despite this, Jobs didnt hide away. He picked himself up and _47_ to follow his passion.Jobs will be remembered by many in the technology industry, as well as by people across the world in all walks of life. As Microso

28、ft co-founder Bill Gates put it: “The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound (深远的) _48_ Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. ” “Steve was among the greatest of American innovators (创新者) brave enough to think _49_, bold enough to believe he could

29、change the world, and talented enough to do it,” said US President Barack Obama. III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I believ

30、e honesty is one of the greatest gifts. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days,like 50 and straightforward. And its still what makes a man a good 51 . This is my secret,and I try to live by.Ive been in the taxi business for thirty-five years, 52 there is a lot about it that is not so go

31、od. Taxi drivers have to be rough and tumble (乱作一团) fellows to be able to take it in New York. Youve got to be 53 to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day. Because taxi drivers are tough,people get the 54 impression that they are bad. Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will

32、 act as 55 fellows. You read in the papers almost every week where a taxi driver turns in money or jewels or like that people leave in their cars. If they werent honest,you wouldnt be reading those _56_ in the papers. One time,I found an emerald(翡翠的)ring in my car. I remembered helping a lady with a

33、 lot of suitcases that day,so I went back to where I had dropped her off. It took me almost two days to wait for her in order to return her ring to her. I didnt get as much as “thank you.” But,I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she did.I was born and _57_ in Ir

34、eland until I was nineteen years old. I came to this country in 1913 where I 58 several jobs to earn a few dollars before joining the army in World War I. After being discharged(退伍),I bought my own car and have owned one ever since. It hasnt been too easy _59 ,but my wife takes care of our money and

35、 we have a good bit 60 for a rainy day (一时之需). In all my years of driving a taxi,I have never had _61_ with the public,not even with drunks. Even if they get a little headstrong (顽固的) _62_,I just agree with them and then they behave themselves.People ask me about tips. As far as I know,practically e

36、veryone will give you something,because most Americans are fairly 63 . I always try to be nice to everyone,whether they tip or not. I believe in God and try to be a good member of my parish(教区). I try to act toward others like I think God wants me to act. I have been _64 this for a long time,and the

37、 longer I try,the easier it gets.50. A. dishonor B. dishonesty C. upright D. faith51. A. policeman B. passenger C. citizen D. driver52. A. denying B. ensuring C. arguing D. knowing53. A. generous B. tough C. mild D. warm-hearted54. A. right B. proper C. bad D. wrong55. A. rude B. honest C. good D. t

38、ough 56. A. novels B. stories C. accidents D. letters 57. A. raised B. trained C. known D. brought58. A. made B. engaged C. held D. carried59. A. at one timeB. at any time C. in no time D. at times 60. A. put off B. put up C. put on D. put away61. A. trouble B. difference C. appointment D. discussio

39、n62. A. on their own B. as usual C. once in a while D. to a great extent63. A. careful B. equal C. passionate D. generous64. A. trying B. taking C. acting D. thinkingSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For ea

40、ch of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A)During my ninth-grade year, I suffered from“anorexia nervosa”. It was not enough to be thin. I had to be the thinnest. Now, however, fully re

41、covered, I can reflect back and realize that my wishes were more complex than fitting into size five pants. Many of my hidden emotions were related to my relationship with my father. As I was growing up, his work always came first. Sometimes I would not see him for up to two weeks. Not only did he d

42、evote his whole self to his work, but he expected me to do the same (“You cannot get anywhere unless you go to the best universities!”). Though, consciously, I never felt pressure to please him, I began dieting after the first time he told me I looked fat.At the time, all I knew was that I had to be

43、 thinthinner than anyone else. Every month my father went to Europe for a week or so and on the days he left, sorrow and emptiness swallowed me: Daddy was leaving. Then, I turned to focus on a mysterious weaknessa helpless childlike emotion that came from starving. I liked to know that I needed to b

44、e taken care of; maybe Daddy would take care of me.Now, two years later and thirty-eight pounds heavier, I have come to realize that I cannot change my fathers inability to express his feelings. Instead, I must accept myself. I know that I am a valuable person who struggles to achieve and accomplish

45、. But I cannot struggle solely for others. By starving, I attempted to gain pride in myself by obtaining my fathers approval or acknowledgment of my value as a person. But the primary approval must come from me, and I feel secure now that I can live with that knowledge safely locked in my mind.65. W

46、hat is “anorexia nervosa” as mentioned in the first line of the passage?A. It is a situation of feeling self-doubting.B. It is an inability to express ones feelings.C. It is someone who is emotionally unstable.D. It is an illness that makes one want to stop eating.66. Why did the writer suffer from

47、anorexia nervosa?A. She was told by her father to take care of herself.B. She wanted to go to the best university.C. She wanted her fathers attention.D. She grew up in a poor family.67. Which of the following statements is true about the writer?A. She has problems controlling her tempers.B. She is p

48、roud of herself for working hard to succeed.C. She has had great confidence in herself since childhood.D. She has changed her fathers way of expressing himself.68. Whats the writers purpose of writing this passage?A. To blame her father.B. To report a case of child abuse.C. To reflect on a stage of

49、growing up.D. To teach people how to lose weight. (B)The financial climate, the job market, family tensions, Obama moving into the Lincoln bedroom. Even the climates getting in on the list. Yup, change is everywhere in these years.If youre not careful, all kinds of strange things might happen in you

50、r otherwise ordered life, so its best to work at avoiding change whenever it rears its head(抬头).Here are 5 ways to do just that:1. Ignore any opportunities.How many times have you taken a chance, only for things to go wrong? How many times have you seized an opportunity only for it to slip between y

51、our fingers?Theres always another screw-up(皱脸)waiting for you, so its better to stay right where you are. Where you are right now is a known quantity its safe, warm and comfortable. Doesnt that sound better than going out there, screwing up and looking stupid?2. Set your expectations low.If youre on

52、e of the people out there looking to make a change in these years rather than having change made for you, youd better set your expectations low.3. Keep on running and dont look back.The best thing to do is to set things out so that you can do everything. Its good to be busy and running around after

53、everyone else will mean that everyones happy and theres no room for change to happen. Its a win-win!4. Recognize that most changes are too big.Face it; there are some tasks youre just not up to. Landing that exciting new job, getting a promotion, taking on the big project or building a relationship

54、that really works these are all big challenges and you dont want to bite off more than you can chew.5. Ignore that little voice insideYou might sometimes hear a little voice in your head that tells you youre not happy or that something has to change. This little trouble maker can speak up at any tim

55、e and throw the Spanner of Confusion in the works, and it has only one thing on its mind to take you out of your comfort zone and make you change.Imagine if everyone went around listening to what they really wanted and acted on it - chaos.No, best to ignore it and carry on with what youre doing.69.

56、The purpose of writing this passage is _.A. to attract the readers interest in change in these yearsB. to discuss whether people should change in these yearsC. to introduce ways to avoid change in these yearsD. to tell the readers the news of American PresidentObama and others70. The underlined sent

57、ence “You dont want to bite off more than you can chew” implies_.A. there are some big challenges you cant fightB. you have big challenges to fightC. you are afraid of challenging some difficult tasksD. you are too small to eat too much food71. The best way of dealing with that little voice inside i

58、s _.A. to change something at onceB. to have a chat with the speakerC. to discuss it with the trouble makerD. to ignore it and go on with what you are doing (C)People want action on noise, a recent public meeting in Brisbane showed. Some want technical improvements such as quieter air conditioners o

59、r better sound barriers around major roads. Others want tougher laws to restrict noise from building sites or to require owners to take responsibility for barking dogs. But the highest priority was a noise complaints system that works.Brisbane City Council receives more complaints about noise than a

60、ll other problems put together. So it conducted a survey and found that about half its residents are upset by noise in one form or another traffic, mowers, pool pumps, air conditioners or loud parties. This inspired the Council to bring together more than 100 citizens one evening to talk through a r

61、ange of options. The meeting found the present regulatory system bizarre. Depending on the problem, responsibility for noise can lie with the Council, the Environment Protection Authority, one of three government departments or even the police. So complainants often feel they are getting the run-rou

62、nd. When the people at the forum were asked to vote for changes, the strongest response was for a 24-hour noise hotline to be the first port of call for all complaints. The forum also favored regulatory measures, such as tougher minimum standards for noise in appliances like air conditioners. This e

63、ven makes economic sense, as noise is a waste of energy and money. Other measures the meeting supported were wider buffer (缓冲) zones around noisy activities and controls to keep heavy traffic away from residential areas. But there are obvious conflicts. Many people like to have a bar within walking

64、distance if they feel like a drink, but they dont want a noisy pub keeping them awake when they want an early night. Most people want to live near a major road providing good access to other parts of the city, but they dont want the problem of road noise. Some were most interested by the proposals a

65、imed at behavioral change. There was strong support for measures to reduce traffic: better public transport, cycleways and footpaths, even charges for road use. Many people optimistically thought industry awards for better equipment would stimulate the production of quieter appliances. It was even s

66、uggested that noise from building sites could be alleviated (减轻) if Brisbane adopted daylight saving, thus shifting the working day and providing longer, quieter evenings.72. According to the recent public meeting in Brisbane, what was the first step to take in order to reduce noise pollution?A. Pro

67、duce quieter air conditioners.B. Provide better sound barriers around major roads.C. Establish a noise complaints system.D. Make stricter laws to require owners to take responsibility for barking dogs.73. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. the Brisbane residents were satisfied with the pr

68、esent noise regulatory systemB. many people in Brisbane preferred to live near a pub to which they have easy accessC. nearly all the inhabitants in Brisbane were bothered by noise in one form or anotherD. noise pollution is the most serious among pollution complaints in Brisbane74. Brisbane City Cou

69、ncil brought together citizens to talk through solutions to the noise problem mainly due to _.A. the result of the survey carried out by itselfB. a noise complaints system that worksC. people asking for tougher laws on noiseD. requirements of an effective noise complaints system75. How could noise f

70、rom building sites be alleviated if Brisbane adopted daylight saving? A. If daylight saving was adopted, the daytime would be prolonged and the night would become quieter.B. If daylight saving was adopted, the working hours during the daytime would be shortened while the night would be extended and

71、thus quieter.C. If daylight saving was adopted, the night would be shortened and thus quieter.D. If daylight saving was adopted, both the daytime and the night would be shortened and the noise would be reduced.Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F

72、 for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.A. Classroom participationB. Differences in American university educationC. Examination systemD. Competition among studentsE. Honest policy in students school workF. Students responsibility for learning76 There is considerable var

73、iety in university classrooms in the United States. Because of diverse teaching methods and non-standardized curricula (课程), no two courses are the same. Undergraduate courses are considerable different from graduate courses. The classroom atmosphere in expensive, private universities may differ fro

74、m that in community colleges,which are free and open to everyone.77 Participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade on the students oral participation. Although there are formal lectures during which t

75、he student has a passive role (i.e., listening and taking notes), many courses are organized around classroom discussions, student questions, and informal lectures.78 Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with the student. If a long reading assignment is given, instructors

76、expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or give an examination. (Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams.) The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one i

77、nterested only in getting high grades.79 Ideally, the teacher-student relationship at universities is characterized by trust. The honor system, put forward by the teacher and the university demands that the student be honest in all areas of school work. Thus, cheating on tests, Plagiarizing (抄袭) in

78、written work, presenting others ideas as original, and turning in homework completed by someone else are all prohibited (禁止).80 Relationships between students in the classroom can be cooperative or competitive. International students should not hesitate to ask for help if it is needed. There are cou

79、rses, however, where grades are calculated in relation to other students scores. Therefore, in classes where such a grading curve is used, students may be reluctant to share lecture notes or information for fear that their own grades will suffer.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then

80、answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.World Is Growing DarkerYouve heard the term “global warming”, but having you heard about “global dimming”? As the earth has grown warmer during the last 50 years, it has also grown darker.In May, scientists from several cou

81、ntries gathered in Montreal to compare their measurements of the suns radiation. During the last 50 years, the amount of sunshine reaching the earths surface has declined by roughly 10 percent, says Gerald Stanhill, a retired scientist who worked at the Israeli Agriculture Ministry.Global warming an

82、d global dimming seem to have the same cause: air pollution. Most scientists agree that the invisible greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), released into the air by cars and industry, have warmed the atmosphere. A warmer atmosphere, in turn, holds more water vapor in the

83、form of thicker clouds, which block more sunlight, says Beate Liepert, an atmospheric scientist at Columbia University.Another form of air pollution is adding to the effect. Tiny particles(颗粒)of soot(煤烟)spewed into the atmosphere help water condense into droplets, forming denser clouds. The soot als

84、o reflects sunlight back into space or absorbs it before it reaches the ground.Scientists use radiometers(辐射计)to measure the amount of sunlight striking the earth. One type of radiometer is a black plate covered by a glass dome. The temperature of the plate indicates how much sunlight is falling on

85、it. Hundreds of radiometers around the world have been measuring sunshine since the 1950s.The measurements have varied from place to place. Sunlight in Hong Kong, for example, has decreased by 37 percent.How has global dimming affected life on the earth? No one is sure. It could be offsetting global

86、 warming. It could also be affecting the productivity of plant life, which depends on sunshine for growth.“There could be a big gorilla sitting on the dining table, and we didnt know about it,” Veerabhadran Ramanathan, a scientist at the University of California, told the New York Times. “There are

87、many, many issues that it raises.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. “Global dimming” of the earth is featured by _.82. Why is “global dimming” caused by air pollution according to the passage? 83. Tiny particles of soot add to global dimming mainly

88、 because they _.84. What does the sentence “There could be a big gorilla sitting on the dining table, and we didnt know about it” in the last paragraph mean? 第卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 我们看到了一个多么感人的场面啊!(Wh

89、at)2. 他绝没想到他会在第一次工作面试后不久就得到了那份心仪的工作。(It)3. 如果你方便的话,请帮我把从图书馆借的这几本书还回去。(convenient)4. 现在,超市里销售的食品的安全性正受到越来越多的市民的质疑。(challenge)5. 这条河流之所以受到严重污染是因为那家化工厂大量排放废水,这引起了社会的极大关注。(which)II. Guided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chine

90、se.当前,“酒后驾车”成了人们热议的话题。请你就“酒后驾车”谈谈个人看法。注意:1词数:120-150词; 2酒后驾车:drunk driving第二次分层练习(A卷)参考答案I. Listening Comprehension 1-5:BCABD 6-10:ACCBD 11-13:BCA 14-16:BCC17. 12 18.14th 19. Park 20. 674-370621. first time 22. tomorrow morning 23. entertainment center 24. the Red Bus II. Grammar and Vocabulary25-29

91、: BCADA 30-34: CBBDA 35-40: BBCDAC41-45: EBHFJ 46-49: DCAIIII. Reading Comprehension50-54: CCDBD 55-59: BBACD 60-64:DACDA65-68: DCBC 69-71: CAD 72-75: CDAB 76-80: BAFED81. The declined amount of sunshine reaching the earths surface 82. Because polluted air makes thicker clouds83. help water condense

92、 into droplets, forming denser clouds.84. The world is growing darker because of “global dimming”.Translation1. What a moving / touching scene we have seen!2. It never occurred to him that he got his favorite job shortly after the first job interview.3. If it is convenient to you, please help me ret

93、urn these books that I borrowed from the library.4. Nowadays the safety of food sold in supermarkets is being challenged by more and more citizens.5. The reason why the river is badly / seriously polluted is that the chemical factory has poured a great deal of waste water into it, which has caused t

94、he great concern of the society.Guided Writing参考答案:Nowadays, drunk driving is becoming a heated topic among people in China. Here, Id like to air my views about it. As is known to us all, drunk driving is a sort of terrible behavior that will threaten the safety of people, including the driver himse

95、lf. Many of the traffic accidents caused by drunk driving have brought about traffic jams, injuries and even death. Besides, a great deal of money has to be spent treating the injured and repairing the broken cars, which means a waste of money. I strongly suggest more severe and effective measures b

96、e taken before things get worse. Laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunk driving. Meanwhile, the public, especially drivers, should be more aware of public safety. I hope by doing so, drunk driving can be things of past.I. Listening ComprehensionPart A Short Conv

97、ersationsDirection: In part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Each conversation and question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four po

98、ssible answers and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. M: Johnson sent me a postcard last week.W: I have got one from George but not from Johnson.Q: Who did the woman get a postcard from?2. M: Id like to buy a new shirt.W: The mens department is on the third floor,

99、sir.Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?3. M: Oh. Its five oclock already and I havent finished my composition.W: Dont worry. That clock is half an hour fast. You still have time to do it.Q: When does this conversation most likely take place?4. M: Tickets are two dollars each for

100、adults. Childrens tickets are half the price.W: Okey. Id like six childrens tickets, please.Q: How much did the woman pay for the tickets?5. M: How did you like the TV play last night?W: Unfortunately, I got home too late to watch it.Q: What are the two people talking about?6. W: Do you want to go o

101、n a trip with us to Australia this spring? It will cost about 15,000 dollars a person.M: 15,000 dollars? Do you think my father has just left me a large fortune?Q: What can be inferred about the man?7. M: Nancy, why were you late for class this morning?W: I overslept and missed the bus.Q: Why was Na

102、ncy late?8. M: Tom says he doesnt like television.W: Yes, but he seems to spend a lot of time watching it, doesnt he?Q: What does the woman mean?9. M: What did you feel about your math test, Helen?W: I finished it within only half an hourQ: What does Helen imply?10. M: I said Id cook dinner today, b

103、ut I forgot to buy the food. Sorry about that. W: Oh, dont worry. We can dine out tonight with our children. Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?Part B PassagesDirection: In part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The

104、passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. (A)Religious and pr

105、ivate schools receive little or no support from public taxes in the United States. As a result, they are more expensive to attend. The religious schools in America are usually run by churches. Therefore they tend to be less expensive than private schools. When there is free education available to al

106、l children in the United States, why do people spend money on private schools? Americans offer a great variety of reasons for doing so. Some parents send their children to private schools because the classes there are usually smaller. In their opinion, the public schools in their area are not of hig

107、h enough quality to meet their needs. Private schools in the United States range widely in size and quality, and they offer all kinds of programmers to meet the needs of certain students. Questions:11.Why is it usually expensive to attend religious and private schools? 12.What is one of the reasons

108、for people to send their children to private schools? 13.Who usually runs religious schools in the United States?(B)Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.My father woke me up early one morning when I was fourteen and announced: Get up! Youre going with me to cut grass. I felt pr

109、oud and excited because my father thought I was responsible enough to help him in his business. Still that first day was really hard. From sunrise to sunset, my father, my younger brother and I cut and trimmed very large yards in a rich part of the city. By the end of the day I was exhausted but I f

110、elt good. I had put in a hard days labor and had earned six dollars. One day my father spotted some weeds I had missed cutting and pulled me aside. Get that Section Again, he said firmly. Dont let me have to tell you to do the job right for the first time. In every job I have held, from cutting lawn

111、s to washing dishes ,to working a machine in a construction site, I have learnt something that helps me in my next job. If you take it seriously, you can learn a lot from any job you do.Questions:14.How did the speaker feel when his father asked him to help cut grass?15.What did his father do when t

112、he speaker missed cutting some leaves?16.What did the speaker want to tell us in this passage?Part C Longer ConversationsDirection: In part C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After each conversation, you are required to fulfill the task by filling in the

113、 numbered blanks with the information you hear. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.(A)Sue: Directors Office. Can I help you?Dan: Yes. This is Dan Ward from the Paper-Making Company. Id like to speak to Mr. Black.Sue: Sorry, hes not available at the moment. Well, its 11 oclo

114、ck now. Im afraid he wont be back until 12.Dan: May I leave a message?Sue: Sure. Ill get a pen. OK. Please go ahead.Dan: Id like to make an appointment with Mr. Black in room 1415 on the 14th floor in the Park Hotel. I hope to meet him at 9 a.m. on Thursday. Thats tomorrow. Id like to know if conven

115、ient for him. Please ask him to call back this afternoon.Sue: Ive got that. Does he have your number?Dan: I think so, but I can tell you now. Its 674-3706.Sue: Thats Mr. Dan Ward from the Paper-making Company. You want to make an appointment with Mr. Black at 9 a.m., Thursday, in Room 1415, 14th flo

116、or, Park Hotel, and you want him to call you back this afternoon.Dan: Thats right. Thanks a lot.Sue: Youre welcome.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.(B)M: Hi, Kathy. Nice to meet you.W: Hi, James. Welcome to Sydney. You kno

117、w Sydney is an exciting place to visit. There is an enormous range of interesting things to see and do here. Have you ever been to the Sydney Opera House?M: No. I intend to go there tomorrow morning.W: The Opera House is a magnificent white building with blue sea around, from which you can see the S

118、ydney Harbour Bridge. Beside the Opera House is a very beautiful Garden. Youll find the views there are so fine.M: Lovely. I like beautiful scenery. Can you suggest some more places of interest to me?W: Darling Harbour is one big entertainment center set up for the enjoyment of visitors to Sydney. N

119、earby Darling Harbour is China town, which is fast becoming one of Sydneys best places to eat and shop. If you are interested in art, you may visit Art Galleries. Bondi Beach and Manly Beach are such wonderful places for swimmers, sailors and surfers.M: Great! How can I visit so many beautiful places in such a short time?W: You may take the Red Bus, which takes you to see the best the city has to offer.M: Thank you for your kindness.W: Hope youll have a good time in Sydney.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.- 16 - 版权所有高考资源网


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